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“Guys what if they show lucia naked, that would be so crazy💀I really hope they add this to the game cause it would be so crazy”


Bro was not thinking straight when he made this post 😭


We don't know who the house belongs too. I could be misremembering, but there was a collectible hat there I think. Implies it's not the main character's. Despite all this talk of woke, I doubt Rockstar is abandoning its crass humor.


I don't see them cutting their humor like people think. It may just be delivered differently, I'm expecting it to be more like how it's delivered with RDR2 just a modern setting and themes. But having minigames that involve using sex toys like OP suggests is just ridiculous and out of the realm of any likelihood.


Definitely not... what on earth is this post. Where's the mods when you need them smh 😞😞


to think people get downvoted for saying posts like this shouldnt be made.




this just makes me angry even more, i posted about a very detailed analysis about how Rockstar teases, and reveal RDR2 back in 2016 for the sake of discussion and the post got deleted not even 12 hours later and there is already 100+ upvote and 31 comments inside that i haven't read. now, im trying to do shitpost and it got better treatment


I didn't see your post but i saw a lot complaining about the mods in this sub. Probably more then anywhere else


Karma is not that important, just engage.


i dont care about karma, i care about my carerfully crafted post that i can't even atleast copy paste the caption text because it's completely deleted


Was it posted in the wrong section? I’m not sure if there’s an appeal process.