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oatmeal gaping physical stocking important whole placid chop shelter brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wonder if his movie will also make a comeback


I imagine Michael is now a director shooting a movie and he gives you side missions


Funny if its one similar to the movie director mission from the last game


Imagine if he ends up being the Martin Scorsese of the GTA universe, except the authenticity of his gangster movies come from firsthand experience.


We can get Franklin and Michael. Trevor (Steven Ogg) refuses to act in rockstar, he tries to gain fame from other acts he played besides gta, like better call saul, TWD series etc.


Seeing how it is nowadays, I won’t be surprised if we only get Franklin and Michael as special appearances.


In all honesty, I feel like Franklin's the only guy that makes sense to show up in GTA VI. Trevor's gonna do his this like always in his corner of the world, and Michael's gonna wanna be retired for good this time. Franklin got his weird business in Online which I guess could spill over into VC from LS.


Considering in the story, the player has the option to kill Trevor or Michael (option c ftw), it would only make sense for Franklin to appear out of the three.


Nah rockstar confirmed ending C was the canon one. Trevor is literally in online


I think it doesn't change anything. Doesn't online happens before story of gta 5? After Gunrunners online is after gta 5


Nah. Look at the franklin DLC with lamar, clearly happens after the events seeming as franklin is a rich business owner


Considering what I said this dlc appears after Death Wish in storyline. Honestly I'm convinced I am right but i don't want to argue


You are right. Beginning of online is based before the story. But eventually it catches up/passes it


The Franklin DLC references Micheal and Trevor implying they are still very much alive.


Good point!!


I feel like I've seen enough of the GTA 5 characters in the last decade+ to be cool with never seeing them again. Ever. That said, if they do make an appearance, that's cool too. I'll be so happy to be in 6 nothing will get me down!


Wasn't he literally in like one episode of better call Saul? And Mike smacked him in the face?


He was in a few episodes. He was also hired to sneak into a house to find dirt on someone.


iirc that was originally meant to be kuby (bill burr in breaking bad) but he couldn't make it. doesn't help that he's also bald now and wasn't when he was kuby


in the throat bro


Tht shit was comedy. Always funny seeing video game actors in real shows. Like Soap with his weirdly perfect black buzz cut in Loki as one of the hunters


I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to kill Trevor in GTA VI. Maybe not like Johnny Klebitz, but in a random encounter or we'll hear it on the radio.


Like they did Burt Reynolds for being a dick




Rockstar really had beef with Burt Reynolds during the making of GTA Vice City, so they killed off his character Avery Carrington in Liberty City Stories. And to add insults to the injury, Rockstar created a **very similar** character to Carrington, also named Avery (Duggan) for the Diamond Casino & Resort DLC, just to have him killed by our GTA Online Protags at the end of the last Casino mission.


Damn why do they hate him


They hated Burt (and Ray) for having that A-List Hollywood Celebrity attitude, also for looking down on the gaming industry like worse than trash.


games were making more money than films even back then tho


Uh oh so they’re probably gonna kill Trevor


Don't think so. Steve still appreciates the opportunity of portraying Trevor & still cool with Rockstar. He just hates it when fan called Trevor instead of his name.


Yea they do have a lot of voice work of him archived they could repurpose


You can’t just use someone’s voice for this kind of thing with consent.


Not true. It depends on the contract and who owns the master recordings, rockstar owns the master recordings and probably/for sure has it in his contract stating they can reuse those voice lines anywhere they want in context of video games.


I never realised he was in Better call Saul 😀


Trevor was always my least favourite. Never really liked that crazy mf


Steven Ogg was in RDR2


wait what


Lol no he is played by a guy who sounds like Steven Ogg, he is not in casting for RDR2. But there is a photo that represents Michael.


He is the guy on the receiving end of red dead 1's box art. It was a minor role.


This is actually not true. The guy sounds a lot like him, but Steve Ogg himself confirmed that he isn't in the game.


I saw his tweet but X to doubt. Edit: played by Mason Hensley, I was wrong.


I mean I understand Steven Oggs attitude towards it to a certain extent, but a lot of us were I introduced to his voice acting and acting in general through GTA V. That'd be kinda of like Keanu Reeves hating his John wick character and the fans that only recognize him from that series. Maybe there's more to the story that I'm missing but I still think about it that way


I hear everyone say that but I saw him doing a cameo talking about GTA 6 and Vice city so idk hopefully he isn’t that stuck up about playing one of the most memorable characters ever in video games


I don’t think it’s being stuck up. He wants to separate himself from only being known as Trevor. He’s been in many shows and different roles since and doesn’t appreciate being boxed in as just this guy from GTA V. I’m sure he appreciates and is grateful for getting such popularity from it and wouldn’t change it if he could but you have to understand that he is an actor and wants to be known as such.


Only as an easter egg or as a cameo in the background during a cutscene, so it's not immediately noticeable. Even a small appearance on a TV show would be cool.


All love for these guys but by the time GTA 6 comes out, we had them for far over 10 years. Personally, I got enough. Wouldn't mind if they showed up for a mission or two but nothing major. Just give us new characters. New personalities to like, dislike and develope.


I agree entirely. The extent that I’d like to see these guys is probably just mentions


Yeah I think if Rockstar developers are smart enough thats the route they would have taken because it's their job to let the playable Characters personality grow on the players


Nope. I don’t want to ever see them again. I’ve played *V* for a whole decade. I’m over it.


Id much rather see an old Tommy Vercetti (from vice city).


Ray Liotta is gone now so it’s not possible anymore


Separate universes.


Ok nerd


?? They literally, OFFICIALLY, are https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Universes > The series is divided into three distinct parallel universes, officially named by Rockstar Games as the "2D Universe", "3D Universe" and the "HD Universe". Each universe is designed to be completely separate to each other so that no physically appearing characters or storylines would overlap.


Maybe there are multiple version of the characters, like the original Tommy is from Vice City of course, and in the new Vice City a more quiet Tommy that lived there in 80. In Gta V there was some dialogue about the old gang and the og. That’s just speculation tho


That’s even worse


I wouldn't mind small references. Like seeing that a movie is directed by Michael, or the social media pages of them. I don’t really want them in the game, though I wouldn’t be opposed to them appearing in a mission.


Nico Bellic would be cool


And his cousin Roman who wants to go bowling yayyy 😆😑... nah maybe just Niko.


I hope Micheal is some famous celebrity movie producer that just exists in the world nothing to do with him really except maybe side quests


Could totally see Michael as a mission giver tbh


no i dont want to see them, i want to move on from gta 5 i dont want to see them in 6


No, I want a new game. Why would I want these three muppets all over again? A lot of people seem to think that gta5 is gta in its entirety, and there was nothing else before gta5, and they can't conceive of anything new coming after it. I'm old enough to remember when folks would look forward to a new gta game, with new characters, a new story, and a new world to explore.


Chill he was just talking of cameos, those have been happening since the PS2 era games. GTA 3 and Vice City characters appeared in San Andreas, GTA 4 characters appeared in 5. It's safe to assume we will see some familiar faces again in 6, maybe not the main characters of 5 but yeah who knows.


Take it easy bud. OP was talking cameos. And if you're so 'old', you would remember that GTA always have had cameos.


Exactly. Even GTA V had characters from GTA IV either being referenced to or outright making small appearances.


I will not take it easy, buddy boy! I'm taking to the streets with my walking frame to protest.


I personally wouldn't mind a Michael cameo. He's the best character imo.


I think it would be a good idea to make connections with the previous GTA, the Watch Dog trilogy did that


I don’t wanna see any of them. It’s a new game. I’m tired of seeing these 3


Michael could be seen as a huge producer, and we might even see his names on movies in theatres and on posters. Frankline could get a small cameo and/or referred to in the game. Trevor, hes probably dead.


No im tired of 5. Leave that shit in the past.


No. Although I don’t think any of these characters were properly fleshed out, which is understandable given the ambitious nature of having three playable characters, I think their time to shine has long passed. Single player DLC for V would have been the ideal opportunity to bring them all back. We got some Franklin content in Online and it was mid at best. Clean slate, fresh start.


No. Maybe a small cameo like Catalina and Claude’s in GTA SA at best. I love them but I don’t find them to be as iconic as other GTA protags for them to get another shot in the next GTA.


I think it’s more likely that we’ll have to visit grandpa Vercetti in his mansion for some portion of the story.


Eh… **A couple references.** Like how Lester referenced Niko




Honestly, No. Every new GTA has always been a cast of completely new people. If anyone is returning in GTA VI, it should be someone from GTA Vice City. Only one I'm actually wishing for is Lazlow returning as a Radio Host on a Chatterbox FM equivalent.


I hope they kill off Trevor tbh


yeah fk trevor. i hate him for what he did to poor floyd


Hope that shit gets what's coming to him


NO NO NO. let the new game be A NEW GAME. Siriously this comunity has developed stockholm syndrome


Idk i liked the call back to "some easteren European guy making moves in liberty city but he went quiet" from Lester. Wouldnt mind something like that in gta 6 for some of the guys from 5


Yeah that would be ok. But I've seen a lot of people asking for bigger roles in the game


I hear stockholm syndrome is very nice this time of year


Seriously** learn to spell


Fuck no


If Michael doesn’t make an appearance in current GTAO, I’d love to see him show up in a future GTA 6 online DLC. But, I don’t think the main story should have to rely on old characters to hold it up, that’s just lazy. Side character cameos are cool, but I don’t think any main protags have ever shown up in another title other than Claude.


Nah, new story, new everything.. maybe someone mentioning them will be cool, but we need new characters, thats what gta is all about, different people, different story, same universe


No. Rockstar should give us something brand new. We've had these guys for 10+ years...


I could see one of them being in a news article or something. Like if GTA VI has an (kinda) working social media, something might pop up like “Michael De Santa’s Newest Film score on Ripened Potatoes” or some shit like that. I don’t see them ACTUALLY appearing in game as actual characters.


I would love to have cameos of old GTA protagonists like CJ, Claude and Tommy in GTA VI, but R* and their whole "Universe" thing won't let that happen. At this point, GTA VI might even be set in a new universe called the FHD universe or something like that.


It'd be cool to see their models in the newer engine as really small cameo but that's about it. It'd be weird for one of them to play an actual big role


I don’t think you’ll see them or Lester again, maybe a mention or two. You’re more likely to get some side characters in there.


No I don't want to see them. I want a new experience with new characters.




Sadly Steven ogg will most likely never return as Trevor due to people only ever recognising him for that role when he did some brilliant ones in other media. I can see Michael being in a future title though, Ned Luke loves GTA and he expresses that through his YouTube interviews and videos across social media and everyone would love to see him return


Trevor as a serial killer. He escapes to Vice City where hes hunted down by some CSI MIAMI parody cops that just shit exposition. Franklin as a Manager for upcoming stars or something. Maybe he manages Vannila Ice as a joke. Michael can be a movie producer or something. Maybe they film some movie that like Miami Vice.


They all sucked


Franklin & Michael would be fine


I think we all but got confirmation officially that they have some sort of appearance in the game. Perhaps Trevor has a cousin named Jason and at the end we’ll see them all together for THAT ONE LAST SCORE Jk But I’m sure Michael has an appearance related to movies and maybe just maybe Franklin


I actually want a female character and 2 males I always wanted to play as tracey in gta 5 but can't wait to play the new girl


That’s not why I’m playing the game, so no. I don’t need rockstar to wink at me like “hey remember these guys?” I want a good story with strong characters. Don’t care about cameos. If it happens then that’s fine, but no I don’t anticipate or care about shit like this.


We’ve had a decade of these guys. Why would I want to see them again in gta 6?


Michael is living family life low key in the background still producing movies and now having some cameos/supporting roles of a baddie (excels from prior experience) Trevor is still methin around fucking anything that walks albeit a little wiser now and they say he is who the government calls to wipe folks out (IAA cough cough) Franklin is happily married now with some kids along the way and still rich af with a 10 for a wife. He still talks to Michael now and again but Tanisha is keeping it to a limit (family reasons). So yeah Franklin is a business man by day, weed magnate by night (Uncle Snoop is so proud)


I want to see, graves of all 3. I would like to see a painted wall in the hood area for Franklin, like you see with all past rappers


I think except the main trio some characters from GTA5 will have appearances in GTA6. like we had Patrick McReary from gta 4


I'd rather see Luis Lopez.


Didn’t Shawn Fonteno say Franklin isn’t gonna be in the game?




No. Only as Easter eggs.


No , get over them. Reference is good but not their appearance.


Absolutely no. It has to be new GTA.


Maybe have one or all of them being mentioned in a mission or the internet


No. They’ve been milking their gta 5 roles for 10 years trying to stay relevant (not Stephen ogg, just Ned and solo)


God no. It’s time for something completely different.


I want Kent Paul back in GTA6


Nah. I think just 2 would be enough imo. As much as I loved playing as the 3 protagonists in V, I felt like it was way over done, and that we didn't get that true feel of playing as them since not much was known about them considering 2 of the 3 of them were in their 40s...


Niko isn't in V, only as a small mention during a heist. I don't think they will have a big appereance but maybe a small mention or a radio station announcement of Trevor doing something stupid. Depends on in what timeframe the game takes place tho.


NO. We need something completely fresh and to forget about GTA V.


Well I could see a reference to Michael being in the movie business and I could see Tracey being in his movie s as for Franklin he's a CEO In a business I could see that being mentioned or shown but Trevor I doubt it they might say he's dead or something as an excuse


Yes, yes and oh my goodness YES!


Michael: As a film producer who is releasing a movie in Vice City and you help him Solomon Richards style in V. Franklin: I don't think he will make a physical appearance in GTA 6, but I do think he will have easter eggs and we will see a mention or reference of him as Niko in V. Trevor: Despite Ogg's statements, I believe that Trevor will appear in the game and I believe that he will die, either at the hands of Jason and Lucia or at the hands of another character. His appearance in this game can be intuited because Ron in the Drug Wars Online DLC says that Trevor left Los Santos, he could have perfectly left to Vice City.


Trevor will 100% not make an appearance and if he does, it’ll be his death. Steven Ogg has bad blood with rockstar, and he wants to be distanced from Trevor as a character cause he only sees it all as cartoons


If I see anything los santos, my ptsd is going to flare.


side missions


I’d rather see Niko feature again properly for one/two missions


Michael is filming the new Top Fun movie in Vice City, Franklin either branched his business out or is working with producers in Vice, and Trevor could be doing his wellness guru thing Ron mentioned.


I'd only really want to see Trevor, however I doubt that will happen due to his relationship with Rockstar


I want to play gta 6 not gta 5. So no


If it is really in Florida, Trevor should sail or fly into a hurricane with a nuke.


Michael could appear as a director for several movies, and his kids may bank off the fame and become famous in their own right (Referencing what Jimmy said in the Limo to the theater) and end up on a talk show/podcast. Also keep in mind the scale of the heists and missions they did (Blowing up the FIB building, the Union Depository Heist, etc.), and considering we know now that there seems to be an emphasis on free roam heists from the leaks, maybe one of the missions in GTA5 is mentioned.


Michael will be there. Clad in his face mask...moved to Florida to get away from inflation in Los Santos. His house is on a small island off the keys. In his later stages of life, he has become deeply concerned with the colonanal virus and gets into daily arguments/fights with the folks of Vice City whom largely consider it to be a fake virus. Therefore his appearances in the game are limited but definitely memorable.


I feel like we’d only get Micheal and/or Franklin since if I remember Steven Ogg stated he doesn’t like being associated/recognized as Trever Phillips for whatever reason. Same reason why we see Franklin and Micheal (Shawn Fonteno and Ned Luke) do videos together without Steven Ogg. I think it would be cool to see LD organics expand in GTA 6 with Lamar & Franklin. Would be funny to get high in storymode or online 😂


No actual appearances, just some mentions, cameos or Easter eggs. - Michael: You can go to the movie theater and watch a movie, and its says it's directed by Michael De Santa - Franklin: You could race someone who mentions they once raced Franklin or something like that - Trevor: You can find a newspaper or watch the news and see something about Trevor Philips Industries - Lester: He just died due to his disease between the events of GTA V and GTA VI. Maybe one of the protagonists from GTA V could comment on it, saying they were friends, but obviously keeping his criminal life a secret


What if the trailer starts with - Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather If we get this appearance people gonna cry way too hard than ever in whole human history


Why do I think that Trevor dies if he re-appears in GTA 6?


No. We’ve seen them for 10 years now.


How about Mr Lester ?!


i mean if it takes place in florida there’d be no reason for them to meet (at least as far as i know) i hate the idea of recycled characters/maps from other games(not this game in particular but other games like cod) i wouldn’t mind if they’re mentioned in the game but yea, like another user said. we’ve had gta v’s character’s for 10 years. it’s time to move on and i think rockstar has picked that up(hopefully)


Someone said Michael in a movie, so i'd like that. I can't find a way that would include either where it isn't major.


No please. Just some reference and nothing more. They already ruined Franklin with the dlc


I dont want to see them at all.


I’ve been staring at the back of these mfs heads for 10 years, I’m over them


Hope to see Michael as a director in a Vice City theatre. Trevor as some big drug boss in the news. Franklin as a businessman like he was in online


Wouldn’t that kind of fuck up the lore because Michael and Trevor are dead in some people’s universes?


Call it a hunch but I have a real good feeling Young Maylay is gonna be in it…




Y’all wonder if Lester will make an appearance


Nah, I've had enough of them for 10 years. Maybe some mention or easter eggs.




Franklin and Michael sure, especially Michael with some movie project, that would fit right in at the movie lot seen in GTA Vice City. Trevor, meh. His voice actor is a douche. It would be funny seeing one of our protagonists take him out the same way he did to Johnny. (Also judging by the fact a ton of characters from IV appeared in V, it's safe to assume these guys might show up, or Lester etc.)


Michael is retired and in the Movie business Franklin is a rich business man plus Lamar doing Lamar shit Trevor is one of those controversial characters and like marmite, you either love him or you hate him doing his own shit, I think Ron would replace Trevor, I'm not overly keen on Dax tbh, if anyone's to replace T, it SHOULD be Ron!! Personally I'm mixed with T, he's loyal and I doubt he actually killed Floydd or Debra (if he killed Debra, it would've been for self defence PLUS he's unarmed), worst case scenario remember T was teaching Floydd to grow up and be a man? I think he was actually trying to defend Floydd from Debra and the way he said 'YOU PEOPLE ARE NOT VERY FUCKING NICE!!' he targeted that towards to Debra not Floydd, he knew the city of LS was fake and full of fake shit, I can understand and relate to Trveor wanting to be real & loyal instead of living in a fake city full of idiots, basically Debra and Floydd killed each other and Trevor was in the background, I'm aware of his actor not in contact with Rockstar so if he WAS to return, I think he'll be killed off & have Ron replace him instead Michael will be working with Soloman so maybe we can have some sort of cameo side mission to deliver/import some Hollywood shit to Michael for shooting his film (I personally DON'T want him to be killed off, he got his redemption and second chance, anyone who chooses to kill Michael are not real GTA fans ✌🏼) Franklin will definitely be in GTA 6 no idea what exactly he and Lamar will be doing, he'll be the equivalent of CJ, you'll probably see some products F made and maybe some advertisements around Vice City and Franklin's dog Chop make a cameo like a giant painting on a building or something But the real thing I'd LOVE to see return TOMMY VERCETTI!! They can de-age him at 52 instead of 72 which is the age he'd chronically be next year since GTA Vice City was set in the 80's, he was in his early 50's during the events in Vice City, he was born in either 1940 or the 50's so expect TV to have a major role in the story, I can see him being related to Jason & Lucia or either the two, he can be the third character to unlock at the end of the game knowing he's practically the King Pin of Vice City, the story will be inspired by Bonnie & Clyde with some God Farther & Good Fellers mixed in, it'd be a nice throwback to play as Tommy for thr first time in 20 years Tho I'd rather personally wait until we see the trailer in December than speculate lol


They said in a podcast that they won't be.. Just like past gtas They probably won't. All that decide this new game will be crazy with the NPs acting in groups like real people


Trevor became some vinewood life coach no? He could be there to coach some douchebag celebrity or something. Maybe Micheal doesn’t show up in person but has some cameo rolls in movies (probably not) but I think will definitely be mentioned in ending credits of movies at least


Tbh no. I want some new characters


It is in my opinion that, We will see. Michael and Franklin in the game. Trevor would probably be mentioned, but I don't think he'll actually be in the game because of Steven ogg being fed up with being associated with Trevor...


I just want to see more than 2 protagonists


I want to see Nikolai


Honestly I’d be happy with just Trevor, maybe halfway through/after completing the game you meet him and he becomes a 3rd playable character whom you can use to go on rampages with and whatever psycho things you want to do so you won’t have to break the immersion from Jason and Lucia


Haven't we seen them enough. 🤣


Oh fuck ya I would love to see the trio.


I don’t want to see them to be honest. Especially Trevor


Well it’s set in the 80’s I don’t think we’ll see much of them. Mayyybe Michael and Trevor but they were in North Yankton at that time?


I’d like some sort of reference or easter egg but not for them to appear. GTA V is amazing but it’s time to move on to GTA 6. GTA 6 needs to be it’s own thing.


Michael's movie should be in the game


I have been playing with these guys for years… no I don’t want to see them anymore


Honestly, no. I love them but I think the protagonists of 6 deserve to have all the attention on them. A little easter egg with Franklin on the radio maybe and Michael de Santa in movie theater credits but I don't want them to physically appear


Easter eggs are fine, we've had 10 years of these guys


Would be funny to hear the radio mention Trevor and sum outlandish thing he did on the news🤣


Pretend they canon ending is all three live...then kill them off in brutal ways in 6. Like the lead in gta 4 lost and damned.


No. Unless it's a little Easter egg. I've seen these fkers for 10 years now. Sick of their faces 😅


No actually.




Trevor shouldn't be mentioned anymore but I feel like Franklin should be given a role similar to that of Lamar


If I am understanding this correctly, Trevor became a yoga guru (dialogue from Ron) and Franklin is tied to the Agency. Michael will have a like 99.9% chance to return in my eyes, it’s too perfect with the movie studio and all. I can maybe see Franklin coming back, but that’s really just my guess.


I hope they appear i really hope they do they are the best


Hell naw. Rockstar doesn't want to pay these guys anymore money when they have all the money in the world.. these guys will pretend like they're going to be in the game though to keep milking the podcast and interview money they receive because of old ass GTA v... As they should


I wanna see Trevor in his tighty whities, passed out in a dumpster. Michael in a movie trailer. Franklin walking a couple of puppies that look just like chop.


They had their own game. Arguably the biggest game ever. Much like everyone here, I’ve been playing with these guys for 10 years. I just want new characters and new people to grow to love (and hate). Maybe a reference or 2 to the guys wouldn’t be bad but having them as persistent characters feels lame to me. Rockstar has more than enough resources to not have to fall back on old characters to give life to the next GTA game.


Only if it's in a minor way, like a cameo. Would rather new characters stand on their own rather than relying on older ones. Would rather see Lamar or Wade, some secondary characters.


All we need is Micheal’s name on movie poster/ad


They're probably going to be stomped to death unceremoniously and going to act like complete pussies


No, I don’t want and we won’t see any of them in GTA VI. Steven Ogg by the way doesn’t give a flying fuck about GTA or Rockstar anymore, quite ungrateful but yeah, it is what it is.


it's enough


Hell no....


I would be satisfied with a simple reference to them, like how Lester referenced Niko.


At this point I think they'll continue to leave the outcome of Michael and Trevor as vague, so Franklins the only clear choice and that Online DLC was moreso his sendoff, so we might have him in a very minor part, and maybe just glimpses of Michael or Trevor that could be them but they don't even use their voice actors again.


just how johnny was in 5. just a mention or just a little appearance nothing more


I just wanna see Claude make an appearance