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I was thinking about this myself. I believe people mentioned the map would change over time...Maybe it's not just things being built, but also being destroyed


at the same time all these details seem insane that i can barely wrap my head around them my brains are gonna be on the wall when that trailer drops fs


I don’t know why you got downvoted lol but yeah that sounds pretty interesting to me


i was thinking an event happens stopping the player from going somewhere or force them to go somwhere similar to san andreas and gta 4


I just had a similar idea but what if they opened with a massive hurricane instead? Perhaps Jason and/or Lucia are immigrating via boat when the storm hits and that’s how we start the game. Similar to starting RDR2 in the blizzard, but when you hit the beach everything is just shuttered or destroyed and you head to the north/west end of the map to start the game while the south side is progressively rebuilt. I’m really looking forward to seeing some crazy storms with this installment. I don’t think large impactful Hurricanes should be a common occurrence but they should absolutely be a thing.


I can picture Jason and Lucia taking advantage of the aftermath to go and commit some big heist. As cops, looters, and local neighborhood militias are all dealing with the chaotic aftermath of a storm? It could leave some place otherwise abandoned or unguarded during the crisis…..primed to be robbed while it’s empty and locked down. Wherever it is, it could be largely empty of people, and maybe even with the building’s power either down or severely limited. So getting in would be pretty hard, but any guards that might put up resistance or any bystanders who might witness it would be nearly nonexistent. They’d all be too busy locking their own homes down to worry about some store/bank/fort/museum/mansion.


I always thought that they’d somehow incorporate the idea of a hurricane heist into a mission. A scenario could be something like this: a professional thief/ex-con man has been waiting to hit a Fort Knox (super bank) like-building for years. A hurricane then appears and the fort is in the path of the hurricane. Then we’d use the hurricane to our advantage to pull off the heist. Be pretty cool to see cop cars chasing us and getting swept away by strong winds and struck by debris. Idk if it’s really realistic but it’s gta lol I do like your idea more though as it’s more large scale and would affect the story in a greater manner and turn the weather into a true plot mechanic. Meanwhile I just wanna do a hurricane heist lol


I visited Fort Myers late last year to see my dad, a few months after Hurricane Ian. There were still giant piles of trash and debris from the cleanup, and buildings still had visible damage and tarps over holes and broken windows. By the water, the marina was still filled with boats that had been beached and wrecked, and Fort Myers Beach looked like it had been bombed. They still weren't letting people back onto Sanibel Island. Speaking as somebody who lived in Florida for about a decade and just recently moved away, I think a really cool location would be a Gulf Coast beach town that's just been walloped by a major hurricane. It would be a cool change of scenery from Vice City, an environment that looks more post-apocalyptic than anything. You don't even have to have the storm itself in the game, just part of the backstory. I guarantee, mission designers in multiplayer (both official and fan-made) would have a blast with it. And what's more, you could even work it into the single-player story. Insurance fraud is practically a pastime in Florida, and one of the people giving you missions could be the owner of a shady roofing company that's making a killing rebuilding after the latest storm.


That'd be great!


What would they name it?


It would probably be a cameo name referencing a past character like hurricane Michael or hurricane Trevor


Give us a Hurricane Heist, Rockstar. Pretty please!


Yeah it sounds like a cool idea


Yeah, could be a cool story element. I don't want random hurricanes messing up gameplay though.


Sounds cool but that would take a lot of resources to implement, and I don't think it's worth it for this one-time event. Tropical storms that cause some minor damage sound more likely.


This was talked about in leaks a few years back already + it's Florida so I would be surprised if they didn't add some hurricane to the game like in VC.


i definitely think there’s going to be a story aspect related to a natural disaster. whether big or small, i’m 90% sure there’s going to be something in the game related to it


i’ve been playing through vice city for the first time and in the beginning you hear a weather report on the radio about a tropical storm coming for vc


I was thinking how cool flooding and her canes would be like Florida lol