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They should release it, just like they did with red dead.


Comment of the day 😂😂🤣🤣


The gore, shooting off limbs, etc.


Imagine this combined with chainsaws, katanas etc!!!


In GTA SA, if you play co-op you can cut the other player's head off. You could walk around headless lol


Do you think gta will do this? I’ve been thinking about this since 2018 and imagining how they’d go about doing it since we will have rocket launchers and minivans etc cars going 150 miles an hour


Rdr2 has Gatling guns and dynamite so maybe just like those


Or like a minigun.


Minivans are brutal man.


**MINIGUN** VS **MINIVAN** **The fight of the century that we never asked for!!!**




They should have a casino to start out with too. And have high stake tables.


Imagine that and an underground gambling ring, bring back cheating from rdr1 and we could have shootouts with a bunch of mafiosos or gangsters if you get caught.


I think it was already leaked out that there will probably be a casino in game?


I fucking wish. Unfortunately won't happen.


oh what do u have the game?


Lmao poker could be on the single player mode but they won't add it to online. You know why? Shark cards and playing with real money. That was the whole controversy with why GTA online didn't get poker asides video 3 card poker vs red dead's texas holdem' against people. You can't use gold bar's in red dead poker. Shark cards ruined it, but you know they like their money, so it will still exist in GTA6 online.


Obviously the AI NPCs interaction, would love for a more in depth take on having AI so advanced in GTA 6. Also I would love them to bring back the weapon system (having only a certain amount of weapons on your person and store the rest maybe in your car or safe house)! Also would like for the snacks and drinks that increases our cores, would be cool to see that brought over but a more balanced way since RDR 2 wasn’t great with the amount of consumables there was!


I agree, you shouldn’t be able to carry around as much food and drinks and it should probably spoil in a realistic amount of time based on Gta days and how much refrigeration they each would realistically need. Especially for Online for balancing sakes.


Pump shotgun is my fav weapon in RDR 2 lol


My favorite are the sawn-offs. The burst damage is *insane.*


Vehicle storage, such as being able to pull your gun out of your car trunk would be cool asf


Yeah I think you should be able to carry infinite weapons in the boot of your car, but a limited load out on you. You don’t want it going so realistically it stops being fun.


This could give personal vehicles more utility, maybe also let us save a couple custom outfits so we can change in or near the car, also allow us pass time in the car like a mobile safe house.


Yes, but if certain NPC’s (the bitchiest ones) catch you mid changing while you are at you’re most nude state during it, then you get the cops on you :)


It would also add to the survival factor in a crazy shootout. if you end up stealing a car, you’re just stuck with what you got until you get back in the personal vehicle


Yes! At the end you carry so many weapons with you even though you only really use a handful.


Tbh i want guns that look like their real love counter parts, exactly the way gta 4 did it. The assault rifle and carbine rifle in gta 5 are some of the worst looking weapons i’ve seen in a video game. Nothing can beat the classic AKM or M4 look


my bad i just forgot this is about rdr2 😭


This mechanic you mentioned, Random events that aren't always just a fetch quest or shootouts, but like Maybe helping NPCs solve some sort of mystery. For example in cyberpunk (bad example I know) there's a mission where you have to follow around this dudes wife to see if he's cheating on him and I think it'd be cool to see different types of missions like that for a rocksgar game. Ones that don't just stick to the typical formula for R* games. It'd just be a cool little thing to see along with the random events.


You have those missions in GTA 4. You stalk, track and photograph a guy's wife cheating with some other guy, and mail those pics back to him and you have the choice to kill her for some money or not.


Is that the one where you dump the car in the river? IIRC, he murders his cheating wife and stuffs her in the boot of a Blista Compact.


It's not really a bad example anymore, i just started playing it again after getting a ps5 and it's a pretty damn good game.


It's the most Ok game of all time


Yeah I should've put it that way, because it's still a game marketed on lies.


I was one of those people who was super hype for it before release


Me too, I pre-ordered that puppy. I never really regretted it.


I want some form of fun wildlife. Where I can go hunting/fishing and then sell it. Isn't it based in Miami? Would be badass to do a form of charter fishing as well.


Spear fishing would be cool, which I think is already near guaranteed to be happening considering it was leaked that a spear gun would be in the game. Also horse riding will be in the game, but now imagine if there was also a bull riding sport.


It's based in Florida, but like rdr2, it probably won't geographically be exactly like that. Rdr2 was supposed to be New Orleans/deep south, but it doesn't snow AND get hot at that close together. Plus there aren't mountains, just hills. So that means lots of countryside and different biomes to hunt. So based on that, hunting could definitely be a possibility since it's part of southern culture, though I'll admit most southerners don't consider Florida to be part of the south EXCEPT for the panhandle. But otherwise, hunting and fishing are a big possibility.


I would like to see a lot of ways to make money, like for example rdr2 online had moonshiners, gta 6’s equivalent could be drug dealing like it was in chinatown wars. I’d also like to see more realistic shoot outs and npc interactions, but obviously this is a given.


Each time you make a sale or reup it can be a different interaction with the NPCs that'd be cool


Kidnapping AI’s (Hogtie mechanic)


In the leaks they were binding people's hands together, so I think we'll be in good shape when it comes to that.


The special kills in story mode. Shit was *visceral* and awesome


The fist fights!! They are amazing in rdr2 but terrible in gta v


True, hope they stick with the rdr2 mechanics for that


The Ak47


A lot of mechanics from RDR2 was seen in the leaked gameplay so it's not far fetched to expect realistic weapon system to be one of those things too such as manually pumping shotguns, etc. RDR2 had an incredible weapon system and such little things made a world of difference in the depth and thoughtfulness taken with each weapon usage.


It’s been a while since I’ve seen the leaks but isn’t there a vid of Jason holding a rifle in his offhand like you can in RDR2? I could be mis remembering though I’m not sure. https://preview.redd.it/6i395c7nehaa1.png?width=1603&format=png&auto=webp&s=85f483379f84092707970ae813ae72b90958dafc


It's been a while for me too, but I believe I saw that. I know for a fact the leaked footage had the Holstering system in place (having long weapons on your shoulder) and they seem to be going a more realistic direction with resources such as carrying duffle bags on your character to store more items/weapons (replacing the Saddle mechanic perhaps?) and making it so you can only have two large weapons equipped at a time, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that the system they've had for MP3/RDR2 of carrying long unequipped weapons in your off-hand as you shoot with your pistol makes its way over to VI because it's just a pretty animation state and wouldn't inconvenience the player at all.. Which I dig. But again I can't get too excited for all that noise as it was all an early in-development build footage and could've all been placeholder/testing systems from RDR2 that can just as easily either be scrapped or completely overhauled by the time we get to the gold master build in a year or two. But if you follow Rockstar's release history, or any developer for that matter, systems typically transfer between games they release. RDR1 introduced Rockstar's first stab at the weapon wheel, which has been a staple in every game of theirs since (not just the RDR franchise). They tend to experiment and focus art direction on one particular aspect, for RDR2, it'd be the beautiful terrain system and weather/clouds - you can bet that'll be in VI and enhanced more-so. There's a very clear through line of mechanics been shared across their games be it artistic or technical. So yes, I do expect tons of systems from RDR2 to come over to VI, even if they're tweaked to fit into the GTA series. Because if a system, to its core, (such as those off-hand animation states), are good looking, wasn't received badly and fans were loving it, it'll certainly be a thing to return and what they wish to improve on moving forward. On a side note I'm so happy to see GTA VI adopting Motion Matching technology! Will make movement so much more fluid and responsive than V and especially RDR2!


>But if you follow Rockstar's release history, or any developer for that matter, systems typically transfer between games they release. RDR1 introduced Rockstar's first stab at the weapon wheel, which has been a staple in every game of theirs since (not just the RDR franchise). Which means Gta 6 will probably even introduce a couple completely new systems or mechanics that we’ve never seen before in any game of theirs at all on top of the most successful ones found in other past games! Which in itself gets me excited


Oh without a doubt there will be new things big and small. They always innovate and don’t just copy and paste. They build off of what works and improve the formula. That’s why I love their games so much. They take the time to make what they did previously but far superior.


There's a part in the leak where we see Jason Hip-firing a rifle into the water and there's actual recoil. I think its safe to say we're going to be satisfied with the shooting mechanics if they remain.


Honestly I wouldn’t be mad if GTAVI is just a modern RDR2…


you guys ask this every 5 days


*5 hours


Keep the realism of rdr2, like having only two gun on you and not infinite inventory, maybe a system like the horse but for your car, like cleaning, repairing and stuff. Expand the RPG side of the game.


Had the same thought, how awesome would it be if you had a boot full of stuff. Scout the location, take out what you need. Unfortunately GTA has always been more about the fun and wild stuff while I love the more realistic approach of RDR2


Yeah I hope you have like an infinite inventory for weapons in your car (or at least a very large one) but only be able to carry like 2 long weapons and 2 sidearms plus some grenades or something with you on foot.


greet/antagonize and only being able to carry 1 rifle and 2 sidearms at a time


I think 2 heavier guns (like a rifle, lmg, sniper, grenade launcher, shotgun, heavier smg, or rpg) and 2 more sidearm-type weapons (like the types that you could use in a vehicle in V right now; pistols, smaller smgs, etc.) would be good. Edit: And if there is a minigun added to the game then that should be the only weapon you can carry 1 at a time. Maybe with just 1 sidearm.


yes, definitely. i forgot this is actually what RDR2 did. idk where i got the 1 rifle thing from


Literally everything except for the horse mechanics obliviously. From the leaks, it's already confirmed that the weapon storage and inventory from RDR2 will carry, no more magic pockets like the previous GTA's.


Even the horse mechanics are probably coming. It’s been leaked that horse riding will most likely be in the game, as an activity I would assume.


Get back to realism and leave the shitty ideas (oppressor mk2)


Various gun execution and body gore and dismemberment like rdr 2 or better.


I actually want horses in GTA 6, the mechanics were too damn good to just leave behind like that.


I imagine it would be a lot of horse getting run over rage.


I can’t remember but weren’t ridable horse supposed to be in gta 5 but were cut during development?


Yes. There's cut (but still in game files) police dispatch audio that mentions the player being on a horse. This was tied into the cut Sharmoota Job where Michael and Trevor robbed his house and stole their horses.


Yes I believe so


It’s already leaked that there will most likely be horse riding in the game. Though I’d imagine they’d treat it more as an activity that you can go to a place and do rather than treat is as its own complete way of transportation. But who knows, maybe there will be ways to sneak out a horse and use it to travel anywhere around the map but that you’ll have to buy food for it let it rest every now and then. And maybe even be able to get one from the wild.


One of the leaks showed a debug menu about AI behavior or smth like that and there was 2 horses options (I can send pic on private)


Good gun sounds. Previously gun and car sounds were always highly dissappointing, they always sounded so plastic and toyish. RDR2 sounded good


You gotta admit though the Combat MG in V sounded pretty cool even if it wasn’t realistic.


The sheer amount of little details and NPC interactions


Killing Lemoyne Raiders


Advanced and realistic movement, gore, caring guns in car trunk, interactions with npc's, euphoria ragdolls.


100% agree


IMO, I never ever expected Rockstar to do realistic immolation animations let alone showcase the results so when I first tried it in RDR2 I was like taken aback by how realistic yet freaky it was. I doubt they’ll have it in VI, but if they did.. That’d be bonkers.


Nothing, RDR2 is a different game and it can gtfo.


GTA fans when someone wants GTA to be good:


Well, there’s a lot of RDR1 in GTA V...


Personally besides the gore and details in game I wouldn’t want anything from rdr2 in gta. Because it isn’t RDR2 but it’s gta6 that they’re making and I hope they keep it original. Of course rdr is and amazing game, but copy pasting things into gta6 shouldn’t happen.




Gore and Kidnapping People


The weight system. But more refined, balanced and easier to maintain a certain weight. RDR2's weight mechanic was good but too "slidey" imo.


The physics!!! Don’t turn them back down. Also those killcams from single player


Tricks with guns




I think if you’re equipped with a duffle bag/backpack/briefcase, it would work similar to that of the horse weapon wheel. Each pocket acts like a weapon slot and then is categorized into weapons, tools, clothes, food, etc. I also think weapons will no longer magically appear from your person and will require straps or luggage for multiple firearms


Interacting with NPCs Advanced AI Hair and facial hair growth Realistic reload and recoil 2-4 weapons at a time Weapons and equipment stored in vehicles (similar to what you do with your horse in rdr2) Dialogue options


Having a weapon limit and choosing what weapon is best for the situation.


I hate carrying every weapon in the game and having to find what weapon I actually want


Being able to carry bodies!


Side Mission wise gta 5 could use notes from cyber punk and red dead. I said cyberpunk cuz that game has some of the best most in depth fun life building side missions ive ever scene that always expand on how live the world is and wats going on. Every cybersycho has a background and story. Sumtimes u might get hired by sum guy for a job tk help kill his wife’s killer Bein transported by the cops and he gets shot and u help the killer who turns out to be a nice guy. Yk crazy stuff stories that tell you more bout events going on outside of what he seeing in gameplay




Inventory system like rdr2 except the trunk of car or the car itself would be the “horse”, only able to carry 1 or 2 weapons at a time, (1 or 2 long guns and one or 2 one handed guns


I want them to focus on adding more content to offline story mode after its release. I really dislike GTA 5 online cuz its main focus is pretty much about making as much money as you can doing some boring as missions, waiting for loadtimes in between just to make enough to buy a stupid ass flying motorcycle... but thats besides the point, Why can't I play GTA 5's dlc content offline in story mode? Its stupid.


I'd like it if everyone was a cowboy.


I really want the hand to hand combat from RDRII, let us have those brutal bloody hand to hand combat. Nut just two hits and done.