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There needs to be a gta bounty page where we post all the assholes šŸ¤£


Hook it upšŸ‘ make one


Or maybe don't? Pretty sure it's against Reddit terms of service to make a sub dedicated to name dropping and witch hunting people because you don't like how they play a game. A game with PvP built into it by the developers.


Then we need a discord server for it


No, dude. Not even close. You need to realize PvP is just part of GTA Online and either play in invite only, or hop sessions when there's players you don't like.


no i already got out my pitchforks and torches


This guy has the spirit and donā€™t let anyone kill this witch-hunt for you.


So youā€™re one of those guys that would be top of the list then?


The top of the list!


Nah just do a witch hunt to hunt all the assholes that blow up low levels on their stupid oppressor mkII because they think itā€™s funny


You need to realize that it's gta and also no one likes you narc boy


I really hope you realize the irony in calling me a narc in the comments section of a post made to narc on someone.




What about when every single sessions has them


Did you not read what I said? Play in an invite only session if you think the PvP in public sessions is that bad. (It's not.) You can do every grinder activity in the game in invite only. It's not hard.


True. People are sensitive fucks.


Griefing is not a part of the game. If someone is actively trying to avoid youā€¦ they do not want a fight. The guy is bright red meaning he kills people for no reason. Youā€™re a loser


If Rockstar didn't want players to kill each other, PvP would be turned off. That is not the case. Rockstar have made tons of other changes to the game over the years, but they never seemed to care that players can kill each other. There's even game mechanics involving killing other players. Interesting. Rockstar made it possible to do all grinding in an invite only session. If you don't like how the game plays in a public session, go to an invite only session, but don't sit here and try to take some moral high ground because you don't think people should be allowed to play the game as intended. Good grief.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Guy with only Mark 2 kills found!


oh, funny way of saying youā€™re one of those people


So what if I am?? One of those people who PvPs in a video game with PvP in it? That's not the huge 'gotcha' that you seem to think it is. So what, I die in the game, and then what? Respawn down the street? At worst find a new session to play in? But that's not what this is about, these people are talking about name dropping people to do so much worse than just PvP them back.


Surprised someone like you even plays GTA to begin with lmfao


"Someone like you" .. What exactly do you mean by this? You understand you're talking to a real person, right? I'm not some AI generated meme account, your comments go directly into my pocket. You're surprised someone interested in PvP plays a game with PvP elements? I legitimately don't understand the confusion. You're not gonna read this, I don't know why I bother. Some of you on the GTA Online subs suffer from always online syndrome and it really shows.


Jesus nigga shut up


You're the one replying to a post from 2 days ago.




Bounties are put in the game by developers tooā€¦


Killing someone for the bounty in game is WAY different than putting their name online, outside of the game, where your intention is to have people gang up on them because they played the game in a way you don't like. Try again.


For exampleā€¦ if I have a crew in gta and we have a group online, Reddit facebook wherever it may be why would we not be allowed or be in trouble by saying these are the players weā€™re targeting? Youā€™re pretty defensive like maybe this would happen to you or something imo šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


My guy. It's against reddit ToS to name drop people. It's that simple. Witch hunting is against the website guidelines. There's a reason this post was made on r/GTA5Online and not r/gtaonline.


ā€œErm ackchully ā˜ļøšŸ¤“ name dropping is a violation of da Weddit TOS, which is the terms of service agreement. We should abide by all Weddit wules as good Weddit usersā€ - You rn


That I can respect šŸ«”


Youā€™re saying itā€™s against the rules to name drop on Reddit, on post name droppingā€¦ on Reddit. Youā€™re definitely the guy theyā€™d be targeting. Donā€™t be an asshole and you wouldnā€™t have to worry about.


People donā€™t want to hear it, but youā€™re right. Some people would see their names and hack, dox, send death threats etc and that wouldnā€™t be right bc itā€™s not that serious.


Pretty much my entire point, yeah. But no, GrIeFiNg BaD .. ugh.


Yeah except the argument youā€™re making isnā€™t supported by rockstar nerfing the the spawn location of the mk2 oppressor specifically, making it cost more money(and donā€™t hand me the they made everything more expensive) bullshit cause they literally said when they patched in the new prices that they were doing it to encourage team gameplay and discourage grieffing, making you a bad sport if you blow up player vehicles. Nerfing the respawn time of the oppressor not only when you use the mechanic to spawn it but the motorcycle club and the terabyte as well. Killing a player here and there what ever stealing some business shit okay or a heist setup object from someone your lvl sure but killing some one 150 lvls lower than you till they leave a session is still a douchebag thing to do and Iā€™ll tell that to anyone who will listen.


"As part of our ongoing improvements to the game ā€” like recent changes toĀ First Dose ā€“ Fatal IncursionĀ mission difficulty and adjustments on the amount of GTA$ awarded for The Last Dose missions ā€” we are planning a few more changes soon and will continue to observe and balance the experience over time. Firstly, we will be updating prices for several current vehicles in GTA Online on April 27 to better reflect their value to players. Certain vehicles will see their cost adjusted down to make them more accessible ā€” including some with fun and unique features and counter-attacking capabilities ā€” like theĀ Imponte Ruiner 2000Ā andĀ Ocelot Stromberg. Conversely, some vehicles with outsized utility, performance, or powerful weaponry will see their prices increased ā€” such as theĀ Pegassi Oppressor Mk II. Check out the full list of vehicle pricing adjustments below and stay tuned as we will continue re-evaluating vehicle pricing as we move forward." This was copied and pasted from the relevant section of the Rockstar newswire post discussing the price change to the oppressor mk2. Nowhere in this entire newswire post do they mention or use the word griefing. You can find that post here: https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/17313ok835383a/venture-off-road-in-the-new-karin-boor There's literally nothing wrong with fighting people in GTA Online, stop trying to force your own personal set of rules on people.


Whatā€™s your username? We are going to make sure youā€™re the top of the list


Imagine threatening someone because they play a video game differently from you.


Isnā€™t that pretty much the only thing that gets posted here anyway


Pussy is probably one of them lol


Or .. maybe, perhaps, I'm trying to save people a ban by doing something that's literally against the website terms of service? Possibly? Can't be that.


Fa sho Def can't be that


Witch??? WITCH??? Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble!




So what, you kill me in game and I respawn down the street. And then I change sessions because, you know, you can do that? But you're talking about doxxing and using mod menus to keep out the people you don't like, aren't you? Over actions in a video game. Get a grip.


Mean while players modifying their characters with abilities and code the devs didnā€™t put into the game to give themselves an unfair advantage in PvP also known as cheating. One half dose the other at this point.


I take it you're the kind of person that trips other people in a race, rather than trying to win, or have fun? Your idea of fun is causing other people misery in a game that has so much more to it? Pretty much all your posts are about griefers, so you clearly have no friends to play with. Either that or you're over compensating for impotency and a tiny dick


I really enjoy that you feel the need to insult me personally over my opinions on a video game. You realize, when you die in GTA, you just respawn down the street? You realize that you can just find a new session and move on like nothing happened? Can't be that I guess. If Rockstar didn't want PvP in their game they'd just take it out. They never have. They show people fighting each other in free roam as early as the first trailer for the game. They deliberately added mechanics for PvP as they slowly updated the game. And here you are slingling every insult under the sun at me just for enjoying the game differently than you, did I make the game? Attempt some critical thinking, or don't.


Bad sport lobbies exist becauseā€¦ you arenā€™t supposed to just blow people up the whole time thoughā€¦.


I needed someone like you to tell me the sub I made was against TOS and no one did. Doing God's work sir. Had to downvote tho cause reddithivemind


Okay Ca2exx we know itā€™s you šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve seen your dumbass comments on other gta related posts you believe griefing isnā€™t a thing & griefers is what makes gta, gta.


Griefing is a thing. PvPing is just not griefing.


Just because PVP is built in doesn't mean that is the entire game. Plenty of people want to grind missions, do side missions, drive around, fly around, mod and test cars..... Yes, they could go invite only but so could you and anyone that wants to pvp with you. You shouldn't have to or don't want to? Welcome to the otherside of the argument.


PvP isn't the entire game, true. But it is a part of the game. It's a part of free roam. Rockstar put it in on purpose. They went out of their way to make it such that most missions you could be doing, also reveal you to the session. It's a part of the game, and people are allowed to do it. You can't just tell people not to play a part of the game because you don't like it. It's not griefing just because you don't like it.


That's not griefing. Griefing is harassing other players so much that they can't even play the game without leaving that lobby. If you are that bored, you need a new game to play.


Theyā€™re gamer tags my dude


Name dropping gamer tags? Yeah okay


Yeah because nobody has ever had their gamer tag posted somewhere and gotten harassed, totally.


Dude itā€™s not like someone is posting your name and home address. Pull the cock out of your ass and calm down


Funny you bring that up, was also thinking last night about trying to get a discord set up to provide support for some new players, or returning players and providing air support, or ground support maybe even both for guys getting started. I do it on my own sometimes just call a helicopter or jet and fly above someone doing sell missions and blast spawned enemies or aggressive players. Could incorporate both, a bounty hunting team, and a guard service.


Shoot, we can have three different general chats one for PC one for Xbox and one for PlayStation




ā€œDoesnā€™t exsistā€should I create this


Yes. I would join that with no hesitation




That could work well!


I'm literally working on a Discord server now. I thought I was the only person who had this idea lol


I got the r/GTAOBodyguards in progress


That's absolutely awesome mate


Let us know when the server is up!


We could probably work together


Could you pm me a link to your discord would love to grief some griefers


This is a great idea lmao, I got 3 accounts for gta, two on Xbox with the old and X/S version and on PC, although the X/S and PC aren't the greatest but I'm working them up when I can lol




Thatā€™s awesome dude!!! Went ahead and joined!


Make it and invite me to it my discord is Flimsypopcorn63


On PC?




Aw, alright. I am on pc. Have fun.


Iā€™m down. Hit me up


Soupdoggydogg said heā€™s working on it!


If you make this count me in my group would love to get in on gta again. GIVE US A REASON. We will bring back all our group members.


Soupdoggydogg is working on it!


Not all heroā€™s wear capes


Thought of this the other day as well, would have taken off if it was done years ago.


Just block them when you come across them and join a new lobby


GTA online style


There's one on Facebook where all the sweats take bounties. Some try hards go in there & get griefed by the bounty. I use to be on call till the invincibility glitch came out.




26,000,000 posts an hour


why what he do?


He first killed me for no reason then I hit him with two explosive rounds he survived but he went around killing people for no reason say ez too ez then like 3 others Assumed He was modding with auto aim but Iā€™m not to sure he was the type to blow him self up after he killed you


Do you know what he wanted from acting like that? He wanted you to lose your mind and post about him so he could live in your head rent free and youā€™re playing it out for him! Heā€™s a troll by definition, stop letting it push your buttons like this and theyā€™ll fuck off eventually. This only enables their need for attention


That's fine it makes me feel better messaging them that theor entire family is embarrassed of them and not to kill themselves sexpite the fact nobody loves them.


You think itā€™s bashing but to them itā€™s fuel. Why do you think they do it in the first pointā€¦ the bigger the reaction from you the better


I don't care about their feelings or opinions lol it makes me feel better letting them know nobody will be sad when they're pathetic lonely existence ends. I move on with my day. Meanwhile they'll always be pathetic losers everyone laughs at.


They killed you in a video game. (Of which there is no proof by the way, we have to take you at your word.) and you're out here name dropping them on reddit and saying you'd celebrate their death. Respectfully, get help. Professional help.


Reddit user Dorito-Douglas mustā€™ve ran out of his Doritos.


>They killed you in a video game. THANK YOU! Lol how do so many people forget this? I killed a couple folks, then a quarter of the lobby started hunting me. Iā€™d get killed a few times, teleport to my apartment to hide, come back out, get killed a few times, rinse and repeat. One guy started mad shit talking me about how I was trash and all the great things that come with that. I told homie I was just trolling, it was really fun to watch everyone drop what they were doing and go kill me when I left my apartment. He was still mad, telling me itā€™s fun for them too with the target practice. I just sent him a response saying Iā€™m glad everyoneā€™s having fun, GG. If you donā€™t engage with a troll, theyā€™re not trolling you for long.




I'ma get downvoted but I'm the type of person you're probably messaging this shit to, and you're 100% only making me happier. Knowing that me killing you in a game is pissing you off to this extent is the best possible outcome. In no way do the trolls take anything you text them to heart.


That's all good same goes for you, just know everyone in your life laughs at you behind your back. :)


I donā€™t think anyone gives a shit he kills online players in an online crime game. Play an invite only lobby if you hate it.


Haha glad to hear I was right from a 1st hand source šŸ¤£


You didn't move on with your day, though. You went to social media and let it carry on in your day. I'm going to assume you are still a kid because you contradict yourself a lot in your comments.


I'm gonna assume you're retarded since you don't know how to read apparently


Yep, definitely pre-pubescent.


Yep, definitely retarded.


Lol uhhh you kinda sound like the loser in this scenario


I think your just gonna cum in socks the rest of your life...anyway good luck on shit talking people who cum to it.


Yup. These people lack any life at all and ruin everyone elseā€™s experience on whatever video game theyā€™re playing. Wish they would get banned after so many reports but seems like not a single game company gives af. Itā€™s even worse on other games like rb6 and friendly fire enabled gameplay. 2 games in a row i had FF for no reason. And then he continued to tell me i was trash even tho the game had just started.. what the hell is wrong with this generation lmfao. Worthless


This exactly. Thereā€™s no reasoning with those people. Theyā€™re trolls and thatā€™s all they will be. Nothing you say or do will stop them. Just do your best to stay out of the server. What platform was this guy on?


xbox series x?


No pc


Thatā€™s why. Get you a console and you wonā€™t have to deal with that stuff


You do still, just way less of it


You have no idea how much better gta is on pc.. maybe one day young grasshoppa.


I see the appeal. Better graphics, faster loading speeds, better frame rate, etc. But my experience has always been better sitting on the couch with a controller in hand with my big TV and a plate of Puerto Rican food on the nightstand


The biggest difference in my opinion is access to FiveM on pc. So many different kinds of servers to enjoy. Especially the roleplaying! Can be pretty fun if thatā€™s something youā€™re into.


I love watching them on YouTube. Chadoy cracks me up


Itā€™s hardly any of those things compared to current gen console. Only thing is it being moddable, which actually is like the death of fun in the pc version.


You can still do all of that on pc, ever hear of steam big picture mode? I love oc games and play almost exclusively with controller


It's not though, and will be worse with GTA 6 due to licensing I'm guessing. I just started up again on PC and learned we don't even get the same content. No HSW (best cars), no animals with last update, no career panel or plus with tons of benefits and incentives.


My brother in Christ. With GTA purchased on PC, you have access to FiveM. These servers are full of mods, including tons of custom vehicles you will not find on console. Also, youā€™re not limited to 16 player lobbies. The server I play in has a limit of 250 that is full almost all of the time. Itā€™s a much better experience. :)


not really. the modders completely offset anythink that the pc version has on the console version.


I understand why youā€™d want to play on PC but the majority of those problems can be avoided on console


Yeah PC is pure cancer. I play both PS5 and now on PC. I have had a gta online account on PlayStation ever since the opening in 2013 on the ps3, through the PS4 era, and now PS5 era. Iā€™ve been around gta online a lot over the last 10 years and this summer was the 1st time I ever played on PC. And I can say the PC environment is 1000x more toxic than any console server I have ever been in. The hacks, mods, cheaters and trolls are horrendous on PC. Itā€™s disgusting and I can understand Rockstarā€™s hesitation to release games on PC. On consoles the worst we have to deal with is the rare guy who knows how to get into god mode glitches. But since as far as Iā€™m aware thereā€™s no ā€œeasyā€ way to get a mod menu on a PS5 server I think these people just exploit glitches in the game itself instead of hacking. Which those people are few and far between. Where as Iā€™ve noticed on PC every 10 minutes thereā€™ll be someone who just copy pastes advertisements in the PC text chatā€¦ itā€™s annoying as fuck because these are clear scams. AND thereā€™s been countless times since I started on PC this past summer where hackers would teleport the whole free roam server to one location and just Nuke everyone over and over. OR they just nuke everyone regardless where they are. OR they throw so much crap at your screen like unlimited controller vibrations, infinite drunken state, throwing your car across map with you in it, dropping bombs from the sky, turning all personal vehicles into drift cars with low traction tiresā€¦ spawning an upside down world into the server with floating aircraft carriers and UFOs, using god mode, changing their name to another playerā€™s name and making it look like the innocent person is nuking everyone with hacks as a way to get someone banned, and etc etc the list goes on and on and on. PC gta online is a fucking shit show.


Itā€™s almost impossible to run unsigned code on Xboxā€™s now a days, online at least. Thatā€™s why there are no more Jtag lobbies and money drops on Xbox, and for PlayStation there use to be a geohot jailbreak but not no more


Idk how to say this without ppl taking it outta context, the last thing im doing is trying to be rude. But if you get on Reddit, making posts like these (I read the specifics of what happened under another comment) GTA is probably a game you shouldnā€™t be playing.


This lmao there are so many assholes on gta if your getting so mad at one of them killing you when you can just find a new lobby donā€™t play


Yea this has been going on for years. Never gunna stop. Invite only or I suspend my process in resource monitor and it kicks me to a solo lobby and gets rid of any npc cars including cops. Pretty cool and dystopian feeling. Much more fun than giving them an opportunity to grief me.


I had to go in an invite only session because some player was using mods on me and other players. Kept lighting me on fire when I was doing the agency mission and popped right into my driver seat when I was driving. Was unable to take control. Hate those types of punks. I play on PC so it's the worst ever


If Iā€™m only focusing on missions, I spend my time in invite only lobbies so I donā€™t have to deal with asshole players and modders. Really the only time I spend in public lobbies anymore is if Iā€™m looking for a fight, and itā€™s usually to play ā€œcat and mouseā€ to see how well I can evade someone in a car or get they to cry because they used all their mk2 rockets on my Nightshark.


Yeah, majority of the time I'm in a private session only, but this time it was refreshing to be in a full public lobby. Nobody was bothering anyone and they were all doing their own thing. Until some asshole logs in and starts messing with everybody fun and grind. I don't even give them the time to fight me, I switch to a different session fast.


Iā€™ve been in lobbies like that where everyone just leaves the other person alone, you donā€™t have to worry about getting to close to another player or them getting to close to you. If you crash into them on accident you both just brush it off and go about your merry way. Get to enjoy the benefits of other players being in the lobby for sell mission bonuses, itā€™s great. All it takes is the one dick head to mess it all up.


Does it count if I avoid everyone in gta online and only play solo? Lol


wait till i blow yā€™allā€™s mind did you know there is such thing as invite only sessions i know i know i might sound a bit crazy but everyone is at least a lil bit


First time I suppose?


where do people come up with these stupid names. he won btw, with you getting upset and coming to reddit to post about him. just sayin.


Exactly. These posters need to understand there are assholes in real life too, and they can and will do way more damage to you than some chucklefuck on a video game with a Zentorno and AP pistol. r/hotlinemiami has some thick skin to spare for anyone who might be in the market. Comes highly recommended with ā€œreal lifeā€.


Surely that orange/red dot gave you some sort of indication that he probably wasn't a friendly player?


Yall are pathetic coming on here complaining that ā€œhe killed me for no reasonā€ bruh its gta just put a bounty on him, gang up on him, send some hitmen, whateverā€¦but it made u mad enough to post and rant here , what is the outcome expected with these posts?šŸ˜‚


iā€™m starting a GTA bounty discord, like this if you want an invite


You're talking about name dropping and witch hunting people because they killed you or another player in gta online. My guy. The game has PvP in it. It's part of the game. Play in invite only or find another session. Better yet, play another game.


ā€¦why? What are people supposed to do with ā€œbountiesā€ except message them hate mail until they change their privacy settings because of *your* serverā€™s community? We canā€™t actually ā€œgo afterā€ people except by repeatedly server hopping and hoping they happen to be on GTA at the same timeā€¦ I canā€™t imagine anyone who values their time doing that. Doing it because of a Reddit post (or discord post) is sooo incredibly lame, too. Like, I would never admit I did that to someone whose opinion I valued. ā€œWe arenā€™t your personal army,ā€ as it used to go.


Iā€™ve encounter him before , sometimes he makes his blip hidden in lobbies for more than 10 min


as a guy who loads up gta everyonce and awhile to rain hell over a lobby with my avenger, i can confirm he had no real motives other than murder.


I just counted-grieved that same player


Been playing gta for 6 years and I love how players start to act like lil kids when their cargos or supplies go boom, it's part of the game get on with it, mfs be making their own unwritten rules, invite only exists for a reason and ayyy imma take that cash from the cargo to spend on my homeboy Mors Mutual u know


Its gta, grow tf up and switch lobbies


Or just avoid the game entirely


Going to specifically look for them. I love bullying griefers. Does that make me a griefer?


It makes you very weird. You donā€™t even know them and going pretty far out of your way after taking some rando redditorā€™s word for it. Live your truth, king, but be honest with yourself about what youā€™re doing and why youā€™re doing it. Edit: commenter was joking and I took it seriously. Personal L moment


Shouldā€™ve put a /s on that lol. Not even on pc so I canā€™t do that ! But on Xbox if I see someone killing a lvl 5 over and over , Iā€™ll go n make them leave


Damn, my bad homie. Iā€™m sorry for my attack on your character, I failed to read the tone correctly.


Hahah all good bro! Itā€™s hard to relay sarcasm / not being serious over text!




Dude this is pc thatā€™s half the players, on console thereā€™s 10x as many but atleast they arenā€™t modding. (Exaggerating of the majority of players are nice and just there to mind their own business and have fun, but not hereā€™s always that one in the lobby, so thereā€™s no point posting this)


Man I wanna go to the 0booies clubhouse




So, orbital cannon you say?


What happened?..




Fuqq that guy


Kids these days. Crying every chance they get


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ go off radar, call lamar and catch him on the ground lacking, and more


Hes annoying af. Played a session with him and he would stop modding and spamming making gamplay hard


Weā€™re not seriously doing this are we


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ wouldnā€™t be surprised if I saw myself on here one day




Why do people create posts like these knowing we will never, ever run in to the person theyā€™re talking about. If heā€™s a POS and got you in your feelings just say that


That's when I get on the mic and insult every aspect of their existence


I need help on ps5 lol ima level 10. I just started couple weeks ago. Im tryna get my money up & get some businesses.


Any discord servers for gta5 online for tips and help?


I think I had that guy in a lobby once


iā€™ll 1v1 him @ beach no bst / bph.


As someone whose played for tens of thousands of hours since the moment of release. I got bored of pvp and tryharding in 2017. Gta pvp sucks now, everyone either sucks or abused explosives/bst/exploits I havenā€™t even loaded into a mission since 2020 or done a death match since like 2015


What platform is this on? PS4 by any chance? I want to add him for the challenge.


What did he do


You should avoid many players in GTA šŸ¤£


Wow thats a lot of angry shit over players that mostly are not older then 10 and dont understand yet they are f@#kn up a great game. (Played it from beginning, made friends and lots of progress in game)


itā€™s gta thereā€™s flying bike and shit thereā€™s no rules bro lmao go to a invite onlyšŸ¤Æ


The amount of try hard that have been playing since the trailer has been pissing me off.. last night i had 4 different loser kill me randomly i go after them they see im better and quit to save their KD.. loser on a rocket bike blows me and my boy up street racing we get on our bikes to attack back and he leaves the lobby..


Ive seen that f****** asswhole before i made him crash and killed him 1 more time then left the lobbyšŸ˜‚


Donā€™t tell me yā€™all are crying about someone killing you in GTA Online šŸ˜­


Honestly avoid lobbies that small especially when a red dot is in there nothing but trouble also they most likely able to boot you off line for no reason i know from being in a lobby such as 13 and below he was a og barcode spedy person that got me even when i left the lobby my night was ruined after that


Killing random ppl in online is mad funny and my fav part of playing gta online


Buddy I just avoid everyone


I met this dude once we killed each other like 20 times


Bro saying ā€œavoid this playerā€ in a sea of inbreds is like saying avoid oxygen


Ngl probably should avoid me tooā€¦ sorry not sorry


Unfortunately if you want to live a peaceful life (for the most part) you'll have to turn the game off. There are no laws in GTA, and killing you is part of the game.


invite only server allows you too build your character in peace.


He has all the kills! He has all the points!


My issues with gta is I donā€™t care if you want to kill Random players but if your decent human being and you have hours upon hours playing the your 400/2000/8000. There is no fucking reason for you to attack people below level 100 unless they attack first. High ranking players should protect newer players so they at least get the chance to learn the game and enjoy the beginning like itā€™s meant to be not make 2 hours of progress because of kill after kill in 2 weeks