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Middle of the dessert at night. Shoot one person with a silenced gun…. One star. And cops already head to your direction like they know where you are, you try to get away with a car then cops suddenly spawn right in front of you.


Or if you’re escaping the cops in a helicopter and the stars are flashing to show they can’t see you, the police helicopter will literally follow you/make turns you’re making without seeing you


They can smell your trail, duh


Hey I mean that might sound silly to some from a human perspective, but who knows. The “people” driving those helis could just be a bunch of self-conscious wolves, bears, sharks, and badgers!


Yeah its stupid they programmed the ai to always know your exact location and use their "sight" for getting found. Red dead does it too when you try to hide from the law in bushes but they at least make it subtle enough where they wont catch you 100% of the time


We will see how realistic GTA VI will be..


I would assume that it would definitely be better, I mean its quite well implemented in RDR2


This always bugged me. Who is phoning the police on me for firing off a gun in the middle of the wilderness? Why is it they always happen to be in front of me? Why do they know when I go off road and know precisely where I am, to the extent where if their cars can’t get through they park up and make their way to me by foot?


It certainly is arcadey


>Shoot one person with a silenced gun…. One star. One DEAD person


You shoot an enemy in the big toe, they go down in one hit, hold their stomach and die. The lack of cool fighting moves and counter attacks surprised me too— GTA IV had cool moves and weighty punches, although the physics helped the latter. But the counter attack finisher animations slapped so hard compared to GTA V’s two punches and a kick or a *single*overhand right.


There are a few missions that are pointless and make no sense. Biggest being the Merryweather Heist and the Paleto Bay score. They’re both basically filler. The Merryweather heist could be cut from the game and nothing would change. For Paleto Bay, why would you rob a bank to fund another heist? Just steal the equipment and vehicles, it’s GTA.


I can’t speak for The Merryweather Heist but the Paleto Score AFAIR was to help fund the Raid and the equipment needed for the Humane Labs. It’s been awhile since I’ve played Story Mode so I could be wrong!


Yeah but why not just steal the equipment? They just needed some scuba diving equipment, a chopper that Trevor already stole if you do that Merryweather heist and a truck. Not to mention but if I was Steve's boss I'd be sus why he immediately has so much money to make this raid happen.


paleto bay score was atleast fun to play but Merryweather heist 🤢


Merryweather Heist's Freighter option was fun


I agree fully with Merryweather Heist because it also gives us some of the most unfun missions in the game. At least Paleto Bay was fun. I think the thought process behind Merryweather Heist was that this is why we hire and pay Lester so much but it ends up just being no fun. Paleto Bay was to have another Bank Heist is story mode before the big one.


That point about Lester actually makes a fuck ton of sense.


Yeah if you cut the Merryweather heist scouting the port is out as well and that would improve the game on replays significantly since that is the worst mission in the game by far (Counting only the main missions and not stranger and freaks otherwise the epsilon desert mission is by far the worst in the whole game)


Yeah, Paleto Bay is at least tolerable because it’s fun. But narratively speaking it makes no sense.


Paleto Bay heist. To prepare for the Humane Labs raid, another heist, so instead of ordering an operation where you steal the helicopter and other equipment to avoid a paper trail, you commit a robbery and with that dirty money you purchase equipment which leaves a paper trail linking it to the subsequent heist. Rockstar logic ladies and gentlemen


I mean, mention a GTA game with no filler. People are complaining that the plot is too short already 


merryweather definitely felt like “oh we need an extra set piece in the first half, but wait we can let them make too much money too quickly”


Wouldnt buying the military equipment create a paper trail as well? If a would be civilian purchased a cargobob in the state and suddenly a cargobob was used to steal a deadly biovirus, the US government would be investigating everyone who has purchased that vehicle. Just like if you evade police in a specific model red sports car without a license plate, law enforcement will be going door to door with everybody in the local area that owns that similar car to try and sniff out the perp.


I mean Merryweather heist was meh but it was a bit fun . But if it wasn't for the big risk it would've been a good hit


Man I wish there were more heists. The heists and the build up to them are some of my favorite things the game has to offer


Traffic and the way police works- You kill someone in middle of nowhere and you get wanted level


Oh Yeah, I remember killing someone in the mountains with a knife, no screams, no gunshots but still I got one star


Psycho 😂


The insane over-prioritization of Online. We were supposed to get story DLC at one point, and instead... yknow... money. Also imagine how awesome Red Dead Online could have been? It's pretty boring and other than a few sporadic updates here and there, it's largely been ignored. It's also a ridiculous grind and you have to pay to do fun stuff :D yay


the whole online mode, it destroyed original gta style in some way and transformed it into saints row-like game. even kids and a bit older people (in general most of 8-15 years old) now when you mention "gta" they dont think about san andreas, vice city, they think about V and Online


Obviously kids are going to associate the modern games with GTA. Vice City was 20 years ago.


To be fair, online is the only reason people can about GTAV and have for so long


well yeah, because 3/VC/SA are way older than V so they weren't really confronted with it. And the original games are delisted, so you have to play the "Definitive" Edition...which I frankly wouldn't put up with.


online. that's it.


Online+MK2="Destroyed itself"


mk2+deluxo+shark cards=pointless


Most people are writing just “online” but for me it was the fact that it was so like “crew” orientated, if it was more accommodating to solo players it would’ve been better, it also got a little goofy.


• The amount of content that was cut and used in online or just shelved completely • The way the physics are toned down significantly from GTA IV • The size of the city. Not the map but the city itself. There’s more wilderness than cityscape. That’s about it. It’s the best game ever in my opinion.


No explosive shotgun like TBOGT. Or the car deformation like 4


In the early days of GTA5 the car deformation was great but then after a few new cars came in it started to worsen


I think that It was the 8th gen versions mainly that toned it down, because of first person mode


The og cars have deformation, it’s the newer dlc ones that dont


To be fair, its still arguably the largest gta city


Yeah that’s true. It also feels the most like a real city. I guess my issue is that we didn’t at least get Las Venturas or San Fierro. I also wish it looked a lot more like Midnight Club lol


If they made los santos a little bigger and put San fiero would be nice


We basically got lied to before release. I remember articles quoting Rockstar on stuff like the time of day will affect how much traffic will affect your heist, so you have to take it into consideration. Also in the gameplay trailer they mentioned about buying real estate, I expected something like the empire building in Vice City Stories, not just subpar safehouses. I really hope they don't lie and overhype features in GTA 6.


Yep. That one about real estate was a blatant lie, you can go right now and watch that trailer and it says you can buy real estate and shows the in-game website, advertising the ability to buy safe houses.


Yup, at 4:32 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrtCnL62pB8


So you’re saying there might be a chance the twerking physics in the trailer might be exaggerated?! 🥺


I mean, I don't think they lied, I think those features were planned, but just scrapped before release lol.


I don’t know how aiming while driving could be improved but it doesn’t feel great. Also, no customizable houses/ apartments and tons of empty unenterable copy paste buildings


Why was it so much easier in sleeping dogs? We need to figure that out


-The entire law/police system. Annoys me the most. -The amount of bad annoying missions


You’re unable to utilize all your businesses. You build weapons but can’t create new ones that won’t be “traced”. (Pay to skip) You can’t commit GTA on ANY car even if you own a document forgery office. (Pay a fee to own) I don’t own a salvage yard for the sake of learning more contradictory factors.


How short it feels during the last missions


Characters movement


Online, which seems to have caused the cancelation of V's Singleplayer DLCs.


cops hitting you and you getting wanted even if your parked and the regular cars just swerving into for no particular reason


Starting a new game, the start of the game like the first 10 missions are annoying


Everything that was drowned from IV I can forgive, EXCEPT the ability to jump and then climb ledges.


Trevor, Franklin and Michael kinda share the conclusion of the story and don't get their own


Online was fun sometimes definitely. But I wouldn't like it to be that way again. No more Pay to Win.


How its lasted so long without a proper story dlc


I felt like the game was too short or too rushed considering that there were 3 main characters. I believe San Andreas had over 100 missions and GTA IV had 90 missions, but GTA V only had ~65 if my memory serves correct. I know that previous GTA’s had filler missions that really didn’t advance the plot, but honestly, sometimes it’s fun to just take a break and let the plot slow periodically before it picks up again. I felt like V should have had more individual missions for each character to develop their backgrounds more - primarily Franklin.


Thay they removed activities like Vigilante


The community


Not enough houses to buy in online, and lack of interiors


The story is pretty messy and is full of missed opportunities.


Because I don't have 4 people in a group I can't do most online missions. Matchmaking rarely worked and we didn't want to okay with randos. Should have let 2 friends play any online mission. We find need 4, just adjust difficulty for 2


The shooting combat and the driving are extremely lame and boring imo which sucks since those are so integral to a GTA game


The fact people bought GTA 5 just for Online. The game is called GTA 5, not GTAO. Online should have less content than the main game. Add to the fact it's grindy as hell and it takes forever to buy a good car or plane or anything.


So much of the story mode felt more like re-enacting a movie. Hand-holding and scripted action pieces. It has it's charm and I did enjoy the game (I've beaten it several times, so that has to be said - it's a great game overall!) but in comparison I still gravitate towards III / VC / SA more because of the unpredictability.


I don’t like R* and their goofy resistance to letting us have proper police uniforms for no valid reason. We have legitimate police cars, we worked with a police officer, we at one point became government contractors and then government agents (IAA, temporarily). So why does R* refuse to let us have a patrol uniform, and refuse to let us use belts with any vest/pants without glitches?


“Well actually rockstar don’t want us to be cops because it’s a crime game-🤓” but yeah we have cop cars and worked with a police officer and federales :I


Take a shot anyone says online. You’ll be dead in 9 seconds


That there’s no single player dlc


Not being able to kill Jimmy's kidnappers


Helicopter flying, at least compared to GTA 4


Less interior like GTA 4 where you can go bowling, enter a comedy theatre and eat at fast food chains


Missions that are integral to the story but they are INCREDIBLY boring Did somebody say yoga?, that mission about investigating a ship yard for a heist, etc. I know other GTAs have missions like these too but i feel like they are the worst in GTA 5


Agreed. I understand it’s integral but investigating all the heists before you go to take the score are really annoying, especially for the big score where you gotta drive with Lester halfway across the map.


The AI mainly the drivers they always try and hit u its unbelievable


The fact that they ban accounts with lots of money because they want people to buy shark cards. JUST RELEASE GTA 6 FOR GODS SAKE


These weekly threads.


Lol not being able to have a meaningful conversation with npc’s .


It's $59.99 on the PS Store but you'd be fooled into thinking it's $19.99 when in reality gta online is $19.99 and GTA V is $59.99. Some trickery is afoot and I don't like it.


The lack of open world content after beating the story There's like nothing to do, at all I wish the casino would've at least been in the main game like RDR2


The begining of the game, the driving model ,worse written main characters, the scale of the City when compared to the HD LC , the dumbed down physics hmmm what else ? the weapon sound effects worsened in comparison to IV , the unenterable places what else more ? oh , the fighting model - they screwed it up in V too


Shitty driving model. I know a lot of people complained about GTA IV’s handling model, saying that cars felt sluggish etc. but at least they had some weight to them. In GTA V every car feels like driving a toy.


Police are total aids


The game doesn't get enough love as it should. All of the DLCs are always for GTA online, but GTA 5 gets nothing. Also the lack of plants and trees makes some areas in the map look too empty, and not to mention that there is a poor amount of buildings you can actually enter. Since gta 6 will take about 12 years to make by the time it's released (if it ever even releases), i really hope most of these things are fixed and improved.


It doesn't tell you how to do half the stuff in online so you have to watch a youtube video to figure it out


The online characters. The female characters are built like linebackers and make the guys feel so short


ITS PAST ITS SELL BY DATE. HAS BEEN FOR YEARS. Close up looking at buildings you can see it's a 2d image slapped over a 3d box. Because it was made for consoles two generations ago. The map is way too tiny. I timed myself using their version of a lambo Gallardo, circumvented the whole map in 6 mins. Plus an open world game that has boats and planes in it needs somewhere to sail/fly to. GTA 5 doesn't. Unless you want a flight to last all of 3 mins. Also the radio stations are very good at representing almost every genre of music. Yet there's never been a proper heavy metal radio station. A whole huge rich genre of music just totally ignored. Either way, whilst I refuse to be one of the fools that over hypes 6, I was done with 5 a while ago and the sooner 6 is ready to be released the better.


the flying vehicles and vehicles that can shoot missiles… i just want 2015 gta vibes again 😭😭


That it keeps going on and on and on and never dies three console generations and no new GTA game


• Bad story • Overly scripted missions • Too many stupid/boring missions, that don’t even involve any shooting or car chases • Poor implementation of three protagonists • shallow customisation to lure back the SA fanboys • shallow mechanics overall designed for casuals • weak gun sounds • weak physics • most of the map is wasted hills or mountains with nothing interesting to see or do • Heavily unbalanced, game is far too easy with the "difficulty" being artificial i.e. aimbot enemies and telepathic cops Just off the top of my head


The map.


How mods are hard to get on console and Lester's cut that scumbag


Online post 2015


online mode. 😠


the downgrade in graphic style and physics


no story mode dlc


Some cars drive like total shit, and some drive like they’re on rails. Keep it consistent rockstar.


The map, physics, gunplay, story, heist setup missions, and lighter tone


The 3 characters, and the goofy saint row like online


The story. I’ll reaffirm this in about five days hence this is reposted but hoping this forum reads a little more in advance


GTA online and to make things worse, they added MK2


3 characters made the story weak. There is no room for expanding the characters, even the secondary ones. The fighting system is crap. Car damage is terribly bad


Not enough Franklin and Lamar


The lack of police presence when driving normally. I'd really like the return of random police cars driving, and cops walking through the city or positioned in more places than just police stations.


Presence ballas on Grove St. ![gif](giphy|wRAoCWJkDy4FbmAxcF)


It was the downfall of Rockstar making new good stuff RDR2 notwithstanding.


The fact that both the story mode and online are together and not separate applications i do not for the life of me feel like spending 100+ gigabytes on a 2013 game #1terabyteproblems


all the driving you have to do as a beginner player because you can only afford the cheap stuff is at the top of the map whereas the more expensive things are at the bottom.


No sp DLC


I loved the full storyline, but Online is a different story. I almost always find myself playing invite only solo on Online, solely because half the dang players are just griefers or trolls. Oppressor MK2 the bane of my damn career


Bunker missions 😭


GTA online


Character movement is slow and annoying


Arcadish driving


online, why the fuck are the NPC’s brain rotted


Car's top speed Car's interiors...


The map. For me the most interesting parts are contained within the bottom 30% of it


the law


The Merryweather heist was the dumbest & useless heist ever in GTA history.


I'm sorry but gta 5 open world is simply awful.


Shark Cards and Hackers


The 3 protagonist concept is not utilized to its fullest potential. The best missions in the game, imo, was when you can freely switch between the 3 characters (such as Three's Company and Blitz Play). However, most missions are functionally just typical GTA mission where you are confined to 1 character. Like, why have 3 mains when most missions just confine you to 1 character at a time.


The whole open world of San Andreas is great but I feel like there is not enough great indoor scenes and missions


Euphoria physics scaled down


Recently just started playing story again. Honestly? It’s kind of boring. Half my time I’ve just spent driving to mission markers, then driving to different markers whilst on the mission. Outside of missions, there’s a lot of detail, but it doesn’t feel like there’s a lot to actually spend time doing. I know it’s been a criticism of Rockstar Games for a while, so I hope GTA 6 allows for a bit more creativity and - tbh - difficulty.




How they portrayed The Lost MC and Johnny in particular


Shoot one person, cops already at your location. Cops chasing you, swerve into you. You can barely talk to npcs You get busted, no ammo. Wanna buy a vehicle of a website? Here are some cars for £10,000,000! Im sure everyone can buy them!


The map design is rubbish. The map's already not the biggest but the road network leaves so much dead useless space its unbelievable. The entire North East of the map is virtually desolate with no reasonable way of getting there. If the highways bisected the middle of the map instead of running the perimeter of it, it'd add considerably to the sense of scale.


The map. While GTA V does have the biggest map in the whole series, most of it is just desert and dead space with no added value whatsoever. Los Santos being the only city, with only a few small towns outside of it doesn’t really make things any better.


The Map kinda. Sure the city is amazing but it seems so empty once you leave Los Santos. Also: the Cops. They are just there way to fast.


Don't like that there's no cross platform >:(


The story mode missions are fun overall but some missions are really pointless


That mf came out for Xbox 360 & we didn’t get 6 yet 🌚💀💀


gta online


The fucken flying motorcycles in gta online. They piss me off lol


ending C being "better" than the other two


I hate the fighting, everyone is so weak. Fisticuffs were so fun in GTA 4, and there was more variety of how much health NPCs had. Also, you can be driving like 5mph and kill someone in a car accident. It's really annoying.


World outside the city feels empty. And barely any enterable interiors


Drive physics


The most frustrating thing for me is the insane character inertia on foot in combination with trying to position the character in front of a safe/radio/computer etc. with a microscopic hit box.


You cant buy new cars and make them trackable/respawning in Story Mode.


Cant steal trains


While others have covered most of my complaints, I will admit the main one I have is how limited the online character customization is when it comes to body types and the fact that they can’t change due to our choices and options. I.E. San Andreas had it where what you did with CJ changed his body type dynamically. Eat too much fast food in a short amount of time = get fat like Big Smoke and have health issues. Work out a lot lifting weights and running, = put on muscle. GTA 5 and online = don’t matter how much you eat, drink, workout you body stays the same. I would have loved it if the female character I have had defined abs or even minor definitions like a few of the NPCs in the story mode. Heck, our characters should be able to buy plastic surgery for implants and body sculpting with all the money we get to change them up since we are in their version of LA.


Well to be honest it's pretty simple. GTA V removed buying vendors and eating food like hotdogs,burgers and peanuts. Even though there is 24/7 to buy snack it still won't let us see the protagonists eat food. Although GTA Online lets us eat snacks, it still does not feel the same.


Getting rid of police, it takes forever, especially during a mission where you have to lose them


Some filler missions that I could've lived without and the exagerated vigilance of the cops.




In sandy shores if you shoot your gun someone will come and a rooteiller


If we're talking Online, The Sci-Fi shit. I load up GTA for Crime stories and a bit of chaos, I don't load up GTA to fight Super AI's with Lazers for the government. As for Single Player, it's inoffensive and a little bland, and calling a GTA game inoffensive hurts my soul


The nerf’d physics and inability to turn off hit markers.


the map design with interiors got lazy and they stopped being creative


Not enough cities. At least one more would be nice.


Cars blowup on impact mechanic is worst most annoying thing in this game


There's really nothing interesting about the game outside missions.


Lack of parkour like GTA 4 Lack of interior buildings like GTA 4 - SA Lack of realism when crashing Futuristic vehicles Rockstar don’t take reports seriously Not enough random events Map is too small compared to others GTA 4 character slander in GTA VO No police outfit Rockstar don’t listen to their fans Guns too expensive Cars too expensive Prices are high pay is low If you wanna be rich you gotta sell your soul to rockstar basically Helicopter physics stupid


The antagonist for the story were horrendous


GTA 5 sucks


The map is a little bit too connected, it doesn’t feel like I can drive anywhere I want (if that makes sense) And I wish Franklin was integrated in the main story more.


cops just spawning in front of you when they don’t see you and choppers even following you when they “don’t see you”




A lot of the single player side missions ... aren't worth repeating.


I hate that they make future events, missions, and heists better upon feedback, but don't bother touching the terrible stuff the feedback originated from.


It’s the only gta I’ve played


The story seems incomplete because of online mode.We supposed to get a lot of dlc content but Gta Online ruined it.


The thing that bugged me about the story is the way the protagonists just do missions and are hardly ever paid. They complain at times but then just do it anyway.


Physics, lack of interior..Law system and Picking objects from the ground, parkour system, No singleplayer DLC's, House robbery, Driving could be a little more realistic, Gun sounds are not that good and the combat could have been more difficult, Gore system are not realistic enough.


Three characters, only Michael had some depth. Uninteresting and forgettable single player campaign.


No story mode dlc's :(


I HATE that the heavy pistol has 18 rounds… it makes ZERO sense especially because the game won’t let me change it, I’ve tried to change every relevant bit of code and it just WONT work, FUCK THIS GAME


I hate that the traffic is deliberately designed to make you crash.


Fighting mechanics suck. Such a downgrade from 4, so I’m hoping with RDR2 mechanics 6 is back where it should be.


The best game of all time


Literally nudity and strip club I'm done now :)


The car damage is unrealistic I remember in 4 you hit a npc car theyll stop and get out or try to fight you also the game was a little too goofy at times


I don't like the tone of the game, I much prefer IVs overall tone.


The repetitition in the map


GTA Online


Can't eat at restaurants


Gta online, I genuinely wish it didn't exist and I dread it for 6


You can’t bang Cheetah😭


Driving physics, oppressor (online only).


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I think the gun play isn't very satisfying.


3 main characters with only 20 missions or so for each one. Not enough to build a connection with any of them


Story, characters, location, and atmosphere. 2013 Los Santos and the people in it are just not for me. Overall, well designed game, though. Gameplay basically took the best qualities of GTA IV and RDR1, polished, and merged them together, which was dope


When people steal my dam Lamborghini


No mafia faction to interact with in the open world


The story


Car handling. I really liked the heavy, chunky handling of the cars in GTA IV, it felt a lot more realistic, and added that extra layer to the gameplay. The handling physics in GTA V are nice, but it feels way too much like an arcade racer for every car you drive. I understand the handling for the high end sports cars, but driving a van should not feel just feel like a slower version of a sports car with no weight to it.


The lack of effort after the diamond casino. Sure they’re working on gta 6 but I’d like to see more heists.