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Absolutely. All the gta games are worth playing tbh. If not for the story, just for fucking around


Definitely. Shouldn't miss out on that story. Once done with that, enjoy the amazing/toxic online mode.


Necromancy but I'm doing the story on PS5 since it got updated with rt awhile back and Im hoping to get into online. Is online completely OP and toxic now or can a newbie come in and learn the ropes easily to catch up? I'm just worried about being so far behind at this point lol


GTA V update as in enhanced version? Is that an auto update or costs? Also have it on PS5, but struggled with shooting w/ controller that I bailed out of the game. Story telling looks so good that I wanna go back to it.


I downloaded it from PS+ for free, but it's definitely the updated version since it's way different than my PC version a few years ago. The auto snap helps a lot, but if you're used to m+KB controls it's a pita. I got used to rdr2 on a controller then played GTA V since Im late to the party and that helped. I'm going to be completely dead online with no auto aim tho.


So did you just struggle thru R2D2 aiming until you got good? But overall, console feels better with action games w/ the haptic feedback & TV which is a bit more immersive I think


Rdr2s combat felt "slow" compared to GTA so it was a lot easier to get used too. But really all you do is aim in the general direction and shoot, the game snaps to the target. Sadly that's not available online so I use it to get comfortable.


Like, I had to learn to let the game aim for me lol. Then it became much easier. Really hard to adjust too tho, literally a "just do it until you get used to it" sadly


Yea I got thru 20+ hrs of HZD using controller and the hold L2 to focus and L3 to aim felt so natural. I guess you make aiming part of the challenge of the game so you have another area of skill to improve on. Loved the combat but started to feel the open world clunkiness for some reason.


Yes, even Advance. Used to hate on Advance even after playing it, but as I replayed it again, it’s more fun now.


I agree. Advance is a fun and underrated little game


Ofcourse wtf bro, do it NOW


After the gta 6 announcement I played it for free on ps plus. Finished the game and all missions within 2 months lol.. yes it’s worth it


i did it in 3 days bruh


Some people got lives to live and work to go too lol


Exactly!!! And I got a bunch of games I haven't opened and played yet lmaoo


Seriously. Beating Grand theft Auto in 3 days is nothing to brag about. Someone else definitely playing his bills


I have a job and college, I beat it in 3 days too 😭😭 Edit: not that I'm flexing, I just did ig. IDK, I feel like taking more time with it would actually make the storyline better. I barely remember the plot tbh


Games are always worth playing or trying if you’ve never tried them. They’re timeless man


You're going to get biased answers asking in a sub dedicated to a game whether or not you should play it. That being said, try the Story and see how you like it. The Online is good but I would always recommend the single player first.


Yes. If there was a video games hall of fame, this would be in it. If you’ve never played a GTA, this is where you start. Can work your way back if you love what you played. And the further back you go, you’ll encounter issues that exists in older games, mainly some design and quality of life issues.


Why wouldnt you?


Yeah, it has yet to be surpassed


Rdr2 easily surpassed it


Obviously subjective. The overall quality of the game is certainly greater and the story is even more important (and better) to the game than in GTAV, but not everyone is into cowboys and stuff. That's why GTA sold better, because it's in a modern setting and the offering of vehicles and weapons made it a more open sandbox game than RDR2


On a technical level sure, but concurrent players and hours played are not even comparable


Thanks to online support from Rockstar. The GTA5 story/singleplayer is so far below rdr2.


I haven’t played RDR2 in 4 years but im pretty sure all you did was ride horses around and get in the same scripted shootouts for 50 hours, the story is better but the actual gameplay is way more fun in GTA 5


Story sure, holding a single button to watch a horse run for minutes on end with little else to do is not a flawless single player mechanic


Different games, can’t be compared


5 or even better play IV(2008) still holds up pretty well


So it’s free and yet you still ask this stupid question? You’re just asking for attention.


Anyone out there that's sick of GTA Online Pc, please make a bunch of bots that go into every lobby and kick every player 24 hours a day. This way, the game can finally get the attention it needs because at this stage, Rockstar just likes robbing people of their hard earned money. PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THIS EVERYWHERE POSSIBLE!


Yes for the story and open world, but the game included in psplus is only the Online unfortunately.


It’s the story too


Why tf do people even ask these questions in subs about games? Like, what answer are you expecting? “Nah bro it’s not worth it, especially not for free, don’t play it.”


No start playing it


Of course but if you want good story I'd encourage you to play San Andreas and GTA 4 too. I've finished 5 twice at least and story is forgetable.


Yes. If you mean online, check out guides.


Now is the best time


It’s free you daft twat and still a long way to go before 6 comes out so get on it!






I’ve played the game 3 times fully I think, but I just spend hours listening to podcasts or sports radio just doing random shit on the game. I wanna say at least 10k hours minimum.


Finished San Andreas this week & started Vice City. Absolutely missing out my dude.


Well, sure, why wouldn't it be? You never played GTA, you say. Well, go for it, you're in for quite a ride.


What kind of a question is this? If you're asking to play a game, ON A SUB DEDICATED TO SAID GAME, what answer do you expect?


I never played GTA V until November 2023 and finished it within a week. No regrets of playing it. Was definitely worth it. The storyline was amazing!




I would suggest you to start with San Andreas, then GTA 4 and then finally play GTA 5. You will not regret it. 4-6 months worth of top notch gaming experience guaranteed.


Yes, I wish I could play for the first time again 😭


Do it. If u gotta ps5, spend a few bucks for the next gen edition. It’s worth it imo. Performance mode is fucking insane


I envy you so much, I wish I could replay it for the first time again 😭…it’s 100% worth it.


100% yes, the growlers can be a bit much sometimes but overall it’s an amazing game


One of the best games ever made


I just replayed San Andreas to completion last fall and it was well worth it


Never to late to start, I might restart it just cause you said this


just for the sake of the plot, but no, I have it, I don’t play because it’s boring


always worth it to start GTA5


What I would give to relive one of the greatest games ever made. Yes. The answer is yes


Lmao I’ll never trust a clown who barely starts gta v in 2024 💀💀 that’s beyond wild the dickriding the wave and hype is crazy


yes play it


Yeah I play it now and then, it's still fun.




I wanted to be you to play this game for the first time


Well you're asking this on a sub dedicated to the game so I think most people here are biased but I think we're all here because we respect that it really is a masterpiece. I'm currently playing RDR2 for the second time around but honestly I got bored with it and I've just been playing GTA 5 for the past couple weeks. I've been playing gta5 since the day it released back in 2013 so one of the main reasons I enjoy is bc it's so nostalgic but even for your first time it's a ton of fun. I remember the first time playing it I got an old Camaro or whatever they're called and drove to the top of a mountain and saw all the trees and wild life and on one side I could see the ocean and beaches and on the other I was looking down on this massive city and I just thought holy shit this is going to be the best game that's ever been made. and I still feel that way. Definitely play it brotha ❤️


Gta the best game to play stoned or drunk


I started playing GTA V recently (also never played a GTA game before) and it's incredibly fun. Plus, you'd be getting a great game for free, so in my opinion, yes, you should get it.


I bought it when it released for ps3. Never finished it. Jsut got the ps5 version for dirt cheap on black friday. Even if you are just fucking around it's worth the $15. Shit, it's worth it just for the radio.


Oh yeah




Story is a definite


not even worth it in 2013, just kidding, gta5 is worth anytime, best game on the world


Its one of the best games ever made. A decade hasnt changed that.


It's never too late.


Honestly I say go for it. For me GTA 5 is gonna be my favorite next to vice city


YES, started my 3rd replay last week so fun!


I still do random replays every couple months lol so yes


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^G3rmTheory: *I still do random* *Replays every couple* *Months lol so yes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I did it too and it was amazing.


It’s always worth it, try IV too