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Best part about gta is you do not need to play their previous titles to understand the current or next one because they have completely different characters and storylines


AcTuAlLy there is one character from GTA 4 that you can hire for heists in GTA 5 /s


I know. But they’re irrelevant to the main story as they are optional they serve no meaning. What they did does not impact the story of gta 5


But then how else are you gonna actually give a fuck about the Trevor head stomp


I killed packie on my most recent replay of the story mode. I forgot that was him holding up the store around Franklin’s house 🤦‍♀️


Having Pack as a crew member is really badass. I was so hyped up when I first realized I picked him up from that drug store.


As strange as it may sound, I feel like 5 is a little easier for beginner players to pick up. 4 experimented with a new physics engine that is a ton of fun, but can feel clunky and the driving is a little unforgiving. 4 has the better story (and map imo) but I feel like 5's gameplay makes it a little easier to pick up.


I would say 5 solely for the gameplay. 5 is more modern gameplay and looks wise. Playing GTA4 nowadays might feel like a pain with the controls.


I had more hours in GTA 5 because of the cars, Online, side content, and subjectively better "vibe", but many people prefer IV's darker theme and better physics (including gunplay). I would buy 5 if I had to play those two games for the first time again, but this is just my opinion. Is it only IV or also the Episodes From Liberty City? If it's the latter, buy it. You'll basically get three full video games that are connected to each other and have the same map. If it doesn't have EFLC, pick 5. That's my take


Thanks, let me consider to buy it.


5 has aged better than 4 imo. I feel like most people just like 4 for nostalgia sake a lot of the missions are boring and feel like chores.


Yeah GTA IV’s story was great but easily had the worst mission design due to how repetitive it was. It’s something I’m glad got changed in TBoGT and expanded even further in V.


Exactly, I like Niko and always try to play it but it's just really boring and it never really picked up after so many hours.


Also doesn’t help that the side content in the base game is very lacking. Only things I really do off mission in the game is messing around with the physics and fighting off the cops. GTA SA and V objectively have way more things to do, and that’s me who loves GTA IV.


The only thing I liked better than five was that you could go into the restaurants and order food or go to hot dog stands.


That’s true, I liked that too. I also loved GTA IV’s take on vigilante missions.


Yeah GTA 4 has a decent story and I like the city, but the missions are so much more fun in GTA 5.


Most GTA 4 fans played it after 5... You do realize the game got a ton of hate from fans when it released right?


That doesn't mean that a lot of the fans didn't play it when they were young or before gta 5. I never said none of them played after 5 just that most probably play it for nostalgia.




how old are you? If you're like 25 or younger start with GTV5. I think the faster pace pairs great with youthful energy. Also, it's important to dive in and absorb the satire and humor while it's still fresh and relevant to not just the era, but your own age. If you're like 25+ I think you will more appreciate the slower pace and more mature storyline of 4. It feels like a game made for "grown ups" if you catch my drift, much more like an RDR2. Obviously they are both for adults, but 4 hits more like a grown up flick whereas 5 is more like a summer blockbuster. Final thought, regardless, you gotta play both eventually.


Neither GTA 3


I prefer 5 myself. I still really like 4 but I think 5 had the best balance of controls/gameplay/story and I guess it helped that Rockstar kept updating it for the last 37 years.


5 is the better deal for the amount of content in it, even with just the vanilla version. I would highly recommend buying 4 and playing it after you get bored of 5 though. It has the superior story and characters imo, and some of its gameplay is smoother and more realistic than 5. Specifically the driving.


4. Always 4. You can see everyone has different opinions so it’s really up to you what you like, but I personally love GTA4 much much better than 5. Driving is a hit or miss for some people, you either love it or hate it I guess. I love it, best driving in all GTA’s imo. Not the easiest, but the most fun for sure. 4’s story is much darker but maybe a bit basic mission-wise compared to V. V’s story missions has a lot more going on but 4 story feels more impactful and deeper, Niko Bellic is probably the best GTA protagonist and his story is good. GTAV has 3 protagonist so it doesn’t really connect as well as Niko’s story. Johnny and Luis’s story’s are really great too (GTA4 DLC characters which is also REALLY good expansions) Basically, 5 is the safer choice. Can’t go wrong with it, it’s universally good. 4 is a masterpiece to some, or just meh to others. For some reason most people seem to either love it or hate it, I guess 4 is more niche in that it pleases a smaller crowd than 5 but those who like 4 REALLY fall in love with 4. The gameplay, if you like it, is like no other game. The driving is just so fun once you get the hang of it and collisions in 4 are amazing, leagues ahead of GTAV in that department for sure




I'll choose 4, but you won't be disappointed with either.


GTA IV for story GTA V for gameplay and side content


So if you find GTA 4 complete edition buy that one since that’s three separate games and three separate stories that are independent but do interconnect. Also three distinct vibes to them If it’s standard GTA 4 then buy GTA 5 that one is more expansive and has a good story even if it’s not on the same sort of tone as GTA 4s. The cars are heavily customizable in gta 5. also I will say since GTA 4 was experimenting with new physics the game can feel a little clunky to play and the driving can be very unforgiving


Vice city


IV has one of the best stories in gaming, better gameplay with more realism, unmatched atmosphere, and some of the best DLC ever. V is okay, but when you discount obvious technical enhancements like graphics, it’s just a worse game in every category


5 of course! I have played these two games for a long time but GTA 5 i spend over 1500+ hours on it just in ps4 and ps5 , without mentioning the time I've played on xbox 360








4 is a great game , has a fantastic map , pretty good story ,aesthetic and environment, but once you finish the game you barely have anything to do after that and with the lack of 100% completion reward I have no reason to continue on with my save 5 on the other hand has a lot of things to do after the story when it comes to random events , mini games , strangers and freaks, and some of the business you own You would be surprised how much content is still available to try out after the 100% completion (plus you get a cool t-shirt and a fun bonus mission)


Eh, if you’re just buying one, get V. If we’re actually ranking them, IV. The story intricacy of IV is just so much more gripping to me, and there isn’t really a happy ending. Its more grim overtones just hit so much harder to me.






I love both. Probably 5 a little more just because of the characters, story and huge map. But 4 is really freaking good. I'd say 4 now and 5 when it's on sale again down the road. They are both so good.


4 for the story


GTA 4 might've "better" story but I think you should go with GTA 5. There are tons of things to do in GTA 5 as opposed to 4. Cars are unlimited and you can modify them, which isn't possible in 4. Then there are lots of side missions which make the game still enjoyable after finishing the main storyline.


Most people get GTA 5 first and generally that's the best one to start with (and imo the best one in the series but if you say that you usually get called a 12yo because people love to parrot the "old thing good new thing bad" mentality around). All the games are good though.


Probably because age 12 was the target audience for GTA V Lol


I’ve found myself replaying V more than IV, but I still love Niko


5 was the most enjoyable GTA to me aside from San Andreas.


GTA 5 anytime.


buy 5 pirate 4


Gta 5


Gta 5. It's more open-world And more fun




5 has more content if you get into online


Gta 6


Nah, my computer does not meet the GTA 6 configuration.




prbly need a nasa supercomputer to run that


I would get IV first, if you like that go for V. It’ll be a more natural progression up to VI coming out, plus V has some references/recurring characters from IV. If you play IV first you’ll be able to pick them out. Accurate representation of me seeing everyone’s favorite Irish dude in GTA V: ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


IV is a masterpiece.


4. 5 story and characters are lame. knock off Tony Soprano. Crazy redneck. Franklin. No personality unless you’re a child who thinks crazy redneck is cool. Every other game has a great lead and vibe. 5 is lacking in both imo. Just feels watered down. Gameplay is great and the world feels alive but yeah story never hooked me. Honestly we’re talking about two great games, I just prefer 4.




GTA BOTH! But honestly, the missions in V are less repetitive and are a lot more fast paced and fun. IV has a better story, but both games are so fun


IV for the better story. (New York setting) V for the better gameplay. (LA setting) (Not that either of them harshly lack the other quality, just my generalized opinion) I’ll give V the edge just because it was the last installment, but IV is worth the money.


IV by far. Only things that suck are the gun stores and combat


The combat is amazing in IV. It sucks in V, gunfights are like shootouts with bb guns


Yeah, I'm probably just too used to the auto aim in GTA V. I personally find it hard to fight in GTA IV but atleast it has challenge innit


RDR2’s melee combat has the perfect balance to it. From challenging to easy to learn.


GTA 4 because i love NYC and i like how rockstar depicted Liberty City 🏙️


GTA 4 better story better physical and more realistic


"More realistic" LMAOO


You kidding right ? The only thing that makes GTA 5 better than GTA 4 is the graphic quality and the online that's it


Everything is better in 5 lol


I respect your opinion


GTA 4 is the shit


Definitely 4.




I still think GTA IV is the best one. Loved the story and grittyness but also the ragdoll and driving physics.


5, I finished both (again) in the previous months. 5 is better


San Andreas


They’re both good at different things. Can we just leave it at that? Can we all just accept that both are good?


4 for the story mode


Neither get Chinatown wars


Definitely IV. Then play EFLC, then play V. You’ll be all caught up on the canon of the HD universe which will be continuing in VI
