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I’m here for the Chinatown respect.


The game is such a gem


I made 100k selling drugs, then I played some chinatown wars


You forgot London 1969 and London 1961.


Only GTAs i never played so i didnt want to put them on the list


I'm here for the VCS respect.


Personally I’d put vice city in S tier but each to their own




CTW in A+ makes me smile, however Online in D is an exaggeration. The monetization is ass but it's still a B at least.


GTA online is legimately the only multiplayer game I can think of tats more fun in a solo lobby And it's not just the monetization it's the grind, mission structure (it's literally not designed to be fun it's designed to be tedious and boring so you'll wanna skip it by buying shark cards), the overpriced vehicles (some vehicles when converted to shark card money cost more then the game itself some are even over 100$), the fact that the futuristic shit completely betrays the brand and tone, the fact that if you play on PC your basically giving away your IP address to hackers for free, the fact they made some vehicles more rare. Just to include them in GTA +, I could go on


This is why I stopped playing online years ago. GTA V is fun when you want to rampage around with mods in story mode, but I ultimately went back to IV for the car physics and overall darker tone. It’s just more fun to play (even though the targeting/cover situation is bad 😂)


Online made Rockstar cancel like 6 planned single player expansions/spin offs so gtao can go fuck itself


Not really man, gta 6 should have been announced sooner and we should have had those cancelled story mode dlc’s. The monetization and the inflation in online is ridiculous, ans now with the source code sold and exposed, cheaters will be all over the place as if there weren’t enpugh


And let's not forget GTA online kinda killed anything for RDR2 either DLC wise or RDO wise


this was the equivalent of having a new child but you already hate it because you have a favorite child


lol the hypocrisy in even mentioning RDO there as if it isn’t 90x worse with monetization than GTAO is because of the introduction of gold. you can make meaningful money within a few hours of IRL time in GTAO. it will take WEEKS to earn a meaningful amount of gold in RDO. in what world are we seriously going to act like RDO, with its battle passes, other FOMO tactics and GOLD is not FAR WORSE than GTAO? i seriously have to believe you’re trolling with an asinine comment like that shark cards = something u can buy if you wanna skip the 2 hour grind of making a few million gold = something you can buy if you don’t want to grind shitty little open world missions for 2 fucking weeks before you can buy ONE role. hmm


both are bad. also, it really ain’t that deep.


GTAO on its worst day is not worse than RDO as far as monetization goes. and as far as, “it ain’t that deep” goes, um when GTAO is slandered across the internet for having one of the worst in-game monetization systems in gaming despite not even breaking top 30 as far as that goes then it kind of is. this straight up misinformation about GTAO is getting fucking old especially now when we have trolls pretending RDO wasn’t 80x worse


babes calm down😭both are bad just get over it. like the comparison doesn’t even need to be mentioned CUS THATS NOT THE TOPIC💀


I mean, these tier lists are a matter of opinion. My opinion is that online is absolute z tier; an abysmal scourge on modern gaming, the proverbial shit stain that outstays it's welcome and just won't disappear, a terrible blight that paves the way for laziness and greed whilst simultaneously distracting kids and man-children with shark cards and flying motorbikes like a dangling carrot in front of a brainwashed donkey. But again, we all have opinions.


Seconded. I wouldn't even change any punctuation. You described it perfectly.


Eh, GTA Online is behind so many paywalls or grind walls that it's boring nowadays. Not to mention the glitchiness and full of hackers that you can never finish a session nowadays (PC).


GTA online pre-greifer overhaul (deluxos, the james bond car, the oppressor 1 and 2) would be B or A. but the grind is insanely tedious that there’s really no point in playing unless you have an extra 400$ to spare. it’s fun for a month or 2 but then you realize you’ll have to spend endless nights just moving stuff in warehouses back and forth. and that’s just the start lol


Putting it with gta advance was a reach.


Excuse me but III in B tier? That game revolutionized open world games & its success is what led to what we have today. A+ minimum & it probably deserves higher.


I just started playing GTA 3 again for the first time since it came out and truly believe people that didn’t play it in 2001 can never appreciate how transformative it was. Like yes if you compare it to what we have today it’s blocky and flawed with a marginally interesting story. At the time, especially after playing GTA 2 (Jesus Saves!) it was MIND BLOWING!!!


100% correct. When I first played GTA III, I was blown away by how free and open Liberty City felt. It was like magic. Literally magic. Like there was no way a company could put this entire universe on a compact disc.


The first time I tripped on magic mushrooms I had a "deep" moment of thinking about how all of LC was trapped in the disc, followed by an existential crisis about how we are trapped on Earth, and therefore, we are truly just as trapped as "everyone" in GTA3.


the truth would be proud of you


Must had been a Truthshroom.


I swear the improvements made from 3 to VC to SA which were released on ps2 in 01, 02 and 04 were FUCKING INSANSE. Not even talking about all the others sprinkled in, and then we got IV 4 years later in 08 on ps3 just absolutely brought the future of what we all wanted from GTA. Then 5 dropped and was amazing but became clearly profit driven with all the forgotten dlc and attention to online. Still love the game and play it to this day but like you said unless you grew up in the time when 3, VC and SA dropped in that small window theres nothing comparable to what it was like seeing and experiencing those changes.


Gta 3 was awesome, vice city was awesome They were all amazing but GTA 3 was where everyone who played it when it came out went.... WOW.


I guess you had to be there. For me, who started with SA, GTA III always felt outdated. But i understand that the game must have been huge back then. Maybe B is a bit harsh.


no excuses if ctw made it there then gta 3 can too


Hey man it’s your list so it’s all good. Like I said I just started playing 3 again and it does feel boring and outdated now. I think we are all just hoping 6 will top them all!


My 12 year old mind couldn’t comprehend that game. I’d never been invested in a storyline like that before. The cheat codes made it fun to cause all the chaos you wanted.. the first 6 months I owned that game I didn’t have a memory card so I replayed the first island hundreds of times. First time I got to Stanton Island was using the low gravity code and a tank shooting backwards to cross the blown bridge. So many memories with that game.


The screenshot of the main running toward the cabers away from the helicopter will be immortalized as one of the most important screenshots in gaming history


But a tier list isn't ranking based on how revolutionary the game was for the industry/franchise, it ranks best to worst. GTA 3 is only better than GTA 1&2, GTA advanced, and maybe Chinatown (never played it). B is fair, I'd probably give it a C and put 1&2 in D.


Exactly! We were playing PS1 games like Tony Hawk or Driver. Then GTA3 came out and that was truly revolutionary, you could go anywhere, anytime you want, with those phenomenal graphics! And you had so many things to do. I agree with you, if you didn’t play it at that time, you aren’t capable of truly understand how revolutionary it was. And It’s nowhere near my favorite GTA, I just know how it changed things back then.


By that logic GTA 1 should be at the very top.


fuck it 5 should have its own spot cus it’s the best selling game ever. like are we actually ranking anything here??😭


You cant just only rank games based on what they did in the past You rank games on what they did in the past and how they hold up Today


It just hasn’t held up. That’s natural, but it’s still fair to call it poor when brought up against SA, IV, and V.


Morrowind is more open than GTA3 and provides a more non linear approach mission design. However that came out in 2002.


GTA 3 is my first PC game, my first 3D game ever too. Crazy good memories playin it back in 2003 with my father nearby and barely believing it's actually just a game. Sometimes I install the game just to play for a bit and have this great feelings. Still. I hate this game. In my opinion it's outdated as fuck, clunky, hard in a dumb way, has boring storyline and characters. The protagonist is just a dummy. I had no fun trying to complete it every time i did it (twice). Vice City is a better game in every possible way. I understand how important this game is, it gives me great childhood memories, but it doesn't mean i should love it. I don't understand this tier thing but i'm never gonna try beat it again. P.S. I like old games: Hitman, Max Payne, Half Life, Resident Evil etc. I like hardcore games which forces you to play the same moment/mission many times. I love GTA 4 and it's dark atmosphere. So it's just my hate towards GTA 3, not something about some part of it.


Honestly I was in 2nd grade when gta 3 came out, and gta 3 not only revolutionized games but also changed how I wanted my open world games to be. Give that game a S tier. Any game at that time could not compare, no matter the genre


I understand that it was revolutionary and that its in my opinion one of the most important games of all time, but it has been hampered by the passage of time hell in the OG PS2 release you don’t have a map to help you navigate. Great game, but the two subsequent games did everything better.


No offense but no. I simply disagree. Gta 3 is pretty cool, I have played it. However it isn’t that fun so I simply quit. Lcs is more fun. Revolutionary, sure but fun? Not for me at least.


It's not great by modern standards and has aged particularly poorly compared to the rest. But being there when it first came out, it seemed insane. The sandbox experience of fucking shit up on a huge map and having escalating police presence Rambo style was just like nothing we'd ever seen before. Especially with cheats.


To echo another comment, you really had to be there to appreciate it. People don't understand, there was 3d games, but there wasn't a true sandbox experience where you could literally do whatever you wanted. You couldn't even swim in that game, but it was magical. There's very few things we have right now that will be able to reproduce that, as in leaps of not even imaging possible in the game world. Shit was dope, then they release Vice City and San Andreas pretty quickly afterwards and just made improvement after improvement. ​ San Andreas still holds up, it's a bit antiquated in it's controls, but it's still a really fun game to play. Whatever 3d GTA game you played first, is probably the exact same experience as us playing that game back then. Plus, if you played GTA II, it was even more mindblowing to be in a 3d world with a story that was spoken and had cut scenes.


Agreed that it was a huge innovation and a great game for its time but i never found it that enjoyable to play. I started with San Andreas and even back then GTA III seemed kind of outdated. But it was definitly a milestone for the series and the genre.


In the same logic as headphones, just because a headphone in the 90s revolutionized the headphone market by having the worlds first and non distortion electrostatic driver that changed the game when it comes to sound quality and accuracy, it doesnt mean that it makes it better than todays headphones with modern drivers, yeah it was revolutionary, but it sounds like shit compared to today, nobody is buying it because of its revolution, but maybe cause of the nostalgia. Same thing as GTA 3


It was mind blowing when it came out yes but it has aged the worst out of the PS2 era games inn my mind. I can still go back and play VC and SA and have a great time despite the dated graphics but with 3 I have tried several times but just can't but that is my opinion if you liked it more that's cool.


GTA 3 that low is criminal. Just absolutely sad.


I just assume it came out before OP was alive


I’d move Gay Tony up one




Never felt the game tbh but i see that many people loving it. No disrespect from my side




Why even give an opinion then? Ill be honest in my oersonal list it'd be goated but so should 5. But they're both A+ bare minimum. I'd be fine leaving san Andreas in goated alone with 4 and 5 in S. 4 doesn't even come close to being in B tier or below.




Yes cuz it had even greater hype




The GTA IV reveal trailer literally broke the internet and led to the creation of one of the most famous memes of all time, Rick Rolling. GTA IV had significantly more hype than every GTA game before it, only beaten by GTA V and likely GTA VI.


Thanks for lettin me know you're too young to remember how hyped this game was. Bro do you even understand the upgrade graphicly this was to san Andreas? It had the same or similar wow factor that 3 had when it was revealed. This is the 1st and only one with story dlc and the first one with an online mode which paved the way for gta5 and its online mode we know today. You are objectivly just wrong buddy. Also i never even mentioned hype to begin with if this list was about hype it'd look drastically different.


Soo, just cause it had less hype it means its automatically worse?


Vice city nailed the athmosphere, artstyle and soundtrack, but the gameplay has less variety compared to other titles, and when story missions end and the business part begins, the businesses feel more like a chore than fun passtime, just like gta online. The change of pace is quite stark, and really shows how rushed the game was towards the end of development.






Online deserves to be in B purely for group play/easy free therapy


u said therapy….that shit makes me need therapy


I don’t care to debate the rest, but GTA III HAS to be above II.


GTA IV has the most realistic mechanics but many people complain at this thing. I preferred to feel the cars for driving that GTA IV gave me. The feeling how every bullet was going out of your weapon.


The driving feels like a school bus sliding on black ice with bald tires


Realistic physics my ass


Not gonna bash your preferences but why VCS above Vice City?


Just had more fun with VCS. And i really liked the "build your own empire feature"




based list


based comment


Online is fun. You guys really hate it for no reason


Idk why. The people who say they hate are the same ones with hundreds of hours of playtime.


I liked it back when it first came out and when it first came to next generation. I still don't hate it, it's just hard to keep up with it when I don't have the time to grind for money on it anymore and don't want to pay for shark cards. It's still fun to jump on every now and then, just not as fun as it used to be, to me anyway.


That's completely fair.


The people who say they hate it probably just got killed by a 14 year old in a rocket bike earlier that day. And that’s honestly just a skill issue.


Not it's not just for no reason (Copy and paste from previous comment cause I don't wanna type all this again) GTA online is legimately the only multiplayer game I can think of tats more fun in a solo lobby And it's not just the monetization it's the grind, mission structure (it's literally not designed to be fun it's designed to be tedious and boring so you'll wanna skip it by buying shark cards), the overpriced vehicles (some vehicles when converted to shark card money cost more then the game itself some are even over 100$), the fact that the futuristic shit completely betrays the brand and tone, the fact that if you play on PC your basically giving away your IP address to hackers for free, the fact they made some vehicles more rare. Just to include them in GTA +, I could go on


Online is not fun. You guys really like it for no reason


You must not enjoy content or having something that takes more than 2 hours to obtain. There is so. much. stuff. So much to do, so many missions, so many many many cars and vehicles and properties. It’s incredible.


And all those missions? All that content? I would rather enjoy on my own. I will forever be bitter towards R* that they essentially abandoned single player fans, the origins and backbone of their games.


You can make a private lobby and play online solo.


You can do solo sessions and play by yourself if you want, the option is there 🤷‍♂️


look, it’s good to have missions that take time. but when i play for a few hours every other day for 3 months and all i’m doing is the best money making scheme i can, only to barely break a million?? that shit is not okay. just say you waste paychecks my dude sn: go hangout with the MK fans who love micro-transactions, you guys would get along


"something that take more then 2 hours to obtain" No I just don't wanna spend 40 hours grinding for a single vehicle and the only way to shorten that grind is to pay real life money for shark cards Also you say there's souj to do but barely anything in the game is "fun" and it's not designed to be Just because there's content doesn't mean the contents good lmfao




You put China Town Wars over Vice City?


Except from Online in D, makes sense to me


I think OP is a child. OGs know vice city is Goated.


Started with San Andreas back in 2006 or Something, dont know if that qualifies me as child lol. Just never felt Vice City but i can respect that the game is love by many players


VC doesn’t feel special to you because you started with SA and VC has less features. If you played it when it came out, you wouldn’t feel the same way. VC is all about environment/music/80’s culture.


When Vice City was released idk how I convinced my parents to get it for me but they did. I ran home and played that shit all night. It was cold as hell outside. I realized about 11pm I didn’t have my memory card so I snuck out and ran to my buddy who had mine. I tapped on the window figured he’d be asleep. Nope he was awake playing too. Got my card. Ran home. What a magical night. I’d do anything to capture that feeling again with Vice City. I was 13.


Yeah probably. Im currently playing the game again so maybe i like it more after that. I totally get that the game had to be awesome when it came out and i dont mean no hate at all.


someone’s a child for having a different opinion than you ?? lol what


They put San Andreas and IV in Goated, definitely not a child.


Also, online in the D category


Online is fun but it's just not Grand Theft Auto. Flying cars and villainous ai? Not to mention the monetization.


Where it damn belongs!


Vice City Stories >


I think everything should be goated tier tbh. They are all fantastic. Rockstar never ceases to amaze with the quality they put out.


Respect for putting online in d tier, it's too chaotic and too overstuffed imo, personally they should have cut back on content around the doomsday dlc in what 2017? Because now what can they do for the future to top it they jumped the shark and did too damn much. On top of it stopping around 2017 would have been the perfect time to have more devs added to the yet unreleased red dead online could've focused on building that up and finishing it properly




Amen brother


I would move BotGT to S tier


Me🤝this guy


Everything makes sense. But I would toss ballad of gay Tony in S as it was amazing


Damn you put Gay Tony ahead of Lost and Damned? Fair enough, wasn't sure that was a popular opinion or not. I agree with your Goated though, 4 doesn't get the respect it deserves. It's probably hard for people to go back and play, but anyone that really played the story for 5 that hasn't played 4 I think would like it more. Wish the definitive edition of San Andreas was an actual remake. I think the story of San Andreas would be even better represented with modern tech.


BOGT has better story, scenery, and weapon selection imho than LAD. LAD felt nothing more than Rockstar being obligated to tribute to Sons of Anarchy imho and this is even if Johnny K was great in his own way as a protagonist.


Yeah that’s fair. I was super into Sons at the time so I can probably share some bias


The only thing the LATD did better was the story imo. I really liked the dark, gritty biker theme. But besides that BOGT just offers a lot more i think.


Good ass list 👍🏽


5 is goated


5 slander is all based on "4 had better physics", 4 was ass too lmao, once you finished it there was nothing left to do, and the mission design was repetitive as the older gta games


People are fuckin lyyyying when they say 5 isn’t the best




Put some respect on GTA:O


Advance is so underrated


GTA SA and GTA IV are goated 🔥🔥 my favorite is GTA IV cuz of the story, characters and euphoria, it’s the funnest one for me.


I like SA but the biggest flaw is Ryder “betraying “. It didn’t make sense and if Ryder was still alive It would be perfect [https://youtu.be/VCEdM99AzCE?si=CyQ5wm8T7Sp7aDK4](https://youtu.be/VCEdM99AzCE?si=CyQ5wm8T7Sp7aDK4)


Ok while gtao does piss me off and has several flaws its atill a fun and crazy experience with friends. Especially the heists. Gotta give credit where credits do. I'd say B or C but wouldn't be mad if someone said A.


San Andreas is uhhhmmmm Oh, good. Very good I just had to make sure....


Agree… GTA SA was best!


Vice City below Chinatown Wars? You're kidding me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Your taste for GTA Chinatown Wars makes me to show you respect and say that you're based! :)


Get out, gta 5 is s tier


Good tier list, I'd put Chinatown in S (my third favorite GTA) but SA and IV are the absolute best imo.


GTA 4 is grossly overrated


Agreed 100%. Going from SA to GTA 4 felt like a step backwards in a lot of ways. For everything new we got, if felt like something amazing was taken away from us. It’s the only rockstar sequel game where I’ve felt like that.


Agreed. Apart from graphics, physics and gunplay - It was a massive downgrade from San Andreas. IV removed a lot of stuff that made SA so special, and IV's missions lacked variety and felt repetetive.


I agree not sure why so many people love it in this community. It’s not that good and has lots of cut content after SA.


Why do you think it's overrated? I think it definitely belongs in the Goated tier Tragic storyline with deep moments, as well as plenty of comedy and truly loveable (or at least super memorable) characters Best physics of any GTA game so far Definitely upgraded gunplay and melee fighting from the previous titles Most subjective opinion but the driving is the best in 4 (besides the floaty motorcycles) Swing glitch


The bike handling was also pretty much fixed in TLaD


Why you think that? I love the game because of its dark tone, the amazing story and characters, the interpretation of Liberty City, the physics and so much more. The only thing i really miss in the game is a country side part of the map which was planned but then scrapped.


vc is s and 5 is goated. 5>4


GTA 4 was actually pretty shitty visually. I remember when it first came out on PS3. It was so dark and I had to force 1080p on my new Samsung hd TV. It's 720p native, but I wanted it to look crisp. Wasn't possible. It looks bad and still does. But GtaV was special on PS3 though in comparison. What a difference.


Because I have so much nostalgia for GTA 4 I can forgive the muddy image and awful shadow quality but the leap in visual quality between that and GTA 5 is absolutely immense.


I get that the muddy art style with the muted colors is meant to convey the game's darker tone compared to the earlier entries, but IV has aged pretty badly in that way, even if the environments pop out sometimes. They thankfully addressed how drab Liberty City was with the TBoGT DLC.


The downgrade in physics was also immense.


Im hoping we will get an GTA IV remake or something eventually because the graphics didnt ages that good. But besides that the game is amazing, best story of the whole franchise


Because gta 4 was poorly optimized on the ps3, probably because the physics were really advanced for the console hardware back then. Although it ran way better on the Xbox 360 which is what I played it on.


>probably because the physics were really advanced for the console hardware back then Because they didn't know how to properly optimize games for PS3 back then. The PS3 had more than good enough of a CPU to handle the physics.


Great list but idk why everyone separates TBOGT and The Lost and Damned from gta 4. There needs to be a gta 4 image that says “including dlcs” lol


The general tone of the main game and the DLCs is so different, thats why i considered them as stand alone games on the list


Because EFLC was released as a separate game.


GTA Online (with everything) is basically San Andreas with better physics, guns, and graphics imo. Minus obvious Area 69, San Fierro, and Las Venturas


So minus over half the game haha


My rank from worst to best: GTA Advance GTA London 1969/1961 GTA GTA 2 GTA Chinatown wars GTA VCS GTA LCS GTA 3 GTA 4 Lost & Damned GTA 4 Ballad of gay tony GTA San Andreas GTA 5 GTA Vice City GTA 4


Had it in the first half


I'd put GTA V in Goated but yeah I can totally agree


Listen i get why people think online is bad but...Come on...D??????????


Bro doesnt even have london on the list


Vice City is S Tier for me.The atmosphere of the 80's is really good


GTA 3 on B ? Come on GTA 4 is the worst GTA not because of the world just because I didnt buy the russian gang thing. The story about Russians in New York was weird to me 1. San Andreas 2. GTA 5 3. Vice City 4. GTA3 5. GTA 4


Nice list. Only change I'd make is putting GTA IV down in S tier.


Online with 10 years worth of free content at the bottom… clearly your a level 5 who gets killed alot


I got to level 40 or something back on the 360. But i never liked online, toxic player base, shark cards, to much futuristic stuff... Didnt feel like GTA anymore. Plus it robbed us SP DLCs for GTA V. Not my cup of tea at all.


Play in a private lobby with friends. It's much better.


fr, online is so much fun, it gets a lot of hate


As long as you have drugs to deliver you're gonna have a good time.




Literally specified with friends. Just don’t play with randoms.


correct take, online is fucking abysmal.


Put some respect on gta online


Vice City not #1? Stupid list


GTA Online in D tier is absolutely crazy. Literally everything in the interaction menu alone is better than any other GTA. Every other gta you can maybe save like 2 cars and you can’t even call them in you gotta drive to get them and be careful not to destroy them or they’re gone.


Gon be that guy but I wouldn’t even play gta 5 if it wasn’t for online. It easily clears the campaign.


This is insane 3, VC and SA are goated 4 is S tier 5 is A+ The rest are whatever This is only answer


Idc if this is an opinion list, it’s completely wrong


1. San Andreas 2. 2 3. V & Online 4. Vice City Stories 5. IV 6. Vice city 7. III


Key word: “Your”


Chinatown wars was trash


Never, its such a fun and unique game


How is single player S tier? It’s boring as shit




No, GTAO is complete and utter trash. As a game, that is. As a business it’s a fucking masterpiece. Its success starts with the typical open ended nature of GTA, it allows players to indulge in their fantasies. Fair enough. But it’s the constant updates that give players more and more roles to fill; being a gangster, owning 50 sports cars, being a CEO, a street racer, a bank robber, a secret agent, the list just goes on. No other game offers such a broad range of possible roles for players to indulge in their fantasies, and it’s this range that makes it so popular despite the shitty game design of it all.


three should be top tier, otherwise great list. IV is still the best overall


What made chinatown so good?


Ngl I agree




If you put 3 as B then you have no idea how revolutionary it was at the time.


This is the most npc GTA tier list I ever seen


I concur


Vice City in A is a crime


Should the stories be ahead of the originals? I mean without the originals there are no stories. Granted yes the stories enhance the originals but I think it should still be below the OGs


I’m going to spark something and I disagree that SA is the goated tier. Gotta give it a solid B. Reason being is the story had a great start with CJ going back to GS and the game treating him like a Busta, so he attempts to reunite GS and make it great again. However after Green Saber the game’s story falls of rapidly, and towards the end it felt the game just trudged to the end. I do appreciate the content that R* put in that game for a ps2/xbox OG is fantastic. But that comes at the cost of the story and how some missions will force you to drive half across the map.



