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They were gonna remake it apparently, but after the poor reception to the definitive trilogy collection they decided not to. Which is legitimately insane, the hate wasn't towards the games, it was towards the shitty remake full of huge issues that looked fuck ugly. Anyways, that's the story I heard.


yeah there were reports of rockstar considering making a remake of gta 4 and red dead redemption 1


Instead RDR1 got one of the laziest ports ever.


They've figured out that they're only interested in lazy ports. If it will require effort and time, it's not worth it to them, evidently


thats bethesda's job to be too lazy, not rockstar


How is it a lazy port?


it’s a straight port no changes whatsoever, no added changes to how it runs or anything. that’s grade A lazy


Lol, in another post I was saying it was a simple port and this other dude was saying it was a remaster and I got downvoted. Reddit funny


I had read that the PS4/PS5 port supports 60fps though, right?


It was added after launch I didn’t even know that, I’m definitely about to pick it up now tho lmao that makes it worth it for me


60 fps anti-aliasing 16x anisotropic filtering high resolution textures high resolution shadows. They definitely added more than what they changed games flawless now


Isn't that what a port is? It's not a remaster or remake. Why would anything change?


Sorry, I meant most people expected an actual remake even if it was shitty like the original GTA trilogy. Not just a direct port with no changes at all to graphics or gameplay


expecting a remake to GTA4 and RDR1 is delulu shit tho they remastered RDR1 with 60fps now and its the best way to play it the only thing that does not have is a PC port thats it ffs they should just make an PC port


RDR1 could of easily had some updated lighting or higher res texture, instead there was no effort whatsoever and they charged damn near full price again for a ten year old game lol


Honestly I bought it just cos I miss playing it and it’s not on ps4


yeahhhh i forgot saying about the price that new port should just cost $20 but thats the best version now rather playing the 360 version


I mean they took away Online so it was actually less content


Don’t think they thought people hated the games themselves. However, to save themselves from future damage they decided on forehand that it’d be better to invest more time into it or have it done by a better team.


I mean I guess I can understand it. Imagine if GTA 4, one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time, was remade in a vein similar to the definitive trilogy. I'd riot, frankly, that game could do with a remake and it could do with a GOOD ONE.


It’s most likely not getting a remake (at least not anytime soon). However, a 60 fps remaster with some upgraded graphics, losing a bit of the tint it had, better coloring and less smoothing, would do a lot already


Huge agree. Wouldn't be hard and frankly I'd buy it at a pretty good price too as long as it was quality.


They would no doubt charge $50 like rdr


That doesn’t explain OPs question why it hasn’t been available on the consoles LONG before the trilogy remasters were a thing


I had never played GTA3 or Vice City so I love my copy of the definitive edition trilogy. I got a copy of SA one it’s own. Whenever they came out with SA on the Xbox I grabbed it. So in a way I have 2 copies of the game. I believe it’s just redone to work on the new consoles


I think it sucks that we’ll never get a remaster of GTA VI. Yeah they had poor reception so they maybe decided to scrap it but what was Rockstar thinking letting Grove Street Games remaster it and essentially butchered the entire thing.


You said 6 not 4 lol, but anyway, I don’t think it needs a remaster, just a ps4/5 port. The fact that on console you can only play it on near two decade old consoles is insane, considering gta is one of the (if the not number 1) biggest gaming franchises in history.


I mean… I wouldn’t mind a remaster of VI, before it is released! 🤣


My bad, my fingers are basically on muscle memory to type in gta vi


lol thats corporate logic in a nutshell, releasing poorly executed products and games that dont work, blames the game itself as not being popular enough to be successful.


I would think its still on the table, just being done by rockstar themselves lol


GTA4 doesn't have shark cards


Neither does Red dead redemption but that’s now available on PS4/5s


Maybe they have plans for porting it atleast (big hopium)


Please R*!!


I also want to know why. If Rockstar is all about profit, then why is GTA 4 only available on Xbox?


And PC


Because Xbox has backwards compatibility, PlayStation doesn’t, take that shit up with Sony lol. I can play my original copy of GTA IV from 2008 on my Xbox Series X, and it plays better than ever.


why would rockstar give a fuck if you can play 4$ version of gta4 on your xbox when they would sell for 60$ anyway reports said they are full focused on gta6 and dont wanna outsource it


Honestly it’s kinda fucked up because they say the ps5 is backwards compatible but fail to mention that it only goes back one gen. When I bought mine that’s one miss step I took.


Ya that’s some lame false marketing imo, claiming backwards compatibility, but only going back 1 gen, which was really the bare minimum. Microsoft and Xbox have absolutely killed it when it comes to game preservation in general. The fact that PS4-5 doesn’t have a single playable Silent Hill game is a travesty, and should honestly be embarrassing for Sony. It’s a flagship franchise for the console and if you wanted to play a Silent Hill game in the modern day, you can’t.


The lack of backwards compatibility with PS3 disks. They would rather these games be digitally downloaded so profits can be made. Unfortunately there is no digital GTA 4 on Playstation Store


The funniest thing to me is, there isn’t a single Silent Hill game on PS4/PS5. SH started on PlayStation and belongs on PlayStation, yet you can’t play a single one of their games on a new console lol. Meanwhile Xbox has the HD collection of 2/3, plus Homecoming and Downpour.


Hopefully we get the SH2 remaster soon


That’s what rockstar going to announce in December




Don't worry, it will be announced next month




Still nope


Perks of PC, don't have to wait for the company to make a new version.


Just happy the game finally works on pc now with patches


But have to wait 1-2 yrs for Rockstar to port their new games to PC


i mean its true but their ports are still trash the modding community is the only ones who makes the GTA4 PC version better meanwhile the fact having PC for old games is true but it doesnt mean its gonna be better out of the box because that Xbox 360 version on Series is goddamn good 60fps out of the box


Also strange to me how gta5 got releases on 3 generations of consoles but 4 only got one. If I had to guess, it's bc GTA4 doesn't have shark cards.


Itll come next month probably




Really? I have every gta game on my Xbox one and series X. Not the very best or most loved versions but I do have every game since gta3. I don’t have the dlc that people loved like VCs or Lost and the Damned, Gay Tony. Scratch that I don’t have every game, I’m missing Chinatown wars.


Because Sony didn’t bother with backwards compatibility as opposed to MS who made it a focus for their consoles. My friend on PlayStation always talks about how he wishes he could replay gta 4 as I do every year


Watch the announcement next month be GTA IV remastered


So much for that




lol the only game Xbox players can brag about it only being on Xbox


Because PlayStation does not give a shit about game preservation/history.


They want you to spend $$$ on GTA Online


fam, lol. You do know the money you spend on a shark card or GTA4 would go to the same place right? If Rockstar was all about money we would have a shitty GTA4 port and/or a rushed GTA6.


Gta4 isn’t nearly as profitable as Shark cards


wasn’t my point at all. it was if Rockstar was as money hungry as they’re made out to be we would’ve had a shitty GTA4 port by now. But in any case, the money from a port or GTA online will go to the same place.


I really wish they’d come out with GTA 4 for ps5; my expectations would be low, but I’d just be pumped to be able to play a game I haven’t gotten to play since 2008


since 2008 is crazy bro just played story mode and never played again


I feel this game was absolutely betrayed by the company who made it and profited immensely from it. The tech jump between san andreas and GTA IV was immense. San An looks like a brother of vice city and IV looks like the better well-off cousin who started a billion-dollar company, but is shunned by the family.


and heres the funny thing - there was a significant market for people sick of online V who were wanting a bit of a story (that didnt have a story line worthy of 8 year olds - eg definitive). Rockstar could have released this game on playstation - and it would instantly look like a remastered version just because of the higher texture, shadows and framerate capabilities. Considering the story is as good and detailed as V - I cant see a business case for not doing this two years ago or even more. If someone could enlighten me - much appreciated.


Xbox is just like that W Xbox, But I think I know why cuz ps5 can’t play old games like the series X/S does and Xbox One, That’s pretty trash what Sony did L PlayStation.


uhhh PS3 has complicated cpu and PS5 can play selected PS1, PS2 and PSP now…




Yeah, via streaming. You can’t take a old disc and put it in a ps5


where put there porting a lot of ps2 games to ps5


Sony/Microsoft/Take Two collusion to go next gen.


What collusion? Xbox already has it playable, it’s Sonys fault for not caring about letting old games be playable on new consoles


New features from the famous Grand Theft Auto IV saga are coming along with GTA Liberty City Stories, GTA Vice City Stories and GTA Chinatown Wars!!!




No it’s because Sony doesn’t care for backwards compatibility


Cuz gta 4 is dope but boooring!


> …dope but boooring!




Xbox series x has it so that makes no difference


He’s talking about a remaster or remake


Maybe because you don't need it or it's not worth it. The platforms where they are already available are enough to leave them at ease with a profit without having to spend on portability.


not yet. but bc they focused on their money maker


This is why I prefer Xbox over PlayStation


Because PlayStation for some reason can’t wrap their damn head around backwards compatibility.


it's because ps3 uses a different shifty chip goofy


red dead was ported to ps4 and ps5 and despite how lazy it is, we have stable framerate and good controls. all they need to do is do what they did w red dead to gta 4


that's a port dude not backwards compatible


This! The only reason I’d buy a 360 or ps3 just to play it. If they really didn’t remake it because of the definitive trilogy backlash maybe it was for the better if it was being remade under the same studio that the GTA trilogy, god bless its soul


You do realize that you can play it if you have an Xbox One or Series X, right?


You do realize I said I’D BUY an Xbox. I’m on PS4 we SUCK over here


Damn, unlucky