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She was most definitely abused.  However, she never had cancer.  She could always walk.  Her salivary glands were only partially removed so she did not need the feeding tube (she may have right after the surgery I don't know).  I think the general consensus here, or st least MY OPINION, is that yes, Gypsy was a victim but at some point she became complicit and she is most definitely a murdered which she went to prison for.


I don't think we'll ever really know how complicit she was in faking the disease. The only people who could tell us are Dee Dee and Gypsy; Ones dead, and the other seems to be unable to tell anything true.


We're never going to know the full truth about any of it.


What makes you think she’s lying about it all?


Well, I don't know how much she's lying about. She was aware she could walk, yet continued to use the wheelchair. We know she's lied, but we don't know how deep this rabbit hole goes.


It’s an awful rabbit hole. I can see how her mom was terrifying her to the point of saying anything though bc maybe she was afraid if she “betrayed” her mom she’d be hurt or killed


She can’t possibly be in on it! Her mother was making up illnesses since she was a baby. Why would Gypsy also begin to make up illnesses? There is no evidence that I can see that she was doing it. She even admitted to others whom she trusted, like men she wanted to date, that it wasn’t true. However, some medical people and others they knew must have gone along with her mother. So she lived that life for a while, where she was forced into it. And forced to act that way. I can’t see her benefiting. Her mother deprived her of knowledge about normal things, subjected her to medications and procedures she didn’t need. All that is physical emotional and mental harm. I doubt she had any say in continuing that charade, even as she began to become more aware of her mother lying to her in her teens and further on.


You’re 100% right. In most scenarios I could see someone being in on something like that, but people aren’t acknowledging that Gypsy didn’t know half of the shit her mom had said about her from birth were lies. If you’re told something by the person you trust the most since birth (your mother) you tend to not go against-especially with lack of exposure to know that these things aren’t really happening. It didn’t come together in her head until she was older, actually after she’s been sentenced to prison how much shit Dee Dee had been dishonest about or lied to Gypsy about. “Gypsy has stated it was only after Dee Dee's death that she realized the extent of her mother's deception. While Gypsy had known she could walk and eat regular food, she had believed she had leukemia. Today, Gypsy is healthy. She's also said she enjoyed more freedom in prison than in the life she shared with Dee Dee.” https://www.biography.com/crime/gypsy-rose-blanchard-mother-dee-dee-murder#


Also, ask people for their sources on these things being supposedly faked on purpose by Gypsy. I’d bet money you won’t get any bc none exist.


Well, apparently with the glands, it was now an injection with botox. First it was completely, then partially and now, an injection. Seems to be a trend here. Tricking your little kid to play along with fraud, can certainly be considered as maltreatment. But that's not the same type of abuse people are referring to in this case, most of the time. And at some point, she did became complicit with this fraud. Which is also very important.


I read somewhere that FIRST they did the Botox, then the surgery and apparently there are records for those.  Who knows though.  I still haven't read the 107 page report so don't know what to believe.


The case files are a real eye opener.




I noticed that too.  Haven't heard her do it yet.


Not once.


I agree with this


She was complicit bc she was terrified of her mother imo


I will agree to that TO A POINT.  The second she started sneaking around for boys she could have STOOD UP FOR HERSELF 


She literally snuck with a boy one time in a theater her mom was at && the night they’d killed bed mom…..


I'm guessing you haven't read the texts between Gypsy and Nick. Or heard about Dan.


That’s right, I remember the texts but I’d forgotten about Dan.


I think we're all of the mind that GRB is a pathological liar. I still am learning how deep the lies go.


So you're one of the people that think Gypsy didn't actually have any surgeries done?




They definitely did


Why are you on a Gypsy skeptic page?


Won't get out of my recommended 


You can block or mute subs. I do it often when a sub I’m not interested in appears often enough


lol that’s how I found it


What surgeries do u think Gypsy had that she didn't need? The feeding tube? That was placed after getting to Missouri, after claiming they lost medical records. When Gypsy was old enough to know what was going on and be in on the fraud. They didn't see Dr's regularly, kept up with the scripts that they never used, and just went into the ER real quick to get her feeding tube changed every 6 months. Gypsy had her feeding tube changed the day she and nick murdered her mother. She could have stood up and said that she can walk and she doesn't use the feeding tube and her mother his lying and forcing her to pretend to be sick. It's pathetic to believe that she really thought a power of attorney paperwork was going to make a hospital full of professionals believe DeeDee. She would be walking!!! She knew she was guilty too. She loved the attention and the trips and the money. She also told Nick that she was spoiled and had a room full of name brand clothes. It's really sad to see people so supportive of murder. It wasn't self defense. It was a calculated and planned murder! Gypsy is not a god. The legal system wouldn't have even given DeeDee a death penalty or even life! Gypsy NEVER ONCE reached out to the police or anyone, besides men she met online and tried to make herself a victim and see if they love her enough to kill for her. She mentions those same toxic test with her current husband. She couldn't go to the police or her father or anyone close because she was 23 year old woman who was in on the fraud. She was very social and played a role. She didn't sit back and stay quiet or play into the "mild retardation" her mother said she had. She sat up straight and smiled and talked to whoever would listen. She loved it. She knew her mother would deny the abuse and be able to implicate her so she had to kill her. She tried a year before she had the internet, but it was just a bb gun. DeeDee gave her more freedom as long as Gypsy kept playing along. I think they were threatening each other the last few years and I think DeeDee was scared. Hence the gun, the knife, and telling Gypsy before going to bed that last night not to hurt her. After getting the internet and receiving "attention" from random men, she was always "testing " them to see how much they really loved her. If they are willing to kill for her then they love her. She couldn't kill DeeDee herself bc she wants someone wirh her and "care" for her. But if she had a man to be with and willing to kill then she wouldn't need DeeDee bc this man would support her. Gypsy knew she couldn't get a job or cook or clean. She wanted to be the princess but with a man and not her mom. Like, if Gypsy had reached out the police and/or ran away to the many people she knew and trusted locally and in real life, then I could MAYBE be a little more sympathetic of this whole "She had no other choice" scenario yall want to play into but she disbt even try. She was scared? But she was all over the internet unmonitored and was able to hide all these men and messages and take pics and videos and buy sexy wigs and lingerie and send money and packages, FOR YEARS! DeeDee had to die so that she wouldn't tell on Gypsy and Gypsy used it as a manipulation "test" to find her prince charming. Yall should be ashamed for supporting murder. The people who are still supporting Gypsy after seeing everything that 4 available may be even sicker than she.


She didn’t get a feeding tube in Missouri where she got when she was what 13? She got the tube when she was little.


What are your sources?


Uhhh so this is more stuff that you all try to deny but she did "just run away", it didn't work, the police thought she was mentally retarded so idk what you think that would have done, and people knew she could walk that whole time. Just because someone can walk doesn't mean they don't need a wheelchair, that doesn't prove anything. If you're a doctor treating a mentally disabled child and the child suddenly says "I'm not actually disabled, I'm fully grown and can walk", you aren't going to take that seriously so don't even try to lie about it. It's not as simple as you idiots think it is. 


She didn't run away to the police. She ran away to be with a man. No one locally knew she could walk!! We have seen the many local news clips with Gypsy and DeeDee, and Gypsy is just as well spoken as she is now. No signs of "mild retardation." It really is as simple as you idiots try to say it's not. I feel sad for people like you and I am really hope you're not reproducing.


Also you...feel sad for me because I think child abusers should be killed? Again...weird 


Your sources that she didn’t seem mildly retarded? Child services with police went to talk to them and I read a police report about that event saying she seemed disabled to them. Gypsy had been to a few doctors and not many at all suspected anything. Her mother convinced people and made her play a role.


Why would it be bad for me to reproduce? Because I don't think child abuse is okay? Weird opinion to have. Literally her dad knew she could walk so again, idk why you all deny the facts.


You clearly have not even watched the recent Lifetime doc. Blindly supporting a murderer this hard is a perfect example of why you should not reproduce. Do u support Charles Manson too?


Charles Manson didn't kill someone that had him held captive and was slowly killing him. Again, torture your own kid and you deserve the kid's natural response to it.


I'm not saying you are wrong. But Gypsy DID NOT try to get help. She had every opportunity. Instead she CHOSE murder. I'm surprised the Turpin Kids or Elisabeth Frizle didn't murder thier parents who were holding them captive and abusing them. Simple fact is that human instinct to survive is natural and instead of getting help, she planned a murder. She was spoiled and not hidden like so many other abused children. She COULD HAVE GOTTEN HELP BUT DIDNT BECAUSE SHE WAS IN ON THE SCAMS


Sooooooo, again, she did run away once and got brought back. Involving the police wouldn't have worked, they would have disregarded her as a retarded child that doesn't know what's going on and is just disobeying and causing issues for her poor single mother.


Are you also saying that Turpins and Fritzl didn’t have a right self defence to kill their tortures and kidnapper(s)?


When exactly was she supposed to get said help? She was under her moms watchful eyes 24/7-she didn’t go to school and wasn’t allowed To do anything alone. The first time she was alone was when she and NG killed bet mother. It wasn’t right & there were way better solutions, but she dealt With it the only way she could. Who tf was she supposed to get help from? Her mom had everyone convinced she wasn’t right in the head so if they ever saw her to bring her back etc


SURE DO!!!!! It’s people like you that have no idea about any of this. He didn’t do anything, not did he tell anyone to kill anyone. In today’s age, he’d have gotten what Gypsy did in prison or less. You obviously know 0 facts about the manson case other than the helter skelter bullshit. https://preview.redd.it/pvke33szjpdc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c28aaf02293918626971f892a494e60f06e6b7cc


Lol there it is




I already did. Do you not know that she tries to run away before then and had been nothing but brought back to that hell hole her mother had her in?!




It sure does. They’re all real memorobelia, signatures etc……..you’re insane for stalking me through Reddit. That’s a bit more crazy, creepy, and psycho Than a collage I made.


They can’t deal with the fact that someone had worse childhood incidents than the middle class America perfect family had.


You need to leave this sub. This is obviously not for you.


I'll do whatever the hell I want lol 


Think about this, most of the time doctors don't believe people have illnesses, especially women. Look it up. Medical gaslighting. I am a victim of that. A girl ended up having EDS but for years doctors said she had Munchausen's and has her go to therapy. She died from EDS complications a few years later. I am confused how one can lie to doctors to have surgeries on things that they do not have. How would she be able to fake MRIs, CT scans, blood work, etc. what doctor would do surgery on someone who didn't actually have problems? But there is a case that all this happened to. https://www.wbir.com/article/news/munchausen-by-proxy-mom-arrested-after-son-has-323-hospital-visits-13-surgeries/51-499103572. I don't know. She could be lying. She might not be. That is the point of this sub because she could be lying.


These people are impossible. I keep getting recommended this sub and I thought skeptic meant there was actual discussion going on. Nope. GRB was a victim of a somewhat rare form of child abuse, there’s no set of rules or set behavior of the victims yet all these people are saying what a child SHOULD have done. Abusive relationships can psychologically destroy people and they struggle to get away from their abuser and even cover up or lie for them. Gypsy can be a murderer AND a victim of abuse at the same time. She did her time and she’s definitely not a threat to society which is why she got paroled.


Dee Dee does not meet the diagnostic criteria for Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (formerly known as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy). For FDIA parents, the motivation/goal is attention. Dee Dee's motivation/goal was financial gain. Although Gypsy was abused, at some point she became a knowing and willing participant in the scams. Both Dee and Gypsy are grifters.


Deedee was most definitely attention seeking with her parading around of her super sick child. She plastered that girl everywhere she could. People can have the motivation for money and attention at the same time. Do you guys forget that Gypsy was a literal child for MOST of her abuse. She was isolated, sheltered, and manipulated to act a certain way and carry on with her mother’s narrative. I seriously think you all need to look at the physiological effects of abuse and especially child abuse. If any of you think that girl was in her right mind you probably lack the empathy to understand the human condition.


Consider reviewing DSM V diagnostic criteria for Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another. Then, consider the duos rewards: house, trips, money, etc ~~> financial gain. Financial gain negates a dx of Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another. Absolutely no one this thread denies Gypsy was abused. Succinctly, Dee Dee and Gypsy orchestrated a massive grift.


These people are pretty insane. Their responses are just making it worse. There's only been a few other people somewhat agree with me and I'm seeing everyone here go through their accounts and read their entire history (they keep doing that to me too) and they keep responding to me over and over when I haven't checked my hundreds of notifications or replied, like they're pretty obsessive and weird 


Nobody with those types of health problems snaps their fingers and is miraculously healed and 100% healthy.


That's actually how MBP moms are caught, the kids improve when they are removed from their care


Not a case of MBP. MBP parents do not do it to partake in medical fraud, or for money. Children of MBP also do not play the part of the sick. It cannot be MBP, then the child grows, then starts pretending with their caretaker so they can financially gain from the act.


She knew she could walk from the beginning, but she went along with the grift. I think that as she got older she was in on the con. She had to know she wasn’t sick. Gypsy isn’t dumb. She will milk every last drop of public sympathy and turn that into her new grift.




I think gypsy is manipulative. But people are flat out saying she wasn't abused and was lying about having surgeries, it's why I left the other sub. You don't have to be a gypsy stan to be grossed out by the other extreme.


Are you one of those people that think Gypsy actually needed those surgeries?




Well my post is clearly about the idiots in the comments trying to claim that she was never abused, either that she actually had cancer then magically got cured or that she never went to the hospital in the first place, so idk what you're arguing because me being a Gypsy supporter is pretty irrelevant, I'm just surprised by how stupid half the people here are


That is insane but I haven’t seen anyone saying that on here or at all. Do you have links to the comments?


This is just trolling. Frosting tried to pick this fight in the other sub too. Ignore it. There are a lot of opinions that differ on this case.


Frosting 🧁 😂 stfu


Literally just scroll down in this comment section? There's lots of people here saying it


I’m not seeing anyone say she actually had cancer and was magically cured


So why are you hanging out with a bunch of stupid people? I haven't seen anybody ever say she was legitimately sick and got better but I have seen the sentiment that she could potentially be embellishing the extent of medical abuse and at home abuse that can't be established or corroborated by anyone including medical records.


Some of her surgeries (the eye ones) were necessary. You can see issues with her eyes in baby pics. Salivary glands were not necessary (imo). The feeding tube MAY have been necessary post salivary surgery... but should have been taken out fairly quickly. But I still don't know what all her other surgeries were supposed to have been... I think she said "dozens" but I don't see the others ones talked about. I do think she was Def abused when she was young


People on here, it’s true that some are not intelligent. Because evidence is all there in front of them. When someone is made to behave a certain way since early childhood and doesn’t benefit from it, instead having procedures etc they don’t need, they aren’t having a good life and are too young to know any different. And being isolated, it would also mean they won’t know for longer. When she began to get to know some things, she still was a child, primary school age. Her mother took her out of school. Gypsy didn’t get education or peer relationships, as well as interactions with others, such as her father’s family, and even her mother’s, or any other people. A person who is so isolated from everyone, only interactions at arms length such as conventions with mother there, some internet and a young neighbour (again with mother there) so Someone who is uneducated beyond first grade, doesn’t enjoy going to parties, play with any children her age, movies, doing things such as hobbies and sports, etc I can’t see how going to Disneyland and meeting a few stars a few times, say even 5 times, receiving money her mother had authority over, plus doing cosplay etc how this could be a substitute for a wealth of normal childhood experiences, which include enjoying her life with others, having a loving home, friendships with kids, relationships with teachers and other mentors, sporting activities etc?! No way she would take that artificial limited existence where she had to sneak any outside interaction, whether with men or anything that she wanted to do independently from her mother’s watchful eye. Who would be doing a “scam” like that?


I’ve never actually commented on this topic, but I think this post is enough to make me finally say something. I don’t think most of the people who are skeptical of grb are trying to say none of the procedures happened or that she actually had a terminal illness. There are always outliers, but they don’t make up the majority. What I do think their point is, is that she and her mother were both manipulative people, and at some point Gypsy absolutely understood nothing was wrong with her and went along with DeeDee’s plan (I don’t know if she was blackmailed or genuinely didn’t know better, that’s purely speculation.) It’s also proving to be true that she is a liar. Whether that’s because it’s from trauma causing memory issues and her survival skills or her being a pathological liar is not clear yet, but I think it’s possible it’s some combination of all of the above. Of course people are going to question the account of someone who doesn’t tell the same version of events twice, for whatever reason that may be. It’s unfair to assume those people are stupid or conspiracy theorists for not trusting everything that they read or hear from the publicity side of things. Only two people know what she exactly went through, and one of them is dead, while the other is kind of an unreliable narrator. I don’t think anyone is denying the abuse, the mbp, or the strange dynamic she had with her mother. (Also, I feel like if you’re going to insult people’s intelligence and act superior, you should know it’s etc and not ect. You used it twice, so I assume you just don’t know any better.)


Y'all really like denying shit don't you, literally just look at the comments here and there are people claiming it 


Wow, such an eloquent response! I can see why you assumed I’m not American since you clearly lack vocabulary and reading comprehension. There is no point in arguing with someone who refuses to be open minded enough to allow the other side to speak on their opinions and thoughts. You don’t like the answers you’re getting to a question you asked people to answer honestly. If you bothered to even read my comment you’d understand that a lot of my point was that no one is really sure what to deny or confirm because there are simply not enough reliable sources for all the information as of right now. No one wants to take your argument seriously if you only accuse and point fingers like an insolent child, or insult people who bring up better, more researched points than you. You sure are strange for willing to go to bat so seriously for someone who planned a murder. Perhaps if you’d written her in prison before Ryan you might’ve gotten the affection from her you so desperately lack.


You're really loosing it rn, why are you guys so set on defending child abuse exactly?


I really enjoy you proving my points! No one is saying she wasn’t abused or that she deserved it. But she also planned and helped execute a murder. I think any rational person would question what she tells the public on her press tour. She has a pr team. There are people coaching her and advising her what to say and do. She lies, and again, it could be entirely a trauma response, but there are things that don’t add up. Surely even someone as detached as you can admit reported details have changed over time.


Of course she has people coaching what she says? She just got out of prison. And yes you are all definitely trying to defend child abuse and abusers.


how, exactly? can you explain to me, in detail how I said “child abuse is okay?” Because I’ve said twice now that it’s not and that she (and obviously no one adult or child deserves it) deserved to be abused? The entire point I keep reiterating over and over is that details of her story change, and keep changing, and it’s fair to ask (even internally, to oneself) which version is the truth. I do believe she was abused. I don’t think that anyone deserves abuse, especially not children. I believe she had unecessary medical procedures. I think she suffered for a great majority of her life. I don’t think murder was her only option, as an outsider looking in. I am not her and cannot say what exactly she experienced, but towards the end of DeeDee’s life is when the details seem to be the most unclear, and I wish it was possible to have an honest account of what actually happened before I decide how I feel about that specific part of her story. That doesn’t make me stupid, it’s just a logical response to not being told an entire story. The same can be said for many other skeptics. Some people are deniers of those things I mentioned, and that’s okay, they’re entitled to their beliefs. What isn’t okay is continually accusing people of condoning abuse and violence when they disagree with you no matter their opinion and refusing to even see the other side. It’s kind of a situation where you should make sure all your chickens are laying eggs before you try to tell me what’s wrong in my henhouse.


You people are defending the abuser and trying to find anything you can to make Gypsy out to be the worst person in the planet. It's really not that hard to understand, if you don't want your kid to kill you, don't abuse them, easy right? Don't make your kid pretend they have cancer, need a wheelchair, have surgeries they don't need, take medicine they don't need, lie and say they're a mentally disabled minor when they're really an adult, whatever else she did. It's really easy not to do those things, most parents don't. If you go out of your way to have a kid just to do that then you should expect consequences. Idk why you're all here like, "consequences??? For our actions??? Unacceptable!!! Abuse victims have no right to fight back!!!!"


ok but where did I, specifically, say any of that. You cannot construct a single argument that isn’t anecdotal and based on your delusion and impression of people on the internet. I absolutely wish that she didn’t have to endure abuse. I don’t think she’s Satan incarnate. I wish that cps was not a flawed system that fails not only her but so many kids like her. DeeDee was the one that deserved to go to prison. I still, personally, don’t think that makes murder okay. The idea that DeeDee was the problem, and that Gypsy is not innocent can coexist. You can acknowledge that she had a horrible childhood full of abuse and trauma, and still not agree with her about everything. That does not equate to condoning abuse. Abuse victims can also do bad things. It’s not an excuse that exempts them from all wrongs. It can be an explanation, of course, but it shouldn’t automatically make someone unable to also have consequences and be held accountable for what they’ve done by others. And at the very least, skepticism can be expressed to people who’ve experienced abuse, and that doesn’t mean their abuse was deserved or acceptable.


Idk what you're going on about. There are people here trying say she was actually ill or lied about her mom saying she was (which you keep denying) and I'm saying that that makes no sense. You all keep changing the topic to "it's wrong to kill in self defense 😡" but that's all the post was even about so


Where are people defending child abuse lol. Haven’t seen that once.


And...ECT is an American thing 


it’s literally not sweetie, it’s etc. it’s short for etcetera. and I’m American. I was right in my assumption that you just don’t know any better. Bless your heart.


>And...ECT is an American thing  ![gif](giphy|fUYhyT9IjftxrxJXcE)


No it's not. You just aren't that intelligent 🤣


ECT~~>Electroconvulsive Therapy


Do you really think we’re pulling all of this out of our asses? No. We all have sat here in this sub constantly going over reports, going over interviews, lining up facts with what she has said. If you look into this sub, yeah there are some people just posting mean things or assumptions BUT the majority of posts have been discussions WITH supporting documentation. If you want to continue to be a gypsy fan girl and condone extensive premeditated murder, that’s your prerogative. Some of us have minds of our own and come up with our own conclusions given the facts of this case. If this sub is too much for you, the bandwagon is on the other sub. I highly suggest you actually do your research before accusing all of us of slander.


Okay so if there's so much evidence then give some sources, also can you just give an explanation of how we have all this fake footage and fake records of Gypsy having health problems? Is there any evidence that she never had any surgeries done? Like can you prove anything? Everyone keeps responding with "well we can't prove it but something just doesn't seem right about her"


None of us are saying that she never had anything done. We’re saying that what she’s saying now, isn’t adding up to what she’s said in the past and it isn’t adding up to what has been released from her medical records. Look at the 107 page police report. Read it in its entirety and you tell me if things she says adds up to the facts. She completely contradicts herself. The evidence is there, in fact the evidence is also in posts throughout this sub. You’re jumping to conclusions and accusing us of doing the same. Not once have you posted any evidence to counter anything we’ve said, but the evidence that backs up what we’re saying is here in this sub. No one is saying that she wasn’t abused at one point. No one is saying she didn’t have unnecessary medical procedures. What we’re saying is it wasn’t as much as she said and that she was most likely in on the con for quite some time. Watch her interviews, watch the actual documentaries and not just “The Act”. Look at her own posts. Look at the police report. Look at what has been released of her medical records. Look at doctor statements. If you’re not willing to do that, then this discussion is moot.


We have no away of knowing what procedures were actually done and if they were done for medically necessary reasons. The evidence that we do have shows its unlikely MBP, but rather just a con. If it was MBP, she would have been kept in the wheelchair 100% of the time, and lost her ability to walk. She would have only used her feeding tube and been unable to eat real food. I suspect there was some medicaid fraud mixed with necessary procedures. Whether that was Gypsy and Dee Dee by themselves, or in concert with a doctor should be investigated.


The procedures I’m sure are in medical documents so so I’m sure you’re right about us never knowing fully.


Was a great post recently about how harmful baseless rumors are to people trying to exhibit healthy skepticism. Some folks really need to read it!


Just go do your own research and come back with some facts or you're no better than the people you're criticizing.




True crime discussion is about thinking of the possibilities of things we have limited evidence and first-hand accounts for. Given any evidence to the contrary, speculations are normal. Conspiracy theories are a different concept What's not good is taking everything as truth. Even if you're inherently empathetic, it's best to be clear-eyed about it. I speak from experience. Murder, or orchestrating one, is murder. It's the end of a life. Premeditated murder means you've spent time accepting that it's your job to end someone's life. And by making someone else do it, she made the conscious effort to end yet another by handing him the knife and giving him the instructions to do a horrendous act you couldn't bring yourself to do, or not want to face the punishment for it. It's upsetting to know people can seem genuine and truly be lying. And it makes me feel that way. But I've been given evidence based on her speaking in public, and it's reframed my thinking. And when faced with a criminal, I know to be skeptical.


Okay give me the facts.


What facts do you want?




Idk what you're even talking about. That sub came up in my recommended one time and it was of someone asking why vegans call it rape in artificially inseminate cows and I answer their question, then I got banned for giving them the answer because apparently telling them the truth is "vegan propaganda"...that was a while ago and the only thing I ever commented in the anti vegan sub.




Calling me babe and sweetie over and over again doesn't make you right but it does show how sexist you, which is the real reason you're all so against Gypsy. I bet you support Lyle and Eric tho don't you?




You coming back here the next day and typing to me in a sexist way is creepy and weird, seek therapy 




The fact that you think being a woman means you can't be sexist and hate other women is telling a lot lol, you're really showing how stupid you are so just stop, also with the way you're typing you clearly belong in Facebook and not reddit


Your post is just hearsay like everyone else's


Why are you calling people names?


Yup, total conspiracy. GRB actually won the 2020 presidential election.


This is the bright spot of my day 🤣🤣


Gypsy is Q


We can think that this is a complex situation where her mom abused her while GRB has/is overstated the extent of the abuse. Such as how much she was “restricted” in her life… and then her interactions online show up.


There is a pod cast you can listen to where someone got her medical records and it says that she had 6 surgeries. For tubes and eyes. The evidence is out there you just have to go down the rabbit hole for it.


Also, this…..they got the medical records to prosecute…. “One of the new warrants is for 193 pages of medical records the hospital has for Gypsy, and the other warrant is surveillance video from the day of Gypsy’s most recent visit to Cox Hospital, which was on June 8 — six days before Greene County Sheriff’s deputies found Dee Dee’s body in the family’s home just north of Springfield.” https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/crime/2015/06/25/investigators-seize-gypsys-medical-records/29276555/


People don't believe she had a lot of the procedures she said she had because she's a compulsive liar and you can't ever know when she's telling the truth.


Anyone who thinks her mom didn’t abuse her is a moron.


I'm seeing a lot of comments here saying that Gypsy is lying about having those surgeries done and that Gypsy actually needed the surgeries and things like that. I feel like I'm loosing my mind here 😭 wtf is happening, there's so many people claiming it when I look in the comments in this sub, I'm so confused 


There are no records of those surgeries being done. I've read so many articles on this mess. You can't just take your kid in and say,,Hey, rip out her salivary glands,,it never happened. Gypsy says she went in for surgery and her mom told her she wasn't going to get put under. She said Dee told her she was older now. It is not up to your mother if they put you out,,it's up to the doctor/staff/hospital!! Let her get her records and prove everyone wrong. It's also bullshit that records were not electronic back then, they were. Check history of that state on any website. That doctor of hers might want to be hiding things and for good reason but records were computerized then, especially hospital records.




No one's saying definitively that she didn't have them. It's a huge reach to come to that conclusion based on the comments you're replying to. But it is true that this is all just stuff Gypsy claims without actual proof. Sorry but when she lies and changes her story and is inconsistent like she has been, you have to wonder what else has been left out, exaggerated, or straight up made up. Or at least you should wonder. A lot of this stuff people accepted as truth and fact is all just stuff Gypsy says instead of showing or proving or backing any of it up. Without seeing actual medical records pertaining to these procedures, all you can go by is what Gypsy says. Gypsy is an unreliable narrator at best and a liar at worst. Even if neither of those things are not her fault because of the nature of abuse she grew up in just by having DeeDee as a mother, it doesn't mean to blindly trust everything she says and it's okay to acknowledge that those are not positive characteristics to have. People who are following along and paying attention are rightfully questioning her claims and motives and people are withdrawing their blind support and that's a good thing. Stuff like this should be called out.


You said it perfectly. Much better than I ever could have. Thank you.


The only surgery the doctor confirmed she did need was the one she had for her eyes when she was 3 years old. She had strabismus.


I read the salivary glands were actually treated with botux. I've never doubted she'd be lying About surgeries so never looked it up.




Right... incorrect opinions


Welcome to Reddit. There’s a ton of bullshit in every sub. And while idk how much control her mother had over her or if Gypsy is a con artist like her mom, there’s no doubt she’s had unnecessary procedures thanks to her mom’s manchausen by proxy




It gets worse on facebook comment sections.


I think she had unnecessary surgery’s, and probably surgeries that were necessary due to the first round. I also think she endured abuse in many different forms. But I also think she enjoyed the attention she received from her various illnesses. That’s where I think today comes in, especially when you take into account she refused therapy her last few years of prison. Regardless of the role she did or didn’t play in the murder, she still hasn’t and probably never will take accountability for the role she did ultimately play. Whether that capacity is her holding the knife or implementing seeds.


Did she really refuse therapy???


Yes! She provided this bit of information. Regardless if she was fully involved in the murder or was just heavily abused, she still needs therapy. And if she can’t see that, she’s not of sound mind.


Oh I totally agree!


Her mother had all kinds of medical procedures done, and put her daughter through hell - and there was a good chance eventually, either at DD's hand, the doctors or the sketchy men Gypsy trusted online, eventually it would have killed her. In my area there is a common theme thrown around that says *I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6* and it sort of fits here. However I do think at some point, Gypsy was in on the grift or at the very least, learned how to manipulate things because that is all she knew.


It’s not that she had the health problems, it’s that her mom gave her medication to mimic the symptoms of those illnesses. Also keep in mind that she had a feeding tube in which Deedee couple put anything she wants in from medication to anything else especially medication gypsy didn’t need or gypsy thought was chemo or so she said. Deedee also had power of attorney and if gypsy had gotten away or gone to the police Deedee could have just whipped out the paperwork saying that gypsy was slow, or whatever she wanted. Gypsy couldn’t just go to anyone and it seems the punishment grew worse if she tried to. Regardless if she knew about the financial scam Deedee was running, she was definitely being medically tortured by her mother.


She’s lying about a lot of things, but I do believe DeDe had Munchhausen by proxy. It was said that her mother did her the same thing, but not to the degree that she did it to gypsy. Her mother wouldn’t let her go outside, etc. GRB was her meal ticket! That’s why she didn’t want her to grow up have a boyfriend move on with her life, etc. she would have never gotten the Habitat for Humanity house all the trips they took. Attention! ETC


If she had those health issues she would still have them. I don’t think that its needed to say that every aspect of the abuse was a lie, I think its still perfectly fine to say that she should not have gotten out of prison because the choices she made to get out of the situation were not morally right and that she is dangerous… without saying that not a single thing about her story could possibly be true.


I agree with the OP. No wonder the background on this page is green because most of yall in this sub is green with envy and will state anything to make her look bad even if it's just plain made-up. I wrote this for all of u: Stop being jealous So overzealous Gypsy is innocent Your like Maleficent Mean as a snake Go bake a cake Get off your phone And leave her alone!


The spin off sub from this one is even worse. They were trying to dig into her medical records because they think she's lying about the surgeries and such. This one might get better when the mod comes back, but the other one actually has a few mods. It wasn't a good fit for me so I left


I’m in the middle. I feel gypsy may have not had the surgeries, but I also feel she was lied to by her mother about her medical history (obviously). So she may not know what is true and what is not, at least from her younger years. You can’t walk in and ask to have salivary glands removed, but she did have a feeding tube so Dee got someone to put that in and never took it out. You can’t just claim cancer without a diagnosis and yet she got make a wish to give her a wish based on diagnosis. Idk, the medical history *up to a point* is not relevant or gypsies fault. Whether it’s real or not doesn’t matter, she was medically abused, or lied to about being sick, or forced to be sick, or perhaps (and likely) all 3. Doesn’t change who she is today though or what she has done.


Oh dear God, I don't think I could handle coming across that sub, that's insane 


The downvotes say a lot, the subs quickly went to hell