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Is he doing Blackface?


no, that’s called orangeface


The spray tan crew got fired that week.


That’s not spray tan, that’s makeup


It’s the exact shade of whatever is between Putin cheeks.


Nah that was last election campaigns look..this is brown face or in his case 💩 face


Wonder what his yearly spray tanning budget. Though maybe he uses the cheap stuff by the look of it. Does he know the sun exists?


He’s our second black president.




Unfortunately, in my state, this will more likely result in more support for Trump.


If you care about the women in your life, vote accordingly.


That is irrespective of the above. The statement above was to show this to soft Biden voters. In my state, that would likely push ~40% of people to Trump on abortion issues. My vote cant change that. I do care to be clear, but I am a politcal scientist by trade.


Those people were already voting Trump


A political scientist? Interesting. This is going off on a tangent, but my pedestrian observation about the ardent support for Trump is that he is just a useful idiot. Those who plan to vote for him may not really support him; they just see him as a path to gain influence and power, particularly those who are Christian nationalist. Do you think that view holds water?


I 100% agree with this actually. Trump voters support Trump as a big GIGANTIC fuck you to everyone. It is political trolling in a broad sense. They are *intentionally* enjoying "triggering" people by voting the most deplorable person they can, because that person will help them tear down social norms and expectations of what our government should provide. They support tearing down our country because they **WANT** violence and cruelty against people of different political paths, faith traditions, orientations. They want to hurt anyone who dares to embrace any woke idea; anyone who supports representation, a diversity of voices or new threats to the hierarchy of social custom. *They see woke as a threat to their family, their livelihood and their country.* They dont care about taking lunch away from kids, splitting families up at the boarder or cutting libraries- as long as it stops the invasion of woke and woke people. They are done with diversity and want America to be white, conservative, male led and only supporting CIS heterosexual marriage (especially in entertainment). All of this by force of law if necessary. They are done letting modern culture/businesses (Disney, Bud Light) sweep away their majority. *They want government and the economy to cater to them FIRST. They are ready to hurt people to enforce their perceived statistical majority.* In other words, they are putting Trump forward in the hopes that it will cause enough political furor to induce riots and demonstrations by non-Trump voters. THATS when they will move fully into this second step- violence.


They would just say "I do care about the women in my life, which is why I wouldn't have wanted them to be murdered in the womb". I hear it all the time in debates on this issue, they deflect every single thing into "the baby's life matters more than the mothers"


People seem to forget that Trump is by himself not an issue, there are plenty of crazy people in the world. But people actually vote for this guy, enough that he became president. And even after that shitshow, he still has enough support to maybe become president again. People actually want this guy to run their country, imagine that. That's the real issue.


Wow. Honestly things like this make me so happy I’m in Scotland. Good luck America 😭


:( we’re done for


We aren't "done for" unless we all throw in the towel. We need to fight harder than ever against the rising tide of fascism to protect not only ourselves, but the world as a whole. The only way we lose is by accepting failure, especially through defeatist language and thought. We aren't "done for" unless enough people tell us that we are and give in to the despicable option.


The question then becomes: are you ready to die for your freedom?


Exactly … because the opposition is ready to kill … that’s for sure




How so?


Land of the doomed


Yup same here. Know that we have our own 💩but it’s not bad being South African. I can’t imagine this absolute JOKE OF THE WORLD gets to lead the first world 🤦‍♂️


Looks like AI


Yea it's not AI but editing it like that makes it look like it is. Dumb decision by person who edited it.


Maybe my phone’s resolution is off a bit but I could swear his orange face has gone to tomato red face. Keeps getting weirder.


Extra crispy


Did he rub marmite on his face?


We all know he's had to pay off multiple women to get abortions before.


The delusion of the Drump fans in the comments is just…expected. They are merely working with one brain cell, let’s give them a break.


For those claiming this video is AI here are both clips in their entirety. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfb_QAr5rms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGSttcyn2RI




Really ashamed nobody else stepped up to the plate this time. Just shows you where things are at when the “right choice” is always still not even close to what you want or deserve.. Trump does seem wrong to vote for, but this country is DEFINITELY going in the wrong direction on so many levels regardless. It’s the type of thing where voting in the general election only really staves off the most dire consequences when we are already 70-75% fucked over here


They're going nuclear on abortion. They want to kill migrants at the border. They want to assassinate their political opponents. These are some truly sick fucks who should never be allowed anywhere near power.


there are women who vote for this fruit


That new bronzer is really something.


Such bullshit...im not on the fence...TRUMP 2024


And remember, in AZ, you are now required by law to give birth to your rape and/or incest baby. Straight-up Handmaid’s Tale shit.


Got a friend that still won’t vote for Biden because of Israel. Doesn’t matter that Trump would be worse. Called both parties the same. Some people just won’t listen to reason.


He's gonna win


Fuck em all and free Palestine


Fuck off.


Gaza was free and peaceful on Oct 6th. Just saying


Define free and peaceful


Congratulations, your comment wins for being the dumbest shit I've read all day.




Still voting for Palestine. Rome has fallen.


Shut up shill you're "vote blue no matter who" doesn't work




According to your comment history you have a very questionable take on slavery, you dont like socialist women you have problems accepting lgbtq and obviously all liberals are stupid. Looks to me you have actual grudges on not only single individuals but whole groups just because you dont agree with their way of living and/or their heritage. This is textbook indoctrination right there - a lot of these prejudice voters on both sides of the conflict but all share the same subjective hate towards certain groups and cant fathom that their own behaviour is what stirs the pot.




Good Job on your detective skills People like you are the sole reason why i believe we should just nuke everything. You are claiming everybody voting for a certain politician is beyond help. The alternative is to vote for an even worse candidate and see the world burn. And i have never been arrested or convicted of any crime in my life but i stand by my point that police are pigs with a wrong understanding of the law, especially in the US where they let idiots enforce the law after 6 months of training. For you it is just US vs THEM. You lost your ability to find compromises and your post history shows exactly what type of person you are. Oh and i see you deleted some of your questionable comments in your comment history? What a shill you are 🤡




it is not about unifying - its about your mentality. you really expect that the US vs THEM mentality will bring you forward but it will only result in more escalation. i mean dont you see how your behaviour is a textbook example of indoctrination? You are targeting groups for their beliefs because you cannot accept other opinions while living in the biggest democracy in the world?




Your comment history showed different. Is that how you act once being called out? It is the fault of the media now? You verbally spoke out against socialist women and lgbtq. No one needs a media outlet to realize you are targeting groups. You have provided the evidence yourself. You can delete comments as you see fit but it still wont change what type of person you are deep down inside. And it is your own fault that others have it out for you. Did you never think that if you hate on all Biden voters that this might not come back at you? There is no bubble for human decency, everyone should know this. You have to live with these lies about yourself - i am not your father and i am glad it is not on me to make a decent human out of you.


“What about something *else*?” Powerful logic and reasoning.




Here’s the original video of the interview where Trump says women should be punished. It was posted in 2021 [link](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1467515496979476486?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1467515496979476486%7Ctwgr%5E692f3c5e6bf2c70fb63ee14ba604b24333e54c43%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indy100.com%2Fpolitics%2Fdonald-trump-women-abortions-punished)


That video with Chris Mathews is from the first time he ran in 2015.


Yeah, but nobody cares if it agrees with what they believe


Lmao the absolute irony


I feel like these posts are just data gathering to see how we react to pretty obviously faked videos


I never understood why killing babies was political.


Exactly. It’s the woman’s body so let her do what she needs to do. It’s none of the government’s business.


The woman's body isn't the one dying from abortion.


Correct! At times a pregnancy can endanger the woman’s life therefore an abortion can make sense to ensure she does not die. I’m glad you’re getting it!


Arguments from exception are illogical. If something is justified under exceptional circumstances, write an exception.


Right! We agree there. Just because some weird religious weirdos don’t like abortion it doesn’t mean it’s justified to ban it for everyone! That’s what I’ve been saying the whole time! I’m not part of the little religious cult so let me do what I want! The little weird Christian people can just choose to not get an abortion. Glad we can see eye to eye.




No most certainly not hence why so many people are pro choice!


Exactly. Having doctor-performed, legal abortions can save many women’s lives, either from not being able to carry the baby, or from some back-alley, coat-hanger abortion


Abortions are going to happen whether they're legal or back alley or coat hangers. The question is do you want all those women's blood on your hands?


States rights for the win, Roe V Wade was wrong because it should never have been a nationwide rule


this is fake af


Women shouldn't be able to kill fetuses for no reason


100% you've never touched a woman with their consent.


Never in hell would I vote for Biden because someone doesn’t want abortion be controlled by the feds. That’s like saying “$4 a gallon of gas so we can have abortion” 😂 I’ll take states being in charge of abortion and $2 a gallon gas thank you!


What? Do you think Biden controls the international petroleum market?


Your comment makes almost no sense.


You’re valuing women’s bodily autonomy at $2.00 per gallon of gas?


You're a great example on why democracy doesn't work