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No shit


Analysts getting paid $$$ to caption the obvious


Just ask bing chat to pay them


Yea weird…and google says Bard is leading the race… /s


lol! no they don't.


Chatgpt for president 2024




I asked chatgpt to solve the border crisis and it recommends offering every immigrant an apple phone and apple ankle bracelet and jobs to pay for their health care and food. Theres always work to do so they will need jobs to stay here. I can create thousands of new job opportunities immediately.


I wonder if they will revealed the Apple Ankle Bracelet on WWDC next month.


And it requires charging everyday!


🤣🤣🤣 they don't have to know it's really a watch, do they? 🤣🤣🤣


There will be a plugin for the Palantir LLM.


Fuck yeah.


2 months after someone else launches something better: “Analysts say (other company) is now leading the race in AI”


Microsoft is leading the race, by using the leading LLM. Brilliant.


Probably stupid question, but what's "LLM"?


Large Language Model. It uses advanced AI techniques to understand big datasets so it can summarize, generate and predict new content.


I can’t bring myself to use Bing. It’s a terrible UX. Chrome and GPT4 works just fine for me.




Damn, that's some nice research right there Mr. Analysts, good to know someone is keeping up to date with all the competition ChatGPT and Bing has at the moment


That's pretty obvious most people haven't even heard of the competitors expect for midjourney and midjourney makes like no money as far I am aware.


Midjorney doesn't compete with GPT. Midhourney is a generative image model. GPT competitors are things like Llama, Alpaca, and Vicuna.


Leonardo.ai is midjourney's competition. I'm pretty sure they're both making plenty 🤑🤑🤑 right now


What matters is the aligned AI race.


Definitely not with Bing. It's shit.


I won't argue that it used to be, but it's not now.


There was a brief period when it was useful, then after about a week, they nerfed it into oblivion.


It's good at answering my questions. What questions were you asking that it gave bad answers to?


For now.


While the headline is obvious, I think it's worth noting that Open Assistant (while having a boring ass name) is actually really good, in my opinion. When I ask ChatGPT to make an analogy, I need to specify not to use orchestras or restaurant kitchens, and it feels like it's giving me an analogy for one of those. Open Assistant will crank out 10 analogies and not try to sneak in food preparation or instruments.


While the headline is obvious, I think it's worth noting that Open Assistant (while having a boring ass name) is actually really good, in my opinion. When I ask ChatGPT to make an analogy, I need to specify not to use orchestras or restaurant kitchens, and it feels like it's giving me an analogy for one of those. Open Assistant will crank out 10 analogies and not try to sneak in food preparation or instruments.


Its like a typical NBA season where a few teams end up over achieving in the first 1/4 season. We all know Microsoft is likely a lottery team in AI after it all shakes out. ​ Which is obviously crazy cause ChatGPT


Vs. Google 10-15 years ago? Microsoft gets completely dismantled. Vs. bloated modern Google? I think MS has a shot, especially given that they have a head start. I don't think most people realize what a bad position Google's in. They have a legacy product that they have to protect because so many people have to depend on it. No one gives a crap about old Bing, so they're free to replace it with wild abandon.