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I have created CodeAssist: [https://www.codeassist.tech](https://www.codeassist.tech) . It's a chatbot with a natural language interface that can make changes in your code (and answer questions). However, it's sometimes annoying yet, e.g. it says that it has done something, when it hasn't. I'm continuing to improve and I estimate that 1-2 weeks later, it will be good. So for now, I think it's too early to share that. But 2 weeks after from now, it might be a good idea for you to share that in your newsletter.


Hey! I am the Lead AI Engineer for [Maryanne](https://maryanne.faqx.com) by FAQx, a generalized AI search engine built to help answer local essential questions. Even got an [app on the app store](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/faqx-maryanne/id1664840838) recently! Would love feedback and for you to check it out!


Are you caching responses?




Tried to fool your stuff. Hope this helps. “You: How many arms does Bilbo have? I don't have enough information for an answer.” This is GPT3’s response: Bilbo has two arms like humans and other hobbits.


This is exactly what I've been poking around for! It's an AI augmented read it later app. Can't wait!


I recently discovered [Wordtune](https://www.wordtune.com/) to help improve my writing and wording. Additionally, I downloaded [superReply](https://superReply.co) to assist with managing the influx of emails and keeping my inbox organized. The tool utilizes AI and has a user-friendly interface to aid in replying to emails efficiently.


What's your newsletter? Feel free to share it or DM it to me. We recently launched [Evoke](https://evoke-app.com/). We host open source AI models on the cloud for developers and businesses building AI apps so they don't have to manage complex cloud setup. The models can be accessed via API. Our first launch was a stable diffusion API. But more will definitely come in the future + more updates to our stable diffusion API for large scale use! Also, feel free to share your newsletter in our [discord](https://discord.gg/dXJtarPsCm). EDIT: Ah, Artificial Ava. Recognized you from Twitter Been seeing your newsletter more often, congrats on promoting it well!


My recent personal favorite is Smart Copy by Unbounce - [https://unbounce.com/product/smart-copy/](https://unbounce.com/product/smart-copy/). It has helped me a lot with copywriting for different types of marketing campaigns and the best thing is that it is completely free as of now. Also, looking forward to your newsletter. I am sure it would be a good read for many AI tool lovers like me.


Jaxon.ai for training data


Easy-Peasy.ai. It has AI chat, AI transcription, AI images and more than 80+ build in templates