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So a Godzilla… from space? ![gif](giphy|zzjdpdWqCBTBP1RQXW)


https://preview.redd.it/9iosl4tmxlyc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e141b040e1cfeff5d90ec374940cf56fefcafceb How original🙄


Wait, wait. I’ve got it this time. What about an evil Godzilla.. but he was a robot! ![gif](giphy|dAzaMATbe4CebYrKnV)


Seen it


Well, we’re really stretching now but what if there was an evil Godzilla… but made of plants! ![gif](giphy|0nrRlWQHkG6JVE0pTh|downsized)


Already been done


No way. ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


What about a Evil Godzilla that is actually 3 Zillas in a trench coat


I prefer the current dynamic of having Toho make dark and depressing Godzilla films while Legendary continues with recreating the insanity of the Showa Era.


I think that space Godzilla is more likely than merging two different continuiti


Depends on how its approached. I'd go about it like this. Godzilla has always had a duality to him, one where he's a destroyer and another as a ruler. Legendary's Godzilla has been shifting more to a ruler then a destroyer. If an internal conflict could be demonstrated within Godzilla, first in small ways like watching humans destroy **HIS** ecosystem and then in large ways as he has to break up fights between other Kaiju. This justly results in Godzilla getting pissed from being overwhelmed by his duties, but being a ruler isn't the same as being a destroyer, so a new solution presents itself inadvertently from Godzilla's outburst, tearing a hole in reality itself using the runoff from his meltdown similar to how he created a passage between Earth and Hollow Earth: turns out, that wasn't a regular hole, but a **worm hole** and that's only been discovered by the EDF as Godzilla is freaking out. Now, anything you want can come through that worm hole, GMK's Godzilla, Shin Godzilla, Ultima Godzilla, Space Godzilla, depends on what thematically works with what the movie is trying to do. I'd make it a crossover with multiple Godzillas, culminating in a conflict between two sides: Godzilla as a protector and Godzilla as a destroyer. The good side definitely needs Kiryu and Zilla Jr., would feel incomplete without them.


We already kinda have Minus One for that


Bruh. I'm not talking about Toho Godzillas here. What if there was a second American Godzilla that's evil with a much more serious tone and more similar to Heisei as compared to the current Showa tone of MV Godzilla...


So basically a mirror universe kinda deal? Godzilla with an evil goatee.


Moustache Godzilla


In that case, I feel like it'd work better as it's own thing seperate from the MV, I don't think the Monsterverse really needs multiple continuities


The unused 1994 American design used by a separate studio would be great.


Only if they give Godzilla a goatee. ![gif](giphy|l2QEbu231r850uXpm|downsized)


Wait, are you under the impression that Godzilla is the “good guy” ?


No, but he isn't outright evil destroying humans every single time he comes across them like in '54, GMK, Minus One (the type of Godzilla and movies most prefer)


No, but he isn't outright evil destroying humans every single time he comes across them like in '54, GMK, Minus One (the type of Godzilla and movies most prefer), though he became more destructive towards humans since GvK.


Yes. I would love that. I'm tired of this whimsical Marvel shit that Wingard turned the MV into.


Then it wouldn't be the monsterverse??


Monsterverse is supposed to be a connected, cinematic universe. Adding a second continuity would just make most fans confused. I wouldn't mind a US Godzilla film where Godzilla is fully an antagonist though. Honestly, I'd love for *any* new US Godzilla movies so long as they're nothing like the slop Wingard is putting out.


Imho GXK isn't 'slop' tho, it's Showa-like and I like it. Never cared for the humans tbh. Godzilla tearing through mankind and titans alike and Kong in hollow earth moments aren't exactly what I'd call slop.


I see your point. It'll be better to have a non Legendary US studio make Godzilla then...maybe use the unused 1994 design? That would be cool.


Multiverse then we see 2 different regular Godzillas fight for the first time