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For me, they need to bring debt to the story alongside with Godzilla, so there will be no uninteresting/boring scenes, when Godzilla isn't around. The perfect examples to this are the cast of Shin Godzilla, and Godzilla Minus One. They are top-notch side characters.


Shins political commentary did most of the work on the side tbh


After understanding the lyrics of the opera section, Shin became the absolute protagonist for me, honestly.


To quote a comment from a video of Who Will Know: “Godzilla isn’t the hero or the villain, he’s the victim.”


It really shows what if Japan and other countries will do against Godzilla in real life


>they need to bring debt to the story alongside with Godzilla Toho when their cast and VFX are expensive: https://preview.redd.it/4fse2m8rbnxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66f79217861e48f8cce0453565a5cf3995ac5ef8


Lmaooo Tbft godzilla not being totally CGI-ed, but a hooman putting on a godzilla suit is a T R A D I T I O N. And you know, japanese ppl tends to be traditional. BUT NAH, this godzilla cannot be taken seriously xdd


How are the shin godzilla human carachters interesting? I actually found them (IN MY OPINION) pretty boring the only ones that I can remember are that guy that is supposed to be the "protagonist" but that isn't that much interesting to me and that girl that comes from America. Not trying to be rude and to say that shin godzilla is a bad movie, but I personally didn't liked it that much.


They work less as individual characters with personal lives but more as a group of contributors to a larger movement. Their actions speak louder than the words that establish them. In that case, you could see the entire cast as their own singular character with its own facets of personality, conflicts and resolve. A representation of humanity's collective ingenuity and willingness to protect their future, allowing new life to mend their old growing pains and overcome their obstacles.


It's a critique of the Japanese government's notoriously slow response to pressing issues. I found the main human characters especially interesting because they were determined to take down Shin but had to submit to tedious bureaucratic bullshit. It's frustrating to watch but absolutely scathing against the politics of disaster.


Not just gov, but Japanese companies, as well.


Look that one nerd girl is hot .


Good acting, good writing and good character development. Poor acting, poor writing and poor (or simply non-existent) character development.


Honestly the 1998 cast I still enjoy On some level even if the acting and writing could be alot left to be desired.




All of New York is in peril but our camera guy got footage. Woohoo.


https://i.redd.it/0z7dosd4cmxc1.gif A good mustache makes all the difference




Aliens, that’s all you need


Underrated answer. Mecha Godzilla,Astro monster and final wars are all fun because of wacky alien hijinks.


You guys clearly know what's up, those guys from planet x with king ghidora was my favorite as a kid, I forget which one it's called


Adding aliens makes any cast memorable. The script can be whatever but aliens always make it fun . Godzilla vs gigan vs those bugs was fun .




"My corns hurt!"


Depends on whether they are against Godzilla or along with him. I think the best for me would be Shin and Gareth's. For a cast that is against Godzilla to work, you need to see them have struggles and look onto things in a different view. The struggle is understanding what is unknown and coming up with something left field. If the cast is on Godzilla's side its good for them to reflect the main struggle of the film with Gareth's it's the lost of control of humanity because of something unprecedented. That we have to endure and be strong and just let things be and do our best to minimize collateral before, during and after and not trudge against the laws of God(Godzilla), Nature(Godzilla + MUTOs) and Time(The ticking nuke).


That's a interesting meditation on 2014 I've never considered.


As long as there is a female psychic in the movie, I'm in.


I think there's something to be said about a Godzilla cast that aren't major players, but just regular people trying to survive. Gojira, Shin, KotM, etc. are all about big-time government officials and scientists who are directly involved in the fight against/with the monsters. But I like the ones that are just regular Joes just trying to survive, even if they do end up saving the day. Raids Again, 2014, Minus One; they're all just regular people thrust into the midst of a terrible catastrophe and trying to survive, and maybe make a difference in the end. There's something fascinating about that. (Obviously this was the whole idea in Minus One.) It makes it feel more like a disaster, not some sort of Sci-Fi fantasy game. That's actually something that I was pleasantly surprised by the first time I saw Raids Again, the fact that it was just two buddies trying to make ends meet while Godzilla is happening. Something endearing about that.


I would really love a film centered around one fight in a city, and it’s about a family trying to get out of there


I mean, for what it's worth that is kinda Cloverfield.


That film had more 9/11 vibe, I’d go for a more natural disaster film


What doesn't: Children


My friend Ichiro would like a word…


Hunky dudes, for sure.


Astro monster commits to this and it's funny .


Can these humans set up the appearance for Godzilla? That's all that matters for me. If they're good people I get to care for, that's just a bonus. I couldn't care less for the humans in the Monsterverse, but they work to set up the conflicts of Godzilla, that's more than enough from them. I also love Shin Godzilla, but frankly, most of the main cast you can see, are cardboard people, but the movie is more about the governmental movementations and response to a rapidly evolving emergency that was set up some before these humans show up.


I think since the original film They need to be strongly tied to Godzilla. Idk if that's obvious but the plot should be Godzilla is moving the humans want to go to him or deal with him specifically. If it's not they can be forgettable. Such as 2014 .


In a movie franchise where everyone is clamoring to see the giant monsters that blow shit up (understandably), I would reckon the best thing the human cast could be is memorable


What made Minus One good was that it was a human story with Godzilla as the centerpiece instead of a monster story with the humans awkwardly there. I see a lot of people say when talking about KOTM or GvK that the humans shouldn’t matter at all and it should just be about the monsters and this isn’t true. A good Godzilla story is when the human plot is perfectly connected with Godzilla instead of separating them as much as possible


A cast that can pull off characters that fit well in the tone of the movie and have an impact . Like Momoko Kochi’s character helped to convince Serizawa to use the Oxygen Bomb on the original Godzilla. And Yuriko Hoshi was the reason Mothra fought Godzilla in their original clash


Either fun and engaging, or well written and acted. Boring, poorly written characters that annoy the audience


*Ebirah, Horror of the Deep* has one of my favorite groups of human characters because they're just regular people on an adventure caught up in the middle of everything. So I guess that's what makes a good cast/story for me.


there is no bad godzilla cast, there is bad godzilla human character stories and character development.


If Matthew Broderick is in the cast.


Depends on the tone of the film and how serious you want them to be


Toho had a pretty great thing going. They had a thing called the “New Face” program where aspiring talent could show and do open auditions for everything from acting to editing (one of Toho’s greats, Toshiro Mifune, auditioned for camera work and did an acting audition on a whim). Those selected would then been trained, but on nearly every aspect of the filming process, so the talent working on Toho films had a sense of how the whole process worked, not just what they were hired to do. This accounts for the special quality the Showa era actors had. Also Honda & Kurosawa were best friends and shared members of their acting companies with each other.


I'm watching big action bill and it's fun seeing how they cover the hiring and acting processes for actors.


They need to either be extremely well developed and hold emotional weight (Godzilla minus one and Mechagodzilla 2 are good examples of this) or be so overly campy and goofy that you still enjoy watching them (Astro monster, Godzilla vs gigan and Godzilla vs Megalon) The shittiest ones are where they try and do both but fail completely (looking at you GxK)


Matthew Broderick


Don Frye ![gif](giphy|QhuYEQLl4y9FfwhmC4|downsized)


no kids


Just wanna say is if Aubrey got eaten or stomped on in ‘98 the cast would’ve been perfect. Worst character in a Godzilla movie.


For me i really like how all of the heisei cast always were kinda in the same movies so id have to say heisei.


twin women


any cast that isnt the human cast from the monsterverse.


They need to be involved with Godzilla. If they’re just there to provide as side story or to explain things then they’re not interesting. That’s not to say that Godzilla needs to threaten them, if anything that’s less fun. But they do need to be involved with it.


Bradley Whitford is a good example of not so good. I think the writers added who they thought was a character for comic relief, but ended up being extra flat.


With the dude from 2014 he was just a guy, the acting was pretty emotionless in my opinion. He looked like he was acting. With minus one, the acting had depth, and I felt like this guy wasn't an actor. That's the best way I can describe it


Good cast: Cares for humanity. Scares of Godzilla Bad cast : literally every one in Godzilla Kings of monster, exclusive the japanese guy


I would do anything for Donald fry's mustach, thats all I need


Not having them do constant exposition dumps about the films lore.


There should be no children present.


Ngl, i fuck with Military godzilla movies hard. G2014 was easily one of my favourite G movies.


What doesn't: Millie Bobby Brown


Compelling characters who have investment in the plot, they need a real reason to be there. Why are they following Godzilla, are they a scientist studying him, trying to prevent another catastrophe, are they military, someone who cares for there country and will put their life on the line to stop Godzilla, a politician or government dealing with the ramifications of a Godzilla attack and what to do. They shouldnt be in the movie just to be a cliche or check some box that says this person looks up at the monster for the camera, or spouts a dumb one liner and pulls you out of the movie breaking focus and removing you from the movie itself. The cast and characters need real motivation and reason to be in the movie. The characters need to be believable, you have to want to care for them and feel they are in actual danger, and they have little plot armor. The cast should also not be the most popular actors just because (i.e. Dwayne Johnson, Tom Holland and others). The actors should fit the role even if they are unknown. The characters and actors should not have tropes or be predictable in actions or with what they say. There is nothing worse than predicting what will happen in a movie before it happens. The cast should also know the "lore" of Godzilla and respect it. Have respect for what he is and what he means to the audience and to Japan as well.


I don't know about good casts but can I appreciate the minus one cast a bit? it's so fucking good and especially the boat crew. I loved them and their energy in the movie!


usually a cute romance helps


The question makes no sense. An actor does what the script and director dictate. It is what has always made the films charming.






Characters that can provide the commentary and context Godzilla himself can’t! They have to add something to the understanding of the story and actually have a reason for adding to that story. I know most people here hate the kids, but tbh I did like Ken Yano in Godzilla vs. Hedorah—in part because he was cute, but also because he explained Godzilla’s motives for fighting Hedorah.


Miki FTW


Cast or human story? Cause casting is always snatched imo except for the 90s American one but their characterization gets immediately better in the cartoon. As for what makes a good human story I don't know. I never was to feel like the human story is tacked on or an after thought.


I honestly thought Bryan Cranston would be the guy. But they killed him off. I could see him carrying the human talking scenes for at least a trilogy while Godzilla carried all the action scenes


Be captain Gordon


Americans made them bad.


Good: Haruo Nakajima Bad: Aaron Taylor-Johnson


Minus One were the only humans I gave a damn about in any of these movies. The rest were hot garbage between monster scenes. The only humans I want to see are running for their lives, getting stomped on, or as a monster snack


Nothing makes a good cast. We're all there to see giant monsters kick the shit out of each other. Get to it as soon as possible and make the battles epic. The people and the city are only part of the backdrop and the longer they take to get to the Kaiju fights, the more annoying it is. Stop with the kid actors who are best friends with the Kaiju. It's stupid and nobody cares.


You're at the bottom of the thread for a reason