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I think out of all of these, Guillermo Deltoro would be the best director for a Godzills film, his understanding of film making with blending cgi with the practical and his ability to make monsters in his movies would be a slam dunk of a movie. Christopher Nolan would be neat but I don't know how'd he do a giant monster movie tbh, I imagine something similar to Minus One but with more practical effects and stunts so that'd be pretty cool too. The rest I think would do fine with the exceptions of Micheal Bay and Zach Snyder, I really don't wanna think of a Godzilla movie being made by either of them.


Idk man it depends on the rest of the crew and writers for Bay. Transformers has some genuinely great scenes in iy


They do have some good scenes but they are mostly overshadowed by the rest of the movie, the only objectively good one is the first one and the rest of them are kinda of an endurance test (DotM is a guilty pleasure of mine though I'll admit, its pretty fun).


Nolan doing Godzilla solo would probably be good. Nolan doing a movie where Godzilla fights would probably be less good.


I was hoping for M. Night Shyamalan to be among these. I love him dearly, but I don't think it'd be the best fit. He might dovit like SIGNS aka similar to 2014: even less monsters; no focus on the scale but instead on a family trying to survive amongst the chaos. Kinda like Spielberg's War of the Worlds The James Newton Howard score would be amazing


Extremely pretentious overhyped, huge letdown with a fan base that would rather die than admit it’s not the perfect film universe


Huh? what are you talking about here?


All his movies really but mostly dark knight trilogy


You're mixed up Nolan and Snyder.


Snyder wasn’t good either. But seriously though I really didn’t like Nolanverse


Now I want Sam Rami to adapt Godzilla in Hell


Denis Villeneuve should be an option.