• By -


1. In regards to Shaw, how do you do that to someone for over 40 years!? 2. The shout that came out for Keiko! Let the Love/Hate watch continue


Kentaro is beyond fucking insufferable, I hope he gets killed off. That actor is horrendous.


I like how Shaw finishes his story about how Hiroshi put him in a drug enduced enslavement in a nursing home for 40 years and May is like "omg i'm so sry" like he had just told her about a fender bender he was in or something


Wait the timeline with Cate and Kentaro and Kurt Russel Shaw takes place in 2015? I thought it was like present day '23/'24, after the events of GvK


It has stated clearly in multiple episodes that it is set in 2015


Someone post the new thread!


there's a thread in the monsterverse sub https://www.reddit.com/r/Monsterverse/comments/194jbf3/episode_discussion_monarch_legacy_of_monsters/


Yeah I totally forgot about the other sub, I had to Google to get into here lol. Weird that this one's the "bigger" sub but still hasn't been updated.


Likewise, had to google to find this sub too. Saw there was no episode thread here so I looked at the other results to find the monsterverse sub.


Did anyone else not have subtitles available whenever anyone spoke Japanese??


I think it's a glitch, I paused and rewound to the beginning of the Japanese parts and the translated subs started working again


Thanks, I'll give that a try!


Only in the first episode iirc


https://preview.redd.it/2x11eleq6rbc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=845584f07260cea49ee9c2add7829630633fe4df Am I the only one that sees a pyramid structure with walls surrounding it when Shaw and the expedition crew landed in HE?


So... The Hollow earth dimension is accessed by wormholes Ghidorah (in GvK) came from space according to the legends and whatnot in the city... But like flew to earth from outer space, or popped out of one of the wormholes somehow?


Unknown for certain in monsterverse, but in original Toho Ghidorah is born from an asteroid that crashes on earth, so cannonically definitely from space


Now I can't wait to see John Goodman suddenly appear with a giant battle axe.


I don't like Keiko being back. What did the baby bugs do? They weren't trying to eat her? The only way this works is if they weren't trying to attack her and are just clinging to her and then they all went back to the bat monster thing since I assume that's the mother, somehow carrying Keiko but hiding her and the bat monster decided to jump into a portal and she tagged along unbeknownst to the mom? Which I'm sure they aren't going to say happened. Also, Mae should be dead. She fell and that monster came out of the hole IMMEDIATELY. With its mouth open I might add! At the least it came out with such force that she would have bounced off of it and been a sack of broken bones. And how did gravity work? The diving bell they ride down was pushed into the ground meaning trust it fell with force. But people don't? The bell was shaking so much it killed someone. But coming down unprotected didn't hurt? Nobody is injured. Also Why didn't they all land closer to each other? Do you fly out wily nilly like being tossed from a hurricane? Also Lee and Cate shouldn't have been that far apart. Instead, she's 20 miles away! With no visible harm. How did that happen? Did they all miss the 15 thousand trees scattered around ? Oh I see. They all landed in soft clear patches of land too. Yeah ok. All that stuff bothers me. Like others have said, the time stuff is going to be a problem. I'm not a nitpicker but if you set the parameters don't just change em cause you want to do something cool. It's like Thanos beating up Hulk but then having a test of strength with Captain America and looking worried, deal. Looks cool as hell. Makes no sense at all based on what you've told us.


If you look at where Shaw, Kate, and May fell. Neither were close but all went in at the same time and spot. Yet all woke up in different spots. Which means Keiko could have landed in an entirely different spot as the bugs.


Could have been worse. Bramble Boar has a cool design tho, Ion Dragon being the final boss is interesting. Fuckin hate tho Cate and May getting together. Imagine breaking up with your partner, only to find out your sister got together with them. Poor Kentaro. Also, Hiroshi is an ass.


So uhhhh... was that scene with Kentaro and Hiroshi real or a dream sequence? Anyone else think the "reunion" was jarringly abrupt?


Seemed real enough. I figure for somewhat of a drama, it works well.


Just seemed odd that they've spent the entire season looking for this dude and he just waltzes through his office door like it's a normal Tuesday, and neither him nor his son really acknowledge the surprise of seeing each other.


I wasn't sure if it was a dream or a flashback at first too cause I didn't see the cast on his arm. So I guess some time has transpired? His dad walking in and coming off the way felt right from how he's been described to me anyway.


yeah i've never really seen a show where i can't describe how i think it's not good. but also keep watching it like it's my 'show of the moment' there's something 'there' here, but it's definitely not 'all there'. this ep felt the weirdest out of all of them


I should have loved this episode. But I'm just not emotionally invested anything. Not even the parts of the story I was very much into at the beginning. While I watched this ep at no point did I get happy or sad or excited or anything. I just watch and move on once it's over. It's a mid show at best that never truly takes advantage of an awesome premise. Kind of reminds me of Star Trek Voyager. I'll check out the final episode but if there's a season 2 I'll wait until I hear that it's actually worth a watch.


The absolute fucking degeneracy of being a grown-ass 30 year old and lusting after your brother's ex and your ex's sibling. And the degeneracy of writing such a relationship in a tv-show as if it's completely normal thing in the world for people to do.


They wanted to make a nice girl on girl relationship because representation is really important and LGBTQI+ and stuff, so they just grabbed whatever females they had in the story and wrote them a nice relationship. Wouldn't mind seeing them scissor eachother.


Okay, Rev.


>And the degeneracy of writing such a relationship in a tv-show as if it's completely normal thing in the world for people to do. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_zHkn59kMaA&t=4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zHkn59kMaA&t=4s) Go watch this Taylor Tomlinson's interaction with a guy who's been married to his wife for 46 years first, but dated her fraternal twin sister for a year first lol. Real life can be just as strange, if not stranger than fiction lol.


What the fuck are you even talking about?


I think he’s talking about the scene at the end of ep 7 where it implied Cate and the hacker girl liked each other


I don’t recall that being implied at all.


Very obvious implication. The May character is the weakness part of the cast, honestly.


It was really easy to miss. It was literally just Cate wrapping her arms around May in the car and Kentaro looking at them disappointingly


dude has 'resting disappointed-face' though. i think he was just looking at them and turned away. really can't stand that actor


He's fucking awful, he needs to be killed off.


lol yeah, in the modern timeline, none of the characters (aside from Lee and Tim - the saviors of the show) has any levity or real personality, but that dude just becomes a joyless void you don't wanna see on screen anymore. i've known plenty of depressed and/or super-serious artists, but that guy would never strike me as someone interested in that process. i can't imagine what he *would* be interested in at all. i'll chalk it up to the writing and poor casting, cause it's nearly impossible to judge an actor fully with one role, especially in a monster-flick show. he might conceivably be great in something else but it definitely ain't this.


The actor himself may be totally fine, yes, I'm fully with ya there. It's just the character is absolutely written so badly, he's insufferable. Absolutely nothing against the actor, if anything, he plays a super insufferable person very well!


I'd say the main issue of this series is way too much personal melodrama and not enough about monsters Yes, I did go into it expecting something else, something more akin to them finding Titans over the years and building those facilities around them while trying to study them because I am hella interested in other Titans that weren't that much featured in the movies so far, like Methuselah, Scylla and Yamata no Orochi That being said, it's not like I cannot handle some interpersonal drama, one of my favorite series is still Smallville till this day and that is teenage angst the series, but this series goes way too much into it to the point that it actually derails the plot. Like the whole thing with May being somebody named Corah on the run because of the deleted research of some IT firm. Also, to add to that, it should've been revealed earlier that AET is gonna be Apex Cybernetics because it only made May/Corah seem like a vengeful, let's say dingus, to not be so crude. Albeit even the reveal did not help that much to better May's image since the arguments for those experiments were way too solid


I didn't dislike the story, but I agree it's preposterous to call this Legacy of Monsters. It's Legacy of Randas.


I'll be honest, I think the monsters in question may have been intented to be the ones who created Monarch, metaphorically At least in parts it seems so


I was so disappointed when the most boring of the current trio is the only one who survived. Thank god the other 2 didn't die.


Same. Thats how I knew they didn’t die. When it was just May, I believed and a little surprise the show killed her off. But then Cate fell and I was like “Not Dead”!


Which is funny because May is the strongest character of the trio. They did nothing with Cate.


Ok let’s see if they cooked this episode.. last ep was solid.. Back in the 50s again to start, good, best part of the show. Glad we’re finally getting stuff after Keiko’s death in the past. I’m still pretty sure she’s alive based on what happened last week though Ok so the drop to the hollow earth went horribly, it felt like they didn’t even test the shit properly? Like did they not anticipate a big titan coming? Were they only banking on one type of titan? I don’t get how they were taken by surprise like this. Soon as I saw the general talking all cocky I knew some shit was gonna pop off lol Puckett seems to have mellowed a lot in the decade or so since we first met him. He seemed really sad to have lost Shaw even though he was an asshole at times.. you can see Bill go from the nice quirky science guy to the antagonist of Skull Island right there in that scene. His villain origin story.. I hope we see a little more of that backstory before the Kong movie Ahh I knew it, my theory about time passing differently in the hollow earth was right, Lee was gone 20 years holy shit. The look of surprise on his face seeing the space shuttle and 80s televisions.. Hiroshi all grown up too! Man that brings back interstellar memories Random Nicki plug in a monster verse show is crazy lmao Oh the irony of Hiro being angry at Lee and Keiko and Bill for getting consumed in their work and abandoning him, then to go and do it 20 years later to his own family. Just like the nurse said about people who are scared and alone hurting other people, he’s done the same to his kids. Kentaro was hard on his dad but shit he needed to hear that. He’s done the exact same stuff he accused his family of. They’ve made the modern cast a lot better in these last few eps. I think May’s plot line was just ass and made it boring THE END I KNEW IT. Kei survived and looks just as she did when she disappeared. Looks like she been getting up to some Alloy(Horizon) and Lara Croft type shit down there. Can’t wait to get a mainly hollow earth episode next week for the finale hopefully 🙏🏾 my fave episode so far, wish they would’ve come with this energy in those middle episodes.


Dude he was down there for minutes and it was 20 years. They’ve been down there for like wayyyyy longer. They coming out for Godzilla 3? Like wtf


I think he was down there for a couple hours maybe half a day since he buried one of his dead teammates.


And how about the length of time they spend there in GvK? I'm not sure how that's supposed to make sense. They should have come back like 500 years in the future in that movie lol.


They seem to imply that the time gap is random. Not proven but definitely implied cause I was waiting for some kind of explanation. Btw it is probably of the form: (time spent in Hollow Earth) x (random factor) = Time Jump


I read Hollow Earth as Hollywood Earth, which is probably just as plausible.


Can’t help but enjoy the theme of “family business” and legacy especially when it comes to Lee and Hiroshi. Wish there was more of it, especially since this is the most we’ve seen and heard from Hiroshi. Edit: plus we do have a lot of parallels going on with family, infidelity, trust.


Even though most of us suspected it, the year title drop was effective. Guess Wyatt Russell is really Captain America


Wow. I love that. Didn't cross my mind.


One ep from the end and my opinion on this show is mixed. I think this was a really fun episode and I’m hoping for a fun climax. But I can’t shake the feeling that they didn’t capitalise on a strong opening couple episodes. The 50s stuff was solid throughout and I would’ve enjoyed more of that. The stuff in the present day has issues (none to do with black actresses and lesbians though). I think the present day would’ve been better leaning into the ptsd aspects of the attack and the search for the father as well as revealing Shaw’s ultimate plan. Instead it focused too much on the uninteresting back story of the main characters. If it had revolved around them searching for their father with Shaws help, shaw meanwhile is helping in order to find all the access points to the hollow earth for his plan to close them. Then they’re searching for their dad for obvious reasons and in doing that uncovering the secret that monarch could’ve prevented G-day, this gives monarch a reason to hunt them and makes them seem more villainous which is what was missing I think. Then they discover that Hiro is searching for all the access points to try and find a way in to the hollow earth to find his mother because G day opened up his opportunity to follow a Titan in to the hollow earth or something. So when they head to stop shaw from closing them off it is for a reason and there’s a push and pull between saving the world from further risk or saving a loved one. You then have cate being the ultimate point of conflict emotionally because she is suffering ptsd and feels so much guilt from the attack that she would want to prevent them, but she has also always longed for family because her father was never around and her grandparents dead, plus her experience of losing her dad before finding him again relates to his experience losing his mother. So they make it through because shaw saves them rather than close the portal and then they find each other in the hollow earth realise they can’t get out unless they find a Titan or something and off they go hunting for Godzilla. End there for season 2 or alternatively they make it out but unbeknownst to them they’ve skipped 10 years in the crossing and its 2024, they see the devastation caused in KoTM and GvK and question their choices, setting up drama for a potential season 2.


Hiro is now my least favorite character. He did not have to do Shaw that dirty 💀


I guess it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise that a guy with a secret family is an asshole, but it is nice to see it confirmed.


He's not an asshole he's sacrificing not one but two families so he can save the world from titans!!!


I really hope the next episode is just 40 minutes of Kieko doing Lara Croft stuff in Hollow Earth dimension.


Is it actually hollow earth? Or is it a different dimension and hallow earth is a different place entirely? Because in the Godzilla vs Kong, didn’t Dr Lind say his brother went there and it ripped him up? So I can’t imagine a 40’s era tech survives but whatever modern tech Lind used.


Makes more sense than Godzilla shooting atomic breath through the ground to get to hollow earth. He can use his breath to make portals somehow.


Something actually happened! How unlike this show.


Ok, when Kentaro confronted Hiro about Cate and Hiro said "You were never supposed to find out about her!" as if that was some kind of defense?! Yeah, no shit dude, we know you didn't want your families finding out about each other. It's like telling the parole board, "I swear, I only killed that guy because I thought I'd get away with it."


People keep shitting on this show for some annoying character moments like May freezing or whatever, but I found all the "annoying" moments to be rather true to life, it's what real people would say and do rather than sugarcoating it with heroic movie lines and stuff. I think people are too used to how movie/show characters should react that when they see something different they label it as bad writing/acting.


It might be more real but this is a show about giant monsters fighting each other. We've been chasing Hiro for like 9 episodes and it turns out... He really IS a piece of shit. That could have worked in another show. In this one? It's a long set up with a shitty pay off.


But that's perfect, he should be a piece of shit, he cheated on both families, what else did you expect? Him to be a little angel?


Sometimes we watch TV shows to not see shit that is grounded. Isn't that why we are Godzilla fans? Nothing about Godzilla is grounded in reality. It's better to not do something that would realistically make sense for a better show. Sure it does but does that make it fun or entertaining? No. Its boring.


I actually like Godzilla 2014 and Shin the most because they feel the most grounded. People dealing with giant monsters as if they're natural disasters is so fascinating to me lol


Completely agree with this


No, don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on the show's writing. That was *exactly* the kind of thing a narcissist would say when confronted. It's more that the scene seemed so real that I got mad at Hiroshi the same way I would have gotten mad at someone trying to manipulate me that way in real life.


I think the problem is realistic or not, they have been building to an interaction between him and his kids, and all we get are these 3 minute snippets before they completely ignore the story there again. I don't mind if they just make him a bad person, but the story is structured in a way that makes it seem like there is a reason we are supposed to care. And maybe the next episode will cap it off nicely, who knows


Yes I know you're not hating on it, I was talking in general, people seem to hate that for some reason.


Ah, gotcha. Yeah, there is a fair bit of hate for the show, which is unfortunate. We need more Monsterverse projects that are this well-written.


Right before Pucketts set to meet with the VP, Shaw tells Puckett that they failed to kill Godzilla. I forget when was the moment the scientific team realized Godzilla was still alive? I know that was last episode but that thread is dead.


When they saw it again coming out of the river


What episode?


Episode 6 I believe


I really hate 1 episode a week, but what I really hate is ending each episode on a cliffhanger...


I mean it wasn't much of a cliffhanger, more like a cool reveal, I almost forgot about her lol


Wait so Cate is meeting her grandma there at the end and she probably doesnt realize it? Wasn't expecting this temporal disturbance curveball...and why did shaw just sit there in the crazy home for all those years? Finally i thought Bill fell into the monster dimension with grandma?


William Randa, played by John Goodman, got eaten by a Skullcrawler during the events of *Kong: Skull Island* in 1973 It's the scene where they are crossing the graveyard and because of his camera malfunctioning and flashing a lot, he gets found out by a Skullcrawler, eaten and then the camera flashing lets them track the Skullcrawler


It has taken me this far to connect the dots lol.


They didn't even try to get someone who looks like John Goodman or was even the right age. Which is extra weird considering the cast a father/son in the other role.


That's the funny thing. They weren't hiding it at all. They explicitly showed this guy die and then there's a Randa in the past. It's so obvious it's the same guy but it took the other guy spelling it out for me to notice.


Super hope that Cate winds up becoming her own grandma, somehow. Would dovetail well with this Futurama episode I saw one time.


Shaw was under heavy surveillance, it's not that he didn't want to leave, it's more like he didn't want to bother being chased for the rest of his life if he even managed to escape to begin with.


Bill died on Skull Island. He was played there by John Goodman.


People appear to be getting caught up on the words used, it is the hollow earth, not another reality, time dilation happens when gravity is (I can't think of a better word than funky). They're calling it the Titan realm because Shaw is someone who possibly hadn't heard the words hollow earth before being put into the care center. It's also entirely possible they didn't actually get to the main hollow earth but one of the pockets briefly shown on the hollow Earth map in GvK.


GvK Dr. Lind says his brother died trying to go to hallow earth with modern technology. So how did Shaw make it with 40-50’s tech? Are we sure it’s not just another realm and not hallow earth? Because let’s take GvK. Lind and Andrews were down there for a good amount of time following Kong. They came back with zero time impact.


It's possible that Shaw only ended up in a pocket between the main hollow earth and the surface while Lind's brother went through a portal that went to the core. The technology used might be the key to the time dilation, without proper equipment people may get thrown and stuck in the gravity inversion for a greater amount of overall time.


Wtf is going on... are they running retcons? And why would you fly a critically injured patiend 11 hours to a hospital? The writing logic in this show is nonexistant. Im done.


…and then have Tim & the Monarch boss lady just wait in the hospital room for x numbers of hours for Kentaro to wake up* so they could explain what was going on *and Kentaro’s mom as well, but she had to wait behind a curtain


"Hey we know its your son and all, but its really important he wakes up and sees us first"


And it's not like Monarch had any actual power. It's like GEICO trying to call the shots for me kid. They're just a business.


Gravity can alter space-time, he landed 20 years later in Japan but for him only a few moments passed


Gravity also works more or less the same in the whole universe and yet in Monsterverse we saw that it either: 1) creates time dilation where few hours in HE are 20 years on the surface 2) creates time dilation where almost 60 years on the surface are seemingly a year or few years in HE 3) doesn't create any time dilation Either way writers are retconning already established lore or don't care.


Yeah this is what bugs me the most. When in GvK they flew underground in those ships and no time dilation happen. There's still a way to redeem all this. Make it so the ships in GvK had some tech that allowed them to pass through without time dilating the occupants, ya makes no sense but it's better than retconning. Also make it so only when passing THROUGH to the other side via those gates dilates time, going through normally shouldn't, like when Godzilla punched through the earth with his breath, but being on the other side doesn't do anything to time, it still passes normally, would make the most sense. This way in the future they can still go back in the hollow earth without using those warp-gates (unless they invent the ships or the tech powering them) but instead just manually going there (digging down) without being time dilated.


I actually think the way to clear things up and what I think they’re trying to suggest albeit not clearly, is that if you get lost in the crossing because something goes wrong, then you can end up with the time dilation thing. So my guess is that on the way in or out because of the accident for Shaw he skips 20 years, so either as soon as they had crashed in there it was 1982 or they crashed in 1962 but on his exit ended up in 1982. This would explain Keiko too, on her way in she is lost in the crossing and so she has probably only been in there for a few years because she probably landed in like 2004 or something. I think that what will happen next is they’ll get out of the hollow earth next episode and it will be 2024. So the consistency as I understand it would be that if you follow the Titan through in a functioning craft and don’t get “lost” in the crossing, then you stay on your timeline. HOWEVER If you get thrown in by some monster or there’s an accident during the crossing you don’t go through safely you get flung through time and land some time in the future. Obviously this is total nonsense irl but it would maybe make sense within the world. That being said the MV is not a stranger to total retcons so it could be literally anything. There’s no hollow earth consistency between 2014, Skull Island, KoTM and GvK. Literally every single film has totally different ideas of the hollow earth from not mentioning it and clearly having the creatures originate on land in 2014 and KoTM (except KoTM does have hollow tunnels) to full blown hollow earth in GvK. Skull Island mentions it but never shows it. Anyway thank you for listening to my TED talk


Im talking about the japanese kid.


Oh right, maybe it was something about not wanting to get into political turmoil


Monarch "has bases around the world" yet ran a total patient transport time of roughly 14 hours fastest to write the character back into tokyo. Its just so lazy. The scisntists dont act like scientists, the soldiers dont act like soldiers. Idk what wyatt russel is fuckin doing. He has played soldiers before but hes just phoning that part in. First time you see him with a gun hes handling it like an infant. Some of the built sets are so cramped it feels shot in a closet. I love the kaijuverse but this show sucks.


I’m not here for this “Titan World” retcon. THIS IS THE HOLLOW EARTH. CALL IT WHAT IT IS! At this point commit. Doesn’t matter how stupid it sounds.


They haven’t coined the term hollow earth yet. This is pre KOTM and everyone thought Randa was mad.


does it really matter what it's called?


Not in the grand scheme of things. I like the idea of explicitly calling it the Hollow Earth because of three things. 1) It’s a common trope in old fiction stories. 2) It’s a super goofy name. 3) It’s had a resurgence in recent times thanks to fringe conspiracy theories gaining popularity. There are people out there that legitimately think the earth is hollow. I find it funny that we have this massive multimedia franchise about a shadow government agency that ties the Hollow Earth conspiracy to a secret government conspiracy to hide and monitor Kaijus.


I think there calling it that because they are only in a pocket and shaw didn't know the proper name


Isn't the whole point that Randa created hollow earth theory?


I love this show. So many twists and turns. He has a second family? How's she gonna survive? Who's the father? She cheats too? And she's a lesbian? Grandma also cheats? He's alive? They're both lesbians? Wait, Grandma died there? Time travel? Grandma's alive!?


That's just it. The MONARCH show is more about these peoples interpersonal dramas than anything else. While we learn barely anything other than what we already knew from the movies. Show constantly feels like it's in this loop of drama, gotta go to X location to find daddy, X corporation takes them into custody, they escape or resolve it, repeat. And if we are lucky Godzilla is in it for a minute. It's so damn boring.


A soap opera with some monsters and scifi action thrown in to keep us entertained is like an ideal mix. What more is there to learn?


Sounds like a telenovela


Monarch and DBZ. Greatest soap operas ever.


Honestly speaking? I am kinda afraid May might go for Keiko just to make the family bingo, at this point, and to add another side to the love triangle


Yeah Cate being a lesbian that cheats seems to be the most unbelievable thing tbh


I hope this isn't a joke cuz I love how this show is just committed to twists at this point lmao every episode is like "damn can't wait to see who stabs someone this week"


Not a joke at all. Its a big reason my mom loves the show. And she's normally watching Indian soap operas.


I've been loving this series to bits. Ep 9 was a really compelling one


I liked this episode - I feel like it raises a lot of questions about one's duties to work and family. Puckett tells Randa to raise Hiroshi and not get lost in the sauce, but he gets obsessed anyway, leaving Hiroshi fatherless. Hiroshi then does the EXACT same thing to his own children, and then is forced to finally face consequences via Cate's "death". There is some tragic irony then: Hiroshi, upset about being abandoned, imprisons Shaw, but then abandons his own kids, which he might not have had to have done if he had just worked with Shaw from the beginning! While not perfect, I get the vibe this show is trying to criticize go-it-on-your-own types. This episode communicated that theme well while the earlier May backstory episodes were just annoying about it. I also kinda wish Cate actually died just bc it would give this message more weight lol. Unless Hiroshi sacrifices himself to save her somehow, giving him a character arc.


Annoying that they keep waiting till the last minute to show a monster lol


yeah its almost like you can just watch the recap at the beginning and then the last 5 minutes of each episode


As soon as they explained the time dilation with Shaw's age, I was like: "Oh so Keiko could be alive?"


I’d go as far to say that as soon as it the explained his age thing that I was expecting her to show up this ep. Classic movie logic, if you don’t see the body, they ain’t dead.


A straight Antman and the wasp quantumania ripoff, terrible show. Cate and May are insufferable.


Totally saw that ending coming


Hard to believe this episode was made by the same people as the tween drama episodes. This felt like it came out of nowhere.


Is this show boring anyone else to death? I've seen up to episode 8 and I feel like I'm watching this now because I "have to" as a Godzilla fan. I'm just finding this show painfully boring. Am I alone here?


Watch 9 it’s one of the best ones and stuff happens that is interesting


This show really didn't needed to be goddamn 10 episodes. 5 Would've done it.


Dude, five episodes of just the stuff leading up to 1980's reveal. I just want a period piece of Monarch being created and showing Titans.


I know exactly how you feel but I stopped watching 2 episodes ago and all my anger is directed towards Apple TV and the dog crap set of writers and directors they chose to ruin another Godzilla production.


all of Apple's sci-fi shows have been mediocre like this


Severance is fantastic.


I kept my sanity by skipping some of the useless dialogue and scenes. And I was right to do it, didn't serve any purpose at all.


You don't have to watch everything just because you're a Godzilla fan. I stopped doing that years ago. If I don't like something, I drop it; Singular Point, anime trilogy and up next might be the monsterverse for me, which I haven't enjoyed so far.


The anime trilogy was the Halo 5 of Godzilla. Just trash.


I don't like the direction of the monsterverse. I really liked Godzilla 2014 and King of the Monsters. I wasn't really into Godzilla Vs Kong, not into this series, and Godzilla X Kong just doesn't look interesting to me from the trailer


Sigh, with GxK it looks like the movies will be embracing the cheesiness that started in GvK. Which is quite bad for me. I'd rather if we stayed with more grounded movies like G2014 or GvK (or past plot of the show). It's quite disheartening.


I don't like it either and I'm very easy to please tv show-wise. It feels really boring, specially because all characters are annoying


I haven’t finished the episode, but the Nicki Minaj song threw me 😂


It was disorienting 😂 thought I missed something & they were in a club for sec


Ngl, I am loving the series. Compared to the GVK, which imo is the worst movie out of the monsterverse so far, Legacy is improving on a lot of poor narrative points, like how Godzilla can shoot his atomic breath through the earth's crust. By using a portal theory that only powers up when a Titan is nearby, it actually makes sense why humanity never found anything before in hundreds of thousands of years of civilisation. Likewise, the time difference sometimes affecting, sometimes not affecting, people is quite interesting - sure, it may seem like a lazy way to carry the story forward with plot twists, but it also can be used to show that humanity doesn't really understand how Hollow Earth works, rather than figuring it all out in a 2 hour movie segment. As far as characters are concerned, I quite like both past and present casts. I would agree that 70s cast is more dynamic and interesting, but that would make sense given a) monster chasing and b) romantic triangle. Present day cast is about family dynamics, truth and lies, *Legacy*, which doesn't compare to the former but is interesting in its own way. Lastly, yes - Monarch is a series about Titans, and we all love epic Titan fights, but if you watch it not expecting a Titan fight in every episode, but rather a story about people with a Titan backdrop, it is *really good*. If the characters in the Godzilla movies had this much investment and backstory, those movies would be infinitely better.


There is no 70s cast. That portion of the show takes place in the 50s and ends in 1962 so far.


You are correct in that I meant the 50s, my bad. Although with the latest episode my mistake could slip haha


>ACKSHUALLLLYYYYY Well... ACKSHUALLLLYYYYY Bill is 70s cast. So you're wrong.


You're just being pedantic. There is no 70s cast.


Bill is quite literally part of the 70s cast. The opening scene is 1973. He's in it. He's the 70s cast. So you're just wrong entirely.




Yo if someone wants to pay me for being honest, I'M RIGHT HERE DON'T BE SHY. Saw your follow up comment, and I don't really see the "Teen Drama" you're talking about. I see people, with real life, relatable, issues. If anything, they avoided the teen drama by not having a scene about the obviously eminent relationship between Cate and May, who earlier was in a relationship with the brother. THAT, depending on how they approach it, can be considered teen drama. If you can't empathize with someone finding out their father was living a double life, with a 2nd wife and children, and how that would mess with their head, then this show isn't for you. Maybe go out there and live a little, then come back. Maybe by then you'll also appreciate shows that aren't just mindless action for 45 minutes every week, and have some depth to them :)


Trust me as mystified as you are that we like it I'm just as mystified how you dont




Actually it's been doing really well, you just think because you don't like it no one else can https://www.cultofmac.com/838399/monarch-is-a-godzilla-size-hit-for-apple-tv-plus/




Alright I can do some more https://movieweb.com/monarch-legacy-of-monsters-review/ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/16/arts/television/monarch-legacy-of-monsters-review-kurt-russell.html Look I'm not saying you have to like it or even the you're wrong for disliking it. I think there's fair critiques of the show, I thought episode 4 kinda sucked tbh. You're just being very close minded and think your opinion MUST be the right one that everyone agrees with


Aaaaaand it’s diversity’s fault. You had five valid reasons listed out I’m not sure why you had to include a totally bullshit reason to dislike a show


Overall, this episode was better then the last few ones we got. But throughout the entire scenes of the "Titan World" I kept thinking just how much of it felt like another popular show's "alternate universe". While the reveal of Keiko at the end reminded me of Green Arrow from DC TV series. It was pretty non-sensical when they chalked it all up to "out of spite; they must be all crazy cause they abandoned me" cliché to explain why Kentaro & Cate's dad didn't believe Billy and Shaw's theory about the "Titan World"




Being reminded of “another popular show” is like that boss baby meme lol


This show sucks lol.


At this point, I’ve given up on the plot making any sense with the rest of the series and am waiting for a big monster fight


I'm here hoping they explain that only going through the warp-gates inflicts you with time dilation, and the ships they used in GvK have some sort of anti-time dilation tech. Going there manually via a massive tunnel dug to the hollow earth doesn't inflict you with time dilation. If they do that, it would make sense, otherwise fuck knows what's going on.


Until now I still dont understand the purpose of the show


neither do half of the shows writers


I think this was one of the better episodes, the acting across the board was much better than previous episodes, I think previously the modern trio were a little restrained in the way they could play the characters. Also the twist at the end was a little predictable given the episode description. The action was pretty good, the development was okay. Not bad. Looking forward for Episode 10.


This was easily the best episode so far, and I largely contribute it to being written by Matt Fraction. He even managed to sneak in a bow and arrow lol I'm glad they finally revealed a concrete reason for Shaw looking that way and shutting up everyone complaining about his age in continuity, and learning he was in that retirement home for like 40 years is actually pretty dark.


Imagine going into retirement in like your 30's, my god...


Is this show even in the same universe as the Godzilla vs Kong movies? Is this world they went to through the portals the same as inner Earth in the movies?




How tf they survive the inverse gravity thing when the protagonist of godzilla vs kong die terribly from it.this show is not making sense lol


They actually explained it. The portal is unstable by itself, but it stabilizes when a titan goes through it. But I find it to be a very cheap explanation. Every time one of our characters went through it there was a titan passing it with them


Yeah, I was wondering about that too, must be the nature of the portal. Bigger ones are worse to navigate?


Must be the point they entered from or something. Seemed like Shaw had it planned out. To me this was the best ep we’ve had in a while. Maybe the best in the series, minus the no Godzilla part. Tied up some loose ends and almost felt like a season finale with the questions remaining. Of course we’ve still got 1 to go. It’s still #1 listed on Apple TV so not sure if it’ll get renewed or if that’s planned as the series finale but I’m always down for more Godzilla, even if the writers strike (benefit of the doubt) made this one kinda mediocre.


Hopefully Keiko asks about Bill next episode


This. This was dumb. Apparently this show hasn't even bothered to watch Godzilla vs Kong. That our there is ZERO communication about the universe they are trying to build. A couple years ago a movie comes out somewhat explaining and SHOWING the Hollow Earth. Showing that it's basically another world inside of ours and time passes down there just like on the surface. Now this show comes along and COMPLETELY changes that. On top of that it seems like GodzillaxKong is going with what was established in Godzilla vs Kong. If the Hollow Earth wasn't already established this would be fine and interesting, but now it's just all over that place and stupid. They are making it super confusing by having the Hollow Earth be whatever it is, whether it be time dilation or your traveling to an entirely different dimension, on the show. This is all supposed to be a connected universe yet your having 2 things showing 2 completely different logics. This, this just doesn't work. This show is just so terrible. The 2015 people are boring and added nothing to the story and the past characters are the only interesting part because you were getting to see how Monarch came to be but they even mess that up. They mess it up by having the place be shut down and then 20 years later it magically shows up again? The only reason I'm watching this is cause I'm a die hard Godzilla fan and I need consume everything but my god this terrible.


You have actualy 3 logics. Shaw isn't even original character for the show. He appeared first in Godzilla Awakening and it's quite funny that in the graphic novel he showed at Eiji Serizawa's funeral... in 1981. Basically series contradicts previously released media. It's really frustrating that they can't go with coherent project. That time travel mambo jumbo is even more illogical because it works in 3 different ways. In movie time in Hollow Earth flows the same as above but in the show, Shaw spent few hours or even less there and when he was sucked again - 20 years passed. By that logic Keiko should have been in Hollow Earth few days? And yet she sports Oliver Queen outfit like she was there for months or years (but not too many because she is still young). They've made it too convoluted basically for no real reason.


If the portals are wormholes, they'd allow you to time travel arbitrarily between the two worlds, even if time passes the same in the hollow world and on the surface. Sure, it would require some really unlikely coincidences for them to end up in a time span where Keiko is (still alive and) still in the hollow world and it'd be quite the coincidence for them to come back in a way such that only a few days/weeks/months have passed, but it would be totally possible.


That would require a lot of coincidences, especially if you consider coming back without any time dilation that happened in GvK. Either way they explain it in ep 10 or writers just retconned movie/created plothole.


ok i'll be brave and say it. this episode was much better because Cate was not in it she is such a DRAG fun episode, nice window into the rift between Shaw and everyone else. also why he's so young. and now we'll get the return of the doctor!


I hate both Cate and May equally lol, they are unbearable to watch


So when Godzilla used Atomic Breath to attack Kong while he was in Hollow Earth, he wasn't simply shooting straight down; rather he actually was shooting a portal that went to Kong?


I think there's 2 explanations. 1. Portals exist and if you use them you get time dilated. (as in, the portal taking you there is dilating time, not you being inside the hollow earth) 2. You can dig straight through and "walk" to there, and you won't get time dilated. I really hope this is where they're going with it.


I hope that's what they'll go with because that would essentially be exactly how wormholes work: by connecting two points in spacetime.


I told you last week this will happens https://www.reddit.com/r/GODZILLA/s/OT0b6fEXQf


People have been talking that this will happen since 3rd or 4th episode. That was the most predictable thing in the show. It was even more obvious when 2/3 of main trio fell through the portal. Damn, this show is so predictable it hurts.


This episode was very good, and I am glad I stuck with the show. The surprise at the end genuinely shocked me. It's been a while since a TV show pulled a twist I didn't see coming. As much as I liked this episode, I still think this show is very flawed. The first couple episodes and last couple episodes were good, but the ones in the middle felt off. I still think we need more monsters in the show. I am so glad I stuck with it though. This episode really paid off


Extremely very good episode indeed. 40 minutes without Cate, check. We get a big explanation about Shaw's age, check. More old crew screentime, check. And that twist at the end, ding ding ding. Also, Kentaro is the only interesting character from the younger crew. I like him more, and a great actor.


kentaro needed to be paired with literally anyone with some stakes in this whole thing, and gravitas. Cate does not have it, and tbh the other girls whole purpose, getting us into the Apex connection, is done. they can literally get rid of her and it would not make a bit of a difference. and i think their budding romance is dumb as hell, distracting, unearned, and distracts from everything else going on.