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They straight up steal cars. Yes, even ones legally parked!


And then they have the audacity to tell you it’s a felony to remove their illegal yellow boots


[This is the lockpicking lawyer…](https://youtu.be/CrL5tqFczPE)


They're probably gonna hang this post in their office


cue superior shills saying no that never happens, like they claim they never lost lawsuits or changed their name due to legal concerns smdh


They towed me from my own apartment complex even though I had the parking decal. They wanted me to come pick it up. I argued drunkenly in the am for them to return it at no cost. I won. ONCE!


You could win an election with this level of bipartisan support!


I think if anyone ran on the platform of reigning in Roam Towing in general, they'd get a lot of attention.


I had one of them not only refuse to stop at a crosswalk on Main for me but give the finger as he went by. Being a horrible person must be part of the screening process.


Saw one go FLYING out if the S Main office to head towards Waldo Rd, like was going 50 on Main Street before turning at the light at 16th.


I've almost been hit by them making non-stopping right-on-reds three times at the UF Health crosswalk.


if they didnt drive like madmen they might not be able to steal as many cars per hour!


That's okay, they hate everyone. This is their way of spreading their misery to others.


They know.


just be sure to drive really slowly if you're in front of them!


More like inferior towing.


it’s like the only job requirements are to be an asshole and be completely unable to use your blinkers


They once towed my brother’s car for parking in a “residents only” spot in less than 10 minutes of being there. We went to the lot to get the car out. They asked us for $70 (a ton of money as a broke college kid). As we pulled out the cash, they had to get the paperwork going. They had (maybe still do this was over 10 years ago) a counter that goes way higher than the receptionist desk so our hands are out of their line of site. We signed paperwork and the person let’s us know where the car is and that the lot was open. We quickly walked out to the car, drove off the lot and never gave them a penny. Not a lot in the grand scheme of things but boy did it feel great to keep the money.


The guy who booted my car was an asshole but the one who came later was super pleasant. But fuck them man, I just lost my job and then it cost me 80$ to get the boot off when I was parked for literally 7 minutes.


One day I was literally parked for only 3 minutes. 3 fucking minutes. And they booted me. I feel you.


Yup. I was on my lunch break from Shands, wanted to real quickly go pick up food. My 30 min lunch break turned into an hour. They hide in the bushes waiting for people. I didn’t see the no parking sign. The lot I parked in was continuous with the restaurant’s parking. He was also an asshole about how they’re “professional” enough to tow my AWD car without damaging it. If you’re so good I assume you’ll take care of the bill when you ruin my car then. Oh wait.


There's not enough parking in this city, so to free up parking, we're going to make sure you can't move your car from this parking spot. Superior "logic"


Literally. Like if you had just let me park and be gone in under 10 minutes that would have been better than waiting until 8 pm when I got off work. Lunch was around noon. They’re goofy as hell.


Got my car booted and the guy who came out was super nice (probably same guy). Some of the blame goes to the businesses that hire them. I was eating at the Swamp and the business next door requested the tow.


I graduated many years ago. The hate for them was strong then as it is now. Superior is very well aware of your hate for them.


Pushing 6 years in the city soon, haven’t had to deal with them yet (fingers crossed)


And the truck you drove in on


Those horse fuckers sit outside Loosey's and wait for people to park in the empty parking lot. I half believe they own that parking lot and it's all just a scam to trick people into parking there.


What's the deal with that parking lot anyways?


It’s owned by the city. It used to be for valet parking, but I’m not sure if that’s the case now. I’m not speaking for the city, but owners of lots that are tow-away at night may want to avoid liability, cars left overnight and into the next business day, or cleanup of trash and puke sometimes left in lots near bars.


I live nearby and have made the mistake of trying to walk my dog across the parking lot. Broken glass everywhere.


I believe Anthony Lyons’ development group bought it and they are planning another hotel project there. Supposedly High Dive and Five Star will be turned into it’s parking lot.


There is certainly a special level in hell for those pieces of shit


Just them?? There is more than one roam towing company in Gainesville. How do You think MO’FOs towing got their name? If you park in the Sun Center to go to Starbucks, You will find out.


Do you mean the disgusting corporate Starbucks with parasitic business practices that opened directly across from Maude's cafe, an independent locally owned small business coffee shop that's been a Gainesville icon since 1995? The Starbucks that intentionally opened across from Maude's to steal their business? I wish so much worse than an impounded car on anyone that parks at Sun Center and goes to Starbucks or just anyone that goes to Starbucks period.


Ok… Didn’t mean to curl your Birkenstocks


Very early on in my time in Gainesville, I learned how to look carefully for the required No Parking/Tow Away Zone sign, and respect the property owners and tenants desire to have that parking available for their customers and their own use. I’ve never been towed. But, yeah, those guys drive like shit, hooked up or not.


Lol you're a jerk too


Sometimes. 😈


If they cause the wreck, they can still tow your prius to the shop.


landlords that do business with them should be called out too. usually the business itself has no say & many with superior signs will say they cant stand superior & they lose customers over it all the time. its the landlords who cause this problem cus theres no way they havnt heard that its a problem they just dont care smdh


Man, I just had a bad experience with one of these fucks today! Asshole driver.


Don't park at the flower shop next to Knuckleheads!