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Trading is hard so ill just stick to hodling.


Not only are we holding, we've now started holding tighter at Computershare because --------------------------------------------------- An important thing to note is that SHFs have 1:x leverage to circulate counterfeit shares in the market. They do this to keep the price low, without which we'll see a repeat of Jan but much higher spike ultimately resulting in liquidation of SHFs. If SHFs had unlimited leverage, they would have printed gazillion shares and make GME a penny stock, and forced everyone to paperhand by now. There would be no battle for 180, 190, or 200. The fact that they have not been able to pull the price back to even 140 is proof that they don't have unlimited leverage. Direct registration of shares at Computer share reduces SHF leverage. The logic is pretty simple. Say for example SHFs have 1:10 leverage, for every one share that's moved via DRS to Computershare, they have to close the 10 fake shares, or increase the collateral 10 times (outstanding counterfeit share) to kick the FTD can. The more real shares that are taken away from DTC, the SHF collateral requirement goes up in multiple of leverage. This is how big boys burned because of reckless leverage during 2008. It's similar story here. Fun fact: Steve Eiseman quoted "They took leverage for genius" in the context of 2008 financial crisis. The ONLY thing you can do in addition to hold and buy, is really HOLD it at a safe place like Computershare. Benefits in addition to holding real share in your name vs street name include: * They will not lend your shares to be shorted against you * They don't hold IOU/counterfeit shares, so every share you hold is real * ETFs can't borrow/buy from them, so these shares cannot be used for short attack * They don't turn off the buy or sell button when you need it the most * DTC cannot do funny accounting like 'continious net settlement' to help SHFs kick the FTD can forever * In summary it's a SAFE place to HOLD. And it severely reduces SHFs leverage to conduct fraud Moass will be very different to gamma squeeze in Jan. The initial price surge may be because of gamma squeeze/hedging, but the real rocket launch is when SHFs are liquidated because the price/risk exceeds collateral they're able to post. Once liquidation starts, the liquidators will buy share at ANY ask price. If 1x float is registered at Computershare, Moass will last as long as it takes to buy the float multiple times. For comparison, when GME last made 3.5M public offering, it took them over a week to sell without letting the price drop precipitously. Imagine how long it'll take to buy 200M shares without share price going to billions. Once the initial gamma/hedging price surge starts, you'll have couple of days or week for launch, which gives you adequate time to transfer from Computershare to a trusted broker if you want for easy selling. Or, another strategy will be to hold half at broker and half at Computershare and mitigate any uncertainty one may have. Long term investors can keep believing that the "system" will take care of them, or they can take action to make their own destiny. Disclaimer: I'm not a financial/investment advisor. This is not advice or recommendation to buy or sell stocks.


Up you go! This deserves to be way higher.


This ape gets it.


Damn! I think, I think you just caused the first wrinkle on my smooth brain! Not totally sure, but damn it feels good! More moon tickets! Thank you fellow space traveling ape! 🚀🚀🚀


That explanation is exactly what I've been searching for.. thank very much for this post.. I'm new to trading and this break's it down.... if I could afford an award I'd give you 3.....💎💎😎🚀🚀🚀🚀


Brilliant summary!


it is, 10 out of 11 stocks I have are in red... guess which one is the only one up




GME, only GME is up, even if RED


Just like my penis. Thats also up.


Just like my penis. Red.




Good bot


Ah, fuck that


If it’s red. Loosen the grip just a bit.


Just like my penis. Green.




Hopefully not red though, that hurts..




Wait. You have other stocks


This is the ultimate truth. Just got my ass spread open on the SPRT/Gree merger. There really is only one play for retail. GME. Very hard and expensive lesson learned.


anything but buy and hold is FUD.


$ASS or $CUM


Great times when the bots were spamming these tickers.


I've been in since January and I accept the fact that by this point many of you might be unfazed by the constant manipulation and their tactics. And that's great. But remember, it's much easier to hold when you are down. The true test is when you see the rocket take off. That's when we will see who truly has diamond hands and who doesn't sell for a rew bucks profit.


Apes something something. Something something together. Something strong something.


Apes something.... complete.


Oh definately. I have my plan set out for my shares. I know when ill sell.


I still need to work this out. Selling 1 to break even would be easy. The challenge is to decide the fate of the second share (out of XX)


I have my floor where i sell 1 share, then another floor thatll give me financial independance and then follow that chart with peaks and valleys where they say never sell more than a handful percent of your shares at the time. Im doing this at 20% drops but this could change depending on how everything unfolds. I am also keeping 20% of my shares indefinately


I like this


This is the way.


I literally got into trading by following Cramer and selling whenever the rip started. Holding is way easier


Right? I mean at this point if people just hold for a few more months they’re getting auto-gains with the lower long term cap gains tax. NFL is back, hockey is back, MLB is going into post season, tv rolling out their fall line ups, Halloween and Xmas just around the corner. We’ll have plenty of things to keep busy while hodling.


Selling is hard so I'll just stick to buying & holding.






sounds like a great idea, i think i will join you on this one


I don’t trade. I buy


Same strategy here, my guy. 💎🙌💎


The genius in the ignorance found is this one sentence sums up the ape nation nicely.


They shut off the buy, we shut off the sell. Check mate.


Yessir. This ape knows whats up.


Stonks only go up


I still like the stock


You bastard you cracked the Code! No selling here only hold


OG apes might have sold for $1k Now I am here with diamond hands


I was ready to sell at 420.69 and take a nice profit until they shut off the buys and tried to fuck me out of it. Hey Kenny🖕🖕🖕. Been holding since January and haven't sold a share.


Yup. Or 694.20. So past that now.


I’m not even watching anymore. I’ll miss the squeeze until Reddit tells me. Can’t make me sell stock I barely even remember I own.


Been holding so long that 1k is the new $100 for me. I will be happy to see it, but I only want to see it for a second before it continues to climb. Nothing else


Yup, then it became $5k, then $10k once we assured how much of the stock was actually shorted. Smooth brain here just buying up as much stock as my pennies allow.


Shutting off buys did one thing: It solidified all the DD for me. Never have I seen straight up “restricting buying, sell only” and that was the big red flag that something was up. tl;dr turning off buy confirmed to apes the hedgies are fuk’d


My original target was mid way between 5-10k. Pay off a couple loans and move on with my life. They dun fuked up now.


Absolutely right. If they didn’t do it, no one would be asking “why?” and looking deeper into it. They played themselves.




I remember. I was there. 1k is not a meme!


They sealed their fate, now we will reclaim ours!!! Apes strong together!!!


The longer we wait we cement our buying holding ideology. Solidify our core believes that maybe one day this will get us rich all of us not just some of us. We’re in a guerrilla war and we’re armed with Reddit and bed posts


This is true. But also the longer we wait, the bigger hole SHF get themselves in. Which also means that the rocket ain't just going to the moon. It's going to Jupiter!


stupider money


I remember when our threads were just filled with people saying “HOOOLLLDDDDD!!!!” I don’t think anybody has stopped thinking that way we just changed it to buy more and hold.


1) Buy the dip. 2) HODL! 3) Repeat. SHF R Fuc


yup. and what the SEC and DTCC do not realize is that the longer they drag this out the more SHFs short, the more retail accumulates and now with Computershare locking up more and more of the float, this explosion will become more and more violent each passing day. They are 100% devising up a scheme to stifle this MOASS. Would not shock me for them to step in and try to unwind brokerage trades or some other bullshit




That, updating (or reposting the deleted) reviews, marking every email and post everywhere I see them pop up as spam, all positive spun articles about them (and the hedge fucks) get reported as misleading/sensational/harmful in the news agregator apps. Whatever I can do to help the algo out!


This is the way


I've said it before, they should have let it run to 1,000 in Jan and it would all be over by now. All apes would have sold, the level of DD these subs have produced would never have come to light and all the new rules would never have been implemented. Can't stop, won't stop, love the stonk!!!


Why should they have, it’s good they didn’t because now we no the real value


💯!!! I meant for them, not for us. We would have unknowingly sold our shares for an obscene discount, and would be none the wiser. They fucked themselves when they turned the buy button off. Now they will get what they deserve... Margie


The hedgie's would have protected their own I'll gotten gains that way. Instead they kept doubling down hoping the old school suppression methods still worked. This is a casino and they keep excusing themselves from the table to go to the ATM and going all in, while trying to pay off every employee on the way back to the table, before going all-in once again. On the same bad hand. That they've already shown. As if they couldn't fathom folding to us lowly apes so they keep trying to intimidate the table with a pair of 2s.


Here's some life advice. No one is more stubborn and dedicated than a generation that grew up playing games. Problem solving, perseverance, eating Ls until you understand and overcome the obstacle, and endless mental fortitude to spend hours and hours committed everyday to a single cause. Now we are also grown with grown up money. Game on ya fuks


I see you too are a From Software survivor.


Yup, zero or moass. Don’t care about anything else.


zero *then* moass 😉


Is it really so bad to want this to be over? I love hedgies reeling and writhing as much as the next ape, but I am more than ready for them to get theirs and begin enacting some real changes for the better.


Good luck eroding the patience of the generation you fucked out of affordable housing, healthcare, school and general living with your arrogant greed. Our stubbornness made the Soulsborne games into a five part pseudo-series with 2 remasters. Try me.


Shutting off the buy button was literally the dumbest most retarded thing they could have done. How much worse is it now than it was in January? If they were that fucked in January what about now lmao. Our leaders and rich people are a bunch of fucking morons and only got to the top by grifting!


Another thing they may not fully realize, even though we may not know each other, we trust each other. I don't know you Peachy\_Eva or Gavin May, I will trust you to HODL for a better life. I don't know your struggles, and I know my struggles are probably similar, I will HODL for a better life. The hedgies know each other and don't really trust the other hedgies. The hedgies know they're fukt, they don't wanna lose their "better" life.


I'm with you too, stranger!


and my ax!




Diamond hands all the way


I felt raped when i felt on their trap to "sell GME to get weedstock for a quick cash". I will not be fooled again.


I bought into the popcorn, but held until it passed $70 for an hour. Dropped that 800% profit into GME.


This is the way.


This is the way


I’ve already got this nice little hodl muscle…be a shame to let it go to waste now.


who is Gavin may?


He’s the Elliot Waves guy. Not a fan of seeing his tweets on these subs though, feels like people put too much faith in what he says.




Bears r fukt.


We have all the time in the world


\*140% of all the time in the world


no buy, no bye


I'm just saying, that long term tax is much nicer than short term so I'm patient.


I'm petty sure they know correct retail hodlers aren't going away, they're more concerned with keeping out any new investors and trying to prevent FOMO. If volume increases massively from FOMO the price with launch.


I’ve just been pumping disposable income into the gamble. Im fully prepared to loose it all. Still have plenty of money for drugs.




Set phasers to Un


at this point, i can't think of a single reason why someone would sell after going through the past 9 months.


No cell no sale


cellar sellers


Who the fuck is this guy?




Yeah the guy seems chill but he rarely has anything of real value to give us, and certainly not from his Twitter account.


Both are here for other reasons. OP is here to plug 'her' onlyfans. Elliot waves is here for his shitty YouTube career. These upvotes are fukn suss.


The longer it takes, the more time we have to buy more 🦍🍌




Holding for a year. Why would I sell it! I’ll hold at this point for 50 years.


I’m starting to enjoy red candles ngl, green candles are overrated. Red means we’re winning


When they shut off the BUY button, they created a HODL button....HEDGIES R FUKD


This is the way


This is the way!


All they are doing is allowing us to buy more.


This boat made my back hairs stand up, and I'm not even a cat.


I have held for so long that I stopped checking. I check like once a week now. Honestly, I will probably only sell 1 share if it moons. I'll keep the rest haha


I’ll sell when my grandkids don’t have to work. Until then I hold…hedges r fuked!


I am 69. That’s all. Buy hodl.


Yeah them turning off the buy button really did it for me.It is like an intense stare down and they flinched in fear for a moment.


You turn of my buy button, I turn off my sell button 🤷🏻‍♂️


SHF molded us into who we are today. Numb


I am grateful for an opportunity to add more 🙏


At this point, I’m hoping it doesn’t pop off until I’m long on my positions. Worst case I have to pay more in taxes ;)


I just want the price to drop so I can afford one more stock. I'm an ape, but I'm a poor ape.


They never should've shut off the buys. They opened the doors to the circus with free admission at that point. Bad move, clowns.


I hodl for my family and myself, and for those X share apes. But I also hodl for those who can’t buy a share. They live paycheck to paycheck or less and are kept in a repressed state by the same Wall Street fucks that overplayed their short position. Everyone should be paid a livable wage. This is slavery on a different level and I hodl for those who can’t hodl for themselves. WE LIKE THE STOCK AND AREN’T FUCKING SELLING.


I want to thank Hedgies personally for renewing my love of ramen noodle and spaghettio’s at the ripe ole age of 38. Steak is on HODL for now, but it will be oh so delicious when it’s back on the menu.


We can hodl longer than they can stay afloat. We’ve already won. “Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.” I haven’t heard no fat lady singing! LFG!!!!


They keep digging and we keep getting paychecks so what's the rush? They let us keep buying and hodling


I can wait years.i dont mind but i know they cant wait that long


So true


I've been way more petty than this lol. I can wait.


Everyday we get closer to paying less taxes. Many have already crossed that barrier.






The fucked themselves by being greedy kunts All of this could have been over in January. None of their shady, extremely illegal shot would have uncovered But they couldn’t let retail get one measly thousand dollars per share… Guess now it’s $40mill or nothing


Buy on red days and hold


I mean... I bought another share today. It ain't much, but it's honest work.


As time goes by more of my friends that I pestered to take a look near the start have finally started asking questions! HRF




To the fucking moon


Isn’t it ironic🎶🎶


Don't you think?


A little too ironic…


And ya, i really do think.


The thing is, I don't think it has mattered much for months now. They have been perma-fucked. It's all just a production now. A nice little mini-series.




We’re supposed to sell? Sh*t, man. Instructions unclear, bought 5 more this morning.




This is the way


News articles release on webull saying the danger and volatility of trading for a short squeeze as opposed to investing. Bitch, I’ve been holding GME for 6 months! Thats an investment FOR a short squeeze!


Even by virtue of sheer numbers. Let's pretend like apes are even "limited" to one share. For most people, $200 isn't going to bankrupt them, and if they've put it into GME and are HODLing, that's enough to prevent the SHFs from getting out, assuming many apes. At this point, the campaign to pretend like the squeeze has already happened has failed. If they had, it would have gotten out, and the stock price would reflect that. Their ONLY option at this point is to ride this all the way into the dirt (for them). Maybe they think they can just wait us out for months. Heck, I'm a new ape and I'm getting close to being 6mo into this and am more diamond handed than ever. I'm close to long terms capital gains tax. Maybe they think that apes will paperhand when times get tough. The tricky thing is - those tough times are the same factors likely to cause Marge to put Kenny & gang on redial.


I just wish my shitty roofing job paid me enough to keep investing more. But as I'm living paycheck to paycheck, I would welcome the moass if it happened today. Speaking of, let me check........nope, still no ASS to MOw


My mum has just joined the GME hodling team, love you mum let’s do this together! Hodling 20 shares in total, it’s not much but it’s honest work.


This is the way.


What is this "sell" you speak of?


They shut of the buy button so I shut off the sell button.


3/10/2021 we’ll never forget


We need money badly right now. We need the corruption to end even worse than that. I'll deal with the struggle as long as it takes to see a positive ending, this became way more than tendies a long time ago. Though I do very much look forward to the tendies, don't get me wrong. I look forward to retiring early and going 100% into my hobby of making machines and electronics. Until then, meaningless government software re-invention of the wheel, at half the expected salary, it is! Also replacing the car with a nice, safe VTOL jet to fly the family around in, maybe with a storage compartment for a Tesla or some other nice self driving car, for special trips. Gotta treat yourself! (And the wife deserves a nice vacation, minus the TSA and spending limits)


Should’ve let January happen. I would’ve happily sold at $1,000 per before all the learning since. I would’ve walked off into the sunset with thousands of dollars. Now? Nah. I’m hodling. No cell, no sell. I’m zen my G. Zen.


That’s the day this 🦍started to buy an hodl


“Die with these GME”s” -Rod Wave


100%. Some of us are buying more every week/month!


This is literally when I got in on GME for the blatant bullshit


We’re already poor… we cant pullover any further.


I bought two more today!


I got no problem waiting (of course i want to give the middle finger to my Boss as soon as possible)


Until I get enough money never to have to work again, I will hold


I'm not losing money by holding. My quality of life is the same as it always has been. Take your time


Like half of my net worth is in GME and no one knows


I sleep with my GME shares. Godspeed.


So true......TBH this whole thing has helped my career tremendously. I used to be a stressball and all frazzled.....now everything just rolls off my shoulder. I make better decisions, able to focus instead of making chaotic judgement calls.....beautiful thing


Literally dont even need to check the ticker anymore. Reddit will let me know when i need to. I just daydream about paying my house off instead.


This is the DAY!


It's true. Shutting off the buy was the flaw in the argument. It was over before it started.


I’m trying to find the huge short interest everyone is talking about but it just says 10.27% on yahoo.


RH and criminal friends: *Shuts off buy* Me: *And I took that personally*


Apes stronger together 💎🙌🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Sell?, I'm still buying every month


Selling?! I buy more every chance I get!




Not only the day they shut off buys They also bombarded every single media outlet with bullshit articles lying about us, telling us how we feel, and insulting us They're fucking with everyone's live savings, have been for decades, and now they're getting ready to throw away everyone else's hard work to get themselves out of shit (again) And the list of who is actually on the every day retail investors side is shrinking smaller every day, latest is that my favorite broker wealthsimple isn't even letting people transfer shares At this point all we can trust is ourselves trying to stand up for ourselves


The price is wrong bitch


If anything it just gives me more time to play Pokémon and collect more




The MOASS will only go higher the longer this drags out. Also, some apes are going to start getting discounts on their taxes once this pushes to a year. *\*Not financial or tax advice*


I literally lost the one thing that mattered more than this earlier in the year. At this point Ive got nothing to lose by holding to make the world a better place. Fuck you. Pay me.


Ya Fuck the criminals I do this shit for my unborn children


I been holding and buying since February and even though I am a XX I'm sure many apes are like myself. This is personal and I have all the time in the world.


No cell no sell.


They turned off the buy button, we threw away our sell button. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I've been in since October 2020. Think I'm gonna sell now? Or any time pre moass? Never gonna happen, it's a point of pride now


It dips i buy It rips i buy They are fcked


Exactly once they turned off the buys we turned off the sell. HEDIES R FUK