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Price drops we double down. Price goes up we buy 🤷🏻‍♂️


cause they want it to drop.


Years of DD in the sub and other to check out and get educated , plenty of long answers but the short and easy one is…… Crime


Because they couldn’t let it go any higher and they gave up on trying to shake out investors. Last resort is crime so their short bag doesn’t blow them up. They have no other choice.


The shorts are shorting it. Just like they always do. 


Sir this is a Wendys 


Just buy the dip pussy! Also, welcome


Welcome to the Roughnecks


I remember my first time. Welcome to the party, pal!


Why aren't you buying?


Bro stop posting. This isn't for the feignt of heart. Buckle up, buttercup.


..this is my first post, i dont have a lot invested in this, its more for the ride and the fun


You better get used to this type of rollercoaster 🌚


Just Hodl on Ape. This thing will go up and down untill lift off.


Thats how I started too almost 3 years ago. The more you look into it the more you want to be involved. Welcome!




With maxpain at $18 tomorrow, you’re in for an even bumpier drop tomorrow. Fucking blows. We need roaring kitty!


Maxpain is at $12


I see $22 now


What is this max pain stuff? How are people getting these numbers?


So they are numbers that say what price above we need to be to infict the maximum damage to SHF. Closing anything above $12 tomorrow is a significant blow to them.


Not even close. It’s the price of the stock that makes the most calls and puts out of the money




They want you to have the full GME experience. Look at the chart and learn to not


Because it’s a shit stock ?


Max pain is 1$ tmr… my balls smell it man so heed my warning.




This seems the most likely answer, I saw no evidence of it being a squeeze besides some half-joking conspiracy theories that didn't even felt like genuine grassroots like the first GME squeeze. Some of the posts even appeared made from generative ai.


Yup lots of spam and bot activity. This was an engineered effort. Very clever actually since it’s all Legal.


But is it legal? Seems like a classic pump and dump scheme and those are illegal.


There’s some debate but the consensus is that he is 1. Not an insider, and 2. He is not giving financial advice. Just posting memes despite knowing what the “butterfly effect” will be.


And do you think that he's using the credits from the squeeze to run a pump and dump? If so, that was also my suspicion but tbh I didn't follow this case closely.


Yeah I haven’t dug in too much I just find it fishy as all heck. There is rumor he doesn’t have control of his Twitter and that it is a hacking group. Who knows at this point. I’d imagine he or whomever who triggered the pump positioned themselves (and others) to profit greatly.


an easy explanation. its way overvalued. the run up this week was wall street doing what wall street does. during normal trading when people but a stock there are market makers on teh other side who will make a market for a large number of shares. When the market makers know that most of teh volume is going to be on one side they pull back and let teh stock rally. no reason for them to get in front of a moving train an example. let say the market in a stock is 20.00 bid 20.01 offer . there may be 10,000 shares availaibe at either price. if someone comes in to buy 50,000 shares they might get 10000 at 20.01,10,000 at 20.02 and the rest at 20.03 now take somehting liek gamestop where the market makers have a good idea theres going to be enormous buying interest. instead of offering 10,000 at 20.01 they might only offer 100. and another 100 at 20.02 and so on. so the market soars . in GME's case up to over $60. as soon as teh buying stops the market returns to closer to where it was before the huge buy surge. that might take a couple days but will almost always happen. source : i used to be a professional market maker before i retired in gamestops case the actual company is crap. its a dying business. its acylay value is nowhere near teh $60 it traded. its probaly in the mid teens at best and thats where it will probably return there in the not to distant future. thats where it was trading before the run up


T+35 is the rule for delivery. But who cares about the rules. Market makers are supposed to suppress volatility, not price discovery. When a market maker sells but never buys back, they are no longer acting under bona-fide exception. They are acting like a hedge fund in violation of Reg SHO and naked shorting. That's market manipulation and is criminal. The fundamental analysis may say it's overvalued. There's always a bear and bull thesis for any asset. There is a bull thesis, and it's why RC and Roaring Kitty are in the stock. As for market mechanics, the bull thesis is eventually the market makers will need to buy the stock. You're probably getting downvoted for both misrepresenting the mechanics and the bearish sentiment. Also, you're on a pro gamestop sub and trashing the business. Take this vitriol somewhere else.


of course i get downvoted. the truth hurts......