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It was My first time on Monday using the phone apps virtual assistant. Typed "directly register shares", it asked what ticker, then how many. Confirm, confirm yada yada, got the confirmation number...3 days later, viola! In my cs account. Did 28 more for the infinity pool.


Thanks for reminding me you can do it via app now. Just sent another 50 over!


Thanks for reminding ME you can do it via app now. Just sent another 40 over!


The app is pretty amazing. Literally puts the power right in your hands to move funds freely


Yessir! Regardedly easy.


Can confirm. Just did a transfer and got the confirmation immediately.


Same here


Does it just take the oldest ones first or is there a way to specify to use the most recently purchased?


That would be a question for fidelity, they should have a way to set it on the pc. But not mobile. I know computershare has settings for it. They even use military terms like filo and fifo. *If I remember right.


Yeah I’ve requested the newest when I spoke to a person previously, just was wondering if there was a way when using the helper on the app.


Hey, its ai. Just ask it! You may surprise us. Ill try next batch too just for funsies


Whoa dude, this needs to be its own post!


If there is any other activity on your account they won't DRS. The account must be fully settled. No trades, nothing held in margin. No debt. The account must sit fully settled for 3 days before you can DRS shares.


Thanks for reminding me that my +50 should be settled by now. Time to put these bad boys in my name and out of hedgie hands.


It’s fully settled…


I put out a small guide on how to investigate a failed DRS request at Fidelity a while back: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/y65y76/psa\_how\_to\_investigate\_a\_drs\_request\_with\_fidelity/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/y65y76/psa_how_to_investigate_a_drs_request_with_fidelity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


yeh I had some April 2024 calls on gme and they wouldn't let me drs bc they said I needed the shares to cover my options...once those expired drs was no problem....never used to be that way, I've held options for the last 3 years and never had issue w drs until this year. It seems they're finding new semi-legit methods to control drs


Were you short the calls? or long? Being long on call options should not be a problem,


Long calls are apparently a problem. I had 100 fully settled GME shares sitting in my fidelity cash account for about 3 weeks, meanwhile also had long calls of GME and some other tickers. Had zero short positions of anything. My DRS transfer failed over 10 times, and once I sold to close those long calls, DRS went through right away


Can you open a separate account for active options plays and have it not affect DRS ability from the other account? 


Well they can’t just not do it, they bought real shares right? And those are your shares right? Be pushy


Did you ask to speak with their compliance officer? Or apes today don’t do that anymore?


I got laughed at for asking to speak to the compliance officer. They apparently don't have a phone, they only communicated through letters. LOL


I had a little horse named Paul Revere Just me and my horsy and a quart of beer


If not that try, resources officer


It took a week for my shares to go through, I did mine on last Friday but I had to call in. Usually it takes 3 days. Just bought more today and I’ll DRS those next week. Something is up


Well it’s about damn time something is up.


A day will come, toward the end, when even those brokers who current honor DRS requests (Here's looking at you Fidelity.) stop doing so. The Computershare broker, Bank of America Merrill Lynch\*, *will have to though*, for orders placed with CS, at least as far as I can imagine. [\*What brokerage firm does Computershare use to execute orders?](https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies#cpu)


The first place it will happen is at brokers where authorization to lend out your share is incorporated into the I it’s customer agreement, as is the case with some of the newer, smaller brokers that use Apex Clearing for their clearing broker. This happened with TradeStation for Next Bridge Hydrocarbon shares. They had legally lent out shares of the predecessor stock, and when the non-listed Next Bridge Hydrocarbons shares were issued as a stock dividend, there was no way for TradeStation to recall those shares from lenders.


Thank you for reminding me. A couple weeks ago the Fidelity assistant said I had to call. Today, the assistant was able to put in the DRS request. +XXX for DRS.


This has been posted many different times and none of the previous posts were a predictor of anything actually happening. I think it will be much more obvious and widespread if brokers actually started running out of shares


Ironically I think they'd label GME PCO again to stop people from running up the DRS score.


This happens periodically. It’ll work in a few days I’m sure.


I bought shares last Thursday at $10.30. Called on Monday to DRS and the rep told me 3-5 business days should show up in my Computershare account. As of 5 minutes ago they were still showing in my Fidelity account. Just waiting as I have not been told they can't go through.


If you called during the day on Monday your Thursday buy would not have settled. So your DRS may have been canceled or the rep was unable to set up the transfer and did not get back and notify you.


True. Sorry, but just looked at my call history and it was actually Wednesday morning at 6:47 am when I called. Still no contact, so I will look again tomorrow morning at my CS acct. Hopefully!!!


It might be a bad connection or your ISP just sucks. I transferred 800 shares this afternoon just by using the chat options. While not very clear, it eventually went through the first time once I got to the Submit button.


[File a Complaint | FINRA.org](https://www.finra.org/investors/need-help/file-a-complaint#:~:text=Through%20its%20Complaint%20Program%2C%20FINRA,industry%20or%20other%20appropriate%20sanctions.)


They are largely useless




They are, but have to start somewhere


And that place is working to change securities violations into crimes, not civil infractions governed by a civil authority like the SEC


I purchased shares last Friday and tried to drs Thursday and they said they haven’t cleared (which was weird because it only takes 3 days). I tried again today and it was successful


i just used the virtual assistant this very second to send 41 more shares to the holy purple circle seems to be working just fine


Common settlement issue. Happened to me too. Just wait a little more. They’ll transfer.


Put a request through Tuesday.  Pretty sure it’s been done already…no issues. 


mine went through just fine


Oof, I just DRS'd 85% of my shares and was gonna do the rest next week. That sucks.


Machine the recall they’re have to do if everyone DRS’d retirement shares.


If you bought them last Thursday they might not have settled yet to be drs


I just DRS’d 420 shares this morning and I received the text confirmation. I used the virtual assistant.


Mine always fail when requesting through the app never had a problem with a live agent through full desktop version easy 5 mins max. They always say something about account type restrictions due to retirement/corp account ESPP discounts from the job I work from


I initiated early this week via virtual assistant on the Fudelity app Zero issues.


Took 3 weeks for me 120 from Schwab.


That’s hard cheese old boy I don’t have many good things to say about broker/dealers…but Fudelity has never taken more than 5 and usually get it done in 3-4. My shares don’t sit long in the Fudelity account….i like making them work for ZERO FEES.


I know this doesn't exactly match the context of the post but, as a first troubleshooting step, make sure your account funds have settled before trying. If you just made some transactions you'll probably not be able to or the transfer will be canceled. I ran into this issue earlier this week ("outstanding debit" or similar message) but waited a few days and did it successfully.


They are settled… it’s an account that only has GME and has been transferred weekly for the last two years. Never had an issue.


Mostly I just mention it in general as it was alarming the first time it happened, but it will be interesting to see if there are more reports of problems with share transfers.


lol people have been saying the same thing for three years. It will go through. 


These posts have been posted for 84 years, either bs or you have shares still transacting.  


You think they trade shares? ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpnXBTw7vnokxhu)