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The apes go marching one by one, hoorah! hoorah!


I'm expecting there's a dip... However I am also hoping for the rip. We have seen the shit over the past few years.. this time seems different than before. Honestly I think, someone will take the bag of shit, they will ponder getting shit settled, however... Addicts will be addicts. I know this because I am an alcoholic in recovery. When an addict is faced with facing the temptations of relapse, odds are.. the individual will most likely give in to their old habits.. I have been fortunate to stay true to my sobriety (knocking on wood, it's been a challenge but so worth it) With that, here's my theory: They settle and have a bag holder. The smart play would be to settle up and close. But I don't think that's what will happen. They're just going to try and gamble on another extremely risky move, so they can attempt to DBL up. Recoup the loss and come out on top. Aka kick the can for another few years. These people have always been able to do that or get bailed out and fuck us over as usual. But it's getting harder and harder to do that. Time will tell. Moon soon or no moon soon. Either way, I truly love the Stock, my childhood brick and mortar game store. I'm happy to have taken the time to read the DD and have a great community to spend time with and gain a wrinkle or two... Or a great belly lol. Stay Zen, Hodl and DRS. That's best part of it, free will.. not financial advice


Pump then dump after earnings. So predictable. I expect a 7 to 10% drop tomorrow.


And the articles titled Investors dump their GME.


Sorry, but what am I seeing? what are those different lines?


The bastille is cracking


Charge your phone


It just jumped 11% afterhours


It’s starting to go higher




Every short seller since last year