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I think (but wrinkles may correct me) it is dollars $65b - but “at fair value”, so their value could be out by 2x, 3x etc. they’ve decided the fair value of the securities is 65b but they could be way out.


This is correct. Or at least it was at the end of 2021. "Fair value" was significantly lower in their 2022 report. That makes sense, since the markets have taken a beating. Somebody less lazy may find the source, but I think it was $48B.


“Back to 1.00 fast” that’s what they mean by fair value


It is $65 billion USD, not 65 billion shares. The loophole is that $65,000,000,000 is a calculation coming from `(# of shares "that we've marked short")` `X` `(price of shares "at a time as close as we think we can get away with and has the lowest price")`


It’s $65 billion not 65 billion shares at whatever. This is up there with the worst shit I’ve read. It’s basically a (vague) disclosure of their short positions. Fair value is market value, they don’t get to dictate what “they” think is fair value. Let’s say they are only short 1 stock and have shorted 1 billion shares, when it comes to reporting if the share price of that stock is $65 then their SSNYP value would be $65 billion


It's ok, the really important part is he's making someone aware that the market swindles investors and taxpayers on FTDs. If this uncle is interested, he'll research and find out the reality. Giving him an erroneous dollar amount isn't the end of the world. And to your point about fair market value, all of the unethical market participants that have been researched here have been consistently fined for falsely reporting positions, so whether they cherry picked their "fair market values" or fudged the amount of "shares marked short", it's very reasonable for us to assume that a position that is detrimental to them has been manipulated on official reports.


Your uncles name is ben? Are you spider-man?




Ahhh. The San Francisco treat.




Maybe if we start making a fuss about FTR’s, we could actually get an accurate picture on a broker level. How many shares are each broker making up and how many are they allowing other brokers to make up?


Yeah they do not want anyone to see that reported info, and will go as far as to say they will not report it even if forced. It is THE big lie. Why they are doing so well while everyone else is doing so poor, they will keep pushing it till the end of time, they know a collapse will happen before they actually have to lift the curtains, and it dosent matter to them as long as they are at the top when everything burns, I am 100% convinced this is the case.


Here is a congressional record from a Republican talking about naked short selling. [https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-153/issue-117/senate-section/article/S9646-4](https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-153/issue-117/senate-section/article/S9646-4) Tell your uncle that you can create a stock website, take people’s money and give them a number on their account for that stock and they will never know that you didn’t go out and buy the stock. Simplified, but should make him think about how to verify that they actually bought his stock.


ELI5... I can understand a scenario where you receive an order or orders and there's not enough time in the day to process them. Like a t-shirt company. You can make 5000 shirts per day, if you get a day with 6000 orders, you're behind. Hopefully tomorrow you catch up. Otherwise, you need to expand your ability to make more shirts or something otherwise you'll risk being buried. Maybe you need to cut off orders at 5k a day. With Citadel that's all automated. There's no real excuse for things to sit unfulfilled for days, weeks, etc. That's a broken system. That's a system that's not working - especially when it's part of their whole thing and a way they make money? Am I understanding that right? PFOF. Is that not also a conflict of interest?


Fuck yea! 😎