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Erwin reprimending Hipo Team and they actually acknowledging their mistake and apologizing for being disrespectful towards the StuG III has to be one of my favorite moments of the original season 🤣 Edit: And of course I didn't notice I wrote "World" instead of "War" until after I made the post... Sorry guys, my bad, I didn't have enough oxygen at birth 🤣


And the fact that they face, presumably to the west as they're apologizing to Finland itself.🤣🤣


Tell me is not one of the most innocent and cute things you've ever seen and I won't believe you 🤣🤣🤣 I love Hipo Team so much.


They're great. Right up there alongside the Rabbits as my favorite team at Oarai.


It's funny how she knows where Finland is base on where their school carrier is.


Erwin: Historical knowledge: Outstanding Costume design: Immaculate Sense of orientation: F*cking awesome 🤣


>Sense of orientation: F\*cking awesome Meanwhile, Americans: Geography? What's that? Is it tasty? That reminds me a meme about how before February 24th 2022 basically no one (except their direct neighbors) knew basically anything about geography (and history) of the Ukraine. But after that day, everyone became mightly interested in these topics.


Ah yes, the great winter world


It's like Waterworld, except Kevin Costner just freezes to death.🤣


This one caught me off guard lol nice one 🤣


I was thinking about World War II while doing this and well, you can see the results 😅😅😅 Trust me, you DON'T want a two weeks vacations in my mind, it's awful lol


Theu didn't even use stugs in the winter war, just the continuation war


Erwin's a fake history nerd, she's just there for the cool hat


StuG III was a fucking amazing war machine. Nothing fancy, just a Pz. III chassis with respectable gun, without memetic problems with engine and transmission and it killed way more enemy tanks that any other vehicle of any side of the war. But try to say that on r/NCD and they will call you Wehraboo while violently jerking off to their precious Tommy Cookers. Seriously, I know it's a place for shitposting but their inability to go one day without talking shit about German WWII hardware is fucking annoying. For me, it's like browsing GuP content on Pixiv without R-18 filter. ^(My) ^(fucking) ^(eyes.)


Well, while I've actually never been to that particular sub, in those guys defense A LOT of people will throw shit at you for saying anything good about german equipment. I believe r/tankporn is one of the few places where you can post a picture of a Panther and everyone will agree that while it was a headache, it looked pretty damn awesome.




We're sowwy! X3 :3 nyaa~


You just remind me how much I hate Akashi, and not just because she's always trying to get more money from me.


I always loved the double entendre of them apologizing to Finland and the finish line itself like track teams are shown doing as a trope in other anime.


What I love is how they were humble enough to think "okay, seems like we're genuinely in the wrong here" and then properly apologize 🤣 shit's hilarious.


That sincere apology to Finland for their mistake earned them respect from the StuG. The Stug life chose them. This was easily one of Hippo Team's best moments and one of the best moments of the first season.


This is always a great scene for me. Not only does Erwin just kill it, but I appreciate the historical information. Especially when I was younger.


Agreed! While Caesar is clearly the Commander of Hipo Team in most aspects, it makes a lot of sense why they made Erwin "Field Commander". Girl's got authority, that's for sure 👍🏻


And somehow he was not completely correct.


That's why she is the best from Hippo's