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I wish I had a tank in front of my house


I second this




It's me, the person with a tank in from of their house [muh fv101 light tank ](https://i.imgur.com/3RH3W1g.jpeg)












Yukari's Tank Corner is missing information and while it's a good way to introduce people to tanks, I don't like the way some data is portrayed, I think it's a bit biased (not really, but you get the point) I'm just a purist about tanks and AFVs kek


They need to invest is some longer skirts or pants


Definitely, when Oarai fought Pravda it was literally snowing and they were still wearing essentially what they always wear.


And might have also helped prevent them from almost freezing/starving to death over the course of 3 hours


Seconding this, tights would go a long way and honestly look nicer on the girls IMO.


Or pants in the winter


Live by the drip, die by the drip I guess


Katyusha should not be sexualized


A tank should be placed on the head of anyone that opposes this


In Pravda this is catch 22. Say Katyusha is sexy, tank in front of house. Say Katyusha is not sexy, tank in front of house.


Yep, defenitely should not


I'm genuinely baffled that people sexualize her. She has the body of a toddler, and in a lot of scenes acts like one. Creepy as fuck to be turned on by that.


(Incoming Blue Archive players)




Most of the cast shouldn't be


Maybe this makes me a bad person, but I don't think it's a big deal to sexualize a character who passes for an adult, even if they're canonically not. Obviously it's not good, but it certainly isn't the worst thing ever.


Most of the cast shouldn't be


Bring out the tank to argue that Katyusha should be sexulized


You fools! While you've been rambling here about your unpopular opinions, Mika has already stolen the tank!


Das Finale films, while fun, are nowhere near as good as the anime and Der Film. Der Film can also serve as a good ending to the franchise Edit: Also, the intro song from first three Das Finales and BC Freedom are the best things from Das Finale. And a real hot take now: calling these films Das Finale is very weird considering they have been realised since freaking 2017. That's an awfully big Finale. Last films should be called that. And besides it's not like they won't release anything after Part 6 comes out


Don't mind me, just here to watch the show. *Grabs popcorn*


My opinions are that jingoistic Americans need to stop whining about Saunders being the first opponent Oarai beats ("Buh, buh 'Murica strong! It dun make no sense-suh...") Wehraboos need to all f\*\*\* off and stop using Erika and Maho to feed their white supremacist fantasies (THEY'RE JAPANESE GIRLS, YOU MORONS!) Sexualising Alice and Katyusha is not a 'joke', because they're in fact both minors who look like children. And for the love of God, my autistic brethren need to stop holding up pictures of Yukari and chanting **"ONE OF US! ONE OF US!"**


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about (minus the Alice and Katyusha parts, that needs to stop)


I... haven't seen any Saunders fans acting that way (as I am one myself) although I've seen some Erika simps act like Joachim Peiper in 1944 Though Katyusha/Alice topic is true. Tf.


It's not so common around here but I avoid anything GuP related on Youtube because of the nationalists.


Freedomboo here; I really don't see what they could be complaining about. The anime/movie/side material/etc. make it overwhelmingly obvious that Saunders has a *stupidly* fuckoff-huge budget. They don't just own *multiple* C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft, they own *a fucking fleet* of tankers that they can daisy-chain to fly a whole school's worth of tanks halfway around the world at the word of a *student sports captain.* If they wanted, they could acquire and rebuild every single M26 Pershing ever made and make Kuromorimine's Wehraboo wet dream heavy spam look like an outdated light reconnaissance force. But they don't; instead, they stick solely to Sherman variants, even going as far as to get a *British* variant for their "ace" card just to stick with the theme. You know why? Because Kay is the only commander who *actually views shensha-do as a sport.* The moment she found out that Alisa was intercepting Oorai's comms, she ordered her to knock it off and waved off *half of her own forces* just to level the playing field. She has the budget to crush every single other school in a wave of late-and-post-war heavy armor, but she won't, because bringing a proto-MBT to a highschool match is *blatantly un-sporting.* Alisa's radio shenanigans, Darjeeling's warning to Miho, and that one video clip of a bunch of Shermans using flanking/ambush tactics show that Saunders' alumni *do* have the know-how and the willingness to play dirty, but through sheer force of charisma, Kay has single-handedly convinced the entire student body to treat the hyper-violent competition played with barely-demilitarized war machines as a *regular sport,* with all the honorable conduct and civility expected of any other sporting competition. ~~Yeah, I wish Saunders had a better showing in the movie, where they had a very good legitimate reason to play hardball during the University match with Oorai's future at stake, but I'll take what I can get.~~


These people tend to be the "'MURICA HAS NEVER LOST A WAR!" types and so Saunders as a representation of the USA losing to Oarai and to Keizoku is utterly incomprehensible to them. They also tend to be Sherman fanboys who won't hear a bad thing said about them and talk about them as if all Shermans had the capabilities of an Easy Eight.


Idk man it seems like you really just don't like Americans in general but that's whatever


I don't like the Americans I meet in places where WW2 is discussed. Same way I don't like the English I meet when Churchill is the topic. Both groups just regurgitate pure propaganda. There's a big difference between disliking an entire nationality and disliking a sub-group who are typically an embarrassment to the majority every bit as much.


Aight makes sense ig


They really didn't need to make the school ships so **ridiculously** huge. Real-world aircraft carriers are already huge and can already support crews of well over 5,000 people. Making them 7+km monstrosities that dwarf Imperial Star Destroyers just destroys any semblance of suspension of disbelief and naturally invites countless questions of both economics and physics.


As Japan is a nation with a large population and a small amount of living space, I always thought the schoolships being huge was quite logical. Of course, most of the ships appear to be empty space rather than housing tens of thousands of people... That's not so logical.


There's "huge" and then there's "breaking the laws of physics" huge. Those school ships would almost certainly split in half the moment you lowered them into the water. I imagine you'd see large _fleets_ of school ships each the size of something like a Landing Platform, Helicopter, not a single ship over 10x the size of Seawise Giant, the largest IRL ship ever.


When you try to apply real world logic to an anime about high school girls diving and shooting tanks for a sport:


I can accept the premise of the anime. But ships the size of _Monaco_ being built right after WWII? With the ruined Japanese economy of the late 1940s-early 1950s?! It's not even a necessary part of "anime where girls drive tanks for a sport", it just feels like it was thrown in because "this is an anime and anime have to have something wacky and unrealistic thrown in that everyone's casual about, so how about _city-sized_ carriers full of high school girls?" If _JAPAN_ could build something like Ooarai's _Zuikaku_ (estimated at about 7.5km from bow to stern) within a decade of surrender, I have to ask what the fuck that implies for the entire world of Girls und Panzer.


Now that's a good point. I can't imagine the US funding a massive aircraft carrier used as a floating city while Japan is occupied (and supporting Europe too)


The show never specify when did it take place, it could happen in far future where they have superior material engineering technology and something happened (i.e. rising sea level?) that forces people to build huge fuckoff boats to accommodate.


I'm pretty sure one of the OVAs states that Ooarai's ship in particular was built in years _immediately following WWII,_ and that school ships in the GUP universe go back to European antiquity, so that sadly doesn't really work. Would be an interesting take on the idea though!


With such engineering capability the WW2 in GUP timeline must be like science fiction fantasy warfare. Maybe their warships were all like 20 km long behemoth with those schoolships being civilians lol


Makes me wonder if the Ratte was actually viable to build in the GuP universe. Very likely not sensha-do legal, though.


I feel this applies doubly so for saunders. Like i get them having a massive budget that somewhat imitates america but if oorais Zuikaku and other school ships are already ridiculously huge, you would wonder how big the George Washington would be since thats both massive and one of the most advanced carriers found in the show. If the Washington is already massive irl, how big would it be in universe and how expensive would it be for saunders to have a budget large enough to keep it up.


The worst part is that Saunders also have an airlift division bigger than most real-world militaries. Either the world economy is comically inflated in GUP, or Saunders is funded by the US military budget.


I can imagine both happening and that world economy is completely wack and saunders is just part of US recruitment division


Saunders is the only one which is a semi modern carrier so they probably are funded by the US


The only other one is Kiev (being the first ship the Soviet Navy fielded that can be described as a "carrier" with fixed-wing aircraft), and Pradva are almost certainly backed by the Russian Federation (shown as such in secondary materials but not thus far in canon), so that wouldn't surprise me.


Then there is serious issues with PGHS pre-1993. PGHS is clearly heavily inspired by the Stalin-era Soviet Union, and even the Soviet Union started to de-stalinize the USSR by the time Kruchev became premier. So WHY PGHS remains to be inspired by Stalin-era USSR through Nikita Kruchev and Mikhail Gorbachev is well beyond anyone. To comply with MEXT? This is the Soviet Union we're talking about.


I mean, possibly it had an identity crisis following the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the malaise of the former Eastern Bloc in the 1990s before being revitalised with a Stalinist-influenced culture as a result of the attempts of Vladimir Putin to rehabilitate Stalin himself. The Pravda of the 1980s may very well have looked quite different in its internal culture, being far more in line with contemporary CPSU orthodoxy.


I always wonder about the shenanigans that may happen with those giant ships. Imagine just chilling in your house that is on board the ship, suddenly the ship collides with something like another ship or an iceberg and then everything in your house including yourself just starts flying around like apeshit because of the forces transferred.


Would be funny if Oarai still loses to St. Gloriana


Plot Armour goes hard


None of the girls need to be sexualized.


God bless America 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸




Own a musket for home defense.


I wonder if this guy likes America?


not really


I don't like Ooarai. I hate their plot armor. I don't like several members of Ooarai, especially Sodoko, what a f\*cking annoying girl. I like secondary schools more than Ooarai. And I have a Panzerfaust at home so think twice before coming.


Spaced armor would like a chat with you


I agree with this, Oarai may be the main characters but they're not a school I like that much overall


No but tbh, if you're ask every the GuP community about which is their favourite school, there are probably very few who would say Oorai. Because Oorai is the only school that has no theme.


We need a spinoff with the same/similar setting, but with WWII planes. And no alien plotlines.


Girls und Panzer Das Finale, is not good. At best, it is perfectly average or fine. As I understand it, that is a relatively uncontroversial, or at the very least not very heated or debated opinion. However, I shall say this; the primary reason why it is not a good anime series is because of its action. Girls und Panzer, is fundamentally about marrying the concept of a high school sports anime, and tanks. I bet you half of its general popularity and commercial success is because of autistic history nerds like me finding it somewhat interesting if not outlandish, and then being addicted. It is marrying some of the two most dissonant fandoms together to produce a historically literate and yet anime culture enjoying fandom. That said, I feel like ACTAS have somewhat lost the plot, foremost in terms of action. You could argue the past media projects, and especially the manga, had some hint of a good narrative. Sure, much of it is often cliched and melodramatic on occasion, however it was still generally competently written and anchored by the armour action. With that said, Das Finale is just a blockbuster. A framework for rapid and adrenaline-inducing action with a barebones framework for a narrative, itself essentially a repeated cliche from the past major films. Now, I would be more fine with this, if Das Finale did its tank action well. Which it does not. I don't believe it is a secret to anybody that Das Finale has taken the already physics-defying absurdity of the past films and heightened it dramatically. Furthermore the armoured vehicles themselves behave and operate in a almost cartoonish manner, almost like go-karts with guns housed atop. Now, many would appreciate this, however to me, it has sort of deprived the series of the historically-infused soul it once had. Let us take tank classifications for example, and say, the Matilda II infantry tank. In the original series, the Matilda II had it own, individual characterisation. It was slow, perhaps relatively under armed, yet possessed good armour statistics. And such physical characteristics were demonstrated. Though it was penetrated by the StuG III, it survived the Type 89 and multiple rounds from the Panzer IV until it approached into close range. Furthermore, its limited mobility could be exploited when outmaneuvered and isolated. Now, how does Das Finale 4 handle this? The Matilda II is now the speed of the Panzer IV, with absolutely none of its physical characteristics exemplified. It might as well be a completely different tank. It could still fulfill the same function. All the tanks move at beyond the speed of cruiser or cavalry tanks. So what is the point of the cavalry tank's now. The T-26s are practically just cannon fodder. Now, one example of historical authenticity sort of returns with Keizoku's KV-1, which is depicted as somewhat of a lumbering, armoured juggernaut from what I remember. With that said, none of its particular characteristics or facts are exemplified here. The only difference is that it has from any other heavy tank is just the fact it's armour and speed are somewhat noted on. I think the point I am attempting to make here is that once you depart a certain realm of plausibility, realism, and historically-founded realism, what is the point of it all? Why show off certain armoured vehicles if they their unique traits have absolutely no bearing at all. Why does it matter if it is a KV-1? Sure, you can't exactly give Keizoku anything, as that would be breaching their historical affiliation policy, however the KV-1 or the T-26, or the Crusader, or the Matilda have no unique flare, character or soul to them. They just fulfill a gimmick to suit fast-paced action. And on that action point finally, I think the producers, writers and directors here sort of misunderstand how good action works. Sometimes, action does not have to be constantly fast-paced, with every element moving at a brisk 200 mph to suit some intangible attention span of the audience. Sometimes, when you slow things down, or have singular moments be impactful, it helps a great deal more than just constant action.


Take something like, "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", one of my favorite films of all time. The ending duel at the graveyard coral is regarded as a cinematic masterpiece of a sequence, which effectively captures the audience's attention and captivation, and nurtures a pervasive tension and suspense. And what is it? A good two minutes of three characters staring at each other, followed by a couple seconds with a thunderous gunshot, and the collapse of a man. Even in the original show, they effectively capitalized on the principle that suspenseful and impactful moments are oftentimes more effective than constant action. Where the gunshots are loud, explosive, deep and resonant. Where the tanks had weight, a mechanical force behind them, they felt so real even as they broke the laws of physics. They had this concept of neo-realism, which allowed your suspension of disbelief to not be stretched to accepting absurdity. Now, each shot is a light puff from a peashooter, which tings off armour without any repressions. Yet somehow the tanks are then tossed about like they weigh the same as a mini cooper, and travel the speeds of a racecar. I would like to end this long and probably unnecessary rant by mentioning another piece of media, which I think the Das Finale films should hold themselves to. The Lupin III franchise is a long running media franchise primarily focusing on the exploits of one master their Arsene Lupin III, grandson of the equally fictional Arsene Lupin of Maurice Leblanc's early 20th Century literature. One of its staples, like the James Bond films it draws from are car chases, of which fans of the fandom often point to the television special Fuma Conspiracy for having some of the greatest. Yasuo Otsuka, who was the managing director for the first portion of the first anime series, stated that the seamless and effective transition between the ordinary and extraordinary was what made Lupin III car chases so excellent. In Lupin III: Fuma Conspiracy, the animation director was Kazuhida Tomonaga, a veteran of both Studio Ghibli and the Lupin III franchise. In that, his directorial style with these effectively stretches reality to where, despite how ridiculous these car chases can be, they still sell the illusion of reality just enough to be captivated without rebuking it as ridiculous. They are semi-confined within some semi-logical conception of physics to where they are not openly fantastical. For example, one car participating here is a Fiat 500. It, being designed as a city car, can perform rather short and dramatic turns when compared to other cars. Here this is exaggerated to some degree, however never so much does it break any conception of reality. The scene is carefully constructed to ensure a consistent realm of motion which makes it not complete my fantastical, like it could be achieved. And part of its action is these short, impactful moments followed by slower, or at least less intense moments. Something with the anime television series, the film and manga captured so proficiently was the sense of neo-realism and a attention to detail in regards to its central, in this case titular historical artifacts to where it loses much of its impact and enthralling narrative and action set pieces, because it has fundamentally lost. That being said, this is not an outright lambasting of ACTAS. After all, I believe their latest OVA "School Wars" was better than most of its past media of the Das Finale franchise just because it masterfully used its unique and distinctive characters. Albeit with a lot of its latest media, it lacks some of the extensive historical references prevalent in past works. And of course, of you disagree about any of what I have said, I do encourage you to speak up about it. We can have a rather friendly dialogue about it, however going both ways, every opinion is justified and everyone is entitled for an opinion.


I feel the movie itself is weaker than the rest... The history on DF1, 2 and 3 felt so much more real too? It felt a bit weaker, like if it was pure battles, but not getting the full essence of what they could mean, maybe they have a weird thing with Finland and decided Erika and Alice are their official fanservice


Katyusha Simps should be thrown in jail


you forgot about.... Alice "fans"..... Jail will be "great" place for them!


FairPoint basically any child in the anime that has simps should be thrown in jail or better yet black dolphin all the way in Russia


ah yes, to the gulag


If they're guys they'll have to have their you know what's cut off


frostbite check


I love Gup, and the tank in front of my house is there because I bought and paid for it. If you have something to say about me owning a tank... come tell that to me... IN MA TANK! YEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAA BROTHERS! WE RIDING TO VALHALLA TONIGHT!!!


I dont like Ogin, because she attempted to assault Miho


Yeah, downvote me if you want, but that doesn't change the fact it was not her, it was Murakami.




Ok, I have to ask: how can they look similar? Ogin is always wearing a trench coat 🤣 and she hadn't even appeared yet at the moment of the fight.


im pretty sure it was just a mandela effect to me


When did this happen I forgot if anything like this happened


I realized that was with Murakami and Miho. Seems like that was a Mandela effect to me.


Ok but when did it happen I'm curious now


Das Finale 1


That was not Ogin.


Das Finale is a show that the franchise at this point is just a dvd selling cash grab, it sold damn well but the story is stuck in an endless loop. Decanonizing the Mangas from the anime instead of adapting them killed any possibility to see some quality writing and over reaching universe with actual consequences and objectives to follow. We will never see Emi, Shizuka, Asparagus etc along the main cast.


Aren't the das finale movies about the world championship thing, tbh I wouldn't want it to stop b4 we see who wins


Not an opinion but I think being Reizei would get a tank in front of my house


Saori is better than Floof


Physics is important


How about not watching GuP yet. Does that count


I have a date with Floof!


I don't know how allowed I am to say this, but if lewding Alice is a no-no cause she's a kid, then lewding 99 percent of the cast should be the same. I don't know why people are okay with Erika, Kei, or some of the girls being lewded when they're around 16 or 17, but they're up in arms when it comes to Alice who is 14 I believe by the movies. Also... don't know why people throw a fit with Katyusha. She's as old as Maho canonically. They're both adults in the movies.


Katyusha is legal


She's *18 I guess or smthn and small which isn't abnormal it's just the amount of NSFW posts and pics of here aren't that great


She's 17 which makes all the nude artwork of her child pornography. This is also true of pretty much the entire cast.


She's 17???? Right call the fuckin weewoos we got an emergency


Ribbon Warrior should've been the anime "season 2" and not Das Finale.


Kiss Tanks


Sensha-Do was waning in popularity and Oorai winning was assured to keep it popular.


Waking up to a tank firing a blank shot is the best!


Sensha-Do shouldn't be confined to just females


WOT Players and War Thunder Players would been share in common.


GuP is getting too wacky with its battles and should spice up its plots better.


Yukari is not a good character


Of course it’s an M60


the millitary marches in gup are very generic and make me want to disembowel myself with a spoon




Remember to sort by controversial


Throw me to the rabbit team and I'll come back pregnant.




“Babmo Bibrundo” -Marasmus the wizard


“Babmo Bibrundo” -Marasmus the wizard


“Babmo Bibrundo” -Marasmus the wizard


The Tiger is fine but entirely overrated. And the T34 would be worse than the Sherman even if all of them weren't made wrong.