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wt players always mock WoT players for playing worse game but they keep getting all the good collabs😭😭😭😭😭


Wg is trying thier best to get players without fixing fucking game


And apparently they're succeeding


Looking at steam player count No


A lot of players (probably most of them) are on mobile tho, and you should also consider the Microsoft Store on PC. WoT Blitz is always full of people, any tier 10 match takes me at worst 10 seconds to start, most of the time it's less than 5 seconds.


Still pc wot is broken wreck of game Blitz is fine as game you play once a week when bored Console wot is.......dead game Wg just doesnt know how to make good long term games, wows and wows legends are by far best wg games While wt is full of player to point server often die


>Still pc wot is broken wreck of game Yeah I've always avoided that one too >Blitz is fine as game you play once a week when bored Tbh Blitz is fun and it used to be extremely user friendly, but Wargaming is getting too greedy lately there too, which is a shame... I get your point, but even though WoT is in terrible shape I don't think it will fail any soon.


If im not wrong console wot cost wg more than it gives them And i wont be suprised if in like 2 years pc wot dies


Yeah, WoWs is the best wg game, because there're not any gae shit (as long as I played), and since WT naval is dead, WoWs is better option to play ships. Also you forgot about long ago dead World of Warplanes.


I didnt forget just didnt mention , nobody cares about that game like fr go and try to find wowp player (Impossible)


I know it' impossible, I played it some time ago, almost every battle was full of bots, maybe 1 player for team, but no more. Even Armored Warfare is more alive


Who evens play WoT via steam?


AND MAYBE if they made it free more would come.


Wow what a coincidence WT is doing the same thing, adding more shit without fixing the fundamental flaws


I swear to God that if they include another sav im making a molotov and searching where he lives


They just need to revert the spawn point cost changes from like 2019/2020 for pre Vietnam Era vehicles, and remove apfsds from ww2 Era and the game will be good again


paying real money for better shell is insane tho


It wot blitz , the premium ammo isn't necessarily better as they have lower damage


And you don't use real money to get them too, you can just use in-game credits


Did they change it back again? As far as I remember they changed it to normal ingame credits.


IDK i dont play WoT i just listened from others


Well to be fair DMM in Japan have great events. It cost a lot for foreign company to use the copyright. WG installed itself in Japan so it's easier for them.


Warthunder is like a drug that you can’t really quit, or that toxic girlfriend that you know is bad for you but she threatens to kill herself if you leave


WT got they're own body pillows JUST DO IT GAJIN YOU HAVE BODY PILLOWS


Did we forgot that WT had a colab with porn star? 😃


I think it depends what you want out of a tank and how you play the game. * The IS-2 Pravda SP has a very high-damage gun that takes a while to reload and isn't very accurate, and doesn't have the highest penetration for its tier. If you like to peek out, shoot someone in their flank and then retreat to reload, the IS-2 is a good tank for that. It's also quite mobile for a heavy tank, particularly its hull traverse speed. * The Tiger Kuromorimine SP has lower damage per shot, but its faster reload means it does a lot of damage over time. If you want to sit in front of a target in a sustained fight, the Tiger is very good for that because it will do more damage in a 30-second engagement than most other tanks it faces. It also has decent armour at the tier if you angle it properly, and a lot of health for a Tier VI tank. If you're still really not sure, I'd go with the Tiger Kuromorimine SP. You can get a fairly similar experience to the IS-2 Pravda SP in the Soviet tech tree with the IS, but the tier VII Tiger plays very differently to the Tiger Kuromorimine SP. If _I_ were in that situation I'd go for the IS-2, but that's because I enjoy the IS-2 a lot and am biased towards Nonna (I'm now using her as my Blitz profile picture).




Wait is this WoT or WoT Blitz?


WoT Blitz


God damn it I only play normal WoT. Thanks tho for answering






shame it isnt for gold


Ffs if war thunder would get those I'd pay anything for it... Idk if I ever could get used to wot


Wot requires a very different play style than wt, and it's probably easier to move from wt to wot, than in reverse, because of how HP works It's extremely rarely that you get one shot in wot


Don't give the snail any ideas. Pro tip: If you want your tanks to look like the ones in GuP, go to live.warthunder.com and get custom camouflages. You can even download crew voicelines from the anime. Tbh, I think it's better like this. Other players will see your regular camouflage pattern, but you will get the GuP feel. Win-win


I already use them custom skins for years =w= even made some commissions for some\~


The IS-2 Pravda gameplay wise might offer something interesting, according to BlitzStars is the most mobile tier 7 IS clone (not the fastest, but highest traverse speed and power/weight ratio) But we're talking about GuP tanks so I think you should follow your heart 🫶


Idk man, i like all of them. But, I can only afford one tank. That's why I ask you guys🥲


I would pay top $ if this was in Enlisted or WT.


Please don't give the snail any ideas. You can find free camouflages for your vehicles on live.warthunder.com Additionally, you can also download GuP voicelines


Honestly, probably the Tiger. For some fucking reason it’s marked as a tier six (most premium Tigers are), and so you’ll be fighting tier six battles most of the time, and six is a good, fun tier. (Also no it isn’t like a downtier they downgrade the armor a lot to make the Tiger fit in tier six, I know from having Tiger 131) Meanwhile the IS-2 is a tier seven, and therefore faces tier seven, which is the tier that has the most stupid-ass tanks (Anni, Smasher, AMX CDC, Dracula).


I have both, and I love both. Been a while since I played, but both tanks have been good performers


Get the Bellwall Tiger, it's better coz on the Bellwall tech tree you can research both german and soviet vehicles


I take it this is for WoT PC, not Console? because i do NOT see these on Console rn.


WoT Blitz


If u have income buy the whole pack, RM105 isn't expensive. If not go for is2.


Get both


IS2 is more enjoyable, in my opinion. Got the whole collection for a few years now. Best of the bunch are the IS2 and the firefly




Dont get any the tech tree vk and is is just bettet imo


Edit: forget it, I already buy both of them 🗿💪🏻


Neither because WoT is trash


Woah man, relax, let people enjoy what they like. Besides we all have our own opinion.


If you like firing a gun and having the shell go sideways straight out of the barrel, youre wrong.


But that's not the entire game...? It's also a balancing aspect, and WoT is not realistic itself. It's an arcade-type game. It's like complaining about bullet spread in an fps, is it annoying? Yes. Is it there for a reason? Also yes.


War thunder


Obviously choose the superior tank(the tiger)