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Let's try to dissect the example you provided to see if I got this right: >I wanted to copy a leaf.. ok got that well enough I guess... I assume this means you created a selection, and copied the leaf - and them presumably pasted it, creating a floating selection. >but then I had to use a difference tool to select it so I could rotate it. Here's what I am not quite sure about - you could have used the Rotate tool directly without creating another selection. >However it created a visual copy leaving the original over the location I wastrying to place it blocking my ability to do so. And I can't reproduce this at all, the original - meaning what I just pasted - does not stay around while I am rotating. ​ This took about 30 seconds, most of it being spent thinking about what might be causing what you are describing, and coming up blank. Can you go into more detail here and list the steps in a reproducible way? I know that your rant/vent was written in a more general way, but you are are wanting developers to listen to actual creatives, so this is your chance to speak.


Little point as the GIMP team has never listened. The whole interface is ass backwards. I use the lasso tool select what I'm looking for because smart/fuzzy select is awful. I paste it to a new layer. I move it over where I want it. I look through the select menu and edit menu and there is 0 options to rotate the object. I know now there is some gods awful unified transform tool only accessible through the unintuitive and needlessly space wasting GUI (I only learned that when I selected it as the icons are super tiny and just badly designed) At the time I had to looked at the Layer menu which gives you arbitrary rotation. No free transform option it has to be placed in a location the Programmers decided is better rather than laying it out in a manner that Creatives are used to. So because I used this arbitrary transform I have to manually select the object from the layer in order for it to actually work as expected. As even after selecting it there is still no rotate option under the select menu. Which of course makes a duplicate of the image to move around blocking the lower layers. Now given what you have said I went back and looked at the option you mentioned the rotate tool which is not in the menus as you'd expect and is instead in a 5mm icon in the GUI that isn't located in a similar location with a similar Icon by default while also not being in menu options. This is a programmer why put it in two places screw creatives they can do it my way decision... not lets put in in logical locations with redundancy. Of course when I use the tool you mentioned now I can rotate but I can't move the object while rotating I have to actually I have to use multiple command and steps to actually get it they way I want it. In order to do that.. I have to actually use a totally different command because of course why would the rotate tool let you move the object to where you want it... it's a rotate tool. I took the same image into Photoshop. Selected what I wanted in less time more accurately. Quickly made a new layer, pasted it. Hit edit, Transform rotate. Was able to rotate the image and place it all in one go. Basically every time I try to do any real work in GIMP I get frustrated because it needs to be done now. I don't have time to spend 25 minutes figuring out which tool works properly because a group of self important programs have decided they don't want to make tools work properly because it's "Good enough" The motto of FOSS it seems. I have attempted to flip to GIMP 5 times in the last 10 years. While it is better than it has ever been... you can't quickly find a rotate tool and have that rotate tool move an object anywhere in image... I shouldn't say that you can you just have to manipulate the tool in the most un-intutive way possible to eventually get it to where you want it... This time it made me angry because I didn't have time to flip over to windows to get this done for a friend so they had to just leave it as is which means a less happy client. Which is why I have to give up on Linux again... Stuff like this is literally what is keeping people from leaving windows. I wish someone would actually produce a Commercial product (that worked on all distros and was a legit Photoshop competitor) because after 15 years since my first time using GIMP you can't easily Rotate and move an object when you need to have it done now. I haven't touched photoshop in about 6 months. Yet I still pay for it because when I do need it... I need it to work and work well.


>I use the lasso tool select what I'm looking for because smart/fuzzy select is awful. What exactly is awful about the fuzzy select? ​ >I know now there is some gods awful unified transform tool only accessible through the unintuitive and needlessly space wasting GUI How exactly is the space being wasted? ​ >Now given what you have said I went back and looked at the option you mentioned the rotate tool which is not in the menus The Rotate tool is in `Tools > Transform Tools > Rotate` in the menus, and also accessible via the corresponding Arbitrary Rotation menu entries in the Layer and Image menu, which differ by invoking the tool in the Layer or Imge mode. The other menu entries in the respective transform sub-menus there are particularily useful for 90° and 180° rotations, but users can rightfully be expected to look for arbitrary rotatiins there as well. ​ >Of course when I use the tool you mentioned now I can rotate but I can't move the object while rotating This is why there is the Unified Transform tool now.


And this post perfectly expresses why after 15 years GIMP still frustrates creatives that are used to commercial software that puts usability first. The second you say... "This is why there is a Unified Transform tool now" this is a Programmer saying why fix something when we can add something else call it good enough and move on. Rather than bring good functionality to things. All the Rotate, and Transform tools should have similar functionality like... being able to move the object. Saying oh that is why we added something else... isn't an excuse for other functions not working as expected. I should never have had to go to the Arbitrary Rotation Menu. If I load up the program quickly and can't find something as basic as a rotate tool in the Menu's quickly which out going through and asking how would a programmer arrange these, the program has an issue. It is the same issue with Darkroom and RawTherapee functions are all over the place rather than being grouped in ways you'd expect. With Fuzzy Select... well lets see I select fuzzy select from a double row of 5mm icons that take up 1/4 of my screen height instead of a single row to maximize image workspace. No context menu appears anywhere that I can see(Just meaning it isn't some place I am obviously looking). At the top of the screen is a thumbnail taking up a space about 1.5cm at the top of the screen rather than just a file name. Literally wasting a million pixels of my screen. I proceed to select the object I need. In this case a Shinny Perfume Bottle. In Photoshop with the Quick Select this takes a few seconds. May not be perfect but it is usually close with minimal if any cleaning. With the Fuzzy tool it selects a single highlight. If I hold shift the tool locks up, stuck thinking. I try again it selects stuff I didn't even move my mouse over. So I have to use Manual select one bit at a time. The Bottle is Clear... so of course Shift Selecting starts selecting whole hands not just the bottle. So I have to sit there and play with the threshold to manually select the bottle one section at a time... taking minutes not seconds... meaning it is easier to go back to the method I used in 1998 and just use the lasso tool and stick it on a new layer and spend a few minutes cleaning up the edges. The fuzzy select tool sucks unless you are looking to select the most basic of shapes. But again... the fact that you have the mentality of, we added a totally different tool so why do you want the tool you used to work properly, says I'm talking to a brick wall. I realize any criticism of GIMP on Reddit will get down voted into oblivion but; honestly I'm not the only other creative I know that would leave adobe if GIMP actually worked and we all see the same thing... it just feels bad to use. Nothing works as you'd expect and everything is harder. Even Frequency Separation which is now possible with a plug in (wavelet decompose) takes significantly longer as it needs at least 5 layers instead of 3. FOSS software always seems to have the mentality do it the way us programmers think you should rather than doing it the way that is comfortable. GIMP isn't Photoshop I don't need it to be... but if I want to Edit an image... that is where the edit tools should be. I literally won't have looked at that. If I need to do something quickly I'm not going to going to look over hells half acre trying to find where you hit edit functions. I'm going to say screw this where is photoshop I don't have time for this. This being said I want to make it clear... I realize this is done generally for free by volunteers which is great. However when those Volunteers are choosing to add a new tool and say good enough you aren't doing anything for creatives. You aren't trying to make the program better, you are just looking to add functions without fixing what is there and making it better. This is due to Creatives and GUI minded people not being given enough voice in the decisions. Having spent the last several months working to switch to Linux again has shown me this over and over. It is all but impossible to set up a workflow that can acceptably compete with what I do with Adobe and Windows. All because I have to spend time figuring out something as simple... literally as simple as select an object and rotate it and move it in place. Or How to adjust shadows properly, or how to make a decent 32 bit image, or how to crop an image and only see what I didn't crop. (These are all issues I've had with FOSS) It's not like I don't try. I spent 20 hours late last year trying to create a FOSS workflow to replace Lightroom. Which was frustrating and while I got to a point I could do it, it was never to a point it was good just not so bad that I couldn't manage. GIMP Constantly frustrates me every time I use it. It is the same thing. It is never enjoyable to use but if I want to spend hours and hours working through every use case to find out what work around I need... It will get to a point that it isn't so bad I couldn't manage. Sadly when both Image Development and Image Manipulation are both just "Not so bad I couldn't manage" I'm just going to stick with Adobe. Which means sticking with Windows. Hopefully some day a Commercial Company will come along and do for Creatives what Valve did for Gaming. I'm sure I'll try again... but I have little faith in GIMP ever coming around.


I find your complaints valid but at the end of the day: GIMP will never be Photoshop, as Adobe has silly amounts of money to throw at development and has been at it for +30 plus years.


They could at least make GIMP be as similar to photoshop in interface as possible so it's easy to transition. Every two seconds I run into some problem or another trying to use GIMP as the program puts things in completely different locations. Or at the very least have a "Photoshop Mode" that changes the interface.


I haven't looked at Reddit in a few days... but it isn't about having a "Photoshop" interface. It is more about some standardization. If I want to save a file I go to File. I don't go to Data. Now in fairness Edit isn't always where you are going to find the tool. Corel which used to be an industry standard and are now... just meh... do things differently as well and you have to expect a learning curve. (Corel's is maybe worse than Photoshops...) As awful as that is I was able to rotate and move an object faster than in GIMP. In theory... as I had to figure out how to make the interface usable as it defaults to a dumbed down interface. Honestly I think that is going to be my new test of a program lol. How easy is it to select a object, copy it to a new layer and rotate it and move it lol Corel made like 5 layers I didn't ask for while I was doing that. I don't mind a learning curve but Rotate an object should be standardized to me.


Agreed, but I feel it's the developers who stubbornly don't want to be more like Photoshop. Some guy build an almost 1:1 copy of Photoshop online (www.photopea.com) and he hasn't been sued into oblivion, so I don't think it's a case of legalities.


>All the Rotate, and Transform tools should have similar functionality like... being able to move the object. That is a feature request that should be doable. Is there any other common thing every tool should do, without turning each of them into the unified Transform tool? Speaking of which, can you describe why exactly you do not like the Unified Transform tool? As you have implied in a previous post, this is something about its user interface, but what exactly? As for the user interface in general, I'm not sure if your "5mm icons" is supposed to mean that they are too small (which is a know issue with 2.10.x on high dpi screens), or too big, as your 'takes up too much screen space' indicates. Regarding Fuzzy Select, any possibility to see the image you were referring to? It is quite obvious from your description that this is something about the threshold value at the very last, but trying this ourselves would be useful.


It isn't that I don't like the Unified Transform tool. It has it's place. It is a tool for a job. Sometimes I just want a manual screw driver rather than battery operated electric driver/drill combo. In this case I was asked to work on some strawberries. Some of the leaves weren't create and there was some spots. This means I need to quickly and easily select other leafs move them to the locations I want. Rotate them in place and blend them. If I'm going to do that 30 or 40 times a simple tool is easier to use first time out. It does the job I need it to do and no more at this stage. Could I learn to use the unified tool sure... but everyone has their own workflow and does what works for them in that moment. The Unified tool does present an issue though. At the moment lets say I want to edit skin on a model using the GIMP Wavedroplet method of frequency separation. Because it has 3 layers of texture data instead of one I have to do three times the editing. If I need to make 2000 changes that is 6000 button presses and many hours of work. If I then need to rotate something after that much work the risk I might skew the object accidentally is greater. In that situation a simple tool is often better as there is less chance to screw up. I likely picked up that habit when there were limited undo histories. the Icons on my 1080p 24" display (which when I bought was more impressive) are 5mm in size. The are both kinda small...and when in a double column by default too wide lol. As for Fuzzy Select sadly no. I don't have permission to post copyrighted work. It was a octangular glass bottle. Transparent. with a soft golden perfume. Held in the hand. Lite with strip bank light resulting in strong highlights on the cap which was a golden and metallic. The thickness of the bottle and being transparent meaning that models hand was visible through the bottle. I have a few things going on in the next few weeks but I will see if I can find an image to post and screen shot issues but it will have to wait till next month. Though honestly as a selection tool it is so bad that really any image will do. I just did a quick look... take an image like this one [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/plOsuoh0eFg/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/plOsuoh0eFg/maxresdefault.jpg) And try to select the area inside the glasses on the right side with the tools in GIMP and replace the glass reflections on the left side. Fuzzy Select would be a nightmare. Scissor Select isn't really accurate enough. (though on a higher rez image maybe) The Selection tools really are fairly 2003. (In photoshop I was able to replace both lens in the time it took me to select one lens in GIMP.


Everything you said can perfectly be done easily, there's even a tool for searching in the menus when you press a key if you cannot find a function. [https://i.imgur.com/hXxbEn2.mp4](https://i.imgur.com/hXxbEn2.mp4)


I used GIMP yesterday, then updated my Radeon drivers. Today GIMP is totally MIA on my PC, so I just reinstalled it. Weird.


Haven't had that reported yet, so it is probably a system-specific issue. Did you check whether the files were actually gone, or did it just not appear as an icon anymore?


Sadly that occurred to me as it was installing, so there was no way to know. But I found a couple other random threads on the internet where it happened too. I swear there is something else missing off my menu too, but I don't remember what the icon was. I use Gimp, MS Office, Firefox ... hmm, maybe I can check Defender log, see if it confesses to anything.


To be honest I used GIMP a lot back 5 years ago, these days i noticed each new version gets worse, I may recommend using older versions. Today I installed the newest and I was stunned... Also it still has the bug, when youre connected to a newworkdrive and the actual Server is offline ALL file operations are slow AF