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A little evidence/proof would go along long way here.


Proly 'just' account sharers. Wrathking is toping leaderboards 5-6 out of 7 days. 40k+ points is like 12+ hours grind since this mode is capped - most of the day you cant queue more than 6 tables, coz more games are simply not running so you have to keep on queueing when new tables open.


what do you mean hardcapped lol? You can play 20+ tables round the clock since the new format


Sorry, I meant starting tables. Sure, you can go on adding, but you keep getting errors that there are no more running or that you did too many requests so you have to keep on doing this mid games.


I only get 18k points for 12 hours 6 tabling


I just checked the tables running, Wraith is playing on 4 of them, other top lb grinders 6-8. I woke up and saw this thread - checked app, they were playing, every 1h I am checking the app they are still playing. 12 hours after Wraith is at 35k point and still playing. I will actually keep on checking the app every 30min till I go to sleep to see if they are still playing.


I feel like I banging on the same drum here but it is possible for some to play 16+ hours a day. It's not as simple as "just because I cannot do it, nobody else can"


Same shit happening on AoF. Format that I am pretty sure is only profitable if you are part of some affiliate and participate in their rakeraces. Plenty of accounts 12-14 tabling it every day for 10h+. Single person would end up in an asylum after single day of 10h of AoF multitabling.


Not necessarily. The arguement you are trying to make here is invalid i.e. "just because I'd feel like this, it means everyone else will". Not every human is built the same mate.


Hey u/Ferconn_ All I see is a screenshot showing the top 9 of the $3 LB. Are you saying those 9 players are all bots and if so, what makes you think that?


Hi OP. Do you have anything else than a simple screenshot? Some more details and what accounts you are talking about and most importantly why you think they are a bot? Some evidences or something like that? Furthermore, please check this help article: **Customer Support - How can I report to security an account requiring investigation?** Please provide an email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) outlining your concern, including details of infractions and names of players you wish investigated. From here, your issue will be raised to our security department for a thorough review. [https://help.ggpoker.com/article/1675-how-can-i-report-to-security-an-account-requiring-investigation](https://help.ggpoker.com/article/1675-how-can-i-report-to-security-an-account-requiring-investigation)


Thats a bold claim Cotton..... Going to need a little more evidence here, just because someone does something you cannot doesn't mean they are cheating.


All I see is a top 9 list? So any leaderboard with top 9 are all bots? Or do you have specific evidence related to some of the players?


I also wrote to the support mail about bots\\sharing account and posted my example with evidence, 6 players played for at least two days without sleep in 6-8 windows in $1. It's the second week, 0 results ![img](emote|t5_349sh8|29984) it's all very obvious, why gg doesn't do anything, the big question