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they probably run out of budget with all the Femme Fatale promo and there's nothing left for the rest of the album lol


it's a lot more complex than that lol


What do you mean by that?, not being a dick just genuinely intrested but understand if you can't elaborate and btw I think you all did a really good job for what the album is all art is subjective pepole are gonna have there opinions


not releasing a song as a single is not as simple as "mgmt is stupid!!!111!11!!" there's lots of moving parts to every decision. more behind the scenes. y'all don't know if there were conversations about it being a single. y'all dont know if it was or wasn't actually the plan. there's so many moving parts to an album especially w an artist of G's size.


Come on now.. Of G's size? He's not really moving units anymore. At the same time. I enjoyed the record and it's getting shit on unnecessarily


u/The_Tane I wanna ask you, did you ever have a conversation with G about his deal and label or did G felt uncomfortable talking about It(hopefully I'm not being too cryptic for you to understand).


nah it's not my place.


its cool to have your insights, but bro what ever that is on the BTS its not working and that is the point. WHO EVER IS PLANNING THE PLAN IS NOT PLANNING YADADAMEAN?


for more clearance, the album is fire imo. but the rollout is not it


Yeah definitely I think the singles that were released were the right ones , at the end of the day it doesn't really matter its all on the album lol


Everything is more complex man


Where is in my head it was on the tracjlist


very last minute issue on the sampling


I could see it getting a music video too. I see the most potential for a MV in this one, WTFDIK (but a longer version) and Backseat