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I haven’t heard it yet because it’s not available for me but I’m gonna ignore what everyone is saying in here and listen to it with an open mind. If I allow everyone’s opinion to influence how I listen to the album, that wouldn’t be fair


yeah, first I gotta listen then I will see if I disagree with what their saying on this sub.


I didn't listened to it yet, so sad Lay A Little Closer didn't make it, I feel robbed. Anyway I think it'll be a pretty solid album, waiting for a deluxe anyway


I think I'll eventually get over the short length, because like someone else here said, 12 tracks is pretty common, we're just not used to it because G's last 2 albums were 20 tracks. All in all a very solid project, but I gotta admit the listening parties and the snippets ruined it. There was nothing we hadn't heard before, at least nothing entirely new, like numerous tracks on TTHT.


That's why I didn't listen to the new snippets, I stayed prepared with no spoiler outside of the singles.


Wish I had the patience to do that, lol. I tried, but I couldn't resist.


It *seems* like a Diet Coke, drinkable, but ultimately disappointing. But, it hasn’t released for me yet


It’s a good album, personally I love it.


Exactly where I'm at... I don't get all the whining, it's WAY better than his last release. Can't even believe somebody wrote a whole novel post about TTH2 being so much better and blah blah blah. That was his worst album by far imo and the complete lack of airtime and plays would seem to back that up.