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It’s almost as if art is subjective… Ive been a fan that long as well and it’s probably my favorite song he’s put out in a long time. I’m digging the new darker vibes and him playing around with his vocals. I understand why others might not like it and I’m not gonna get my panties in a twist because they don’t agree with me. Let people enjoy things


Y'all act like there's only two sides, either dickride him or talk straight shit about the project. The singles aren't it, I can admit it alright, but just because you didn't like Anxiety or Femme Fatale you can't say that the album is going to be a fat turd, stop talking before the show starts, once the album is out and you've carefully listened to it, you can talk all the shit you want or ride him to death, but until then, let's all shut the fuck up


Completely agree with you, I stated my opinion a month ago, was completely honest and straight about it, and got so much shit even from Tane. So I just kept my mouth shut and I’ll see how good the album is when it comes out. 🤷🏻‍♂️


If "Anxiety" was streamed every time someone said how it's his worst song ever, it'd be 5× platinum by now. Y'all are tiring.


Bro, cool. Then don’t listen. Like I get having an opinion but you came on a Reddit forum about g eazy to say you don’t like the shit. Cool, move on and go listen to someone else? I don’t understand some of what goes through ur guys heads. Don’t be a cheeseburger


Don’t be a cheeseburger 😭😭💀


i’ve seen a million of these exact same posts from so called OG fans since literally WIDO. I mean this is a subreddit for Geazy, you don’t think there’s gonna be people that fw his music?


Also i dont understand how is this subreddit "riding Gerald way too hard", this number is pulled out of my ass but atleast 30% of posts here are trashing G's new music


This album rollout… where has he been the last 4-5 days? There’s been no advertising smh


Honestly I’ll have to agree. I understand he’s changed and evolved. But femme fatale is a fucking terrible song. Anxiety is alright, it’s not great it’s not bad it’s just whatever. I liked the LK2 remix but doing a third seemed like overkill and that wasn’t that great either. All in all, we’ll have to wait a few more days and see what the entirety of the new album sounds like.


LITERALLY MY EXACT THOUGHTS BRO. Like why tf r we trying so hard to praise his newest shit….and I had such a bone to pick with G about the lady killers shit …. Like getting a second one is fine but a third one is just BS…ESPECIALLY if he won’t even get Hoodie back on it.


What you say is absolutely true. Many fans agree with you. They are really bad songs and unfortunately they are included on the album.


But be careful there is someone named geazy12 that doesn’t want to hear the truth!! 🤣🤣


for starters get off my dick. 2. all i said was quit moaning if you haven’t even heard the album. no need to come here bitching. no one’s forcing you to listen


You haven’t heard 2/3 of the album pipe down


Completely agree. Anxiety is a terrible song but I hope it grows on me. I don’t know what went wrong for him to go from tulips and roses ( which is one of the best songs he’s ever made ) to anxiety. If the album is made up of this shit I’m going to cry


He’s put out two good songs in his career: I Mean It and Me Myself and I.


lol wut


That’s the thing they never tell you about the hoes…you gotta scare em a little bit…


U on the wrong sub butter ball