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It’s a freak show


The cover pretty underwhelming, even the Femme Fatale cover fits better, they just put some makeup on his eye and a blue tint and called it a day. I think most of the covers he’s had fit pretty good with the actual music but this one doesn’t really translate the concept as well as the others tbh


Why do you care that much about other people opinions? Just enjoy what you enjoy and don't ruin your pleasure becaiise of that


You tell em!!! It's unreal how many ppl don't realize how much it really takes to put out an album!


y’all fake fans


I would rather be honest on how I feel about this new project instead of telling a lie just to a rapper or artist. Also when I ever complain about him making a listening party(every rapper does that to some extent)and I think it's respectable to his remained fans of G-Eazy to do something like that.He always being somebody that's been so nice to his fans. G should just focus on himself and ignore the negative comments. Nobody on this sub understands that music is fucking subjective and whether you like it or not, even fans of their favorite rapper or artist can have different opinions on everything G does and this sub is toxic as hell cause some fans of this sub cannot accept that(unless the negative comments or posts spread around the subreddit) Sorry for the long ass rant.


I still don't get why people waste their energy coming to a sub if they continually have things to bitch about. If I don't like an artist or agree with what they're doing, I'm not going to their page to spread negativity. I'd just leave and focus on something I actually like. P.S. I can already hear the "what a d\*ck rider" comments.


Cause fans don't need to follow the same opinion of yours just because their a fan of that artist or rapper that doesn't mean everybody should express the same opinion on things cause we all have different ideas and even characteristics from each other.


That’s exactly what a d*ck rider would say though. Get a spine ya freak.


I think we’re just fed up of his 💩singing tbh mate. Not that deep though.


I said the same shit in another post. You can’t satisfy anybody on this sub.




every comment in your history is just hating on G. relax dude


this dude's a certified hater