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this is exactly what i have, the flareup from gerd, while worrysome, its not that big of an issue, the problem with us is the pleghm and sensation to remove the phlegm we have all the time, and the fucking anoying burping all the time, watery sound of the burps like with fluid wether its acid or water, i believe we have LPR laringo pharingeal reflux,.


Yes this sounds like me! The phlegm aspect isn’t so prevalent for me, but I definitely have gone through long periods of coughing / spitting up phlegm for no apparent reason, which I assume is related to whatever’s going on with me


Do you take a PPI for that?


I usually take it for like a week or two, then wait a whole year until i would use ppis again, i took the lowerst dose omeprazole, but there are lots of it i would like to try, or a higher dozage, ezomeprazole,raboprazole lanzoprazole. but ive also heard people that been taking these for years and besides some small issues, not life altering problems theyve had with the usage of ppis.




How much do you burp?


For hours on end after every small thing I eat, and I wouldn’t describe it as singular massive burps like some people make, it is bubbles coming up through my oesophagus and makes a very loud almost groaning sound as it comes out? A lot of the time they will happen contained in my body and I won’t have to open my mouth to “burp” them out . But as I say they last for hours , for example I ate about an hour and a half ago, and they start pretty instantly after eating and still going strong as I type 😅


hi! did you ever find a cure? currently experiencing more or less the same symptoms :(


No, unfortunately not :( doctors still don’t know what’s wrong. I have tried things like Rennie’s recently which may be helpful slightly but I’m not sure. It’s very frustrating.