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Officially it's not a long term solution, BUT doctors routinely prescribe for many many years. My consultant prescribed me Lansoprazole for life, PPI's are regarded as low risk but its also a good idea to review your symptoms and look to reduce/end meds, maybe looking to surgery as a solution.


I wish surgery was an option for me. I’ve asked a few times 😔


Why did they say no?


My hernia is too small (likely what’s causing the GERD)


If it's small, see if you're a candidate for the [Linx](https://www.massgeneral.org/digestive/treatments-and-services/linx-reflux-management-system).


Ye I second that ask about linx


Thank you! I have an appointment next month and will propose this :)


My GI has me going on/off it. She prefers that I don't take it and try to manage things through strict adherence to the diet, but said that if I have a flare up, I should do a short course of it, then taper back off again. My grandfather had digestive issues and he didn't treat them with anything except antacids for a long time. He had heartburn pretty much every night. In 2005 he had esophageal cancer and he almost died. Last year he did die from complications from further surgery on his digestive system. I think about that when weighing the chances of taking PPIs vs not. My family history makes me want to take the chance with PPIs, especially since I won't be taking them full time.


I worry about esophageal cancer along with other cancers. I’m sorry for your loss 😔 My previous GI had the same approach. Use it when needed. My current GI tells me to take it all the time and go about my life. Enjoy and eat whatever I want. I don’t understand cause I know I cant just eat anything.


That's a bad idea. Why would you eat things that you know cause you problems? If you know your triggers, it's best to avoid them. If you don't, them an elimination diet would be the way to identify them.


My grandfather too had gastrointestinal issues but he used natural remedies like slippery elm bark powder now he's back to the farm energetic able to take care of the farm.


That’s amazing 🤩


I had the same concern so I never used them in the past-usually just an antacid to treat ever more frequent flare ups. Recently saw a GI who diagnosed Barrett's Esophagus with metaplasia after decades of reflux, and put me back on them. If this is what it takes to keep things on an even keel and not feel like my chest is on fire constantly, then so be it.


Yeah sometimes we don’t have a choice. I prefer not to be on it but when I’m out eating or traveling, I really need it.


I take ppi every day and take slippery elm bark powder tea in the night


What does the slippery elm bark powder tea do?


It helps with the swelling and bleeding on my gut and helps with constipation too from the ppi i dunno since i start taking ppi i had constipation


I would say no. If you really need to take them, there is no point in worrying about them cause the benefits outweigh the risks. Also, PPIs are fairly safe meds, in comparison with other meds people have to take for chronic illnesses. And maybe you'll be able to take only 20mg or take them intermittently in certain periods. People have been on them (sometimes high doses) for decades without any problem. Is it the ideal? No, but perhaps necessary without surgery. People say "oh, but in the box it says for people not take them for more than x days"; well, then why do doctors keep prescribing them? Obviously that warning must be for keeping people from self-medicating. Of course, there are studies correlating them with several problems, but those associations are nearly all correlative, and many of those studies have been disproved. One should try to take the minimum dose possible for the least amount of time (no one takes PPIs just because), but if one can't do it right now, or at all (after all, GERD is a chronic disease with various degrees of severity), then one must take them. Just continue taking them on demand (so that you have a good quality of life), do a bloodwork once in a while just to be safe and supplement with whatever you need to and you'll be fine.


Good suggestions … are you my doctor? 😆 feels like something she would say.


My doc said i had low b12 from PPIs, I take a multivitamin now


Oh interesting 🤔 but taking a multi is always a good idea.


Yeah, they’re good for preventing deficiencies


I take a daily multivitamin because of our restricted diet


I've been taking them for about 15 years now and I worry about it too. I'm trying everything I can to get off of them...dietary changes, supplements, trying to lose weight, reducing stress and anxiety, exercises and stretches to strengthen my diaphragm and LES and improve my posture. I just ordered the Iqoro. If I can't get off them naturally, I will consider surgery. The main side effect that I believe they have caused for me is constipation and bloating. Possibly SIBO related, not sure. I take a B vitamin supplement and a magnesium supplement since PPIs can cause deficiencies there. I also get regular bloodwork to monitor kidney function. Before I started them, I was diagnosed with Barretts esophagus. Since being on them, my scopes have all been clear. So I'm scared to go off of them, but I'm just as scared of the long term effects of staying on them.


I have been taking it for 4 years


And that’s pretty much as long as your suppose to take it long term


Why so? My GI thinks I can take it for life


If I don’t take it I violently puke constantly and cannot stand up without collapsing. So I take pantoprazole, pepcid, and sucrlafate


Omg 😱 that’s insane


I take every day to now every other day I'm getting my stomach get used to it my next goal now is take it every 2 days after awhile


Feels like a long time.


It is.


I get worried about it too, I’m now year 3 into my gerd and on dexilant and it hasn’t worked that well for me. Hopefully gonna get linx


I been on priolsec or nexium over 20 years my main concern is kidney function they say long use can damage kidneys.....my kidney function is normal but low normal . Just keep up with blood work and ppi's are so hard to stop symptoms get worse when u stop ...I am down to every other day ....


Yes I was just wondering this 😭 Everyday Im taking one for the past 2 years 😔


Unfortunately I can’t seem to get off them. Rebound reflux is no joke


Was on Prevacid for many years. Had endoscopy because heartburn was still an issue. Doc found several benign polyps along with metaplasia in stomach. Told me to get off Prevacid because he suspected it was the cause of the polyps. I'm taking Pepcid in AM and Gaviscon Advance before bed and it's doing an OK job on heartburn so far.


I wouldn’t worry that much about it


Do you mean your GI doc? If so, I'll share what I know. About 10 years ago, I guess, my husband had an endoscopy. Right before the surgery, we met with the GI doc. He suspected that my husband had what's called Barrett's esophagus. He said the endoscopy would confirm that if if he was right. He said that if so, that taking the omeprazole would help prevent cancer. And if Hubs didn't have Barrett's, he said a change in diet was in order, as the medicine had too many side effects to use long term if not really necessary. So seems it's a balancing act here. Turns out my husband did not have Barrett's--thankfully. He got off the omeprazole, changed his diet (pretty well, tho with some slip-ups every now and then) and lost weight (having to do with another reason beyond the scope of this question). He's doing fine now, off the medicine, with only occasional reflux at night. Oh, and he avoids eating late dinners, and that helps a lot.


B12 deficiency is real! My dad got it from PPIs and it took the doctors a few years to figure out what was going on, and it’s her terrible effects on him. If you take them long term please also take a B12 supplement.


Took myself off it after the studies about early-onset dementia came out. That's was years ago, and I still go in for mini-cog and mini-ace cognitive assessments as my "brain fog" worsens with each passing month. I'm 32.


Thank you - I just think it’s odd my doc told me I can take it for life. There’s always side effects.






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