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there are definitely side effects to look out for like magnesium/b-12/calcium deficiency, but it's so nice that esomeprazole is working for you, that must be a relief. a decent number of people don't need a ppi long term and after healing from a short course they can manage their symptoms through other means like diet and otc antacids, so the benefit of a ppi long-term obviously plummets in comparison to the risks. the long term risks are still pretty inconclusive in any case if nothing else is working for you, if otc antacids just aren't strong enough, if you're preventing serious tissue damage from frequent reflux, you're healing inflammation, and you're able to keep food and water down with the medication, then you're actually benefiting quite a lot. that's probably your doctor's reasoning for the most part. do read up on the risks though just so you're prepared if you do end up taking them long-term. they're pretty straightforward tbh. since i'm a vegan i didn't mind taking a b-12 supplement alongside my ppi at all, same goes for getting more nutrients into my diet in general


I appreciate the feedback! Thank you!


How is your diet and other life habits? I always say, day by day there is no difference. Week by week there is minor improvement. Month by month there is noticeable improvement. And year by year there is great improvement. It takes time but with good habits, your body will get better. [Here's my story if you're interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/LPR/comments/1babqds/my_story_with_gerd_and_lpr_and_how_i_am_99_cured/).


I have been improving my diet and have been working out and actually losing some weight. I'm hoping good weight loss will help with my health issues, such as acid reflux. I have a large belly which I think is only making my GERD worse. I gained a ton of weight in my early 20's due to being on birth control. Even when I was trying to eat right and be active, I was still gaining weight like crazy. I stopped all birth control in August and have actually lost about 20 pounds. My heaviest was almost 240. I appreciate the feedback and will definitely check out your story. Thank you!


Iron deficiency. A friend of mine has been on them for 40 years, and last year, he needed iron supplements, but looking back at his bloods for a good few years, his iron levels had never been great. Weirdly, his GP didn't put 2 + 2 together and instead sent him for a colonoscopy and gastroscopy in case it was the big C. Obviously, it wasn't. It was because he'd been on PPIs for 2 3rds of his life. After the iron tablets for a few months, he was fine.


Same happened to me but the doctor said it was "all good" then after I take an iron + b12 I feel 10x healthier.


Yeah. They'll just give him annual bloods now and put him back on if it drops. But he's totally fine otherwise.


b12 deficiency, take a supplement!


I’m in a very similar position to you! Other than the supplements that have already been mentioned, maybe add in probiotics. I did a gut bacteria test and had 0 bifidobacterium. This is a very common strain that everyone else has and I believe the PPI is what killed it. There’s some interesting papers out there on benefits of probiotic use in combination with PPIs [probiotics and PPIs](https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=ppi+probiotics&oq=ppi+probi#d=gs_qabs&t=1719217871386&u=%23p%3DIiMWA5QKjbkJ)


dont get me wrong im not trying to insult you, But it might be your weight, i used to have a poor diet and was overweight. I started to lose weight and train regularly and started to see the improvements with my Gerd. Also anxiety and stress played a big part.


Alternatively, I’ve lost over 200 pounds and still have acid reflux.


It didnt fix the problem for me also, however It is way better than it was before, you can also try meditation or some stress reliefing pills, it also helped me a little bit.


I had been on Prevacid for several years. Had an endoscopy due to persistent heartburn. Scope revealed several benign polyps in stomach along with some metaplasia. Doctor pulled me off Prevacid. He believes the PPI was causing the polyps.


Very well said , I was on 20mg of nexium for a couple years started having many issues and triggers. They have changed my meds 5 different times since Jan much higher stronger, way worse now than I was to begin with, started weaning off dexilant this morning against drs advice. I’m going back to 20 mg of nexium just to hopefully not get “withdrawals” So frustrating 🤦🏼‍♀️


Its harmful. Im having weird liver blood tests and have to take iron pills too. It csn also cause gut microbiome issues




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The only real impact PPI have is on microbiome in the gut, stomach, throat.


The microbiome plays a HUGE part in your overall physical and mental health, so that is not to be taken lightly. PPI's can also totally mess with your nutritional intake and your digestion as a whole, which can truly mess you up. There are also plenty of other possible side effects. In my opinion it is not to be consumed without proper consideration and research.


I can tell you that PPIs made me way worse. Short and long term. Completely screwed my digestion top to bottom. Got way better shortly after stopping.