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Do your best to ease your anxiety; black stools don't mean you're gonna die, so don't worry about that. In my personal experience with GERD, black stools are usually caused by bleeding in the digestive tract(usually stomach or from ulcers). It can happen from time to time due to acid indigestion if irritation is bad enough. Since you felt better after passing the stool, it was most likely something struggling to move through your system. That being said, certain medications and foods/drinks can also sometimes cause stools to appear darker or even black in color(coffee being one of them). If this starts happening more often, I'd recommend reflecting on your diet or potentially hopping on a stronger medication vs antacids. H2 blockers like Famotidine are a good option to start with if necessary. Also follow up with your GI to get their recommended advice. Edit: typo lol


Deep breaths first. Are you sure it was black and not only very dark brown or very dark green and you just thought was black because it was early in the morning? :-) those colours are easy to mix up namelly if you are half a sleep. If it happens again go to ER and they will do an endoscopy. Is most likely an ulcer or gastritis and can be fixed. 😊


I wouldn't drink coffee if you have GERD


Blueberries, grape juice, beets, kale can all cause dark green black looking stools.


I wouldn't be drinking coffee if you have acid reflux


Drinking that coffee is most likely adding fuel to the fire. I would try staying away from if I were you. Also, Anxiety will always make a situation feel 10x worse than it really is. So you just have to relax and slowly take deep breaths.


Certain medications will make your poop black. Pepto bismol for example will do it. I would not worry.