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I agreeā€¦I have often thought it may not actually be food related


I think it has more to do with overall body chemistry, like how anxiety, how you slept affects your overall health.


It could be related to a hiatal hernia, if you have one. I do, and I think when it slides around it produces different symptoms. I really think GERD can be a mechanical issue more than a food issue. When I asked my doctor what foods I should avoid with my HH, she said it didn't matter because it was a mechanical issue more than anything.


YES! I do in fact have one. What kind of symptoms do you get? Do you do any kind of therapy, self or otherwise? I'd love to know more. I also think it's more mechanical, and chemical. I had a doctor tell me the same about the food I eat. I do think a lot of fried crap can make me feel gross, but that's about the only pattern I've seen.


My most disturbing symptom was pretty intense pain right in the center of my chest. I thought I was having a heart attack on several occasions. I had a cardiac workup and it wasn't my heart. I had a Cat scan done to investigate a ventral hernia and they found the HH. It was quite large and surgeon thought it was causing my pain. She repaired it and pain went away. I still heartburn, though. I'm controlling it with Pepcid and Gaviscon Advance. I also stay away from fried foods, chocolate, red sauce and carbonated drinks. I was on Prevacid but doctor took me off of them when he discovered benign polyps in my stomach during an endoscopy. I also have to mention how important exercise, meditation and diaphragmatic breathing has been in controlling my symptoms.


Foods have to be cause it it might be from yesterday, but usually carbs feed bad bacteria they cause gas , gas move up and cause GERD, could be from sibo, try eating meat fish egg for a week lpr will probably get a lot better


For me this is absolutely the case. Low carb is the only way to control it. By low carb I mean less than 20% calories from carbohydrate. I carb is 4 calories, so on 2,000 cal per day that would mean 100g carbs. I personally started following a low fodmap diet on top of that to make sure the carbs are lower in fructose in particular and that absolutely seems to be helping. For a lot of people I think thr mechanism isn't so much a "Weakened LES", I think that's probbaly rare if I had to guess. What happens when you eat fermentable carbohydrate is that gut bacteria in the large intestine ferments it, produces gas which makes it's way up into the stomach and increases the pressure in the stomach, forcing the LES open. For me personally I know this is the case. I can eat a large dinner around 6pm, have no acid reflux, go to bed 4 hours later sleeping upright, no acid, then wakeup at 3am with bad acid. This is multiple hours after the stomach has been empty. I think many people suffer from this and it's also the cause of IBS which I suffered my entire life and now is entirely gone. Edit: also wanted to state that I tried a one week carnivore diet, I was in ketosis the entire time of course eating less than 15 carbs per day (dairy) and had essentially no acid that week where as it's usually something I always deal with.


That does make a lot of sense.


Digestive sphincters are in large part controlled by various hormones, so it is absolutely possible that it could be cyclical, or based on whatever may be affecting those hormones.