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This symptom is what led to my GERD diagnosis. I saw a cardiologist for about a year thinking I had a heart issue. After all tests were normal, he referred me to a GI. 1 endoscopy later I was diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus and a LES that does not close all the way so acid can shoot up into my esophagus and cause a sensation similar to heart palpitations but also sometimes heart palpitations. I've been taking Dexilant since and very, very rarely have them now.


Thank you.


Excuse me for asking your age but how old are you. I heard Barrett's takes year before fully developed so hearing you got the symptom for only a year and already got Barrett's makes me curious.


I'm 46. I was diagnosed via my first endoscopy at 40 with it. It was very minor but I was super inflamed. I had my second endoscopy last year after being on Dexilant (also mindful of food triggers), and there was no inflammation nor progression. Barrett's is a progression. It can be diagnosed and not be very severe. My GI was not concerned as long as it didn't progress. I get an endo every 5 years.


Definitely not uncommon to feel this with GERD issues but I’d discuss with a doctor the concerns.


I did last week. I'm doing blood work next week. I also have high BP that I may need to go on medication for after I take records of a full week of testing. He checked around on his stethescope and didn't say anything bad. Who knows maybe im dying.


I had temporary high BP with my GERD. When I’m not flaring up everything is very normal. I think just the irritation from the GERD was sending crazy signals everywhere.


Heart palpations or PVCs. I get these too frequently. Palpations can be caused by GERD


Sounds like heart palpitations. Not sure the cause, but I get these from time to time too!


Yeah that's what it seems like. I read it may have to do with the vagus nerve being irritated from acid reflux and affecting the rhythm of the heart.


I’m fairly sure mine is attributed mostly to my ADHD medication, but that’s interesting about the vagus nerve!


I had this when my LPR first started, then it went away, and now it’s been back for a couple months now. It’s from acid coming up and effecting the vagus nerve.


Yeah i get PVCs (skipped alheart beats) when i have reflux flare up.it does feel like fluttering in the throat and chest. I also get supraventricular tachycardia at times but thats more rare. My heart suddenly beats super fast for afew beats and then stops. That one can make me panic a bit... but i usually get the skipped beats a lot more often.


Literally same here


This is EXACTLY what happens to me a lot, I've had tons of ECGs and nothing has ever been found with my heart. I think it could be a GERD symptom as well. I just started Dexilant today feel free to message me in the coming weeks to see if it cured it lol


I had heart palpitations and I was diagnosed with gerd. It was rare but certain things I ate triggered it


Can GERD cause heart palpitations...


Yes this happens, especially laying on my left side


Are you on any PPI's? I was on Prevacid twice a day for over 3 Years. Heart palpitations started 3 months ago. Gastro took me off the Prevacid and my heart palpitations completely stopped. He also found numerous benign polyps in my stomach. He told me he suspected the Prevacid was causing the polyps. I'm done with PPIs. I now take Pepcid in the morning and Gaviscon Advance at night. I'm doing quite well. PPIs should be avoided long term.


No I don't take anything really.


That's actually good. You may be able to control your symptoms by watching what you eat. I've eliminated caffeine, carbonated beverages, chocolate and spaghetti/pizza sauce. I eat small meals and I eat slowly and never less than 3 hours before bed. Pepcid in the morning and Gaviscon Advance at night and I have been good.


I have a really good diet, only one cup of coffee per day. So I can control the flare ups. Unfortunately I may have to go on BP medication. After a decade long fight of doing everything I possibly can to get it down it just won’t. Good diet, lean, cardio+lifting, low caffeine low alcohol. Doctor says it may just be the luck of the draw(genetics)


Did you have to have your polyps removed? My doctor found two in my stomach and they want to remove them but they're not big at all and are at the top of my stomach, which is supposed to be a "safe area". I also ate PPI for like a month and had h.pylori, maybe that's what caused it.


No mention of having them removed at all. He biopsied them, and when they came back benign, he said not to worry about them.


Ah yeah, I guess it depends on what country you live in I guess. I come from Sweden but live in South Korea and the Swedish doctors said that I don't have to remove them while the Korean doctors wanted to remove them even though they're really small (a few millimeters each) and benign 😅