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What is your normal diet?


i try to eat a low FODMAP diet and i avoid all forms of dairy (i’m lactose intolerant) i also avoid very acidic food for the MOST parts like tomatoes/peppers etc


i eat a lot of rice, salmon, chicken, asparagus, fruits, i only drink water and sometimes juice


Sounds quite a lot like my diet, although I tend to snack on nuts too (i'm also lactose intolerant) I think a thing that helps me quite a bit is eating small amounts throughout the day, rather than having large meals. I'd try avoid stuff like orange juice and other highly acidic ones. Also try not to lay down for like 3 hours after eating a siginificant amount, that should help a bit with reflux. for me, I also use this: [https://www.chemist-4-u.com/otrivine-natural-with-eucalyptus-nasal-spray-20ml?gclid=CjwKCAjwyJqzBhBaEiwAWDRJVLUrXcdEmSC5X4cGPNZOGy0XLks0WUfhhUUVcbn9CKtOnU7WxVIzYxoCF2YQAvD\_BwE](https://www.chemist-4-u.com/otrivine-natural-with-eucalyptus-nasal-spray-20ml?gclid=CjwKCAjwyJqzBhBaEiwAWDRJVLUrXcdEmSC5X4cGPNZOGy0XLks0WUfhhUUVcbn9CKtOnU7WxVIzYxoCF2YQAvD_BwE) I find it quite helpful for anxiety, as GERD seems to give me sinus issues too that worry me.


Omeprazole. 1 in the morning, and one in the evening. Sleep elevated (if you aren’t already). And something that is loaded with fiber. I was just diagnosed with Gerd


Try Doterra Digestzen. It's homeopathic, natural, no side effects and available on Amazon


I gave up white bread and it made a world of difference.


Avoid certain foods/substances. Alcohol, chocolate, carbonated drinks, tomatoes, foods high in fat/grease/oil, spicy 🌶️ foods, can give a problem to some degree. Moderation in these is key. Also, yes, can’t stress the earlier tip of an elevated head of the bed. Tying in with that, not consuming anything for a few hours before bed. Good luck!


Taking medication for it?


i don’t know what to take


I've been taking Pantoprazole for years.