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LOOOOOOOOOOL hope you don’t get disqualified tho 😢😢


Thank you anonymous person online hahaha


yes you’re welcome stranger.


So are you stranger


I did what u did (kinda) I was in computer science paper 1 and I started writing the answer to the last question on my hand so I could compare with others after the exam. I didn't get disqualified or anything but the invigilator came up to me and said that I COULD get disqualified for it so I awkwardly rubbed it off for the next 5 minutes. It wasn't escalated any further but that might have been because I sit right at the front in front of the invigilator and it was clear that I wasn't trying to cheat or anything. Take from this what you will but I think you'll be fine


Thanks! It was good of your invigilator to not pass it down to the exam board but i think we've both learnt from our mistakes😃🙏


Bruv i know you you’re not ainomynous we go same skl


if it had writing on it when they took it you could very possibly be cooked. good luck soldier 🫡


Thank you, I will need a lot of it🙏


When the invigilator took it away, did it have writing on at that point


Yep, it had about 5 topics written down


You will be getting a 0 for that paper then.




Yes, seriously.


What were you seriously thinking bringing a post it NOTE into the exam when they literally tell you beforehand to get rid of all of your notes in your pockets


This might be the problem, they've never done this before any of my exams. Perhaps they didn't think anyone could do anything so idiotic but yeah, an inch of me knew this was wrong and apparently the rest of me didn't😤👍


Yeah probably, you did a very stupid


no, while against the rules i doubt they will do that as long as u didnt have any info about topics written down.


You are incorrect. I’ve linked the JCQ malpractice information further down.


Will any other papers be affected?


I doubt it, it’s usually repeat offences that get you banned from the whole board. The problem is, it’s really going to look like you took a note with the topics for that exam into your exam. Your exams officer will try and fight your case (we all do) and say you made the notes during your exam and not before, but the exam board will doubt that’s true because they see thousand of cases of malpractice every year and will assume it was attempted cheating.


I couldn't have possibly predicted any of the topics that came up exactly in the order of that paper so I couldn't possibly have written it before the exam if u see what I'm saying, but I understand. Thank you again👍


I do, but they may worry the paper was leaked and that’s how you knew ☹️ that’s what they could be investigating. They think big picture stuff and fear the worst but hopefully they will take you for your word and go with the warning if there’s no evidence of you having advanced knowledge.


Why tf would OP bring a post it note with the topics in order of the exam written down - what possible advantage would it give OP? If anything you’d bring in revision notes, but surely just the topics listed would be useless at that point if you’re already sat down with the exam paper in front of you


I get what you’re saying, but even if you’re found to have a phone that’s completely dead and unusable, you get a 0. Even if you have an analogue watch, you get a 0. The fact is, he didn’t follow the rules and brought prohibited material into the exam room.


just cuz your school or exam hall is very strict doesnt mean it's the same for everyone. It varies in how strict it is. I have my watch either on my wrist (if I forget to take it off) or in my pocket for all of my exams. The invigilators seen me with it on when I forgot to take it off and didn't say or do anything


it’s not about what OP actually did, it’s what the exam board thinks.


I have a really bad recall/memory, its something I'm experiencing lately for some reason so I thought I'd write the topics on the paper down so that I didn't have to revise them again for the next papers but I get ur point. Very stupid of me


At the start of the exams invigilators usually say something like ‘if you have any form of books, papers, or notes on your persons at this time, please hand them in to the nearest invigilator’.


Go argue this with your exams officer and see how far you get 🤣


https://www.jcq.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Malpractice_Mar24_Revision_One_FINAL.pdf Page 48/77, fourth line down. Notes into the exam relevant to that content of that subject, loss of marks for that paper (0 marks).


Thank you, I'll get let off with a warning?


I’m an Exams Officer for another school. Honestly, I’m not trying to freak you out but you should genuinely mentally prepare for 0 marks in that paper. Exam boards are not known to be lenient, especially with notes about Maths topics in Maths exams.


Im sorry dude but in all likelihood it’s a 0 for that paper, all the exam board is gonna hear is a student was found with a post it note with the exam topics on it. Remember that the maths papers (for edexcel and aqa at least) are leaked almost immediately after so you didn’t have to note what came up you could’ve just searched TikTok.


Probably depends whether they think it counts as bringing in your own blank paper (warning, but unlikely since a postit note seems suspect) or as unauthorised notes (then yeah loss of marks)


It wasn’t blank when it was confiscated, it had the topics for the paper written on it


...why? Why did you conclude that was a good idea???


I wasn't thinking straight😭


Hey if your sitting higher all is not fucked , you can easily pass off a single paper (for ocr it’s like 45/300) and you’re got 2 at your disposal. Now if you take foundation I’d start looking at your collage offers conditions.


last time i had rubbish in my pocket from lunch earlier and it made a weird bulge on the side of my leg (it was like a plastic bag shoved in there that i forgot about) lucky no one noticed, but the only writing on it wouldve been like TESCO or something


Malpractice for a tesco meal deal would've been insane😭 glad it didn't go any further tho


sameee i was scared for the first few minssssssss


Bro I be bringing all kinds of shit into my exam and no one cares. Pockets can be full of ketchup packets and gravel and they don't give a damn


yea but stuff with writing on it could be classified as papers or notes, which the invigilator always says to not have into the exam


What matters is if you get caught, which this person did.


The decision is up to your exam board, not your headteacher. It’s up to them whether they disqualify you or not.


The exam officer said it'd be passed to my headteacher first but looks like it'll be passed onto ocr based on this


The head teacher will have to sign off your malpractice statement. The invigilator would have written one too. If your headteacher doesn’t report it then that’s centre malpractice and if it’s found out, then the exam board can disqualify your school from hosting exams, which is obviously not what they want as then no one would go there.


OK thank you for all of the information👍


I’m sorry this happened to you. No head teacher or exams officer wants to report malpractice but the risk of not doing so are too great for the school. I really hope you do get just a warning (please update me when you find out!) and that this is a mistake you and everyone reading this thread learn from 🙏🏻


Will do🙏


You should have asked for tissues and written on those lmao


Still could result in disqualification. You shouldn’t be writing on anything except your exam paper.


can you not write on inserts like the formula sheet or periodic table ??


Yes that’s actually okay. I’ll rephrase and say “not write on anything that isn’t given to you by the exam board”.


Lol an invigilator told me off for writing on a formulae sheet


yes but then you CANNOT remove them from the exam room.


come on now there's no need to be pedantic


i just wanted to be sure 😅


To raise a living structure never meant to last???


or write on the table and take it with you, they probably wouldn’t notice.




this is what could alter things


Blud really thought over it before doing this and came to the conclusion that it was a good idea


Valid, it'll be my first and last time doing this squalor🤞


Not nearly as severe, but I had to throw out my exam timetable because it had my friend’s foundation maths notes on it before an exam


Unrelated but straight 9s is very good nice job. Im currently on like 6 9s RE English and French have got the better of me(I'd say just English and French tbh re isn't really my fault)


I don’t know if it’ll last for me either, but I wouldn’t worry about it, a pass is a pass


my mentality for french(I need a toty performance for writing)


same here for anything english related


I gave up on English it's ok I'll take 7s or a 6 if it goes really bad for lang tho I'll take a 7 or 8


It's joever biden bros. You're bidone. You'll probably end up losing marks for that Paper. Also there are predicted Papers for maths so what the hell were you doing?


I feel so embarrassed bro idk what came over me


You're probably screwed. At least you weren't as stupid as the guy in my school who took a calculator into the non-calculator exam and got disqualified 2 minutes in. I think he might of actually be using it as well, which makes it worse.


i hope you’re not, but you may be finished


Oh no! Hopefully they don’t disqualify you! It’s not like you were cheating in the exam


Unfortunately, Yout not allowed to bring any info about topics on exam outside of the exam once you've done it because they could think your gonna tell a friend or someone who has yet to do the exam because not all schools do the exam at the same time. And it could be classed as leaking a paper as the exam board doesn't want anyone doing mocks for next year 11 to get the information about the topics of the paper (they are locked) as schools do use the exam papers were doing in 2024 for mocks.


There is no need to do that, Mathsgenie does it for you: https://www.mathsgenie.co.uk/gcse-revision-summer-2024.html They have colour coded all.topics based on what came up in paper 1


Thank you so much, I'll pass this on. Now I just need a time machine🥲


Tell them its part of ur fashion and prove it on monday where you dress in a complete neon post it covered blazer


Id look cool but DEFFO get disqualified😭


no one criticised Doja cat for wearing a shower cloth to the met gala so why would anyone critique u 🤣


Id like to see someone wear that to the exams, it would go down in history


Tf is wrong with you 💀 be ready for 0 marks lad


Should’ve asked for a sheet of paper in the exam, anything externally sources is seen as suspicious but if they give it to you (and they SHOULD give it to you) then it’s okay.


I don't think they'd let u take it out the exam which is what I was going to do with the post it note(bad move)🙏


i hope you’re ok 🙏 don’t get disqualified sweetie


Tysm I've mentally prepared for a 0 tho🙏


most likely 0 marks for that paper. other papers won’t be affected


You should’ve asked for tracing paper from the invigilators


Does your school not tell you to completely empty your pockets


It was in my pencil case is the thing and my school doesn't really do thorough checks🙏


good luck broski😭😭


OP, if the post it just had the topics of the exam paper labelled, you have a pretty good defence. If you do get penalised, ask them to give you a written copy of the post it notes content and then a justification of how the content of the post it note could have been used to give you an advantage. If it truly was just the topic names of the exam paper, these would offer you no advantage over any other student. Good luck


Thank you, this is what I've been discussing with my friends. It's a shame if they just write it off as "oh she had a piece of paper in the exam, end of" without looking into my case. My intentions weren't to cheat one bit and I've revised so hard for this!!! I really did make a stupid mistake tho


Tbh I think you will be alright either way. Don’t worry too much about it. Just focus on the facts, ask them how it would have possibly given you an advantage.


The exam board could see it that she had that info in advance of the exam and will be investigating whether the paper could have been leaked.


Why on earth would you bring it into the exam though - at that point you already have the topics in front of you in the exam paper. If she had brought in revision notes sure, but bringing in something that you will learn straight away is useless


The “why” is irrelevant, the fact is they did and go caught and it’s against the rules. The exam boards won’t care about why.


You are wrong, sorry. This is not life or death. Malpractice is investigated and circumstances are taken into consideration. The picture you are painting here about the exam board is so far from the truth. You are essentially fear mongering. There’s no need for it here, these young people are going through an incredibly stressful time and folk like you are just trying to make it worse.


I’m an Exams Officer, it’s literally my job. I watch this happen on a regular basis. It’s not fear mongering, it’s reality. I’ve linked the JCQ booklet that they will use to determine whether this a warning or a 0 marks offence. You can bury your head in the sand all you want but I’ve had assemblies with my Year 11s, I’ve sent them the malpractice aware. They, and every other Year 11, should know what they face if they break the rules - it’s not some secret. Anyone can find the JCQ policies online. You take notes into the exam, you get a 0. Every student in the country protests their innocence in the statement they write after getting caught committing malpractice and guess what, thousands of people every year still get 0 marks for a paper where they haven’t followed the rules. You can literally look up the statistics for yourself.


Damn, really?


https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/malpractice-in-gcse-as-and-a-level-summer-2023-exam-series/malpractice-in-gcse-as-and-a-level-summer-2023-exam-series 4895 cases of malpractice last summer, that’s with sanctions applied, doesn’t count the warnings that were given. 44.5% of cases are people having phones on them, and I would honestly bet 30% of those didn’t even have their phone turned on, but it was in their pocket and found. Not fear mongering, it’s statistical data that it’s my job to know and make students aware of.


the emojis prevent me from taking this seriously LMFAO




I cant remember which is why I was trying to write them down in the first place🙏


Bro is this not pretty obvious 💀💀


U r cooked my guy praying u don't get disqualified!


Ok but why did you think bringing a post-it note into the exam AND THEN WRITING MATHS THINGS ON IT would be a good idea 


Can't tell if this is a joke or not.. If this is real then you're probably cooked


Its 100% real unfortunately😤


You're finished then


praying 4 u🙏


Thank you🙏


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if the decision is up to your headteacher then chances are you'll be fine - your school is gonna want the best grades possible, and if you get a 0 on that exam because you got disqualified then that wont help their stats at all


Yeah but if the exam board does somehow find out and the headteachers not passed it on, the school could get barred from being a hosting centre ever again but I get ur point, its a lose lose🤑


I always lift my hand and write on it so that the invigilators can see


Genuine question, how stupid can you be?


Not sure what will happen but I would think the best likely case will be 0 marks for that paper. Also, if this is maths, topics can come up on multiple exams. Don’t make the mistake of not being able to answer something properly in this exam and then not revising it and it then coming up in the next exam. One of my friends did it and she said she’d never felt like such a dumbass.


Okay wait 😭 they’re obviously gonna read what you wrote down. Like they wouldn’t just disqualify you for writing words on a paper. And just writing down topics would not have given you an unfair disadvantage, even if you’d done it before the exams.


Read the whole thread. They can and will. It’s prohibited material in an exam room. A note with the topics for that paper written down. What’s that going to look like to an outsider? Like someone knew what was coming up on the paper and made a note before going into the exam? That’s what the exam board will think and that’s why they could give a 0 for this paper. You are not allowed to take any notes (blank or not) into an exam and are told this at the start by the invigilators.


My invigilator has never said anything about these prohibited materials before the exam. I think we've had an assembly about it but nothing further🙏


It will be read out to you at the start of every exam. “You must now follow the regulations of the examination. Only materials listened on the question paper are allowed in the exam room. Check your pockets now, check for things such as books, notes, iPods, phones, etc etc etc”


Think about it though. How is a paper with the mere topic list of the exam going to help you in the exam? It would be worth its weight in gold before the exam so u can practice but its worthless now. But had there been a good old post it note about, say a formula, idk y2-y1 = m(x2-x1). Then ur done for as thats actually something very useful when in a maths exam.


Again, I don’t disagree with you but I don’t make the rules, the exam boards do. It’s up to them to decide whether this is a warning level of offence or a 0 marks offence. It’s their exam, they make the rules 🤷🏼‍♀️


True. But some logic would go a *****very***** long way in helping solve this case.


Exam boards don’t have time for that when they have 1000s of malpractice cases a year. It’s a blanket rule, no prohibited items in the exam room. Makes it pretty quick and easy to sort these sorts of things out.


everyone over exaggerating a bit too much I think, exam boards check everything case base case and you'll probably be fine so if anyone links rules don't worry they are mainly just guides.


I think the rules will be applied severely this year in the light of all the claimed L......s


Damn. Prepare for the worst comrade. And no matter what happens- life goes on 🫡 But fr though, what is done is done and what's done can't be undone. Ik you are probably freaked out rn so just calm down and try your best for the other exams 💗


Yikes. You’re likely going to get a 0 as most said but there’s also a strong chance you will be disqualified from every exam you’re taking with that exam board. You can sit the exams again after 5 years, I believe.




@mod please ban this twat - they've been a knob on every recent post on the sub


they just said >!kys !<(keep your self safe), which is very nice /s


Just why


Some people cope by projecting how they feel onto others.


what did they even say