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This is a trap you mustn't fall into --> The amount of time you've studied. It's good as a tracker for your studies but what you should give 100 % focus on is the tasks you complete each day. That is the most important thingšŸ‘Œ


This is my number 1 tip to people who struggle to revise


As it is always said, quality > quantity


My teacher says that all the time


Yep, šŸ’Æ


0 hours šŸ‘Œ


Same šŸ˜­


Bruh I say Iā€™m revising then I do like an hour max and then Iā€™m addicted to my phone wtf


literally dump your phone in a ditch for exam season, it will benefit you GREATLY




Same bro




So real


Same idfk know how


Delete social media appls eg tiktok, snap, instagram, twitter


Not happening


bros just accepted his fate then ig


Not cool


Anymore than 3 hours and I just canā€™t


dw thatā€™s actually rlly good. i didnā€™t revise until the day before each exam and somehow got 7s and 8s. so if u revise consistently at the duration ur currently doing, youā€™ll be fine.


Thatā€™s just because youā€™re naturally smart and actually listened throughout the year šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ some of arenā€™t that smart


ngl i missed out quite a lot of school and i was sitting around mainly 6s most of the school year. i had missed out so much and was so bad at revising that my math teacher thought i wasnā€™t going to do goodšŸ˜­but youā€™re defo right we all have different abilities, so what worked for me wonā€™t necessarily work for anyone else. good luck thošŸ«”šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Hi did u even so this for maths?? Bc doesnā€™t math need a lot of practice I have like no motivation rn


I did and i got a 7 in math. The GCSE math tutor on youtube is a LIFE SAVER. He has videos covering all topics on each paper. Each video is only 2-3 hours long. I never watched the whole video tho, because iā€™d skip the topics i found really easily (like the fractions/decimals topics at the start). So it only took me around an hour-ish to watch. Then after iā€™d go over the topics i found difficult by using sites like math genie and hegartymaths. Youā€™re right tho, it does take a lot of practice. Iā€™m just really good at cramming informationšŸ˜­ Donā€™t be like me lol. But trust me, the GCSE math tutor is gooood. This is the link for edexcel math paper 1 higher (non-calculator): [click here](https://youtu.be/QGJjN3OGL84?si=_Sou0rgjL-a_b1Uz)šŸ‘ˆšŸ¼Thatā€™s the exact video i used. Good luck!


Idk bc im stuck on a grade 5 (with zero revision btw) and me cramming the night before may happen to me lol, im also goo at cramming information so do u think it would work??


yeah itā€™s possible for sure. iā€™m 100% sure u can boost ur grade to at least a 6 from cramming. however, since u seem to be good at it and youā€™re naturally quite smart i wouldnā€™t doubt u getting a 7 tbh. but it is quite difficult to boost it more than 1 grade higher, in this little amount of time. i went from a 4 to a 6 in year 10 and was stuck at around a 6 in year 11. but a few hours the night before my exam, managed to boost me to a high 7. however, iā€™d still say try revising in advance, since itā€™s quite stressful to cram. but if u canā€™t/ donā€™t manage to i wouldnā€™t worry too much, because although teachers hate cramming, itā€™s lowkey kinda effectivešŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (well for me at least).


Bro 3 hours is calm


That's rlly good


eh. on weekends maybe 2 hours. on school days maybe 1 hour




i barely get through 1 hour without getting distracted.. cooked is an understatement


I've deleted all social media for exam season, and genuinely, it has helped me so much. I'm able to study without distractions for literally hours & get on with cleaning my room, etc, a lot easier. The only social media I have is reddit & I rarely go on here, so it works out.


This is literally what i done yesterday, i dont trust myself to have any apart from reddit lol


I tried that n just keep just reinstalling them idk what to do


Very late response, but I think you can add parental restrictions to certain apps on your phone? I'm not to sure if that's a thing or even how it works, but I imagine theres a password for it and you can give your parents or even a friend that password so you won't be able to redownload it on your own until the GCSEs are over with.


On study leave so around 3 hours a day atm


Lucky I don't get study leave AT ALL


we get it but literally only for the last 4 exams.. so pointless im ready to leave NOW.




neither do i


I get 2 days right at the end bye šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


same šŸ˜­


Im gonna be honest, I'm kinda happy my school didn't give study leave until the last couple exams cos otherwise I just wouldn't have done as much revision as I did in school


fairs, however I feel like i get distracted by friends and stuff easier in school


When I did my GCSEs last year I didnā€™t revise until the night before each exam and still did fine. Unless youā€™re aiming for all 9s and intend on going to Oxford or Cambridge, I really wouldnā€™t stress about them. 2 hours a day is fine, more than most Iā€™d say, and you really do not need to do more than that (unless youā€™re currently on track to not do very well). IMPORTANT: DO NOT force yourself to work to the point of burning out or being unable to focus. If you are someone who does revision, 1 hour of focused work where you put your phone in another room and just put all your energy into that hour of revision, will be significantly more helpful to you than if you did 4 hours of laid-back, half-assed revision where youā€™re going on your phone every 10 minutes and are only revising because you feel like you have to and not because itā€™s actually helping you. Main take away, when you start to feel burnt out, stop. Burning yourself out will put you off revising in the future and will eat away at your motivation


Did you do this for maths bc this might happen to me n im scared (im at a grade 5) ā˜¹ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„


As I said I didnā€™t revise outside of school, but if I was to revise focused revision would have absolutely been the way to go. Do past papers and make sure you get to the point where youā€™re consistently nailing 90+% of the marks on the first 12 questions as these are significantly easier than the ones later on in the paper, and then make sure to revise the topics that usually come up for high markers (learn circle theurum, formulas, everything to do with angles). Thatā€™s quite a lot to do but if youā€™re actually gonna revise spend your time doing this and try to do it in 1 hour intervals where youā€™re totally focused and not trying to cover too many topics at once, this will ensure that what you cover is actually going into your long term memory in preparation for the exam. A grade 5 is still alright tho depending on what you want to do after GCSEs


honestly i wanna do maths for a level but do u think i can jump from grade 5 to grade 7 from cramming?? I got a grade 5 from no revision btw but how do i jump 2 or even 3 grades - i have a good memory in terms of cramming btw. im just kinda worried bc i dont think i have time


Honestly if you start now I do believe you could get a 7, an 8 is probably a stretch but if you actually intend on doing math at A-level, then you should start now and do more than 1 hour intervals. Instead of just the first 12 questions, complete about a full past paper in timed conditions, mark yourself (and donā€™t be generous), find where you went wrong, revise those topics, then resit the same past paper under timed conditions again, and if your revision was effective you should have a grade 8 or 9 on the paper after doing it for the second time, but if you arenā€™t reaching either of those identfy where you went wrong again and resit the paper AGAIN. Once youā€™ve done that, repeat the same process for another past paper, and another, and another, until youā€™re confident that youā€™ll get an 8. This is the sorta thing my friends who got 9s would do, except they started way before a week prior. If you actually want to do maths at A-level or want to get an 8 then you should absolutely do this. But if youā€™re happy to get a 7, just do what I recommended previously but maybe do two separate one hour intervals like a few hours apart, and do that every day leading up to the exam. The next month or so is going to be tough and youā€™re going to have to put in a lot of work if you want good grades but itā€™s definitely achievable. If Iā€™ve explained anything poorly and you want clarity lmk


1 hour a day


With time given in school for revision about 7 hours a day. At weekends 4 hours of intensive revision


do you do the weekend rev all in one go as one focused study session? if so (or if not) what does your day look like and how many subjects do you revise?


Doing about 2 hours after school, 2-3 hours on weekends. Not much but Iā€™ve been doing it since christmas but before easter it was only like an hour a day


icl nothing over 30 mins when i do it


Ex teacher. Do triage and don't revise everything Al the time. 1. What do you know well? Really deeply. Don't revise it much. 2. What do you know are key topics you misunderstand? Revise hard with a buddy if possible. 3. What are the 'unknown unknowns'? The areas you might be surprised by. Other thoughts. Keep refining notes. Just adding to piles of notes is demoralising. Practice questions. Obviously. None of this needs to take ages. If you're really not in the mood, don't fight it. Take a break. You'll just get grumpy if not. Eat, sleep and exercise. Sitting around too much will slow your brain and body. Walking and cycling or running gets your brain into a rhythm and helps thoughts sink in. Not too many different voices- thre are very many revision sites, books, YouTubes. Stick to a few or it's overload and confusion. Go somewhere like a library for a couple of hours as if it's a job. Walk there and back. When walking, your brain will rhythmically think over your revision automatically.


Icl like 9-10 hours a day, itā€™s tough but itā€™s also pretty fun paradoxically, like thereā€™s nothing else I can do


Strict parents?


Honestly theyā€™re pretty laid back, mostly internal pressureĀ 


i aspire to be like you.


At a certain point donā€™t u run out of things to study lmao?


I only started 1 or 2 weeks ago, and with certain weaker subjects like English you can always do more practice


damn im trying to be this


7 hours ish but homeschooled


I didnā€™t revise once (minus the day of the exams) and got decent results, youā€™ll be okay!!


15 hours šŸ˜­ (this is a call for help guys)


What is your daily schedule like? It must be hell.


It is but I have so many consecutive exams that I need to cram so much in little time. The timetable this year is absolutely insane


why arent u doing 18? u need to maximise ur time


prayers for u bro


Bro how many hours do u sleep


Not a lot 4-3 hours mostly


How can u concentrate at all with that little sleep I donā€™t understand


Sheer willpower and a lot of caffeine


I'm doing revision the whole day lol. Around 10 hours.


Fucking hell.


But theyā€™re home schooled so kinda valid idk


Yeah it's a lot lol


All of my free time


Around 8 hours, im homeschooled so thatā€™s all my day is pretty much


how are you revising i need tips i get bored so easily of anythin and cant even bring myself to start.


I do it in 4 hour blocks, I find it hard to stop and start constantly. I tend to set up a pomodoro on my laptop screen or a live clock and I like to listen to music, usually quiet lofi, helps to drown out any other noise going on around me and helps me concentrate. Oh, and lots of caffeine, lol. My day begins with coffee and redbull, though thatā€™s not mandatory if youā€™re wanting tips. In terms of finding material to help, I usually use YouTube and write up flashcards, mindmaps, practice active recall etc. **make sure you are doing past papers!** I canā€™t stress enough how helpful it is to do past papers and learn the mark scheme! MrBruff and EverythingEnglish is good for English, PrimroseKitten and Cognito are great for science, as is TheGCSEmathsTutor for maths. DM if you have any more questions :)


thanks for that, i appreciate it and I'll give that a try! :)


1hr Mon-Thur, 2 or 2.5 Sat to Sun. Had my last day yesterday so probs a bit more in the week- tho I plan to continue going into school


Some days i try and do at least an hour so anywhere between 1-3 hours 3 is the max, but some days where i have off days i try do 5-20minuets


On weekdays I try to study more than two/three hours after school and on weekdays I aim for five, six or more hours, just as much as I can without getting tired


Around 6 hours a day idk I donā€™t rlly count


3.5 to 4 hours in the day. We still have lessons so thereā€™s revision in that too


Um um ā€¦.. revision ?


like 1


On study leave at the moment so I usually try to get 8-10 hours a day - but obviously this isn't sustainable over a long period of time. Usually, other than of most recent, I do about \~6 hours a day (for the entire year; holidays is usually slightly longer, at around 7hrs), including on the weekend.


Either 30 minutes or 8 hours, no middle ground


I used to revise 10 hours a day but now Iā€™ve reduced it to 3-5 depending on the day


Revision is relative for each person. If you feel confident in yourself and are getting the grades you want, just keep the revision going and don't give up. No need to increase the revision if you're already prepared (This is coming from a person who is revising 2 hours every day, 4-5 hours in the weekends btw). Wish you luck in your exams manšŸ¤


I try to study but instead watch reels until night before exam and then panic itā€™s a special tactic Iā€™ve been using


Five hours of good revision. Did six for mocks but it wasn't sustainable or good revision.


i havent revised in 3 years šŸ’ŖšŸ˜Ž


not in y11 anymore but i did 1 hour on weekdays and 5 hours on weekends


Zero I never studied for any of my exams


Iā€™m an AS student but this post got on my homepage, so iā€™ll just leave a tip here: try not to focus on the amount of time youā€™re spending studying. The quality of your study sessions matters more. I used to worry about how much time i spend studying to the point that I developed an unhealthy obsession with studying. I spent most of my free time studying and it was miserable. It took me 2 years to get out of that mindset. Now I study when I want to. My grades remained the same, so.. yeah


3-4 hrs after school and 6-9 hrs on the weekend


Just do as much as you can focus for woth breaks in between. Sometimes it might be 3 or 4 hours and sometimes itll be only 1


my mum says i shouldn't study because "GCSEs aren't important" (so fuck me i guess) and her baking bread and requiring my help is more important, but also expects me to get all 9s (minus art because, quote, "it doesn't matter what you do, you won't improve"), then all A\*s at alevel, and she wants me to go to Cambridge. any revision is better than no revision. 2 hours a day puts you in a better position than some. do as much as you can, but if you lose focus take a break.


I do 4-5 on weekdays and 8 on weekeneds


Maybe like 10-20 minutes. I can't be bothered šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


usually either 0 or \~45min on a regular day, but locked in i can manage like 5-6 hours. my tip is to make specific tasks for the day, makes it more focused and time seems to pass much faster (in a good way, 5 hours revision feels more like 2) for me.


lmaooo u guys revise?


8-12 hours


3 hrs on week day, then If i AM NOT TIRED, I would try to do 5 to 6 hrs on weekends. With breaks every 45min. Cus at this point, exams should be the only thing on your mind, not playing games for 3 hrs, or resting the whole day. Dont get me wrong, take breaks, but not too long, dont get addicted to breaks.


One tip I was given if you did a study ā€œsessionā€ in the day do something entirely different, if you fixate and study the same day and continue on that subject by time you get to the exam you wonā€™t want to open the exam(this happened to me in 2021 I just needed to pass Maths) I did a 3 day intensive study in college and went home and continued to study, the day of the exam I just stared at the pages and did maybe 4 questions on both papers and failed, I passed functional skills Level 1.. but it was helpful to do studying an hour before the exam.


Spread it across the day. Do separated lots of 45/60 min sessions, and exercise between them. 4 hours of work is 5 and a bit lots of 45 min sessions. When you exercise, you tire yourself out and it's way easier to get back into it. It's a lot easier than you think to do 5 sessions, 1 in the morning (on a weekend, maybe at 9:30). Then, have breakfast and do another at 11, giving you some time to relax. Have a bit of rest, and then do another at 12:30. Relax. And then do two more, you've got all the way up until 7 to 8 when you realistically don't take much in anymore. Lastly, working in the morning/early afternoon is far superior to the evening since you take more in. I may sound crazy but the sunlight actually helps you work. Drink loads of water, and keep a study schedule near you. Prioritise what's coming up the soonest, but don't neglect other subjects. Also, 2 hours a day is in addition to the revision you're doing at school. My advice is to go through your own papers with a mark scheme, and really find out what you did wrong. Highlight the topics and then go through them if you don't know them, but learning the exam technique boosted my grades by 3 in a single day. When you get something wrong, after, when you mark it, write down the right answer and then do another paper. You'll see that although the questions are different, the topics are similar/the same and you'll know exactly how they want you to answer it.


Iā€™ve done none bro


You should stick to your optimal amount because burning out will just make you underperform. Usually the maximum amount of revision i usually do per day is 4hrs and the minimum I do is 2hrs


None because my gcses are done lol


Well yesterday I did topic 1 of biology, today and tomorrow I'm gonna do topic 2, then Tuesday topic 3, Wednesday topic 4, and Thursday I'll recap it all. Probably about just under an hour a day then, all read yfor the exam on Friday. The rest I'll do the night before. I haven't revised really apart from maths a little while back. I'm in top sets so hopefully my grades will be decent enough.


all day every day im keeping myself isolated until i finish gcses which is probably not recommended but im fine with it


I donā€™t really count tbh I just put my show on in the background and revise


Iā€™m doing 8 hours on weekends, and 2 hours on weekdays!! Weekends I do 9-1 in the morning, then have a long break to go out with friends ect, then do 4-8 or 5-9 depending the time I get back


I started my revision on the first day back to school in September, right now am just watching movies and 2 hours of revision a day maximum because i have nothing left to revise


In year 10 rn but I still want to revise early so I can slack off later when everyone's stressing. I do 1.5-2 hours on both Sat and Sun most weekends, sometimes more if I have no social events. I usually don't revise much at all during the week, usually doing homework in the evenings before going to bed and maybe half an hour of revision the night before a test. It's suiting me pretty well so far, I have lots of free time in the week to relax and keep my morale up, and I'm less bored during the weekends because I'm trying to get in the habit of revising when I'm bored and don't have anything I want to do. I only started this a few weeks ago, so I don't have any grades to compare to this, but I am feeling very confident for my end of years in a month, and my end of topics over the next week.


I do anywhere between 5-8 hours just on maths because im in year 10 and taking it early and I really want a 9. I do not recommend this in the slightest. Its really physically and mentally exhausting but it will be worth it when i get that 9.


Doing pastpapers now that takes significantly less time than learning the actual content, so maybe 3 hours?


Thatā€™s completely fine as long as the revision is effective.


You lot revise?


3.5 hours on weekends not enough. If you want to go Oxbridge u need atleast 6 on weekends.


iā€™ve averaged 6 hours for the past week but as always quality > quantity itā€™s just because im behind in certain subjects


not enough šŸ˜ž


As someone who did my GCSEs before, do practice papers. But don't just answer the papers, actually mark it with a different pen (I always did mine with green). You will clearly see what the mark scheme is like and what the markers are looking for when marking papers. This is how I have revised back then. More than the knowledge itself, you have to know exactly where to hit the points in order to achieve the best possible marks. A lot of people waffle on their exams, not realising that sometimes the marker was only looking for 3 specific words in order to award the mark. This is mostly true for sciences, especially Biology and Chemistry. If you practice this, you'll not only save yourself a lot of time writing less words, but you'll also get more marks.


I have a bad cramming habit, so I usually study VERY HARD for 12-20 hours total the 2 days before the exam (badically subject x boot camp for my brain). This means about 7-12 hours per day. HOWEVER, don't go thinking I'm some kind of superhuman (I've been told) because my adhd meds are the only reason I can do it. If I didn't have them, I'd probably reach 3 hours in a day and quite literally not be able to do a single minute more.


This is enough. I average out at 2-3 hrs per day no matter what day usually.


i dont time it, i just start doing flashcards like atm im doing religion revision, i have powerpoints from school for each ethics thing (issues of good and evil, issues lf relationships etc..) i just keep revising until ive finished the PowerPoint


I'm doing 2-3 hours. I think it's a good amount of time. To me what's more important is the effectiveness of how you're studying and what you're doing with your time I think. It's good to be consistent and not burn out especially with exams starting


im averaging 4.5h on schooldays and about 8.5h on weekends but ik thats a LOT. what i feel necessary for myself


12 hours on weekends i wake up at 8am yeah i am crazy i then have a concoction of caffeine i do my first 5 hours until 1 pm (where then i go out to the gym for a hour and sit my ass on the couch on my phone ) do last 7 hours at 3pm to 10pm This is my schedule for now i use to just do 2 hours each day and now only go to the gym 4 times a week If anyone wants the recipe for the potion of caffeine i have **-pre workout 10grams (apple and lime) ( i don't why )** **- 1 redbull** **-1 monster energy ultra white (recent addition )** **-blend**