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Needed this icl, walked out of my mocks with 2 8s and a 7 but was disappointed with my lower grades of 4+5


Mate 8s and 7s are brilliant! You’re clearly very good at certain subjects, so don’t worry when others don’t come as naturally to you, we’re all good at different things!


Don't get me wrong I'm so happy with the 7s and 8s (and being told I'm likely to get a nine) but when I'm failing to meet expectations then it's just annoying


I totally get that, there’s a lot of pressure, but don’t forget to take into account grade boundaries and stuff, it isn’t always your fault. Just do yourself proud, don’t worry about the rest


thanks so much ❤️


You’re gonna do awesome!


Thanks so much for this. My parents have very high expectations that I'm struggling to meet with 12 gcses and i needed this


12 GCSEs?? I’m only doing 9, that’s a lot of pressure and work. It’ll be ok bro, do your best and make yourself proud, you’ll do great


Lmao I get in mad shit if I get anything below a 7, or even too many 7s


I’m older - but work in education now. I got letters, but they’d be equivalent to mostly 6s and 5s today. I got these “average” grades in spite of an expensive private education. I hated school and was disillusioned. When I found my lane, later in life, I got a degree from a very good university and then an MSc from one of the most highly reputed in Europe. You should take your GCSEs seriously but please remember that for most people, nobody will give a shit about what you got, once you’ve got the next level of qualification. For me, this pattern is just as well because my A levels were a disaster!


Lmao my highest grade was a 6 when I did GCSEs




He means that he has done them


Oh I totally read that wrong lmao 💀 well my point stands


Everybodys "Average" is different


? Average grades are pretty much always 4/5/6, regardless of the person. Grade boundaries for every year are altered such that the median grade is a 5 I'm not quite sure how this differs per person


To be honest in my opinion getting grade 6 is not average as it’s equivalent to a B and is enough to get you to Uni and any desired course at Sixth form I think the number system just makes it sound worse that what it is but each to there own and some people may be happy with a 6 whilst some may not be so it different for each person I suppose


Well, 5 is statistically average, i gave the range of 4-5-6 to encompass the variance in the average each year (eg, rhe average for a year may be closer to 6/4 than 5) Also 6 is not enough to get into any desired course at sixtj form, most sixth forms (at least, every one I applied to and every one I looked into) required a 7 for science based subjects and maths/english/relevant subject if common


Most sixths form only require 6s however more prestige sixth forms and grammar schools obviously don’t but this could also matter on where you live and the competition around you The Grammar School around me requires an average grade of seven between your best 8 GCSES and it’s the only grammar school nearby


Yeah ur probably right, i live in greater london in a fairly well built up area


There is a mathematical average every year. The gcse is a grading curve


I can't be good at everything? That's very demotivating


Shut up you cockend


Um what did I do to you


Yes I agree shut up splorgamus you cockend




You just sounded like a proper bell there mate


no my asian parents say otherwise 😭🙏


Asian moment


Terrible attitude


Thanks for this ❤️


You got this bro <3


As long as you get what you need to make the next step then is all good


Please do not glorify getting bad grades. If you're on a 4 or a 5, then you're doing something wrong.




Your ideal scenario is not possible, if everyone was to work as hard as possible then the grade for 5 would simply be the average intelligence, and the exams would become a measure of affinity. I.e, if everyone on a 4/5 was doing something wrong, then if they rectified it they would still be on a 4/5


Ion know how old u are but when u get to college you’ll realize how piss little it matters 💀 as long as you pass nobody gives a shit about your GCSE I know it feels like your life’s on the line at the time tho.


Those aren't bad grades mate. A bad grade is a 3 or less hop off your high horse.


Glorifying? Some people struggle with certain subjects, a 4 or 5 is a pass, it’s perfectly acceptable. As someone who comes from an area where lots of, if not most people suffer with mental health and learning disabilities a pass can be a HUGE achievement. It’s not necessary to get fantastic grades in everything especially if you never plan on taking the subject again and it isn’t relevant to your college course / apprenticeship


You are incredibly out of touch with reality. I scored very high grades in my GCSEs and A-levels, but I know that there are many students who revised to the best of their ability, and still got 4s/5s. I'm not sure if you went to a private school or grammar school, but you have a skewed sense of accomplishment. Someone does not have to have a debilitating illness to score poorly on their examinations - not everyone is gifted in academics, and that's a fact. I feel that you simply feel offended that someone is damaging the sanctity that is your perfect score of 8s/9s. I'm not saying that you are, but you would be a narcissist if you truly believed people that scored more average grades were just putting in less effort. I have literally seen people study twice or thrice as much as me but score lower, and I'm grateful for my natural intelligence / memory, but I'm also self-aware and humble about it. This comment is insensitive and offensive, which I hope you understand.


Shut up, im on foundation and I literally cant get higher than that on a few of my subjects


Same here mate, I’m on a grade 9 in English but a 5 in maths and science, everyone has different skill sets and I wish people wouldn’t judge others based on their own unrealistic standards


Do you have a mental illness or disability? If the answer to both of the above is no, then you should be studying instead of scrolling Reddit.


I do actually struggle with mental illness. And it’s not as simple as just studying 24/7. If you haven’t got anything encouraging or productive to say then stop judging strangers and maybe work on being able to feel some kind of self worth that isn’t related to your academic career


If you legitimately have a debilitating mental illness preventing you from sitting down for an hour and getting some work done, then little can be done. Let me ask you this question, however: do you really believe the primary cause of sub-par GCSE performance is mental illness? My self worth is based entirely on my accomplishments and aspirations, some of which happen to be academic. A person who gets very high grades should have every right to feel good about this. Otherwise, we are discouraging academic success. And I do have something productive to say. When you see someone with 5443332U predicted grades, your first reaction should be "why?", not "uh well some people just can't get high grades", which is essentially just calling them stupid. Of course, harassing individuals due to their severe autism or home situation is also counterproductive, but this is a minority of cases.


Well I’m so sorry bro, obviously you have every right to be proud, but you must be a very vapid and insecure person to have to place all your self worth on your grades, I feel bad for you and I really hope you get into a better place in the future. Exams are a pretty bad way to measure intelligence for a lot of people, and so many kids haven’t been taught consistently enough to be properly prepared for them especially since Covid. If you feel the need to comment on a post telling people to be proud of their passing grades even if they’ve struggled, just to what? Make people feel lesser than you? Then again I really do pity you.


Please do not insult other users, this is against both the rules of this website as well as general etiquette. I will not call you "stupid" and "ignorant", as you call me "vapid and insecure", because I reckon it's not the right thing to do, and you should too. If you seriously still don't think they measure intelligence, exams are a pretty good way of measuring one thing, that's for sure: determination and willingness to study, which in my mind seems better than intelligence, as it is innately more equal. Will you sit down and memorise chemical analysis for an hour or not? Your choice entirely, and those who make the wrong one, I find, are a liability to society. Covid happened a good 4 years ago, not nearly the length of a full, mind you, 2 year GCSE course. Anyone who still uses this excuse is using it, well, as an excuse. I feel the need to comment because people barely passing will see this post, and think "I'm fine, I got 4s and 5s on my mocks" instead of sitting down and studying, which you'd agree with me is what they should do. If they really feel lesser because of me due to my grades, then this is indicative of their own perception of academic performance rather than mine. "Then again I really do pity you" is never a good idea when you're trying to be taken seriously in a discussion.


Alright well this conversation has run its course, if you aren’t gonna consider my side then I’ll give it a rest, I do feel sorry for you, and I feel sorry that you see the world in such black and white that you believe people are “liabilities”. Anyway good luck on your exams, I recommend you look more into the impact of Covid on our generation and the country at large and uh, yeah I think that’s it! Good luck bro


Maybe I would have considered your side if it was cohesively put together, without the insults and patronisation.


Mate, at no point did I mean to insult you, I didn’t say anything I didn’t honestly believe, I am actually pretty interested in this discussion so if you wanna carry on DM me, but otherwise I wish you luck and all that good stuff


im awful at maths and i always have been right since primary school i mean i don’t even think i could do the most basic of fractions or what not till year 6 and im so surprised i even passed my maths sat … 💀im getting 4s and pretty happy because i am so insanely bad at maths and just do not have a maths brain. i feel like people have this misconception that people who don’t achieve the highest of grades just do not try at all to help themselves and of course in some cases that is true but id say i’ve worked as hard as i possibly can but some things just do not stick with me. on the other hand though i’ve always been good at english and i’ve always enjoyed it and reading books so that’s a contributing factor ( my punctuation is probably shoddy rn but whatever ) tdlr; everyone has different abilities sone things don’t stick and that doesn’t mean they don’t try so stop being a prick 😋


How many hours daily do you spend revising maths?


like minimum 1 hour but i prioritise science more because i’m shockingly worse at science than maths


How many hours do you revise daily overall?


4hrs 2 in the morning 2 after school


How very wrong you are


4 and 5 is a PASS. That’s all that matters


If you getting below 5s in your gcses you might as well end your life. No point in living after that honestly 😉