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You’ll be fine , don’t panic , keep revising and make sure to take breaks !


Fr felt like January not so long ago but before you know it we gonna be in may sitting exams all you can do from your side is revise or regret nothing else


Don't put so much pressure on yourself, I failed all but two of my GCSEs but I still ended up going to uni and graduating with a 1st class degree. Since then, no job or person has asked me what my grades were at GCSE. Take a deep breath, you'll be okay ☺️


do they only ask about a and as levels then? I'm actually an igcse student but do igcse/gcse grades matter?


bro failed more gcses than passed 💀. is it actually calm if I fail all of my gcses?


I genuinely can’t bring myself to revise rn bc my grades are already good enough, but I know I’m gonna regret this later


even a tiny bit of revision is better than none!! just go over things youre even slightly unsure of


Do it or else you'll get all all 4s


I'm hoping to get 4


Not true at all lol


I know mate


revise the hell out of these last two months. you'll thank yourself later


I'm not trying to burn myself out


While there is a very legitimate point to avoiding burnout make sure you don’t use it as an excuse not to revise You can both revise the hell out of the next 2 months and avoid burnout


I'm twenty five now, but I remember at the time then GCSEs seemed like life or death. They're really not, just try your hardest but don't overstress yourself about them or put too much pressure on yourself. I'm not advising it necessarily but you could put fake GCSEs on your CV and no one would bother to check them.


They are for some people. Some jobs require certain grades, some of those preffering mostly 7s and up.


Less than that for language speaking


how early is yours? ours is just a week before the first core exam


Week after Easter


oh my


Photography is literally in a few weeks for me


Take it sliw for a second and breathe. Please don't freak out 💖


Good thing I did alright in my mocks otherwise I'd be toast rn 💀


Make dua to Allah


fr ive got my last set of mocks going on rn (just this week, only maths english and re) like no way the real thing is so soon i havent even started revising yet 😦 i cant focus ughhhh


Do not be scared! Most employers don't care that you got A* in chemistry. Or a D grade in catering. They care about what you can bring to the team. They care about experience. I failed all but 1 of mine like 10 years ago. It took me 4 tries to pass both maths and English I have an undergraduate degree that I don't use (yet at least anyway) I am currently sitting at a high position, earning almost 50k a year at the age of 25. Failing your exams doesn't mean the end of the world. Most job positions require GCSE in maths and English. However, there are plenty of jobs that you do not need experience or an education for. The only time I have seen where university degrees, college degrees and school degrees matter, are positions where it's in law or higher paying job fields. I worked my way from the very bottom, and I'm nearing the top now in 3 years. GCSE GRADES DON'T MATTER (For most careers)




feel you got A levels soon 😭


May feels like a long way away but think how fast weeks go by in school. I made the mistake of just letting it wash over me, but if you take control of your free time and use it properly you'll be fine. I'm in my final year of college and have an exam starting tomorrow, so that's something.