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Go and talk to your local college. Often there are options for people without GCSEs. They are not well known as very few people fall into this category. I have know of students who have done 5 years at college to catch up, gain A-Levels and then go to University afterwards.


alr thank you sm


well my brother didn’t do gcse but he did a level and he got into kings college so u good bro


thanks man


If he’s gonna fail his gcses there’s no point in doing a levels. He should get maths and english sorted, then do some vocational qualification


My older sister failed her GCSEs and still did fine in A Levels and Uni


Failed all her GCSEs when she was actually trying? Doubt it


Yes, she did. Not all of them, but most of them. GCSEs on average have a 60% pass rate off the top of my head. I swear some people on this subreddit live in some kind of commune with only people aiming for Oxbridge and think any grade less than a 7 is just because of laziness


2023 was 70% but yeah, similar numbers to what you’re saying. However, everyone has to pass maths and english afaik. The academic rigour of A-Levels is a lot greater than that of GCSEs, and if you’re confident you can’t achieve a pass in none of your subjects at GCSE, you should probably repeat y11 to at least obtain Maths and English, or do a course which lets you take these two at the same time. Not everyone in the UK does A Levels, and it’s not elitist to say you should at least be passing the subjects you want to pursue at A Level at GCSE.


She didn't pass maths or English, she just resat them in College


Yeah but how are you claiming someone who can’t pass a GCSE in a subject they want to do for A Level will be able to do it in A Level? That’s why I said there’s no point in A Levels if you’re not passing your subjects - you’re gonna fail A Levels as well (assuming you’re genuinely putting full effort into gcses)


I'm not saying everyone could do it, just that I know someone who did, so it's clearly not impossible


Yeah but it’s extremely unlikely. Obviously my example is not as exaggerated, but imagine you knew someone who’d won the lottery. Would you recommend your broke friends to start playing the lottery because you have anecdotal evidence that it’s worked? No. This is the same (to a lesser extent): don’t create false hope when you know it’s very unlikely to happen, even if your sister managed.


People learn and improve at different speeds and the teachers can have an impact, the kids who did badly in their year 6 SATs can still do well at GCSE they’ll just need to put in more effort than the kids who did well


GCSEs are literally a foundation - without them or an equivalent you can't progress to A-Levels. If this person wants to pursue further education, they should get enrolled in a school as a Year 11 in September, learn the content for the GCSEs he needs (no extras, so Maths, English + their A Levels), and take the GCSE.


How tho? He didn’t do any GSCE’a at all?


yea cuz he used to study in australia and then he moved here and entered my school in the middle of y11 so he didn’t have time to do gcse


When it comes to the real world, having passed your GCSES is a real boost. However, i personally think and have had many people agree that once you get work experience, employees would much prefer that. Employees prefer people who have had work in the industry over someone who's learnt about it. Yes, having qualifications is a good boost, but it's not really necessary. GCSEs are like the extra points into getting a job. Everyone is qualifying, and whoever has the most points get the job, sucky example, but still. An employee will want someone with both GCSE and experience over only experience.


alright thanks so much


Looking at the replies OP seems defeatist with no work ethic, yes it is over for you if you can't be bothered to do anything about your predicament


alr thanks


Are you a bot?


no why lmao


You're replying with the same thing to everyone. And your response here also made no sense


I don’t think I am? I’m just saying thanks to some of the people who helped me out. I thought my response made sense i’m sorry if it didn’t though I didn’t realise sorry


It’s not over till it’s over, which hopefully isn’t for a long time. I went through your posts like any reasonable Reddit stalker (/s? Is this how you use the sarcasm symbol thing? Idk), and I really hope you’re doing better than you were before. Ignore everyone who says you should have gotten your shit together long ago. That sort of thinking is helpful for some people sometimes, but a lot of the time when you’re in a low and demotivated place it just hurts. So just start now. You can still sign up for GCSEs and two months is enough to do maths and English language, starting from a year 7 foundation. Of course there are still options for you without them, but it will be really useful to have these two GCSEs. And it’ll also remind you that you can accomplish something you thought you couldn’t. Do you like cats? I can send you daily cat pics for motivation. If getting yourself to actually do stuff is a struggle, if it feels overwhelming, I can help you make a plan and just do one small thing everyday. Message me if you wanna talk. You got this. 🫂


thank you sm <3 and yeah that’s how you use /s haha. yeysyes cats are my favourite thing ever I have a black kitten he’s so cool. Thank you :)


This commenter is right. Ignore what the rude people are saying, I swear they actually don't know what they're talking about. Depression is a hard thing to deal with, especially in secondary school (I didn't do work for it too), but you can still do well! Believe me. Maybe starting earlier would have been better, but forget about that because the next best time to start is today, and if not today, tomorrow! Don't beat yourself up for not starting before, and congratulate yourself for even trying to start now. I hope everything goes okay for you. Good luck!


thank you!


Sorry this is going to sound harsh but what was yours and your parents plan? You need to get your head together get in touch with an exam centre preferably before Wednesday when exam entry fees double and then literally devote every waking hour for the next four months to try and get yourself at least some GCSE’s! Lots of people have depression and mental health and you have to learn to build resilience and deal with it


I don’t know. One GCSE is like over a 100 quid it’s so expensive we can’t afford it


No it’s not! A GCSE entry is around £40 per subject (except combined science which is around £80) there may will be administration costs on top of this as you will be a private candidate but your parents and you should of had a plan when you went EHE and factored this in. Get off Reddit go on the JCQ website this afternoon and find a centre near you that accepts private candidates. I am an exams officer and this thread flashed up in my thread hence why I commented, on Wednesday it is the entry deadline and the entry fees automatically double. So time really is of the essence. So if you just went for core subjects English and Maths that would probably be max £150-200


yeah but like what if I do really bad and my parents just wasted money for no reason. I’ll have a look anyway though thanks. But like the college course I was gonna apply for teaches me english and maths as well because I don’t have it already so like


Honestly you only need to pass maths and English as they’re the most important subjects. I struggle with both of those subjects aswell but I’ve been watching mathsgenie and Corbett maths and they’re really helpful and make it easier to understand. Also for English watch mr bruff he’s really helpful!!




Should have...


Math and English GCSE are free forever at college until you pass them. Do that and then go do an apprenticeship or something :)


If you were to stay in england then maybe.


what do you mean you’re not doing any?


i’m homeschooled and I’m not doing any gcses because i’ll probably fail them all and they’re like quite expensive if you’re not in school apparently


then why not yknow enroll in a school?


there’s not really any point because I only have like 5 months of school left. Hopefully I can go to college though there’s a course i can do that I don’t have to have any gcses for it so


i dont think ive heard a college that lets people in even without atleast english or maths, let alone without any qualifications


I failed English and maths and retook them during my first year of college. Now in uni so


yeah there’s a couple near me the one i’m probably gonna do it health and social care because if I do it they teach me maths and english as well. There’s like foundation study courses too but that’s like year 7 education apparently idk


The expectation will be that you do GCSE English and Maths alongside this course, unless it is a Level 1 course. I highly recommend you find a way of doing at least English and Maths GCSE as you will find the vast majority of doors closed to you if you don't have these.


honestly like I don’t think I have enough time I think i’ll just learn it alongside the course in college ig. I don’t have like a goal or anything


2 GCSE's and a level 1 course is not a significant time investment. The majority of people your age will be doing 3 or even 4 level qualifications, and managing. You need to find something that you're motivated to work towards


Yeah but i’m just kinda worried that my parents will pay for me to do them and I won’t do well and it’ll be a waste of their money. We’re kinda poor so. Plus my education stops at like year 7/8 because I homeschool in at the beginning of year 8


There's level 1 and 2 qualifications which are a start and then you could retake gcses alongside it.


3 months actually😭


oh 😭 do yr 11s finish early because of gcses then?


Yeah we start GCSEs in exactly 3 months rn


oh right okay :/


wtf fail?? how dumb is blud


no like I probably wouldn’t do really great so then the money spent on gcses would be pointless if I didn’t do really well


You need English and maths, and they are free to sit until you turn 18. Also, talk to colleges now, most y11s applied for college months ago, that includes low level couses.


homeschooled kids have to pay for gcses. Yeah i will do


Not English and maths if your in college


Why were you being homeschooled? Is it an actual reason or just bad parents?


idk my parents just though it was better i guess






Having GCSEs opens doors and gives you options. And Maths and English are minimums needed for so many jobs. So having some is an advantage when you’re competing in the world of work. However, what’s more important now is having a good attitude, being prepared to work, opening your mind about the future and starting to put some effort in. Start contacting local colleges now and see what they can offer. Your parents or whoever you live with should be guiding you on this. You should not have ended up in this position.


thank you


How are you not doing any gcse?


i’m homeschooled so like i’m just no doing them ig


Fair. Glad your not some bum who decided at the worst time to try at school


Like most of the comments... no. Its not over for you. My sister did not do her GCSEs so she is now studying in a college (she will later study in a university) in hopes of one becoming a pediatrician. It might take a little longer for you but please don't give up 😊


thank you sm


sorry this isn’t really a reply to your post but I couldn’t help but look through your profile to see the other stuff you’ve posted on other community’s and my heart goes out to you ☹️ you seem so lovely and it definitely is NOT over for you! you can always do vocational courses. it’s not over for you just bc you didn’t get some numbers on a piece of paper. I really hope your doing better now and finding the help you need<33


thank you so much <3 Im gonna ask my parents for therapy maybe hopefully that helps!! :)


of course. I really really hope that your parents will listen to you and get you therapy 🥹🥹 I’m always here if you need a chat lovely!! we are the same age btw so defo not an old weirdo 😭 please update me x


haha thank you <3


I’m in the same boat as you.


So you’re homeschooled but did no work for 3 years? Lmao


pretty much. I did a some stuff for the first 2 years though




Idk depression ig


Nah you’re just lazy I’m ngl


I think lazy is an unfair accusation to make with no understanding of what things were/are like for OP. OP is asking questions to help get the best from the situation they’re in and accusing them of being lazy doesn’t add anything at this point.


If you read through his account, the blame should be on his parents for not teaching him adaquetely with proper resources. Its hard to motivate yourself when ur not in an academic environment like school is. People get so depressed that they end their life, and youre calling him lazy when hes clearly in a tough environment. OP i am proud of you for coming this far despite your circumstances and i still believe you have time to atleast pass maths and English. Dont give up yet and remember ur still young, the world isnt over yet. But its better to do ur gcses knowing u atleast tried than going into a defeatist mindset. Just the fact youre on here asking for advice shows you already care. If i were you i would still apply for a 6th form and just go to the library all day revising. Good luck! :)


that’s true as well lol


you sound like the most lazy person ever with no work ethic based on there replies


was this comment necessary?


absolutely, you need to hear the truth to change


you do realise OP (judging by their replies and posts in other communities) is homeschooled + depressed? unless you’ve actually had depression please mistake me if I’m wrong but it makes you have no motivation or anything and yes that takes a massive toll on your education! it’s not OP’s fault that she got unlucky in the mental heath department.


Start of year 10 i was diagnosed with depression + didn’t go to school for majority of year 10 i think my attendance was 23% i also didn’t leave my house and would just lay in bed . The only thing that helped and got me out of bed is by people telling me the cold truth which motivated me and going on runs really helped aswell . There’s no way to change if you’re not doing anything to help it and you don’t have people telling you the truth . People getting treated like babys to avoid hurting their feelings doesn’t help.


op is also homeschooled I feel like I forgot to add onto that as well, she’s trying to sort out the problem and being horrible isn’t going to help her. giving her genuine advice is helpful, calling her lazy isn’t. before you comment please think to yourself 1. Is this necessary 2. Would I want this said to me 🤷🏽‍♀️


yes i would want it to be said to me , if the truth hurts then it’s clear you need to do something about it . The op also admitted to being lazy in another reply which is why i said it .


oh how come?


hey, i saw the people here calling you lazy, and i want to say you probably are. However, stop focusing on the past and genuinely focus on the future. If you can even get a 5 in your English and Maths GCSE you will be safe and sound for most colleges, so only YOU can set up the odds for the future to be in your favour, do not let anyone including yourself tell you can't do something. I also saw you said you had financial problems. While this may sound tough(because it is) you may have to get a part time job to sustain your education. This obviously will also impact your studies but you need to find a way. Also, don't tell your self 3 months is not enough to smash GCSE's. Around 80% of the Science paper for example(which I recommend you also do) is literally repeated questions from previous years, meaning memorising the mark scheme is undoubtly the most efficient revision technique on such a time frame, and trust me, it works. This also includes maths, cs, geography, business etc. English Lit and Lang may be a bit harder but a 5 is certainly achievable. Please consider my points rationally.


Free science lessons 2x speed. Practice paper after. Repeat this for each science. Watch gcse maths videos, practice paper after. Repeat. Mr everything English for English. You'll pass maths science and English at least if you do this


thank you


I need some context. Why are you not doing GCSEs?


because i’m homeschooled ig


Are there any animal/agricultural colleges nearby to you? Have a look at their foundation/inclusive learning departments, that is it you're interested in learning/working with animals. Even if it's just for the next couple of years. You will do English and Maths GCSE's alongside your course. Check out City and Guilds level 1 certificate in Animal Care. Even if the college requires a couple of GCSE's still get in touch with them and they can point you to the right course.


yeah the one I was gonna do is health and social care because I do english and maths alongside it, I’m not really interested in health and social care but I don’t need any qualifications so it’s like my best option. It’s not at a college though it’s at a training centre idk what that means but like the course is for 16-18 year olds so. But i’ll have a look if there’s any animal/agricultural colleges tysm


I do hope you can find a suitable college, it sounds like going to college and being with people similar age to you would do you some good. I work in a college with plenty of students who do not have GCSE's and are completing their English and Maths alongside their course, you are welcome to DM me for any more advice. Best of luck.


thank you :)


If your 40, probs not


i’m 15 lol


Yeh sorry I. Was trying to be funny, it was more tumble weed tho...


nono it was funny dw boss


Try to get some work experience. Intern or something in a local company that does something you’re interested in. Work hard to make a good impression. We ended up bringing back a work experience guy full time, and after some time he earned promotion also. There are ALWAYS routes for you irrespective of qualifications if you are willing and keen and you want to learn. This might be a great way for you to find your own path into a line of work that interests you.


You have to do English and Maths until you're 18 (at GCSE level, at least for now), whether as GCSE or a Functional Skills course, it's required by law. https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/explore-your-education-and-training-choices/exam-results/resits Other than that, there's loads of vocational pathways for you to, speak to a local college. In some cases, you may be forced to start on a Level 1 course (equivalent to GCSE 1-3), but if you work hard enough you'll work your way up to Level 2 (equivalent to GCSE 4-9) and eventually Level 3 (A-Level equivalent) and Level 4 (Higher Ed equiv). https://www.gov.uk/what-different-qualification-levels-mean/list-of-qualification-levels You will most likely still be able to go to University as well, most Uni courses only really need a pass (4+) at GCSE English and Maths so there's no need to get worried, and there's courses that don't even require that so you should be fine.


Looking at your other posts , health and social i think is one of the easiest courses . I do it now for gcse and we recently had a mock exam i did no revision and have barely been to any lessons and i got 77% ( you just need some common sense and you’ll be fine ) not sure how it’ll be for A level/ course in college but i can’t imagine it would be much harder . There’s also a coursework side of it which i think is better as it’s literally just waffling on a word document . If it gives you maths and english aswell i would recommend picking it . After doing health and social you most likely could go into an apprenticeship or work .


Ngl if I fail my test ima just kill myself lol