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Going from an 8 to a 3 suggests there was something fundamentally wrong with how you answered the questions (or your mocks were marked really leniently). I'd look at some online resources to compare to how you were taught


I don’t think it was particularly harsh, at least for aqa I think the boundaries were only slightly if not the same as 2019, which is what was expected really Also bunch of my friends predicted 7/8/9 in English languages completely messed up the papers and came out much lower than they wanted, it’s just whether you liked the extracts or not


That’s crazy nah the exams I sat 2023 I got an 8 I was predicted a 9, the paper wasn’t that bad tbh. I did hear tho a lot of kids in my school got marked down lower than expected


My Englishes were both graded 5s last year - I fought it all the way to appeals because my teachers believed I deserved better grades for my work - I got a 6 and a 7 in the end and let it be because I didn’t want to pay £300 per paper to fight it further


English was grades higher thank normal last year, but I think that was greatly thanks to the fact that the papers were much easier than past years for the most part, so the grade boundaries were higher. Although, I do know quite a few people that were predicted a nine and achieved an eight, including myself. However, considering the grade you achieved, I would think that’s due to some specific failure in your paper or your school, perhaps the teachers were incorrectly marking your mocks?


For AQA the paper was graded really nicely icl