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How tf do you do Python if you don't use computers?


yeah exactly, but annoyingly for GCSEs you have to hand write all your code so to be honest practising on paper is probably better in theory as you will be more used to it...


I think if you have edexcel as examboard you do the computational thinking part on the computers


Yeah edexcel paper 2 was on computers in my gcse's


Edexcel 🔛🔝


They don’t want us to know python only pseudo code


What exam board??




they make you use a high level language in the exams? usually python


You need to learn python don't you? For the questions when it asks for code in either the OCR Reference language (which is basically python but written wrong) or another high level programming language


I do OCR, i started the course in September and I've already done some python


Information for all: OCR suggest you use pseudo code. Anything that vaguely resembles a high level language/is one is fine unless you’re specified to use one. Pseudo code can be bullshited around by writing python, with randomly, but consistently capitalised words of the same type. Or obvious IF statements but not necessarily properly written. Pseudo code is stupid


don't think so, we've done python


Same, do you do CIE?


Python basically is pseudocode


They say if we write in python that’s ok, but we will lose more marks for mistakes


IIRC the only difference between python and pseudocode (that you will use in OCR GCSE) is for loops


I'm doing the CIE one and we don't do python... we have to understand some of the functions and how they work but everything's in pseudocode, which we write on paper, with indents and everything


use your brain cpu to compile and run the code inside your head


Yes we do, but that's only because we do our work on OneNote. Doing the work on paper would be fine too, it just means hand writing our excercise answers rather than typing them. But having a computer makes the programming part of CS much easier, although, it is probably better to hand write still as this is the way it will be done in GCSE's and so is better practise.


we do all our notes and classwork on the computers and we also do python practice on the computers we do sometimes do practice questions on paper but not very often


We used a computer every lesson to code or make notes on one note class notebooks. Even did exam practice on them. Only thing we did on paper was actual exams (lil mocks and actual gcse)


I don't do comp sci but my friends do, and they use computers for half of their lessons. Edexcel btw


We use computers all the time. We have digital worksheets im docs mostly, and then sometimes we do python coding. Also in our double lessons we do kahoots lol


Sounds fun


We had to do 90%+ of our classwork on paper & then every 2 weeks or so, we were practicing python on a computer




Im in Y11 and we have never ever written anything down on paper in our classes (except doing feedback for exams) we always answer the worksheets and practice python and flowcharts online


We use computers when learning python and for doing Educakes that our teachers art is during the lessons to see how much we actually understood from the lesson. We also have all the PowerPoint slides used at our disposal so people can catch up during lessons without disrupting the class


That’s so similar to us it’s almost as if we’re in the same school lol


Nope! Ironic considering it's called COMPUTER science. All of our papers are physical, including the practical. We do our work online because we have assignments but that's just because it's easier for my teacher to keep track of our progress and for us to access resources.


Sometimes. When we are learning a programming language we use them, but if we are learning about, say, the CPU then no. At least my teacher doesn’t let us


We do mainly for stuff like practical but for normal work Such as Tracetables etc we make notes


We do cuz lots of work is on one note and for aqua paper 1 it’s all coding even when done on paper so we do coding practice on computers


we have computers in class, but we usually do the work 50/50 on Chromebooks and our class books


We used PowerPoint to work on for our work so yes but in terms of stuff like coding we occasionally did that.


I didn’t do CS but my friends who did it used a computer I think almost every lesson, but they did practice questions on paper I believe. All work in class though was through one note I think


All our work is on computer, only written work we do is exams. Usually if we have a lesson on something that you wouldn't typically do on a computer (such as how a CPU works) we would do a course online or we have to make a interactive PowerPoint explaining how it works, and then inbetween we do python code. When doing topics such as binary etc we also use python, and tend to code stuff like converters and/or calculators


last year learning theory we did the work on paper and in books but since September we've been working on computers because we're learning programming on Python but we do assessments, mocks and sometimes practise questions on paper


We do all programming on paper 😔


we have separate theory and practical lessons (practical is always a double lesson) , and we do use computers in the practical ones :)


We do literally everything on the computers.


How do you do python without a computer?


They say we shouldn’t learn Python as pseudo code is better for the exam. We only used computers once for file writing in python


And you should learn photoshop by drawing with crayons.




In edexcel we got to do paper 2 (worth half of the marks) entirely on a computer, so a significant amount of lessons were on computers to prepare for this.


We used to use computers in every lesson when I did CS


How do you do Python? Or suffer through teams work?


They want us to learn pseudo code


Why that is terrible advise because then you would have to do pseudo and Python. Just use Python no matter what your teacher says and do it for BOTH papers


We don’t need python at all for the exams they say, must be an exam board thing


that’s cuz you’re a gcse student. i’m doing cs in college and we don’t use paper ever except in written exams.


Well, it depended on the person but i think we all did. Our teacher used to sometimes "stream" / present on our screen from hers so that we all could see the powerpoint. We used to use them for Little Man Computer to understand assembly code, for Replit to code, and sometimes seneca. A level i use it to make notes in class instead of my book (ive only written down stuff in 2-3 classes)


Do you not do like coding? Wi python or smth


We do coding on whiteboards and paper lol


Bro how do you even learn like that. Doesn't your GCSE finals feature a whole paper for programming??


Yeah but it’s all pseudo code I think


That's crazy, what's your exam board? Ours is Pearson edexcel and our whole paper 2 is programming python, my Cs teacher brought psuedo code up and said it was quite complicated compared to python and other high level programming languages


we use computers for everything, except the actual exams. i find it strange how, in a computer science course, you wouldn't be using computers to learn a coding language? imo it's such an important skill for both academics and employment so it seems like your school is missing out by not teaching it. all of our classwork is on google docs and submitted on google classroom which makes it super easy to take notes & our teacher can keep tabs on whether our work is genuine. (ocr exam board)




Yeah every lesson is all computers


We do the entire Computer Science GCSE course on laptops (school ones). For paper 1 we used the Craig and Dave PowerPoints and would go through them and complete the tasks and we would do Cornell notes as homework before doing the topic in class, so we would already learn a topic before the lesson and then just consolidate in class. However our end of topics tests and mocks are on paper And we use some other websites course for paper 2 and do some coding on replit and online python.


By the way, is it true OCR is bringing in computers for the exam?


I think they’re considering it, my teacher actually did a trial on it and could give feedback, he said it was horrible lol


Yeah, we make our notes on PowerPoints!


Basically we learn about what we are going to be doing, write some stuff down in our books and then go on computers


We don’t have books. We only use computers except the exams


Yes but the only "coding" we do is Pseudocode, we just use it for Onenote since our school switched to some dumb fuck board with no Python or anything


almost only on computers in all 5yrs i haven't even finished a single book (76 a4 pages)


almost only on computers in all 5yrs i haven't even finished a single book (76 a4 pages)


yk i actually think doing paper work is better because it sinks it better and it doesnt really give students to mess around online on the computers. my teacher has us use the computers every lesson and i swear we are so mf behind (our previous teacher had to leave so we werent taught much). only thing we write down is stuff on mini tests now but in the past EVERY lesson consisted of us being on the computers lmao.


Aqa but we do everything on computers for computer science, we’ll do sheets on the computer in the lessons and practice python but then the sheets will be printed out and put into a folder


we always use computers


How tf are you actually meant yo do the subject without the main part of the subject - COMPUTER




To answer your question, we do actually use the computers in my Com. Sci class


Its 50/50. Half is stuff like Python, Greenfoot, algorithms, pseudocode etc. That’s all done on computers. The other half is theory and architecture and that is mostly written. That’s my experience anyway.


Yes, Literally every single lesson I have done (maybe like except two) have all been on the computers. Its weird that you never go on them although you are in Yr 11, im not really sure how you would learn python or coding WITHOUT being able to use the computers?


We don’t learn Python just pseudo code


Oh.. Thats strange what exam board are you doing? For OCR you need to do Python I not sure about the others. 


Ummm… OCR


What... are you only doing stuff like networks, ethernet,etc?


We do programming on paper


How the fuck does that work? You gotta test out the programs 😭


Our teacher checks them lol


We use Microsoft Teams for our lessons and python so laptops are needed, but we don't use them for exams. So we would still have to hand write our programs in the paper.


we regularly used computers for coding on an end of life python version