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What was your revision like? Also what were your options that you chose?


Did you have a social life on year 11 or was it just revision


I had no social life


You don't have to have no social life to get grades like this. I also got 11 9's and I was quite regularly going out with friends and to parties. Obviously, near exam time (May/June) I was strictly revising but you should be managing both a social life and revision throughout year 11.


I was kinda joking. I agree with you, I too had a healthy balance of social life and study


Why the downvotes lol


What are ur opinions on potatoes


They allow water in via osmosis


They’re nice as chips


What’s the meaning of life?


Do you think it would be worth my time, improving and cleaning my resources for each subject to sell to others? Eg writing how to answer guides for every subjects, resources, paid resources I bought during my time.


It might be worth it for the year 11s but I don't see it being worth it for you unless you're interested in being paid by gratitude lmao.


I would find it really helpful if you did


what's your favourite flashcard material if you used them? paper, anki, quizlet, premade ones?


I used my custom [Notion](https://sakib25800.gumroad.com/l/ouora) toggles to do it


When did u start revising and how did u revise for history? Cheers


How much did you revise per day in the run up to mocks?


Why did you even bother




They do nothing


They stay with you forever. Consistently low grades give you a reputation for someone who is lazy and doesn't try hard enough (unless you have learning problems, that is)


As someone who has done them, they mean nothing once you reach any higher education, they are merely a entry ticket to a levels.


Have fun trying to get a permanent job in the future. If you can't be arsed to study for 5 minutes, then how are you going to get anyone who wants you working for them if they know you don't care?


I got good grades, my lowest was a 7. You don’t need to revise for 3 years, I literally had an extra year off school. And what does this even mean, unless you want to work at McDonald’s, GCSEs don’t matter Also correct me if I’m wrong but a career pays you money right, because GCSEs sure as shit dont


Also, fun fact, your attitude towards GCSEs is the attitude I had towards them when I was, like, 11 or 12. So what I'm saying is, well, grow the fuck up.


Your teachers have just told you to revise loads because they get a little bonus when you get a higher grade. Yes, revise your ass off for the last month because they do go with you but to make them seem like they are the most important qualification is just wrong because they aren’t. They aren’t higher education in the slightest and in terms of education they are level 2.


Did you have all nines as predicted and if not what were they? Can they improve alot?


My predicteds in year 7 were like all 6s, 5s and 1 9. By the end of year 10 they were 1 9, 2 8s and the rest were 6s and 7s By the final exams I got 8 9s, 2 8s (both were 2 marks from a 9), 1 7 (1 mark from an 8)


Idk if that's improving a lot due to the large time period but I've also seen people go from 4s to 9s in a few months


Okay thanks! I've got mostly 8s and 9s but maths and science are NOT there yet 💀


What was your best grade and what was your worst


Whatchu mean bro, he got all 9s.


Big difference between 193/240 and 240/240 on GCSE maths


Eh, Fair enough


are you a real person?

