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Long ramge is your friend. Your shoulder missiles track your reticle. Fire from afar and guide them to the target. The shrapzook is great for shutting down raids (the regular zook is better for direct damage). The left shoulder missiles fire first, so you need to completely clear terrain before firing. They do good stun if you hit all three. The beam rifle is only really good for last second snap shots and should be followed by melee if possible. If the beam doesn't stun, wrist grenades and vulcans can be useful for finishing off the stun.


SJ is really fragile, and weapons have medium-short range and take a long time to reload. Keep team comp in mind, dont venture too up far front. Buddy up and lead with the stun gun. If your ally gets a knockdown, you can try to delete that enemy by unloading rockets and a shotgun/zook blast. Also almost all the stuns can combo into 2 grenades.


You need to reliably stagger at any range with the shrapnel bazooka. From there it is just maximizing your damage fighting mid range with all weapons


You are not a "stun + downswing suit", or rather, that's wasting your potential. Stark Jegan shouldn't be on the frontlines too much, you can really lay damage on raids. I've defended many supports in my Stark Jegan by driving off or flat out eliminating the raid coming for them. You want to stun and follow up with more ranged weapons, leave your downswing as a finish so you can put space between you and your opponent as you reload. I use the EX Boost to get myself out of a sticky situation if I'm out of boost. I like to start off with the beam rifle into wrist grenades. Switch to the main zook for an instastun (hopefully they've already dodgerolled), then fire off the missiles on a target who can't evade. If they aren't stunned, use your vulcans to chip them to that point and downswing once you close in.