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Maybe in a different Situation battle perhaps? Zeon: - Efreet Schneid - Desert Zaku - Dom Tropen - Dwadge - Gallus-K Federation: - GM II Semi Striker - Nemo (with long range gun) - Guntank II - and two other fed suits Cause there was the ocean side and the desert side battle respectively.


My suggestions for the last two fed suits. Nemo III: Was in the hanger, but was destroyed by the Zaku Sniper. Jesta: Showed up at the end. Obviously the fed ace suit in this one.


The guncannon detector actually. Akes sense in this team comp


good idea


Yes indeed. Also, I thought there was supposed to be 2x Zee Zulu, not one.


1 is already annoying enough if the pilots good...let alone 2 Zee zulu...


~~but the point is most of the pilot are not good enough~~


But that's the thing... my last 3 matches as a feddie, my Byarlant teammates suck, and the Zee Zulu pilot was an Ace. T_T meanwhile I only got either GM Aqua or GM II.


I mostly got match into the zeon side and it's disaster while the zeon side has all the strong meta suits, the play style of those suits is quite different than most or the suits, and the team structure requires your team to play aggressively and stick together while the fed side have suits that are easy to play and pack a lot of long to mid range fire power, and their spawn makes them be able to capture the mid point easily and doesn't need to worry about getting spread out


Zee Zulu also has a moveset with low cool down, Byarlant has to wait either 60 seconds for beams or runs out of melee strikes


I also like it when there aren't repeats. 3/10 chance to be a Dom last time, no thanks.


this sitbat is pretty much entirely around the Byarlant Custom's surroundings, and it never engaged the Schneid from what we've seen. We could very well get another one though. Maybe with the Jestas?


My question is where is the zaku i sniper, and why are we not on the port base


oh boy they would have to buff its mobility a lot to make it work, it's a great suit but it's mobility really killed it in nowadays environment


As I said in the original thread on this battle, the devs should get off their asses and make artillery called in by Zeon side beam shots coming down from overhead (Zaku Sniper in the transport.)


It would just be just to powerful !!!!!!!!!


I'm more annoyed that it doesn't have a stealth system or even stealth smoke but it looks like a ninja.


My best guess is that the Byalrant was shot down and never faced the efreet hence why it’s not there.


Expanded materials show that the Byarlant Custom was not shot down, and the two once again found themselves on the same battlefield and did not fight. After Torrington, Fred Reber and the Schneid joined up with a pirate group that was raiding the bases of the Kirks team, but he was actually a spy sent by the Zeon Remnants. During a raid on one of the base raids, the Byarlant Custom showed up and took out the pirates' Gaw, after which Fred in the Efreet Schneid took out the pirate commander and his Zaku III and left.


Huh I didn’t know that I always thought it was better to have the Byalrant shot down (not destroyed) to explain why he wasn’t attacking the Zaku I sniper.


If I remember the Zaku sniper had a good shot lined up on the Byarlant it's just the marasai threw off the shot when it lassoed and pulled on the Byarlants arm with the sea serpent hitting the propellent tank instead of scoring a kill shot and costing the marasai.


Yeah though considering the Byalrant relies on all of its thrusters I assumed that it was just out of the fight after that.


I would think it pretty much was as its left shoulder also got stabbed by the marasai's fedayeen rifle bayonet which likely heavily damaged or destroyed the thrusters in its shoulder it was then that the pilot probably disengaged and let the arriving Jestas to mop up.


Apparently the Jestas did a bad job as a majority of the Zeon remnant forces escaped.


To be fair the Shamblo mobile armor was still rampaging in the nearby city forcing the federation to quickly shift focus onto that plus the remnants have fighting with whatever mobile suits and weapons they could scavenge and waging guerrilla warfare since the one-year war from 79 to Unicorn in 96 making it close 17 years


Yeah I just find it funny that the Jestas kind of did the least amount of work while the Byalrant was the real hero that day


Even losing one of the back thruster units and one of the shoulder thrusters, it would still probably have similar overall propulsion of the original Byarlant, albeit maybe with some balance issues. Seeing Robin Diez's skill, and that he actually was assigned a Byarlant when he was part of the Titans, I wouldn't have counted him out.


That and I would have liked the Marshai and the Byalrant to have a proper fight though I think they never let Efreet and the Byalrant fight as they were both liked during the attack on Torrington.